Neural control of adrenal medullary and cortical blood flow during hemorrhage

1987 ◽  
Vol 252 (3) ◽  
pp. H521-H528 ◽  
M. J. Breslow ◽  
D. A. Jordan ◽  
S. T. Thellman ◽  
R. J. Traystman

Hemorrhagic hypotension produces an increase in adrenal medullary blood flow and a decrease in adrenal cortical blood flow. To determine whether changes in adrenal blood flow during hemorrhage are neurally mediated, we compared blood flow responses following adrenal denervation (splanchnic nerve section) with changes in the contralateral, neurally intact adrenal. Blood pressure was reduced and maintained at 60 mmHg for 25 min by hemorrhage into a pressurized bottle system. Adrenal cortical blood flow decreased to 50% of control with hemorrhage in both the intact and denervated adrenal. Adrenal medullary blood flow increased to four times control levels at 15 and 25 min posthemorrhage in the intact adrenal, but was reduced to 50% of control at 3, 5, and 10 min posthemorrhage in the denervated adrenal. In a separate group of dogs, the greater splanchnic nerve on one side was electrically stimulated at 2, 5, or 15 Hz (n = 4 each group) for 40 min. Adrenal medullary blood flow increased 5- to 10-fold in the stimulated adrenal but was unchanged in the contralateral, nonstimulated adrenal. Adrenal cortical blood flow was not affected by nerve stimulation. We conclude that activity of the splanchnic nerve profoundly affects adrenal medullary vessels but not adrenal cortical vessels and mediates the observed increase in adrenal medullary blood flow during hemorrhagic hypotension.

1991 ◽  
Vol 260 (1) ◽  
pp. H21-H26
M. J. Breslow ◽  
J. R. Tobin ◽  
K. L. Kubos ◽  
H. Raff ◽  
R. J. Traystman

The objective of this study was to determine whether three- to fourfold increases in adrenal medullary blood flow (MQ), observed during catecholamine secretion induced by splanchnic nerve stimulation (NS), are necessary for a maximal secretory response. Eight pentobarbital-anesthetized adult male mongrel dogs (25-35 kg) were subjected to two episodes of NS-induced catecholamine secretion. To limit increases in MQ, one NS (20 Hz, 8 V, 1.5 ms) was performed under control conditions, the other was after reduction of adrenal perfusion pressure (PP). PP was 124.8 +/- 6.0 at control and was reduced to 23.0 +/- 1.0 mmHg by inflation of an aortic occluder located 3 in. above the adrenals. NS under control conditions increased ipsilateral MQ (measured using radiolabeled microspheres) from 181 +/- 39 to 1,336 +/- 199 ml.min-1.100 g-1 and adrenal epinephrine secretion from 184 +/- 128 to 11,445 +/- 5,216 ng.min-1.g medulla-1. Contralateral MQ and cortical blood flow were unaffected by NS. Reduction of PP decreased MQ to 32 +/- 6 ml.min-1.100 g-1 and adrenal cortical blood flow from 251 +/- 23 to 25 +/- 6 ml.min-1.100 g-1.PP reduction had no effect on either corticosteroid secretion or unstimulated epinephrine secretion. NS at reduced PP increased ipsilateral MQ to 146 +/- 27 ml.min-1.100 g-1 and epinephrine secretion to 13,935 +/- 5,175 ng.min-1.g medulla-1. These data indicate that epinephrine secretion is not altered when MQ is limited by reduction of PP and suggest that, at normal PP, increases in MQ during catecholamine secretion are not necessary for a maximal secretory response.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

1995 ◽  
Vol 268 (2) ◽  
pp. R317-R323 ◽  
K. Nakanishi ◽  
D. L. Mattson ◽  
A. W. Cowley

The effect of chronic intravenous infusion of the nitric oxide inhibitor NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME; 8.6 on blood pressure, intrarenal blood flow distribution, and sodium and water balance was studied in conscious rats. On the 1st day of intravenous L-NAME infusion, renal medullary blood flow was reduced by 22%, renal cortical blood flow was unaltered, approximately 1 meq of sodium and 12 ml of water were retained, and blood pressure increased from 96 +/- 2 to 118 +/- 2 mmHg. Medullary blood flow was maintained at this decreased level, sodium continued to be retained, body weight continued to increase, and blood pressure remained elevated for the 5 days of L-NAME infusion. During the postcontrol period, blood flow in the renal medulla returned to levels not significantly different from control; the animals went into negative sodium balance and stopped gaining weight, and blood pressure returned to control. The present experiments indicate that decreased renal medullary blood flow and retention of sodium and water play an important role in the development of hypertension during chronic systemic L-NAME administration despite no measurable changes in renal cortical blood flow.

