Literature and Reading

2018 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-45 ◽  
Adam Reed

This article examines anthropological approaches to fiction reading. It asks why the field of literary anthropology remains largely disinvested of ethnographic work on literary cultures and how that field might approach the study of literature and reading ethnographically. The issue of the creative agency of fiction readers is explored in the context of what it means to ask anthropological questions of literature, which includes the challenge of speaking back to dominant approaches grounded in forms of critical analysis. Finally, the article looks to recent work in the anthropology of Christianity on Bible reading and engagements with biblical characters to open up new questions about the relationship between fiction reading and temporal regimes.

Rainer Forst

This chapter addresses the classical question of the relationship between enlightenment and religion. In doing so, the chapter compares Jürgen Habermas's thought to that of Pierre Bayle and Immanuel Kant. For, although Habermas undoubtedly stands in a tradition founded by Bayle and Kant, he develops a number of important orientations within this tradition and has changed his position in his recent work. The chapter studies this change to understand Habermas's position better. It also draws attention to a fundamental question raised by the modern world: what common ground can human reason establish in the practical and theoretical domain between human beings who are divided by profoundly different religious (including antireligious) views?

Christopher Hilliard

At this point the chapters catch up in time with the events narrated in the prologue. Chapter 5 begins by recounting George Nicholls’ discoveries in June 1921. The detective searched the Goodings’ and Swans’ houses and took from the Swans’ a quantity of blotting paper that bore the imprint of some of the libels. Rose Gooding’s handwriting was very different. When Sir Archibald Bodkin, the Director of Public Prosecutions, read Nicholls’ report, he declared that this was fundamentally ‘a case of handwriting’. How, Bodkin mused, could an ‘uneducated’ woman develop such a distinctive style? The chapter uses Bodkin’s reaction to Rose Gooding’s letters, the evidence provided by spelling and misspelling, and the inventory of writing paraphernalia in the Gooding and Swan households, to explore the relationship between popular literacy and agency, engaging with the recent work of Jane Caplan and Patrick Joyce.

2020 ◽  
Vol 68 (2) ◽  
pp. 261-274
Katrin Felgenhauer

AbstractThe contemporary realist turn in philosophy can be seen as a reaction to a merely constructivist understanding of being. The formulation of a realist ontology was already the central concern of Nicolai Hartmann’s philosophy. Hartmann argues that in order to pose the ontological question critically, a realist analysis of the cognitive relation must precede posing the question of being. From the critical analysis, it follows that the cognitive relation is embedded in the relationship of being. Thus, the epistemic relation becomes understandable in the sense of beings encountering and touching one another. In this respect, some proponents of the contemporary realist turn emphasize that there is a philosophically relevant experience of being that can be understood as resistance. Beyond this statement, Hartmann’s analysis of the encounter with being is able to take into account the fact that different kinds of being touch us differently.


La interdicción de la arbitrariedad y las obligaciones de motivar y justificar las decisiones se han erigido en pilares claves del control judicial de la actividad administrativa. Sin embargo, siguen subsistiendo problemas, tanto conceptuales como de aplicación, que presentan un indudable interés: se discute la naturaleza formal o sustantiva de la motivación; las relaciones entre motivación y justificación siguen siendo complejas y controvertidas; no existe acuerdo sobre la obligación o no de motivar resoluciones administrativas que aplican conceptos jurídicos indeterminados; el principio de la autorrestricción judicial en el control de la motivación cede en algunos sectores mientras se mantiene de forma más que discutible en otros; y las últimas líneas jurisprudenciales evidencian que la determinación del alcance legítimo del control judicial sigue siendo conflictiva. El presente trabajo lleva a cabo una valoración crítica de las últimas orientaciones tanto en la doctrina científica como jurisprudencial, al mismo tiempo que ofrece propuestas conceptuales e interpretativas para contribuir a una adecuada evolución de estos aspectos oscuros del control judicial de la Administración. rbitrariotasunaren debekua eta erabakiak arrazoitzeko eta justifikatzeko betebeharrak oinarrizko zutabe bihurtu dira administrazio-jardueraren kontrol judizialean. Hala ere, oraindik arazo batzuk diraute, direla kontzeptualak, direla aplikaziokoak, eta interes ukaezina dute horiek guztiek: arrazoiketaren izatasun formala edo substantiboa eztabaidatzen da; arrazoiketaren eta justifikazioaren arteko harremanak konplexuak eta eztabaidagarriak dira oraindik; ez dago adostasunik kontzeptu juridiko zehaztugabeak aplikatzen dituzten administrazio-ebazpenak arrazoitu edo ez arrazoitu beharraz; arrazoiketaren kontroleko automurrizketa judizialak atzera egin du sektore batzuetan, eta beste batzuetan, aldiz, modu aski eztabaidagarrian mantendu da, eta azkeneko lerro jurisprudentzialek erakusten dute kontrol judizialaren irismen zilegia gatazkatsua dela oraindik. Honako lan honek balioespen kritiko bat egiten du doktrina zientifikoan zein jurisdikzionalean dauden azken jarraibideetan, eta era berean proposamen kontzeptual eta interpretatibo batzuk eskaintzen ditu, Administrazioaren kontrol judizialaren alderdi ilun horien bilakaera egokiari laguntzeko. The prohibition of arbitrariness, the duty to give reasons and the duty to justify decisions have become principles of main relevance in the judicial control of administrative discretion. However, there still remain important and interesting theoretical and practical problems: the formal or substantive nature of motivation is controversial; the relationship between motivation and justification is difficult and unclear; there is no agreement over the duty to motivate decisions that apply opentexture concepts; our tribunals leave the doctrine of self-restriction in some cases at the same time that they strongly maintained it in others without a clear justification; and the last judicial resolutions that determine the scope of the duty to give reasons show that this is still a difficult issue. This article approaches a critical analysis of the recent trends in these fields with the purpose to offer theoretical and interpretative proposals that should contribute to an adequate evolution of these problematic aspects of the judicial control of the Administration.

