The Hemiptera-Sternorrhyncha (Insecta) of Hong Kong, China—an annotated inventory citing voucher specimens and published records

Zootaxa ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 2847 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  

An account of the Sternorrhyncha recorded from Hong Kong, comprising approximately 485 species, is presented. This is primarily based upon voucher holdings in the collection of the Natural History Museum, London and it includes incompletely identified taxa. Also included are records based solely on published data. Host plant data are included where known and there are four appendices for quick cross-reference of names, groups and hosts. One new species in the Aleyrodidae is described, Rhachisphora takahashii sp. nov.. One new synonymy in the Aleyrodidae is proposed, Aleurocanthus cheni Young (1942) becoming a junior synonym of A. spiniferus (Quaintance, 1903) syn. nov.. Two nomenclatural changes in the Psylloidea are proposed: Colophorina hungtouensis Fang & Yang (1986) comb. nov. is transferred from Psylla;  Macrohomotoma sinica Yang & Li (1984) is proposed as a junior synonym of M. gladiatum Kuwayama (1908), syn. nov.. One nomenclatural change in the Diaspididae (Coccoidea) is proposed: Neoparlatoria lithocarpi Takahashi (1934) is removed from synonymy with N. formosana Takahashi (1931), stat. rev.

Zootaxa ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 4363 (1) ◽  
pp. 124
HUI LU ◽  

One new species, Paratrigonidium chloropodum sp. nov., is described from Hainan, China. The type specimens are deposited in East China Normal University, Biology of History Museum (ECNU). S. venustula is moved to genus Paratrigonidium as P. venustulum comb. nov. P. vittatum Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893 syn. is the junior synonym of P. venustulum. 

Zootaxa ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 1225 (1) ◽  
pp. 57 ◽  

The aphid genus Allotrichosiphum is reviewed here. Allotrichosiphum cyclobalanopsidis sp. nov. from Cyclobalanopsis neglecta in Hong Kong, China is described. Keys to the species of Allotrichosiphum worldwide are provided. The type specimens studied are deposited in the Natural History Museum, London, U.K.

2020 ◽  
Vol 33 ◽  
pp. 35-58
Gyula M. László ◽  
Mark Sterling

This paper provides a comprehensive check list of Nolinae species recorded in Hong Kong, China based on the collections of the second author, Dr. Roger Kendrick and the Natural History Museum, London. The checklist comprises 30 species.  Two of them are new to science and described here as new species (Spininola kendricki sp. n., and Hampsonola ceciliae sp. n.). Misidentification of the female paratype of Spininola nepali László, Ronkay & Ronkay, 2014 is revealed and the true female of S. nepali is illustrated with its genitalia described here for the first time. The hitherto unknown female of S. armata László, Ronkay & Witt, 2010 is also illustrated here for the first time. All species recorded from Hong Kong are illustrated together with their genitalia on 54 colour and 46 black and white diagnostic figures.

