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Д.А. Пухов ◽  
А.В. Суворин ◽  
Д.В. Васильченко ◽  
М.А. Ромащенко

В современном мире при стремлении человечества к миниатюризации электротехнической и радиоэлектронной продукции без потери технических характеристик устройств, наряду с их расширением одной из значимых проблем является влияние электромагнитных помех на стабильное функционирование устройств. Представлены модули калибровки, используемые в программно-аппаратном комплексе (ПАК), который позволяет произвести оценку влияния электромагнитных помех (ЭМП) на электронные средства. Практическое искажение сигналов неизбежно, так как причиной помех может стать взаимное влияние элементов печатной платы (ПП) друг на друга, а также конфигурация самого рисунка дорожек ПП и её топологии. Рассматриваются модули, позволяющие выявить ряд ошибок по ранее полученным результатам и обеспечить калибровку комплекса с целью повышения точности оценки влияния самоиндукции и импеданса линии передач на вносимые искажения сигнала при различных конфигурациях трассировки печатной платы. Применение данного программно-аппаратного комплекса позволяет значительно сократить время, необходимое на разработку устройства и комплекс испытаний, что, в свою очередь, снижает финансовую нагрузку на выпуск единицы продукции, поскольку позволяет выявить недостатки устройств на стадии макетирования электротехнической продукции In the modern world, with the desire of all mankind to miniaturize electrical products without loss of power, one of the significant problems is the influence of electromagnetic interference on the stable functioning of devices. This article presents the calibration modules used in the software and hardware complex (SHC), which allows one to assess the influence of electromagnetic interference (EMI) on electronic means. The practical distortion of signals is inevitable since the cause of interference can be their mutual influence on each other, as well as the configuration of the printed circuit board pattern itself. The paper considers modules that allow identifying a number of errors based on previously obtained results and providing calibration of the complex in order to increase the accuracy of estimating the effect of self-induction and transmission line impedance on the introduced signal distortion in various configurations of the PCB trace. The use of this software and hardware complex can significantly reduce the development time and conduct tests that require financial costs since it allows one to conduct a number of experiments at the stage of prototyping electrical products

Children ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 102
Mirjam Močnik ◽  
Nataša Marčun Varda

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the modern world. Their common denominator is atherosclerosis, a process beginning in childhood. In pediatrics, the aim of preventive measures is to recognize children and adolescents at risk for accelerated atherosclerosis and possible premature cardiovascular events in adulthood. Several diagnostic procedures and biomarkers are available for cardiovascular risk assessment in adults. However, reliable markers in pediatrics are still insufficiently studied. In this contribution, we discuss five potential biomarkers of particular interest: kidney injury molecule-1, salusin-α and -β, uromodulin, and adropin. Studies regarding the pediatric population are scarce, but they support the evidence from studies in the adult population. These markers might entail both a prognostic and a therapeutic interest.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 869
Adela Lazăr ◽  
Ioana Sîrbu ◽  
Karla Barth ◽  
Claudia Bacter ◽  
Adrian Hatos

(1) Background: Sustainability is a crucial priority and a critical part of the modern world. Promoting pro-social values to the younger generation is an issue addressed throughout this paper. The present study aims to answer the question of whether generosity, as a positive attitude towards others, and sustainability, as a positive attitude towards the environment, are related. (2) Methods: The current research includes a sample of 4333 adolescents, ages 14 and 15, who attend schools in Bihor County, Romania. (3) Results: The regression analysis indicates a significant correlation between sustainable values, operationalized through adolescent involvement in environmental organisations, and generosity. (4) Conclusions: Sustainable behaviour can be considered a form of giving that contributes to the collective good. Our research outlines a significant need for a new set of competencies provided through a newly designed curriculum and/or through focused training, in order to cultivate generosity across cultures, ecologies, and generations; at the same time, we also highlight the significant role that the joint efforts of the school-family-library trifecta in supporting this goal.

A. M. Kaverkina ◽  
A. A. Kulikova

The work of the Sixth World Professional Forum “The Book. Culture. Education. Innovations” (June 5–13, 2021, Sudak, Republic of Crimea, Russian Federation) is reviewed; its themes and topics are discussed: library mission in the digitization era; pandemic impact on libraries; prospects for library and information community; national information systems; libraries collaboration with research and educational organizations; modern competences of library specialists; partnerships of national libraries, etc. The focus is made on the following events: The Twenty Seventh International Conference «Libraries and information resources in the modern world of science, culture, education and business», The Third Scientific and Educational Symposium “Building and developing the modern digital environment for education and science”; The Fifth Industry Conference “Book publishing and libraries: Vectors of cooperation”. The authors also give overview of discussions and presentations at the open press conference, the work and conclusions of the central discussion site, Day of Crimean Libraries, Day of Rospatent, The Third Scientific Conference “Scientometrics, bibliometrics, open data and publications in science”, The Third International Conference on the global ecological problems, the research and practice events held within the framework of the Forum, as well as the opening and closing ceremonies, and Forum plenary session.

