scholarly journals Research on Fast Face Retrieval Optimization Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Clustering

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Xiajun Dong ◽  
Bin Huang ◽  
Yuncai Zhou

Aiming at the problem of long retrieval time for massive face image databases under a given threshold, a fast retrieval algorithm for massive face images based on fuzzy clustering is proposed. The algorithm builds a deep convolutional neural network model. The model can be used to extract features from face photos to obtain a high-dimensional vector to represent the high-level semantic features of face photos. On this basis, the fuzzy clustering algorithm is used to perform fuzzy clustering on the feature vectors of the face database to construct a retrieval pedigree map. When the threshold is passed in for database retrieval of the target face photos, the pedigree map can be quickly retrieved. Experiments on the LFW face dataset and self-collected face dataset show that the model is better than the commonly used K-means model in face recognition accuracy, clustering effect, and retrieval speed and has certain commercial value.

Tang-Tang Yi ◽  

In order to solve the problem of low recognition accuracy in recognition of 3D face images collected by traditional sensors, a face recognition algorithm for 3D point cloud collected by mixed image sensors is proposed. The algorithm first uses the 3D wheelbase to expand the face image edge. According to the 3D wheelbase, the noise of extended image is detected, and median filtering is used to eliminate the detected noise. Secondly, the priority of the boundary pixels to recognize the face image in the denoising image recognition process is determined, and the key parts such as the illuminance line are analyzed, so that the recognition of the 3D point cloud face image is completed. Experiments show that the proposed algorithm improves the recognition accuracy of 3D face images, which recognition time is lower than that of the traditional algorithm by about 4 times, and the recognition efficiency is high.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Hong Xia ◽  
Qingyi Dong ◽  
Hui Gao ◽  
Yanping Chen ◽  
ZhongMin Wang

It is difficult to accurately classify a service into specific service clusters for the multirelationships between services. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a service partition method based on particle swarm fuzzy clustering, which can effectively consider multirelationships between services by using a fuzzy clustering algorithm. Firstly, the algorithm for automatically determining the number of clusters is to determine the number of service clusters based on the density of the service core point. Secondly, the fuzzy c -means combined with particle swarm optimization algorithm to find the optimal cluster center of the service. Finally, the fuzzy clustering algorithm uses the improved Gram-cosine similarity to obtain the final results. Extensive experiments on real web service data show that our method is better than mainstream clustering algorithms in accuracy.

Wenhui Zhou ◽  
Lili Lin ◽  
Guangtao Ge

Accurate vertebrae segmentation from CT spinal images is crucial for the clinical tasks of diagnosis, surgical planning, and post-operative assessment. This paper describes an [Formula: see text]-shaped 3D fully convolution network (FCN) for vertebrae segmentation: [Formula: see text]-net. In this network, a global structure guidance pathway is designed for fusing the high-level semantic features with the global structure information. Moreover, the residual structure and the skip connection are introduced into traditional 3D FCN framework. These schemes can significantly improve the accuracy of vertebrae segmentation. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our method. A high average DICE score of 0.9499 [Formula: see text] 0.02 can be obtained, which is better than those of existing methods.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 108-117
Shilpa G. Kolte ◽  
Jagdish W. Bakal

This paper proposes a big data (i.e., documents, texts) summarization method using proposed clustering and semantic features. This paper proposes a novel clustering algorithm which is used for big data summarization. The proposed system works in four phases and provides a modular implementation of multiple documents summarization. The experimental results using Iris dataset show that the proposed clustering algorithm performs better than K-means and K-medodis algorithm. The performance of big data (i.e., documents, texts) summarization is evaluated using Australian legal cases from the Federal Court of Australia (FCA) database. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can summarize big data document superior as compared with existing systems.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-39
Ilham Safitra Damanik ◽  
Sundari Retno Andani ◽  
Dedi Sehendro

Milk is an important intake to meet nutritional needs. Both consumed by children, and adults. Indonesia has many producers of fresh milk, but it is not sufficient for national milk needs. Data mining is a science in the field of computers that is widely used in research. one of the data mining techniques is Clustering. Clustering is a method by grouping data. The Clustering method will be more optimal if you use a lot of data. Data to be used are provincial data in Indonesia from 2000 to 2017 obtained from the Central Statistics Agency. The results of this study are in Clusters based on 2 milk-producing groups, namely high-dairy producers and low-milk producing regions. From 27 data on fresh milk production in Indonesia, two high-level provinces can be obtained, namely: West Java and East Java. And 25 others were added in 7 provinces which did not follow the calculation of the K-Means Clustering Algorithm, including in the low level cluster.