1991 ◽  
Vol 75 (3) ◽  
pp. A822-A822
R D Vincent ◽  
D H Chestnut ◽  
S L Sipes ◽  
C S Thompson ◽  
S A Bleuer ◽  

1993 ◽  
Vol 264 (2) ◽  
pp. H464-H469 ◽  
M. J. Breslow ◽  
J. R. Tobin ◽  
D. S. Bredt ◽  
C. D. Ferris ◽  
S. H. Snyder ◽  

To determine whether nitric oxide (NO) is involved in adrenal medullary vasodilation during splanchnic nerve stimulation (NS)-induced catecholamine secretion, blood flow (Q) and secretory responses were measured in pentobarbital-anesthetized dogs before and after administration of the NO synthase inhibitor, NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME). L-NAME (40 mg/kg iv over 5 min, followed by 40 reduced NO synthase activity of medullary and cortical homogenates from 5.2 +/- 0.3 to 0.7 +/- 0.1 protein-1 and from 1.2 +/- 0.2 protein-1 to undetectable levels, respectively. L-NAME reduced resting medullary and cortical Q by 42 and 60%, respectively. NS before L-NAME increased medullary Q from 181 +/- 16 to 937 +/- 159 ml.min-1.100 g-1 and epinephrine secretion from 1.9 +/- 0.8 to 781 +/- 331 ng/min. NS after L-NAME had no effect on medullary Q (103 +/- 14 vs. 188 +/- 34 ml.min-1.100 g-1), while epinephrine secretion increased to the same extent as in control animals (1.9 +/- 0.7 vs. 576 +/- 250 ng/min). L-NAME also unmasked NS-induced cortical vasoconstriction; cortical Q decreased from 96 +/- 8 to 50 +/- 5 ml.min-1.100 g-1. Administration of hexamethonium (30 mg/kg iv), a nicotinic receptor antagonist, reduced NS-induced epinephrine secretion by 90%. These data suggest independent neural control of medullary Q and catecholamine secretion, the former by NO and the latter by acetylcholine.

1996 ◽  
Vol 270 (5) ◽  
pp. F833-F838 ◽  
D. S. Majid ◽  
L. G. Navar

Although it is well recognized that whole kidney and cortical blood flow exhibit efficient autoregulation in response to alterations in renal arterial pressure (RAP), the autoregulatory behavior of medullary blood flow (MBF) has remained uncertain. We have evaluated MBF responses to stepwise reductions in RAP for both short-term (2 min, n = 6) and longer periods (15 min, n = 7) using single-fiber laser-Doppler flowmetry with needle probes inserted into the mid-medullary region in denervated kidneys of 13 anesthetized dogs. The changes in cortical blood flow (CBF) were assessed with either a surface probe or a needle probe inserted into the cortex. Control total renal blood flow (RBF), assessed by electromagnetic flow probe in these dogs, was 5.2 +/- 0.3 ml.min-1.g-1, and glomerular filtration rate was 0.97 +/- 0.05 ml.min-1.g-1 (n = 7). RBF, MBF, and CBF all exhibited efficient autoregulatory behavior during changes in RAP from 150 to 75 mmHg. The slopes of RAP vs. RBF, CBF, as well as MBF, were not significantly different from zero within this range of RAP. Below RAP of 75 mmHg, all indexes of blood flow showed linear decreases with reductions in pressure. The data indicate that blood flow in the renal medulla of dogs exhibits efficient autoregulatory behavior, similar to that in the cortex.

