Spatial Receptive Fields of Primary Auditory Cortical Neurons in Quiet and in the Presence of Continuous Background Noise

1998 ◽  
Vol 80 (5) ◽  
pp. 2417-2432 ◽  
John F. Brugge ◽  
Richard A. Reale ◽  
Joseph E. Hind

Brugge, John F., Richard A. Reale, and Joseph E. Hind. Spatial receptive fields of primary auditory cortical neurons in quiet and in the presence of continuous background noise. J. Neurophysiol. 80: 2417–2432, 1998. Spatial receptive fields of primary auditory (AI) neurons were studied by delivering, binaurally, synthesized virtual-space signals via earphones to cats under barbiturate anesthesia. Signals were broadband or narrowband transients presented in quiet anechoic space or in acoustic space filled with uncorrelated continuous broadband noise. In the absence of background noise, AI virtual space receptive fields (VSRFs) are typically large, representing a quadrant or more of acoustic space. Within the receptive field, onset latency and firing strength form functional gradients. We hypothesized earlier that functional gradients in the receptive field provide information about sound-source direction. Previous studies indicated that spatial gradients could remain relatively constant across changes in signal intensity. In the current experiments we tested the hypothesis that directional sensitivity to a transient signal, as reflected in the gradient structure of VSRFs of AI neurons, is also retained in the presence of a continuous background noise. When background noise was introduced three major affects on VSRFs were observed. 1) The size of the VSRF was reduced, accompanied by a reduction of firing strength and lengthening of response latency for signals at an acoustic axis and on-lines of constant azimuth and elevation passing through the acoustic axis. These effects were monotonically related to the intensity of the background noise over a noise intensity range of∼30 dB. 2) The noise intensity-dependent changes in VSRFs were mirrored by the changes that occurred when the signal intensity was changed in signal-alone conditions. Thus adding background noise was equivalent to a shift in the threshold of a directional signal, and this shift was seen across the spatial receptive field. 3) The spatial gradients of response strength and latency remained evident over the range of background noise intensity that reduced spike count and lengthened onset latency. Those gradients along the azimuth that spanned the frontal midline tended to remain constant in slope and position in the face of increasing intensity of background noise. These findings are consistent with our hypothesis that, under background noise conditions, information that underlies directional acuity and accuracy is retained within the spatial receptive fields of an ensemble of AI neurons.

1994 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 703-720 ◽  
Ming Sun ◽  
A. B. Bonds

AbstractThe two-dimensional organization of receptive fields (RFs) of 44 cells in the cat visual cortex and four cells from the cat LGN was measured by stimulation with either dots or bars of light. The light bars were presented in different positions and orientations centered on the RFs. The RFs found were arbitrarily divided into four general types: Punctate, resembling DOG filters (11%); those resembling Gabor filters (9%); elongate (36%); and multipeaked-type (44%). Elongate RFs, usually found in simple cells, could show more than one excitatory band or bifurcation of excitatory regions. Although regions inhibitory to a given stimulus transition (e.g. ON) often coincided with regions excitatory to the opposite transition (e.g. OFF), this was by no means the rule. Measurements were highly repeatable and stable over periods of at least 1 h. A comparison between measurements made with dots and with bars showed reasonable matches in about 40% of the cases. In general, bar-based measurements revealed larger RFs with more structure, especially with respect to inhibitory regions. Inactivation of lower cortical layers (V-VI) by local GABA injection was found to reduce sharpness of detail and to increase both receptive-field size and noise in upper layer cells, suggesting vertically organized RF mechanisms. Across the population, some cells bore close resemblance to theoretically proposed filters, while others had a complexity that was clearly not generalizable, to the extent that they seemed more suited to detection of specific structures. We would speculate that the broadly varying forms of cat cortical receptive fields result from developmental processes akin to those that form ocular-dominance columns, but on a smaller scale.

eLife ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
Bram-Ernst Verhoef ◽  
John HR Maunsell