2007 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Stefano Zoia

A revision of the genus <em>Pachnephorus</em> Chevrolat, 1837 from the Afrotropical Region is given and a key to the species is provided. Types of all the previously known taxa have been studied and redescribed; 40 new taxa are described and illustrated: <em>P. achardi</em> n. sp. (Mali), <em>P. aequatorianus</em> n. sp. (Rep. Pop. Congo), <em>P. aethiopicus</em> n. sp. (Etiopia), <em>P. baehri</em> n. sp. (Namibia), <em>P. balyi</em> n. sp. (Angola), <em>P. beharui</em> n. sp. (Etiopia), <em>P. bertiae</em> n. sp. (Madagascar), <em>P. bezdeki</em> n. sp. (Rep. Pop. Congo), <em>P. bracarumvestitus</em> n. sp. (Rep. Pop. Congo), <em>P. bryanti</em> n. sp. (Mali), <em>P. burgeoni</em> n. sp. (Natal), <em>P.</em> <em>camerun­ensis</em> n. sp. (Camerun), <em>P. cristiani</em> n. sp. (Namibia), <em>P</em>. <em>crocodilinus</em> n. sp. (Zambia), <em>P. daccordii</em> n. sp. (Yemen), <em>P.</em> <em>danielssoni</em> n. sp. (Sierra Leone), <em>P. danielssoni congoanus</em> n. ssp. (Rep. Pop. Congo), <em>P. demeyeri</em> n. sp. (Rep. Pop. Congo), <em>P. episternalis</em> n. sp. (Madagascar), <em>P. fabianae</em> n. sp. (Congo), <em>P. fasciatus occidentalis</em> n. ssp. (Nigeria), <em>P. gardinii</em> n. sp. (Etiopia),<em> P. gerstaeckeri</em> n. sp. (Namibia), <em>P. grobbelaarae</em> n. sp. (South Africa), <em>P. hajeki</em> n. sp. (Madagascar), <em>P. lopatini</em> n. sp. (Senegal), <em>P. malicus</em> n. sp. (Mali), <em>P. maroantsetranus</em> n. sp. (Madagascar), <em>P. medvedevi</em> n. sp. (Zambia), <em>P. mo­seykoi</em> n. sp. (Chad), <em>P. pacificus</em> n. sp. (Central Afr. Rep.), <em>P.</em> <em>parentorum</em> n. sp. (Ghana), <em>P. poggii</em> n. sp. (Somalia), <em>P</em>. <em>regalini</em> n. sp. (Zambia), <em>P. rigatoi</em> n. sp. (Kenya), <em>P. sas­sii</em> n. sp. (Guinea Bissau), <em>P. shuteae</em> n. sp. (Rep. South Africa),<em> P</em>. <em>sprecherae</em> n. sp. (Madagascar), <em>P. uhligi</em> n. sp. (Namibia), <em>P</em>. <em>willersi</em> n. sp. (Namibia). The lectoypes of <em>P. conspersus</em> Gerstaecker, 1871, <em>P. senegalensis</em> Achard, 1914, <em>P. latior</em> Pic, 1921 and <em>P. testaceipes</em> Fairmaire, 1880 are designated. A new synonymy (<em>P. costatus</em> Achard, 1914 <strong>n. syn</strong>. of <em>P. torridus</em> Baly, 1878) and a nomenclatural change (<em>Mecistes lineatus</em> (Pic, 1921) <strong>n. comb</strong>. for <em>Pachnephorus lineatus</em> Pic, 1921) are proposed; the Lectotypes of <em>M. lineatus</em> and of <em>M. flavipes</em> (Gerstaecker, 1855) are designated.

Zootaxa ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 1299 (1) ◽  
pp. 57 ◽  

The aphid genus Aulacophoroides Eastop and Hille Ris Lambers is reviewed. Aulacophoroides millettiae sp. nov. is described from Millettia sp. in Hong Kong, China. A key to the described species of Aulacophoroides is provided. The type specimens studied are deposited in the Zoological Museum, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China and the Natural History Museum, London, U.K.

Zootaxa ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 692 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
M. D. WEBB ◽  

The invasive Hawaiian nirvanine leafhopper (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) is identified as Sophonia orientalis (Matsumura). Related taxa are discussed and the following nomenclatorial changes made: Pseudonirvana furcilinea Kuoh & Kuoh, 1983, a junior synonym of Nirvana longitudinalis Distant, 1908, new synonymy; Quercinirvana Ahmed & Mahmood, 1970, a junior synonym of Sophonia Walker, 1870, synonymy revived; Quercinirvana longicephala Ahmed & Mahmood, status revived.

Zootaxa ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 2565 (1) ◽  
pp. 55 ◽  

With the purpose of promoting nomenclatural stability, this paper addresses a number of errors, omissions, and controversial conclusions in a recent revision of the green lacewing genus Ceraeochrysa by Freitas et al. (2009). 1. Valid species, new combinations and synonymies: (a) We identified Ceraeochrysa chiricahuae Freitas and Penny (in Freitas et al. 2009), Chrysopa forreri Navás, and Chrysopa intacta Navás as subjective synonyms. Thus, Ceraeochrysa intacta, a species that was previously synonymized under Ceraeochrysa placita (Banks), becomes the valid name of the species [New status, new combination]. Chrysopa forreri is now synonymized under Cer. intacta, not Cer. placita [New synonymy]. And, Cer. chiricahuae becomes a junior synonym of Cer. intacta, not a valid species of Ceraeochrysa [New synonymy]. (b) We enumerate specific internal and external features of the Chrysopa cornuta Navás type that identify it as conspecific with Ceraeochrysa caligata (Banks), not Ceraeochrysa cincta (Schneider) as proposed by Freitas et al. (2009). Thus, Ceraeochrysa cornuta (Navás), which has priority, is reinstated as the valid name [Reinstated status, reinstated combination], and Ceraeochrysa caligata (Banks) is reinstated as a junior subjective synonym of Cer. cornuta, not a valid species [Reinstated synonymy]. (c) We provide documented evidence for reinstating three synonymies that Freitas et al. had reversed [Reinstated synonymies]: (i) Allochrysa parvula Banks is a junior subjective synonym of Ceraeochrysa lineaticornis (Fitch); (ii) Chrysopa columbiana Banks is a junior subjective synonym of Ceraeochrysa lineaticornis (Fitch); (iii) Chrysopa rochina (Navás) is a junior subjective synonym of Ceraeochrysa cincta (Schneider). 2. Generic assignments: (a) Visual evidence is provided for the placement of Ceraeochrysa laufferi (Navás) in Ungla. Therefore, Ungla laufferi (Navás) is reinstated as the valid name [Reinstated combination]. (b) We question Freitas et al.’s rationale for including Cer. placita (Banks) and Cer. intacta (Navás) (as Cer. chiricahuae Freitas and Penny) in the genus Ceraeochrysa; female and larval features of the two species differ markedly from those used to characterize Ceraeochrysa species. As an alternative that recognizes the uncertainty surrounding the generic placement of these species and that avoids additional, unnecessary name changes, we propose including the caveat “genus incertae sedis” with the names, as follows: Ceraeochrysa placita (Banks), genus incertae sedis, and Ceraeochrysa intacta (Navás), genus incertae sedis. 3. Type designations: (a) Errors concerning the Chrysopa furculata Navás type in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris (MNHN), are corrected, and doubts raised by Freitas et al. (2009) concerning the identification of this specimen as the holotype are removed. (b) The earlier designation of the Chrysopa rochina (Navás) type in the MNHN as the lectotype (not holotype) is verified.