1996 ◽  
Vol 271 (4) ◽  
pp. H1416-H1422 ◽  
H. M. Stauss ◽  
K. C. Kregel

Power spectrum analysis of arterial blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) has been used to investigate autonomic nervous system activity. Sympathetic-mediated vasomotor tone has been attributed to the BP power at frequencies between 0.05 and 0.15 Hz in humans and dogs and between 0.2 and 0.8 Hz in rats. In contrast, it has been suggested that the sympathetic nervous system is too sluggish to transmit frequencies higher than 0.017 Hz in dogs. Thus we investigated the frequency-response characteristics of the transmission of peripheral sympathetic nerve discharge to peripheral vascular resistance and arterial blood pressure in conscious rats. Eleven rats were instrumented with arterial catheters, nerve electrodes on the sympathetic splanchnic nerve, and flow probes on the superior mesenteric artery. The splanchnic nerve was cut proximal to the electrode to avoid afferent nerve stimulation. The next day the nerve was stimulated at frequencies of 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 Hz while mesenteric blood flow, BP, and HR were recorded in conscious rats. Mesenteric resistance (MR) was calculated off-line. Nerve stimulation at 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, and 1.0 Hz significantly increased the power in MR at these respective frequencies. The greatest response was found between 0.2 and 0.5 Hz. These oscillations in MR were translated to oscillations in BP, but not in HR. Nerve stimulation on the second day, when the nerve was degenerated, did not elicit oscillations in MR or BP. We conclude that the peripheral sympathetic nervous system in rats can transmit signals at frequencies higher than those traditionally assigned to sympathetic vasomotor activity in several species, including humans, and may even overlap with the respiration-related high-frequency range.

1989 ◽  
Vol 256 (1) ◽  
pp. H233-H239
D. A. Jordan ◽  
M. J. Breslow ◽  
K. L. Kubos ◽  
R. J. Traystman

The present study evaluates possible effects of adrenal catecholamines, released by splanchnic nerve stimulation, on adrenal medullary blood flow (MQ) and adrenal catecholamine secretion (CS). Twelve pentobarbital-anesthetized mongrel dogs were subjected to three identical splanchnic nerve stimulations (5 V, 20 Hz, for 3 min) at 30-min intervals, and MQ (radiolabeled microsphere technique) and CS (high-performance liquid chromatography) were measured before and during each nerve stimulation. Animals were assigned to one of three groups and administered either saline, pindolol (1 and 4 mg/kg), or prazosin (1 and 4 mg/kg) before the second and third nerve stimulation, respectively. In the saline control group, each nerve stimulation resulted in similar increases in MQ and CS. Pindolol attenuated nerve stimulation-induced increases in MQ and CS by 50%, but had no effect on medullary catecholamine concentration. Prazosin augmented nerve stimulation-induced MQ, CS, and medullary catecholamine concentration by 35%. These data suggest that adrenal adrenergic receptors modulate elicited CS and mediate changes in adrenal medullary vascular tone.

1998 ◽  
Vol 84 (1) ◽  
pp. 82-89 ◽  
Lynn F. Buchwalder ◽  
Michelle Lin ◽  
Thomas J. McDonald ◽  
Peter W. Nathanielsz

Buchwalder, Lynn F., Michelle Lin, Thomas J. McDonald, and Peter W. Nathanielsz. Fetal sheep adrenal blood flow responses to hypoxemia after splanchnicotomy using fluorescent microspheres. J. Appl. Physiol. 84(1): 82–89, 1998.—Adrenal gland blood flow (ABF) increases during hypoxemia in fetal sheep, but regulation of ABF is poorly understood. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of splanchnic nerve section on fetal ABF responses to hypoxemia using the fluorescent microsphere (FM) technique. At 125 days of gestation, 14 unanesthetized fetal sheep [bilateral splanchnicotomy (Splx, n = 6) and control (Cont, n = 8)] were injected with FM before and at 60 min of N2-induced hypoxemia (∼40% decrease in fetal arterial [Formula: see text]). Adrenal tissue and reference blood samples were digested and filtered, and FM dye was extracted for spectrometer analysis. Baseline whole, medullary, and cortical ABF for the Cont group were similar to published values using radioactive microspheres and did not differ from Splx values. Hypoxemia increased whole, medullary, and cortical ABF (mean ± SE) from baseline for the Cont group by 281 ± 35, 258 ± 31, and 496 ± 81% ( P < 0.05). The increase for the Splx group was attenuated compared with the Cont group ( P < 0.05) for whole and medullary ABF (139 ± 27 and 43 ± 27%) but not cortical ABF (326 ± 91%). We conclude that 1) the FM technique is valid for measuring fetal ABF and 2) in fetal sheep the splanchnic nerve is not necessary to maintain basal ABF but plays an important role in regulating the hypoxemia-induced increase in ABF through the medullary, but not cortical, ABF response.

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