Shifting attention among visual stimuli at different locations modulates neuronal responses in heterogeneous ways, depending on where those stimuli lie within the receptive fields of neurons. Yet how attention interacts with the receptive-field structure of cortical neurons remains unclear. We measured neuronal responses in area V4 while monkeys shifted their attention among stimuli placed in different locations within and around neuronal receptive fields. We found that attention interacts uniformly with the spatially-varying excitation and suppression associated with the receptive field. This interaction explained the large variability in attention modulation across neurons, and a non-additive relationship among stimulus selectivity, stimulus-induced suppression and attention modulation that has not been previously described. A spatially-tuned normalization model precisely accounted for all observed attention modulations and for the spatial summation properties of neurons. These results provide a unified account of spatial summation and attention-related modulation across both the classical receptive field and the surround.

2008 ◽  
Vol 100 (2) ◽  
pp. 646-656 ◽  
Ben Scholl ◽  
Michael Wehr

Sensory deafferentation results in rapid shifts in the receptive fields of cortical neurons, but the synaptic mechanisms underlying these changes remain unknown. The rapidity of these shifts has led to the suggestion that subthreshold inputs may be unmasked by a selective loss of inhibition. To study this, we used in vivo whole cell recordings to directly measure tone-evoked excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs in auditory cortical neurons before and after acoustic trauma. Here we report that acute acoustic trauma disrupted the balance of excitation and inhibition by selectively increasing and reducing the strength of inhibition at different positions within the receptive field. Inhibition was abolished for frequencies far below the trauma-tone frequency but was markedly enhanced near the edges of the region of elevated peripheral threshold. These changes occurred for relatively high-level tones. These changes in inhibition led to an expansion of receptive fields but not by a simple unmasking process. Rather, membrane potential responses were delayed and prolonged throughout the receptive field by distinct interactions between synaptic excitation and inhibition. Far below the trauma-tone frequency, decreased inhibition combined with prolonged excitation led to increased responses. Near the edges of the region of elevated peripheral threshold, increased inhibition served to delay rather than abolish responses, which were driven by prolonged excitation. These results show that the rapid receptive field shifts caused by acoustic trauma are caused by distinct mechanisms at different positions within the receptive field, which depend on differential disruption of excitation and inhibition.

1983 ◽  
Vol 50 (6) ◽  
pp. 1479-1496 ◽  
D. R. Kenshalo ◽  
O. Isensee

Recordings were made from single SI cortical neurons in the anesthetized macaque monkey. Each isolated cortical neuron was tested for responses to a standard series of mechanical stimuli. The stimuli included brushing the skin, pressure, and pinch. The majority of cortical neurons responded with the greatest discharge frequency to brushing the receptive field, but neurons were found in areas 3b and 1 that responded maximally to pinching the receptive field. A total of 68 cortical nociceptive neurons were examined in 10 animals. Cortical neurons that responded maximally to pinching the skin were also tested for responses to graded noxious heat pulses (from 35 to 43, 45, 47, and 50 degrees C). If the neuron failed to respond or only responded to 50 degrees C, the receptive field was also heated to temperatures of 53 and 55 degrees C. Fifty-six of the total population of nociceptive neurons were tested for responses to the complete series of noxious heat pulses: 46 (80%) exhibited a progressive increase in the discharge frequency as a function of stimulus intensity, and the spontaneous activity of two (4%) was inhibited. One population of cortical nociceptive neurons possessed restricted, contralateral receptive fields. These cells encoded the intensity of noxious mechanical and thermal stimulation. Sensitization of primary afferent nociceptors was reflected in the responses of SI cortical nociceptive neurons when the ascending series of noxious thermal stimulation was repeated. The population of cortical nociceptive neurons with restricted receptive fields exhibited no adaptation in the response during noxious heat pulses of 47 and 50 degrees C. At higher temperatures the response often continued to increase during the stimulus. The other population of cortical nociceptive neurons was found to have restricted, low-threshold receptive fields on the contralateral hindlimb and, in addition, could be activated only by intense pinching or noxious thermal stimuli delivered on any portion of the body. The stimulus-response functions obtained from noxious thermal stimulation of the contralateral hindlimb were not different from cortical nociceptive neurons with small receptive fields. However, nociceptive neurons with large receptive fields exhibited a consistent adaptation during a noxious heat pulse of 47 and 50 degrees C. Based on the response characteristics of these two populations of cortical nociceptive neurons, we conclude that neurons with small receptive fields possess the ability to provide information about the localization, the intensity, and the temporal attributes of a noxious stimulus.4+.