2022 ◽  
pp. 152-165
I. Podlesny

The article attempts to complex, systemic consideration of border management mechanisms. This question is analyzed by the author from the point of view of various research approaches for a comprehensive study of the organizational and functional nature of this phenomenon. The text gives the most pressing reasons for the transformation of border management processes in the modern world, as well as some significant threats and challenges to collective security in the global economy. The author focuses on North American management experience, as North American countries today demonstrate the highest productivity and innovation in border management and trade security. As the main conclusion of the article, we can cite the thesis that the necessary condition for effective border management in the modern world is interstate cooperation and international cooperation of administrative institutions and commercial organizations.


The problem of self-development of a student related to the transformation of the educational process in the post- neoclassical science is highlighted. This problem is considered in the context of a synergetic approach with the actualization of the needs and opportunities for self-organization of the applicant’s personality as a holistic characteristic of a human. It is noted that the pedagogical process of an educational institution of innovative type should be aimed at developing the abilities of the applicant, their ability to meet the challenges of the information society and self-realization in the changing conditions of the modern world. It is stated that self-development of an applicant within the synergetic paradigm of education requires a reorientation of the educational process from traditional conservative to innovative creative, in which the acquisition of vital competencies is carried out in interaction (communication) with other subjects and taking into account external (physical) and internal (mental) human activity. It is substantiated that the key aspects of the self-development of the student should be focused on the formation of their optimal developmental lifestyle. It is about the ability to self-determination, personal growth, self-regulation, existence, self-expression, self-realization. In the projections of the synergetic paradigm, the individual as a complex, open, nonlinear system appears with all the potential opportunities for self-development, which can be realized under certain organizational and pedagogical conditions. It is stated that despite the fact that the applicant – the future specialist controls their own development, the teacher of higher education should exercise general management of educational activities and is fully responsible for the quality of training of the applicant. This is inherent in any level of education. The new roles of the modern teacher (“moderator”, “coach”, “tutor”, “speaker”, “medium”, etc.) set adequate requirements for these roles. Not only the updated knowledge, but also the ways of obtaining it and the possibilities of its application become valuable for the student at various stages and levels. Key aspects of self-development: the ability to self-determination, personal growth, self-regulation, existence, self-expression, self-realization will contribute to the formation of the individual’s personality, open to new knowledge and values, able to realize their own life purpose.

2022 ◽  
Christoph Beuthner ◽  
Florian Keusch ◽  
Henning Silber ◽  
Bernd Weiß ◽  
Jette Schröder

As our modern world has become increasingly digitalized, various types of data from different data domains are available that can enrich survey data. To link survey data to other sources, consent from the survey respondents is required. This article compares consent to data linkage requests for seven data domains: administrative data, smartphone usage data, bank data, biomarkers, Facebook data, health insurance data, and sensor data. We experimentally explore three factors of interest to survey designers seeking to maximize consent rates: consent question order, consent question wording, and incentives. The results of the study using a German online sample (n = 3,374) show that survey respondents have a relatively high probability of consent to share smartphone usage data, Facebook data, and biomarkers, while they are least likely to share their bank data in a survey. Of the three experimental factors, only the consent question order affected consent rates significantly. Additionally, the study investigated the interactions between the three experimental manipulations and the seven data domains, of which only the interaction between the data domains and the consent question order showed a consistent significant effect.

Meliora ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Maggie Toole

This thesis explores the ways in which we as humans are alienated by the fundamental social structures of our world and how the novels of Jenny Offill offer a possible remedy. With a specific focus on the psychological and evolutionary aspects of womanhood and motherhood, this text attempts to illustrate the ways in which these novels address the imposing weight of such fundamental structures in the 21st century. Through an analysis of the nuclear family, this thesis examines the debilitating and profound existence of women, and more specifically, mothers. Offill’s novels present a profoundly clear picture of the modern world as it depicts the reality and ramifications of psychoanalytic and evolutionary theory. This work demonstrates how Offill’s texts attempt to remedy the core dissonance of our binary-laden human existence with clarity and realization rather than acceptance of an oversimplified past and a debilitating future.

2022 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Damjan Hann

Abstract in English Copper is widely used in the modern world. An excellent conductor of electricity, it is used in the electrical industry, in the construction industry because of its good corrosion resistance, and in the manufacture of heat exchangers in heating and cooling systems owing to its excellent thermal conductivity. Copper production has increased throughout the twentieth century, and this trend has continued over the last twenty years. The demand for copper is expected to increase significantly by the year 2030. Owing to the high prices of this metal and the lack of deposits, part of the demand can be met by extraction from copper-bearing tailings. In the past, owing to the lower level of technological development and lower copper prices, materials comparable in copper content to the copper ores mined today have ended up in tailings. Since these are already processed materials, the costs of mining, crushing and milling are largely eliminated, making them promising raw materials. The article presents the technological possibilities of reprocessing and also estimates the amount of copper that could be obtained worldwide in this way.

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