diameter reduction
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2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 132-138
IGN Putra Dermawan ◽  
Intan Kemala Dewi ◽  
I Nyoman Gede Juwita Putra ◽  

Introduction:Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS), also known as canker sores, is an inflammation that occurs in the oral mucosa. Frangipani leaf extract and jatropha leaf extract are known to contain saponins, tannins and flavonoids that function as wound healers and antimicrobials. Purpose:Determine whether the administration of frangipani leaf extract (Plumeria acuminata Ait) is more effective in curing recurrent aphthous stomatitis than jatropha leaf extract (Jatropha curcas L). Materials and Methods: The method used is experimental study with a purposive sampling of 30 people. frangipani leaf extract (Plumeria acuminata Ait) and jatropha leaf extract (Jatropha curcas L) were applied to each of 15 samples. Statistical calculations using the Independent T-test. Result and Discussion: The results showed that the mean difference in diameter reduction of recurrent aphthous stomatitis in the first sample group of frangipani leaf extract (Plumeria Acuminata Ait) was 1.13 mm, while in the second sample group Jatropha leaf extract (Jatropha curcas L) was 0.47 mm. From the results of the Independent T-Test test on frangipani leaf extract (Plumeria acuminata Ait) obtained a sig value of 0.002 (p<0.05) and jatropha leaf extract (Jatropha curcas L) of 0.002 (p<0.05), indicating that there is the difference between the use of frangipani leaf extract (Plumeria acuminata Ait) and jatropha leaf extract (Jatropha curcas L) in the treatment of recurrent aphthous stomatitis. Conclusion: frangipani leaf extract (Plumeria acuminata Ait) was more effective in curing recurrent aphthous stomatitis (SAR) than jatropha leaf extract (Jatropha curcas L)

SPE Journal ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-19
Jianbo Zhang ◽  
Zhiyuan Wang ◽  
Shengnan Chen ◽  
Jihao Pei ◽  
Nan Ma ◽  

Summary Gas hydrate plugging in flowlines acts as a major blockage risk in oil, gas, and natural gas hydrate production. Current studies on hydrate plugging is mainly conducted in pipes with a constant diameter, whereas the effects of varying diameters have been less explored. Pipes with diameter reductions are very common in the oil and gas production process. Herein, by performing experiments with pipes of four different sizes, including one with a constant diameter and three with diameter reductions, the hydrate plugging in single-pass gas-dominated pipes with diameter reduction is investigated systematically, the results of which show that the existence of diameter reduction can facilitate the deposition of hydrate particles on pipe walls and the formation of a hydrate deposition layer. Meanwhile, hydrate sloughing occurs during the growth of the hydrate deposition layer under fluid shear force. With the increase in the diameter reduction ratio or subcooling for hydrate formation, the hydrate deposition is observed to increase significantly, thus resulting in the reduction of time for hydrate plugging. According to these results, the hydrate plugging mechanism in pipes with diameter reduction is proposed. Further, in combination with the hydrate deposition difference between the inside and outside of the arc-shaped low-speed area, a new numerical model is established for hydrate plugging prediction in the pipe with diameter reduction, which can predict the growth and evolution of the hydrate deposition layer accurately with the consideration of the diameter’s reduction. The results of this work provide a valuable guidance for the targeted prevention and management of hydrate plugging in flowlines with diameter reductions.

Pei‐Chun Chen ◽  
Fu‐Yu Lin ◽  
Han‐Chun Huang ◽  
Hsiu‐Yin Chiang ◽  
Shih‐Ni Chang ◽  