1988 ◽  
Vol 59 (4) ◽  
pp. 1253-1276 ◽  
R. Metherate ◽  
N. Tremblay ◽  
R. W. Dykes

1. Two-hundred and seven neurons were examined for changes in their responsiveness during the iontophoretic administration of acetylcholine (ACh) in barbiturate-anesthetized cats. 2. The laminar locations of 78 cells were determined. Cholinoceptive neurons were found in all cortical layers and ranged from 50% of the cells tested in layer I to 78% in layer VI. 3. When the responsiveness of a neuron was measured by the magnitude of the discharge generated by a fixed dose of glutamate, 30 of 47 cases (64%) were potentiated, and 4 (8%) were depressed when ACh was administered during glutamate-induced excitation. 4. ACh administered during glutamate excitation was significantly more effective in altering neuronal responsiveness than was ACh administered alone (P less than 0.001). 5. When the responsiveness of a neuron was measured by the magnitude of the discharge generated by a standard somatic stimulus applied to the receptive field, 42 of 52 cases (81%) were potentiated during ACh application. This was again different from ACh treatment alone where only 4 of 27 tests (15%) resulted in subsequent enhancement of the response to somatic stimuli. 6. ACh generally increased the responsiveness of neurons with peripheral receptive fields and caused the appearance of a receptive field in some cells lacking one. 7. In many cases the changes in excitability, as measured by responses either to glutamate or to somatic stimulation, remained for prolonged time periods. When glutamate was used to test excitability, 34% (16 of 47) of the enhancements lasted more than 5 min. When somatic stimuli were used 29% (15 of 52) lasted more than 5 min. With both measures some neurons still displayed enhanced responses more than 1 h after the treatment with ACh. 8. ACh appears to act as a permissive agent that allows modification of the effectiveness with which previously existing afferent inputs drive somatosensory cortical neurons. 9. This mechanism to alter neuronal responsiveness has many of the characteristics necessary to account for the reorganization observed in somatosensory cortex following alterations in its afferent drive and may be related to some forms of learning and memory.

2021 ◽  
Giordano Ramos-Traslosheros ◽  
Marion Silies

In Drosophila, direction-selective neurons implement a mechanism of motion computation similar to cortical neurons, using contrast-opponent receptive fields with ON and OFF subunits. It is not clear how the presynaptic circuitry of direction-selective neurons in the OFF pathway supports this computation, because all major inputs are OFF-rectified neurons. Here, we reveal the biological substrate for motion computation in the OFF pathway. Three interneurons, Tm2, Tm9 and CT1, also provide information about ON stimuli to the OFF direction-selective neuron T5 across its receptive field, supporting a contrast-opponent receptive field organization. Consistent with its prominent role in motion detection, variability in Tm9 receptive field properties is passed on to T5, and calcium decrements in Tm9 in response to ON stimuli are maintained across behavioral states, while spatial tuning is sharpened by active behavior. Together, our work shows how a key neuronal computation is implemented by its constituent neuronal circuit elements to ensure direction selectivity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Giordano Ramos-Traslosheros ◽  
Marion Silies

AbstractIn Drosophila, direction-selective neurons implement a mechanism of motion computation similar to cortical neurons, using contrast-opponent receptive fields with ON and OFF subfields. It is not clear how the presynaptic circuitry of direction-selective neurons in the OFF pathway supports this computation if all major inputs are OFF-rectified neurons. Here, we reveal the biological substrate for motion computation in the OFF pathway. Three interneurons, Tm2, Tm9 and CT1, provide information about ON stimuli to the OFF direction-selective neuron T5 across its receptive field, supporting a contrast-opponent receptive field organization. Consistent with its prominent role in motion detection, variability in Tm9 receptive field properties transfers to T5, and calcium decrements in Tm9 in response to ON stimuli persist across behavioral states, while spatial tuning is sharpened by active behavior. Together, our work shows how a key neuronal computation is implemented by its constituent neuronal circuit elements to ensure direction selectivity.

