Intolerance to Cow�s Milk Proteins before the Age of Two: Diagnostic Means, Incidence and Evolution

2015 ◽  
pp. 133-137
J. Navarro ◽  
J. P. Cezard
Robert J. Carroll ◽  
Marvin P. Thompson ◽  
Harold M. Farrell

Milk is an unusually stable colloidal system; the stability of this system is due primarily to the formation of micelles by the major milk proteins, the caseins. Numerous models for the structure of casein micelles have been proposed; these models have been formulated on the basis of in vitro studies. Synthetic casein micelles (i.e., those formed by mixing the purified αsl- and k-caseins with Ca2+ in appropriate ratios) are dissimilar to those from freshly-drawn milks in (i) size distribution, (ii) ratio of Ca/P, and (iii) solvation (g. water/g. protein). Evidently, in vivo organization of the caseins into the micellar form occurs in-a manner which is not identical to the in vitro mode of formation.

1972 ◽  
Vol 71 (2_Suppla) ◽  
pp. S346-S368 ◽  
Roger W. Turkington ◽  
Nobuyuki Kadohama

ABSTRACT Hormonal activation of gene transcription has been studied in a model system, the mouse mammary gland in organ culture. Transcriptive activity is stimulated in mammary stem cells by insulin, and in mammary alveolar cells by prolactin and insulin. Studies on the template requirement for expression of the genes for milk proteins demonstrate that DNA methylation has an obligatory dependence upon DNA synthesis, but is otherwise independent from hormonal regulation of mammary cell differentiation. Incorporation of 5-bromo-2′deoxyuridine into DNA selectively inhibits expression of the genes for specific milk proteins. Undifferentiated mammary cells activate the synthesis of specific acidic nuclear proteins when stimulated by insulin. Several of these induced acidic nuclear proteins are undetectable in unstimulated undifferentiated cells, but appear to be characteristic components of the nuclei of differentiated cells. These results indicate that mammary cell differentiation is associated with a change in acidic nuclear proteins, and they provide evidence to support the concept that acidic nuclear proteins may be involved in the regulation of gene transcription and of mammary cell differentiation.

2020 ◽  
Darko Stojanovski ◽  
Ivana Živaljević ◽  
Vesna Dimitrijević ◽  
Julie Dunne ◽  
Richard Evershed ◽  

The application of biomolecular techniques to archaeological materials from the Balkans is providing valuable new information on the prehistory of the region. This is especially relevant for the study of the neolithisation process in SE Europe, which gradually affected the rest of the continent. Here, to answer questions regarding diet and subsistence practices in early farming societies, we combine organic residue analyses of archaeological pottery, taxonomic and isotopic study of domestic animal remains and biomolecular analyses of human dental calculus. The results from the analyses of the lipid residues from pottery suggest that milk was processed in ceramic vessels. Dairy products were shown to be part of the subsistence strategies of the earliest Neolithic communities in the region but were of varying importance in different areas of the Balkan. On the other hand, we did not confidently detect any milk proteins within the dental calculus. The molecular and isotopic identification of meat, dairy, plants and beeswax in the pottery lipids also provided insights into the diversity of diet in these early Neolithic communities. We also present the first compound-specific radiocarbon dates for the region, obtained directly on absorbed organic residues extracted from pottery, identified as dairy lipids.

2015 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 228-242 ◽  
Elrashdy Redwan ◽  
Bin Xue ◽  
Hussein Almehdar ◽  
Vladimir Uversky

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (10) ◽  
pp. 983-997 ◽  
Bassam H. Sabha ◽  
Fuad Alzahrani ◽  
Hussein A. Almehdar ◽  
Vladimir N. Uversky ◽  
Elrashdy M. Redwan

2016 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 368-379 ◽  
Muhammad Ali Naqvi ◽  
Kimia Anaraki Irani ◽  
Maryam Katanishooshtari ◽  
Dérick Rousseau

1970 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 51-60
José Henrique Pereira Pinto ◽  
Renan Lemos de Toledo ◽  
William do Prado Franquelo

RESUMOIntrodução: Alergia à Proteína do Leite de Vaca (APLV) é uma doença inflamatória secundária à reação imunológica contra uma ou mais proteínas do leite de vaca (LV) que afeta principalmente a faixa pediátrica. A real prevalência é discutida em muitos estudos. As manifestações clínicas dependem do tipo da resposta imunológica, ser IgE mediada ou não. Os sintomas se iniciam por volta dos 06 meses de vida e na maioria dos casos, esse processo alérgico regride, com o paciente desenvolvendo tolerância até a adolescência. Casuística: Relata-se um caso de um paciente do sexo masculino, apresentando desde os 6 meses de idade de anafilaxia e broncoespasmo. Nesta época foi levado em hospitais e ambulatórios sendo diagnosticado e tratado como asma apenas, porém sem sucesso. Aos 18 anos, em consulta com especialista foi diagnosticado com APLV, apesar da dieta de exclusão, apresentou diversas reações anafiláticas, devido a ingestão acidental do alérgeno. Discussão: O paciente iniciou os primeiros sintomas quando houve contato com LV e apresentou teste laboratorial com valores compatíveis a patologia. Segundo a literatura a prevalência de APLV cai para menos de 1% aos 6 anos de vida e está persistência pode estar associada a múltiplos fatores, no caso relatado, o paciente não apresentou tolerância até o presente momento. Conclusão: APLV é uma doença usualmente de criança em que, se estas não adquirirem tolerância, complicações podem perdurar indefinidamente. O Diagnóstico precoce e o manejo adequado desta condição, revela grande importância na qualidade de vida e na prevenção de anafilaxia.Palavras chave: Alergia, Proteína do leite de vaca, Anafilaxia. ABSTRACT Introduction: Allergy to cow's milk (CMPA) is an inflammatory disease Introduction: Allergy to cow's milk (CMPA) is an inflammatory disease secondary to immune response against one or more cow's milk proteins (LV) which primarily affects pediatric patients. The current prevalence is discussed in many studies. The clinical manifestations depend on the type of immune response, being IgE mediated or not. Symptoms start at about 06 months of life and in most cases, the allergic process subsides, and the patient develops tolerance through adolescence. Case Report: We report the case of a male patient, who was presenting, since his 06 months of age, anaphylaxis and bronchospasm. At that time he was taken into hospitals and clinics being diagnosed and treated as asthma, but without success. At 18, in consultation with expert was diagnosed with CMPA, and despite the exclusion diet, presented several anaphylactic reactions due to accidental ingestion of the allergen. Discussion: The patient began the first symptoms when there was contact with LV and presented laboratory test values compatible with the pathology. According to the literature the prevalence of CMPA drops to less than 1% to 6 years of life and this persistence can be associated with multiple factors, in our case, the patient did not develop tolerance to date. Conclusion: CMPA is usually a child disease but ,if they do not acquire tolerance, complications can last indefinitely. Early diagnosis and appropriate management of this condition, reveals a great deal on quality of life and prevention of anaphylaxis. Keywords: Allergy, Cow’s milk protein, Anaphylaxis. 

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