Travis Eiles ◽  
Patrick Pardy

Abstract This paper demonstrates a breakthrough method of visible laser probing (VLP), including an optimized 577 nm laser microscope, visible-sensitive detector, and an ultimate-resolution gallium phosphide-based solid immersion lens on the 10 nm node, showing a 110 nm resolution. This is 2x better than what is achieved with the standard suite of probing systems using typical infrared (IR) wavelengths today. Since VLP provides a spot diameter reduction of 0.5x over IR methods, it is reasonable, based simply on geometry, to project that VLP using the 577 nm laser will meet the industry needs for laser probing for both the 10 nm and 7 nm process nodes. Based on its high level of optimization, including high resolution and specialized solid immersion lens, it is highly likely that this VLP technology will be one of the last optically-based fault isolation methods successfully used.

D.R. Zhantiev

Аннотация В статье рассматривается роль и место Сирии (включая Ливан и Палестину) в системе османских владений на протяжении нескольких веков от османского завоевания до периода правления султана Абдул-Хамида II. В течение четырех столетий османского владычества территория исторической Сирии (Билад аш-Шам) была одним из важнейших компонентов османской системы и играла роль связующего звена между Анатолией, Египтом, Ираком и Хиджазом. Необходимость ежегодной организации хаджа с символами султанской власти и покровительства над святынями Мекки и Медины определяла особую стратегическую важность сирийских провинций Османской империи. Несмотря на ряд серьезных угроз во время общего кризиса османской государственности (конец XVI начало XIX вв.), имперскому центру удалось сохранить контроль над Сирией путем создания сдержек и противовесов между местными элитами. В XIX в. и особенно в период правления Абдул- Хамида II (18761909 гг.), сохранение Сирии под османским контролем стало вопросом существования Османской империи, которая перед лицом растущего европейского давления и интервенции потеряла большую часть своих владений на Балканах и в Северной Африке. Задача укрепления связей между имперским центром и периферией в сирийских вилайетах в последней четверти XIX в. была в целом успешно решена. К началу XX в. Сирия была одним из наиболее политически спокойных и прочно связанных со Стамбулом регионов Османской империи. Этому в значительной степени способствовали довольно высокий уровень общественной безопасности, развитие внешней торговли, рост образования и постепенная интеграция местных элит (как мусульман, так и христиан) в османские государственные и социальные механизмы. Положение Сирии в системе османских владений показало, что процесс ослабления и территориальной дезинтеграции Османской империи в эпоху реформ не был линейным и наряду с потерей владений и влияния на Балканах, в азиатской части империи в течение XIX и начала XX вв. происходил параллельный процесс имперской консолидации.Abstract The article examines the role and place of Greater Syria (including Lebanon and Palestine) in the system of Ottoman possessions over several centuries from the Ottoman conquest to the period of the reign of Abdul Hamid II. For four centuries of Ottoman domination, the territory of historical Syria (Bilad al-Sham) was one of the most important components in the Ottoman system and played the role of a link between Anatolia, Egypt, Iraq and Hijaz. The need to ensure the Hajj with symbols of Sultan power and patronage over the shrines of Mecca and Medina each year determined the special strategic importance of the Syrian provinces of the Ottoman Empire. Despite a number of serious threats during the general crisis of the Ottoman state system (late 16th early 19th centuries), the imperial center managed to maintain control over Syria by creating checks and balances between local elites. In the 19th century. And especially during the reign of Abdul Hamid II (18761909), keeping Syria under Ottoman control became a matter of existence for the Ottoman Empire, which, in the face of increasing European pressure and intervention, lost most of its possessions in the Balkans and North Africa. The task of strengthening ties between the imperial center and the periphery in Syrian vilayets in the last quarter of the 19th century was generally successfully resolved. By the beginning of the 20th century, Syria was one of the most politically calm and firmly connected with Istanbul regions of the Ottoman Empire. This was greatly facilitated by a fairly high level of public safety, the development of foreign trade, the growth of education and the gradual integration of local elites (both Muslims and Christians) into Ottoman state and social mechanisms. Syrias position in the system of Ottoman possessions clearly showed that the process of weakening and territorial disintegration of the Ottoman Empire during the era of reform was not linear, and along with the loss of possessions and influence in the Balkans, in the Asian part of the empire during the 19th and early 20th centuries there was a parallel process of imperial consolidation.

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