2003 ◽  
Vol 90 (2) ◽  
pp. 822-831 ◽  
James R. Müller ◽  
Andrew B. Metha ◽  
John Krauskopf ◽  
Peter Lennie

We examined in anesthetized macaque how the responses of a striate cortical neuron to patterns inside the receptive field were altered by surrounding patterns outside it. The changes in a neuron's response brought about by a surround are immediate and transient: they arise with the same latency as the response to a stimulus within the receptive field (this argues for a source locally in striate cortex) and become less effective as soon as 27 ms later. Surround signals appeared to exert their influence through divisive interaction (normalization) with those arising in the receptive field. Surrounding patterns presented at orientations slightly oblique to the preferred orientation consistently deformed orientation tuning curves of complex (but not simple) cells, repelling the preferred orientation but without decreasing the discriminability of the preferred grating and ones at slightly oblique orientations. By reducing responsivity and changing the tuning of complex cells locally in stimulus space, surrounding patterns reduce the correlations among responses of neurons to a particular stimulus, thus reducing the redundancy of image representation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (19) ◽  
pp. 3954 ◽  
Ma ◽  
Yang ◽  

The attention mechanism plays a crucial role in the human visual experience. In the cognitive neuroscience community, the receptive field size of visual cortical neurons is regulated by the additive effect of feature-selective and spatial attention. We propose a novel architectural unit called a “Feature-selective and Spatial Receptive Fields” (FSRF) block that implements adaptive receptive field sizes of neurons through the additive effects of feature-selective and spatial attention. We show that FSRF blocks can be inserted into the architecture of existing convolutional neural networks to form an FSRF network architecture, and test its generalization capabilities on different datasets.

1978 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 322-337 ◽  
D. W. Watkins ◽  
J. R. Wilson ◽  
S. M. Sherman

1. We studied the receptive fields of 171 striate cortical neurons from 17 cats raised with binocular lid suture. Of these, 102 fields were within 10 degrees of the area centralis and the remaining 69 were at least 38 degrees from the vertical meridian. 2. Based on their different response properties, cells were divided into three broad groups: the mappable cells (49%) had clearly defined receptive fields, the unmappable cells (31%) were activated by visual stimuli but had diffuse fields which could not be hand plotted, and the visually inexcitable cells (20%) could not be activated by visual stimuli. Very few (less than or equal to 12% of the total sample) normal simple or complex cells could be found. 3. Orientation selectivity was assessed in these cells. Only 12% displayed orientation selectivity within normal bounds, and these were all mappable cells. None of the unmappable cells had discernible orientation selectivity. 4. Ocular dominance was assessed for 62 of the centrally located receptive fields. Among mappable cells, there was an abnormally low proportion of binocular fields, while no such abnormality was seen for unmappable cells. 5. For 47 of the neurons, average response histograms were compiled for moving stimuli of various parameters in an effort to evoke the maximum discharge or peak response. This peak response was normal for mappable cells but reduced for unmappable cells. 6. We devised a technique for studying potential inhibitory receptive-field zones in these neurons, validated the method in normal striate cortex, and used it to test 20 mappable cells in the lid-sutured cats. None showed the pattern of strong inhibitory side bands seen in normal simple cells, although six showed weak or abnormal inhibitory zones. Interestingly, six of the seven visually inexcitable cells tested by this method had purely inhibitory receptive fields. 7. The effects of binocular suture were essentially identical for the binocular and monocular segments since the cell types and their response properties did not differ between these two areas of cortex. Furthermore, the cortical monocular segments of these cats seemed qualitatively different from the deprived cortical monocular segment after monocular suture. This extends an analogous difference for these cats reported for the monocular segments of the lateral geniculate nucleus. We thus conclude that monocularly and binocularly sutured cats develop by qualitatively different mechanisms. For the former, competition between central synapses related to each eye is a prominent feature of geniculocortical development, whereas, for the latter, such specific forms of geniculocortical development may not obtain.

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