Zootaxa ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 3181 (1) ◽  
pp. 28

A review of the Afrotropical sesiid genus Camaegeria Strand, 1914 (Synanthedonini), which previously comprised onlya single species, C. auripicta Strand, 1914, is presented. Based on its genital morphology Camaegeria seems most closelyrelated to Episannina Aurivillius, 1905, which also occurs in Africa and is placed here in Synanthedonini. Differentialcharacters between Camaegeria, Episannina and the superficially similar Tipulamima Holland, 1893, are discussed. Sixspecies are transferred from other sesiid genera to Camaegeria: C. aristura (Meyrick, 1931) n. comb., C. exochiformis(Walker, 1856) n. comb., C. monogama (Meyrick, 1932) n. comb., C. sophax (Druce, 1899) n. comb., C. sylvestralis(Viette, [1955]) n. comb. and C. xanthopimplaeformis (Viette, [1955]) n. comb. One new species, Camaegeria massai n.sp. is described from eastern Africa and four new species, C. lychnitis, C. polytelis, C. viettei and C. xanthomos n. spp.are described from Madagascar. New junior synonyms of Camaegeria aristura are Aegeria leptomorpha Meyrick, 1931n. syn. and Aegeria hadassa Meyrick, 1932 n. syn., and a new junior synonym of C. monogama is Macrotarsipus lioscelis Meyrick, 1935 n. syn.

Zootaxa ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 4655 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-104 ◽  