1989 ◽  
Vol 25 ◽  
pp. 167-191
Eleonore Stump

Recent work on the subject of faith has tended to focus on the epistemology of religious belief, considering such issues as whether beliefs held in faith are rational and how they may be justified. Richard Swinburne, for example, has developed an intricate explanation of the relationship between the propositions of faith and the evidence for them. Alvin Plantinga, on the other hand, has maintained that belief in God may be properly basic, that is, that a belief that God exists can be part of the foundation of a rational noetic structure. This sort of work has been useful in drawing attention to significant issues in the epistemology of religion, but these approaches to faith seem to me also to deepen some long-standing perplexities about traditional Christian views of faith.

Itinerario ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 39 (3) ◽  
pp. 419-435 ◽  
Ronit Ricci

Scripts are sites of religious, cultural and political power. Although scripts are often viewed solely as technical devices in the service of meaning, the particular histories of scripts’ coming into being, their uses and sometimes disappearance can tell us much about shifting religious agendas, memory, and attachments to community, place, and particular literary cultures. In my essay I explore the history of writing in Java, including the story of the letters’ creation, to think about cultural and religious transformations, the relationship of foreign to local, and the powerful hold certain texts have on the imagination.

Rukmini Becerra Lubies ◽  
Felipe Hasler ◽  
Simona Mayo

<p class="Textofarticle" style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-size: 10px;">Este art&iacute;culo enfatiza la importancia de develar la relaci&oacute;n entre lenguaje, educaci&oacute;n y globalizaci&oacute;n. Enfoc&aacute;ndonos en el caso de la Educaci&oacute;n Intercultural Biling&uuml;e en Chile y sus esfuerzos de revitalizaci&oacute;n del mapudungun, argumentamos que es posible desafiar la influencia negativa de la globalizaci&oacute;n si se hace expl&iacute;cita la relaci&oacute;n entre lenguaje, educaci&oacute;n y globalizaci&oacute;n. Igualmente se incluye la noci&oacute;n de globalizaci&oacute;n desde abajo (Appadurai, 2000) como lente principal para dicho argumento. Junto con esta propuesta, son centrales para este estudio las contribuciones de Freire (1970) y Bourdieu (1994). A trav&eacute;s de dichas perspectivas se analizan tres problemas derivados de la ausencia de un examen cr&iacute;tico de la globalizaci&oacute;n. (Este art&iacute;culo se ofrece solamente en espa&ntilde;ol.)</span></p><p>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p><p>This study emphasizes the importance of uncovering the relationship between language, education and globalization. Focusing on the case of Intercultural Bilingual Education in Chile and its efforts to revitalize Mapudungun, we argue that the negative influence of globalization could be reduced if we make explicit the relationship between language, education and globalization. In this respect we include the notion globalization from below (Appadurai, 2000) a main lens for our argument. Along with this proposal, central to this study are the contributions of Freire (1970) and Bourdieu (1994). Through these perspectives, we analyze three problems arising from the absence of a critical analysis of globalization. (This article is provided only in Spanish.)</p><div style="text-align: justify;"><br /></div><!--[endif] -->

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Ntozakhe Cezula

The aim of this article is to examine Bible reading in the African context and the willingness and enthusiasm to embrace prosperity gospel in Africa. To achieve this objective, a discussion on the developments in biblical interpretation in Africa will first be presented. This will be done by examining three historical periods: colonial, independence and democratisation periods. This will be followed by an outline of migrations that have taken place from traditional religions to different versions of Christianity in different times in Africa. These migrations will be examined in connection with Bible translation. The relationship between prosperity gospel and African people in Africa will be discussed by considering the tools prosperity gospel uses to appeal to African people, namely the religio-cultural and socio-economic factors. The article will then provide its assessment of contextual reading in the prosperity gospel and a conclusion will follow.

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