Background Few studies have evaluated the prognostic significance of diameter‐based carotid sonographic measurements for mortality. We investigated whether a reduction in diameter of different carotid anatomical segments is associated with cardiovascular and all‐cause mortality in a hospital‐based cohort with universal health care. Methods and Results We conducted a retrospective cohort study of 38 201 patients who underwent carotid duplex ultrasound at a medical center in Taiwan. Carotid sonographic parameters were the diameter reduction percentage in carotid bifurcation, the internal carotid artery, the common carotid artery, and the external carotid artery and the overall carotid atherosclerotic burden score, determined by summing the scores from all segments. The vital status was ascertained by linking data to National Death Registry until 2017. During a median follow‐up of 4.2 years, 5644 participants died, with 1719 deaths attributable to cardiovascular diseases. The multivariable‐adjusted hazard ratios (HRs; 95% CIs) for cardiovascular mortality were 1.33 (1.16‒1.53), 1.58 (1.361.84), and 1.89 (1.58, 2.26) for participants with 30% to <40%, 40% to <50%, and ≥50% reduction in carotid bifurcation diameter, respectively, compared with participants with <30% diameter reduction ( P for trend <0.001). The corresponding HRs (95% CIs) for all‐cause mortality were 1.25 (1.16‒1.34), 1.42 (1.31‒1.54), and 1.60 (1.45‒1.77), respectively. Diameter reduction at other carotid sites and the carotid atherosclerotic burden score exhibited the same dose–response relationship. Conclusions This study suggests that reduction in carotid artery diameter, which can be determined through routinely available sonography, is an independent risk factor for all‐cause and cardiovascular mortality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 116 ◽  
pp. 102870
Chunyong Fan ◽  
Zengliang Li ◽  
Mingchao Du ◽  
Ran Yu

2021 ◽  
Thomas Charrel ◽  
Bernard Greillier

The purpose of this nonclinical study was to evaluate the performance (in terms of vein occlusion) and the local tissue effects of echo-guided HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) treatments in sheep’s saphenous veins.HIFU treatments were used to treat 4 saphenous veins. Two HIFU doses were evaluated 4s/60J and 7s/105J with and without tumescence injection in perivenous tissues. Before and after treatment, ultrasound scans were performed (at Day 0, 3, 7 and 21). Sheep were then euthanized at D21. Local tissue effects were evaluated based on the macroscopic observations, while the evaluation of the device performance was based on ultrasonic scan.Macroscopically throughout the study duration, for dose of 4s/60J and with tumescence, significant lumens diameter reduction of 84% was observed without skin burns. For doses of 4s/60J without tumescence and 7s/105J skin burns of slight to severe grade was observed along the vein, while no thrombus nor lumen reduction were observed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 854 (1) ◽  
pp. 012086
E Sharefiabadi ◽  
B Nacak ◽  
M Serdaroğlu

Abstract Patties were extended with gluten free flours (linseed flour: LF, coconut flour: CF and their combination: LC) at a level of 5%. Control sample (B) was formulated with the same level of breadcrumbs. Using gluten free extenders did not change the water holding capacity (WHC); however, improved cooking yield resulted (P<0.05). Similarly, LF, CF and LC patties had lower diameter reduction and thickness change compared to the control sample (P<0.05). Due to color differences between breadcrumbs and gluten-free flours, color values of patties were affected significantly by the extender type (P<0.05). LF patties had the lowest L* and b*, the highest a* values within all patty groups. Different trends were observed in TBARS values of patties during storage, but in any case, all patties had TBARS values lower than 2.0 mg MA/kg throughout the storage. No significant differences were observed in patties’ sensory properties.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Kritika Iyer ◽  
Cyrus P. Najarian ◽  
Aya A. Fattah ◽  
Christopher J. Arthurs ◽  
S. M. Reza Soroushmehr ◽  

AbstractCoronary Artery Disease (CAD) is commonly diagnosed using X-ray angiography, in which images are taken as radio-opaque dye is flushed through the coronary vessels to visualize the severity of vessel narrowing, or stenosis. Cardiologists typically use visual estimation to approximate the percent diameter reduction of the stenosis, and this directs therapies like stent placement. A fully automatic method to segment the vessels would eliminate potential subjectivity and provide a quantitative and systematic measurement of diameter reduction. Here, we have designed a convolutional neural network, AngioNet, for vessel segmentation in X-ray angiography images. The main innovation in this network is the introduction of an Angiographic Processing Network (APN) which significantly improves segmentation performance on multiple network backbones, with the best performance using Deeplabv3+ (Dice score 0.864, pixel accuracy 0.983, sensitivity 0.918, specificity 0.987). The purpose of the APN is to create an end-to-end pipeline for image pre-processing and segmentation, learning the best possible pre-processing filters to improve segmentation. We have also demonstrated the interchangeability of our network in measuring vessel diameter with Quantitative Coronary Angiography. Our results indicate that AngioNet is a powerful tool for automatic angiographic vessel segmentation that could facilitate systematic anatomical assessment of coronary stenosis in the clinical workflow.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (9) ◽  
pp. 1726-1734
Xiangyu Fan ◽  
Haiyun Wu ◽  
Lisong Zhao ◽  
Xu Guo