The known cicada fauna of Bolivia is identified. Adusella Haupt, 1918 rev. stat. is resurrected and redescribed being elevated from junior synonym status with Odopoea Stål, 1861. Edholmbergi Delétang, 1919 rev. stat, n. syn. is elevated from junior synonymy of Odopoea and synonymized with Adusella rev. stat. Adusella insignifera (Berg, 1879) n. comb., Adusella signata Haupt, 1918 n. comb., and Adusella venturii (Distant, 1906c) n. comb. are transferred or returned to Adusella rev. stat. Carineta bilineosa Walker 1858b rev. stat., Carineta obtusa Walker 1858b rev. stat., Carineta tenuistriga Walker 1858c rev. stat. and Carineta diplographa Berg 1879 rev. stat. are removed from junior synonymy with Carineta fasciculata (Germar, 1821). Carineta obtusa rev. stat., n. syn., Carineta tenuistriga rev. stat., n. syn. and Carineta diplographa Berg 1879 rev. stat., n. syn. are considered junior synonyms of Carineta bilineosa rev. stat. Carineta limpida Torres 1948a n. syn. is shown to be a junior synonym of Carineta fasciculata. Carineta turbida Jacobi, 1907 is transferred to the genus Herrera Distant, 1905c to become Herrera turbida (Jacobi, 1907) n. comb. The genera Diceroprocta Stål, 1870, Orialella Metcalf, 1952, Quesada Distant, 1905c, and Nosola Stål, 1866a are assigned to the Guyalnina Boulard & Martinelli, 1996 within the Fidicinini Distant, 1905d. Tympanoterpes virgulata n. sp., Cracenpsaltria nana n. sp., Guyalna dasyeia n. sp., Guyalna fasciata n. sp., Guyalna polypaga n. sp., Parnisa santacruzensis n. sp., Carineta ensifera n. sp., Carineta hamata n. sp., Carineta pictilis n. sp., Carineta uncinata n. sp., Herrera concolor n. sp., Herrera freiae n. sp., Herrera melanomesocranon n. sp., Herrera phyllodes n. sp., and Herrera signifera n. sp. are described as new. The first records of Adusella insignifera (Berg, 1879) n. comb., Adusella venturii (Distant, 1906c) n. comb., Fidicina christinae Boulard & Martinelli, 1996, Fidicina ethelae (Goding, 1925), Fidicina robini Boulard & Martinelli 1996, Fidicinoides descampsi Boulard & Martinelli, 1996, Fidicinoides pauliensis Boulard & Martinelli, 1996, Fidicinoides sucinalae Boulard & Martinelli, 1996, Proarna alalonga Sanborn & Heath, 2014, Proarna bergi (Distant, 1892a), Proarna grisea (Fabricius, 1775), Proarna guttulosa (Walker, 1858b), Proarna insignis Distant, 1881a, Proarna strigicollis Jacobi, 1907, Guyalna distanti (Goding, 1925) Guyalna glauca (Goding, 1925), Guyalna platyrhina Sanborn & Heath, 2014, Guyalna viridifemur (Walker, 1850), Majeorona lutea Distant, 1906d, Carineta bilineosa Walker 1858b rev. stat., Carineta cearana Distant, 1906c, Carineta detoulgoueti Champanhet, 2001, Carineta doxiptera Walker, 1858a, Carineta maculosa Torres, 1948a, Carineta pilifera Walker, 1858c, Carineta rufescens (Fabricius, 1803), Carineta tetraspila Jacobi, 1907, and Herrera turbida (Jacobi, 1907) n. comb. are provided. The records for Adusella insignifera (Berg, 1879) n. comb. and Adusella venturii (Distant, 1906c) n. comb. are the first records of the tribe Zammarini Distant, 1905b, subtribe Zammarina Distant, 1905a, and genus Adusella, Tympanoterpes virgulata n. sp. is the first record of the genus Tympanoterpes Stål, 1861, Majeorona lutea Distant, 1906d is the first record for the genus Majeorona Distant, 1905d, Parnisa santacruzensis n. sp. is the first record of the genus Parnisa Stål, 1862a for Bolivia, specimens in the type series of Cracenpsaltria nana n. sp. represent the first record of the genus Cracenpsaltria Sanborn, 2016c in Ecuador, and the specimens of Herrera concolor n. sp., Herrera freiae n. sp., Herrera melanomesocranon n. sp., Herrera phyllodes n. sp., and Herrera signifera n. sp., and Herrera turbida (Jacobi, 1907) n. comb. and the new combinations to the genus are the first records of the genus Herrera Distant, 1905c for Bolivia, Brazil, French Guiana, and Peru. New records are provided to expand the ranges of Proarna alalonga Sanborn & Heath, 2014 and Carineta gemella to include Paraguay, the range of Dorisiana noriegai Sanborn & Heath, 2014 to include Paraguay and French Guiana, the range of Guyalna platyrhina to include Brazil, and the range of Carineta cearana to include Colombia. Previous records of Proarna bufo Distant, 1905d and Carineta fasciculata (Germar, 1821) are considered to be misidentifications P. bergi (Distant, 1892a) and Carineta bilineosa Walker 1858b rev. stat. so that P. bufo and C. fasciculata are removed from the cicada fauna of Bolivia as is Hemisciera maculipennis (de Laporte, 1832) which is shown to have been mistakenly attributed to Bolivia and Argentina. The non-Bolivian Carineta criqualicae Boulard 1986a, Carineta guianaensis Sanborn, 2011a, Carineta quinimaculata Sanborn, 2011a, and Carineta tigrina Boulard 1986a are reassigned to the genus Herrera to become Herrera criqualicae (Boulard, 1986a) n. comb., Herrera guianaensis (Sanborn, 2011a) n. comb., Herrera quinimaculata (Sanborn, 2011a) n. comb., and Herrera tigrina (Boulard, 1986a) n. comb., respectively. A discussion on the species status of Carineta fasciculata (Germar, 1821) is provided to clarify the taxon along with the new synonymy. The currently known Bolivian cicada fauna is comprised of 83 described species from 21 genera, seven tribes and three subfamilies with the new records and new species presented here increasing the known fauna by 107.5%. 

Zootaxa ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 2237 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-66 ◽  

The monobasic genus Caenoteleia Kieffer (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) is considered to be a junior synonym of the widespread and common genus Calliscelio Ashmead, new synonymy. Calliscelio elegans (Perkins) is redescribed, transferred to Calliscelio, new combination, and its geographic distribution documented. Originally described from Hawai‘i, this species is widespread through the tropics. The species likely is distributed by human commerce, possibly in association with cricket pests (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) of sugar cane.

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