The aim of this study was to test an effective nano-pole capsule loaded cis-platinum (CP) transplantation device for liver cancer (LC) therapy. A novel nano-pole capsule was designed as a new vector for storing CP. HepG2 cells and a B6/J mouse model were used to test the efficiency of polyethyleneimine-cis-platinum (PEI-CP) and poly-chitosan-cis-platinum (PC-CP). Infiltration efficiency and transplantation efficiency tests were performed to study the performance of the delivery system, and fibroblast reactions and macrophage numbers were observed, to test for immune rejection and foreign body reactions. The apoptosis rate and tumor diameter of hepatocellular carcinoma cells were used to evaluate the effect of the tumor therapy. We also studied the functional mechanism of different CP delivery systems. The infiltration and transplantation efficiencies of PC-CP were higher than that of PEI-CP; Less foreign body reaction appeared in PC system, with less fibroblast reaction and lower macrophage reaction. The clinical efficacy of PC-CP in terms of tumor apoptosis and diameter reduction was superior to that of PEI-CP. We demonstrated that PC-CP had a more significant alteration effect on mTOR, P-Ak, LC3 and P53. The PC system can better deliver and release drugs than PEI-CP, and may be a better choice for LC therapy in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 119-123
Na Zhao ◽  
Mingjuan Zhao ◽  
Yulan Zhao

Objective?Research on the effect of moist wound healing theory in a combination with modern new dressingtreatment in patients diagnosed with pressure ulcers. Method: Selected 30 patients with pressure ulcers from our hospital, which is Shandong Tai’an Municipal Hospital, from January 2019 to January 2021 were divided into experimental group (15 cases, treated with moist wound healing theory combined with modern new dressings) and control group (15 cases, applied conventional treatments). The treatment effect, time of wound edema subsidence, wound healing time, number of dressing changes, granulation tissue growth time, and diameter reduction time were compared between the two groups. Results: The total effective rate of the experimental group (93.33%, 14/15) was higher than that of the control group (53.33%, 8/15), P<0.05; the time to subsidence of wound edema in the experimental group was (3.11±0.22), and the time for wound healing was (12.78±0.45), the number of dressing changes (7.13±0.34) times, the growth time of granulation tissue (5.43±2.22), the diameter reduction time (6.25±3.75), compared with the control group, P<0.05. Conclusion?In the clinical treatment of patients diagnosed with pressure ulcers, the effective combination of moist healing theory and modern new dressing therapy has significant effects, whereby it speeds up the healing process of the pressure ulcers, and it is proven to be worthy to be promoted for usage.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Augustin Lenoir ◽  
Bertrand R. M. Perrin ◽  
Olivier M. Lepage

Resection and anastomosis of small intestine during colic can lead to adhesions and recurrent colic. Several methods are available to reduce the rate of adhesions in the postoperative period, such as the use of serosal barriers. Surgical glues form a smooth surface, are fast to apply, and could reduce surgery time when performing anastomosis. A recently developed UV-polymerizable methacrylate adhesive (UV-PMA) is designed to anchor into the biological tissues’ top surface offering sealant and a smooth cover over the anastomosis site. This adhesive was used ex vivo on fifteen samples of equine jejunum as the second layer of a two-layer anastomosis (1L-UV-PMA group) and compared to a two-layer anastomosis (simple continuous pattern covered with a Cushing pattern; 2L-CT group), in terms of feasibility, bursting strength pressure (BSP), luminal diameter reduction (LDR), and time of construction. Data were analysed using a paired t-test or a chi2-test ( P < 0.05 ). The results showed no statistical difference in BSP, LDR, or any mode of failure between the two anastomosis types. However, the glue anastomosis formed a tunnel-like anastomosis and shredded under pressure, before apparition of leakage, preventing its usage in clinical cases with this methodology. It was concluded that modification of the technique is warranted before testing in clinical cases. A preprint of a former version of the manuscript is available on researchsquare.com, which was not conducted to print and publication after peer reviewing. Since then, the manuscript has been modified to this current version.

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