Unorthodox Mitosis in Trichonympha Agilis: Kinetochore Differentiation and Chromosome Movement

1973 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 511-552

Changes in rostral structures and the nuclear events which occur in dividing cells of Trichonympha agilis (obtained from experimentally refaunated termites) were studied by means of electron microscopy of serial sections. It is possible to characterize 5 stages of division: Stage I. During this earliest recognizable division stage, the bilaterally symmetrical hemirostra have begun to separate and spindle microtubules appear in the intervening space. As in interphase, the kinetochore regions of chromosomes are distinguishable as fibrillar masses underlying the intact nuclear envelope; and, in individual sections, they are often seen to occur in pairs. These pairs are taken to be sister kinetochores. Stage II. The extranuclear spindle has become established between the posterior ends of well separated hemirostral tubes. Elaboration of daughter rostral structures begins and will continue through the subsequent stages of division. Kinetochores differentiate, becoming bipartite structures consisting of a fibrillar element underlain by a dense disk. The fibrillar kinetochore element is associated with the still-intact nuclear envelope which lies between kinetochores and cytoplasmic spindle microtubules. Reconstruction from serial sections shows all kinetochores to be disposed in pairs which are distributed randomly over the nuclear surface. Stage III. The fibrillar elements of kinetochores are enclosed in evaginations of the nuclear envelope, while the disk elements have come to lie in the plane of the nuclear surface. Kinetochores remain separated from the extranuclear spindle microtubules by the intact nuclear envelope. The distribution of kinetochores has changed relative to that seen in stage II: kinetochores no longer appear to be paired, and they are confined to that hemisphere of the nuclear surface closest to the spindle. Stage IV. The nuclear envelope opens at the sites of kinetochores, leaving the dense disk kinetochore element inserted in pore-like discontinuities of the nuclear envelope and the fibrillar element in the cytoplasm. Direct interaction between fibrillar kinetochore element and extranuclear spindle microtubules is, however, not yet established. Stage V. The cytoplasmically situated fibrillar elements of ‘inserted’ kinetochores are now in direct contact with spindle microtubules. As seen in reconstructions of the nucleus from serial sections, kinetochores have become segregated in 2 groups on the nuclear surface, one near each spindle pole. It is during this stage that final elaboration of rostral structures takes place. On the basis of the observed changes in kinetochore distribution which occur between stages II and III while the intact nuclear envelope prevents any direct interaction between intra-nuclear kinetochores and extranuclear spindle microtubules, it is suggested that kinetochore-membrane interaction is involved in early chromosome movement in Trichonympha agilis. Only during stage V, when direct contact between kinetochores and spindle microtubules is established, may the microtubules assume their usual role in chromosome movement.

1975 ◽  
Vol 53 (4) ◽  
pp. 403-414 ◽  
H. C. Huang ◽  
R. D. Tinline ◽  
L. C. Fowke

An ultrastructural study of mitosis in a diploid strain of Cochliobolus sativus showed the event to be intranuclear. Two nucleoli occasionally were present in interphase nuclei. During division the spindle pole body peripheral to the nuclear envelope divided; spindle microtubules radiated into the nucleoplasm from the amorphous granular region abutting the nuclear envelope beneath the bodies; chromosomes condensed at prophase, approached the equatorial plane at metaphase, and moved asynchronously at anaphase; single microtubules appeared attached to kinetochore-like structures. At telophase, nuclei exhibited maximal elongation; fissures of the nuclear envelope appeared in the interzonal region; the nucleolus dispersed. The polar nuclear areas became new daughter nuclei with nucleoli.

1982 ◽  
Vol 93 (3) ◽  
pp. 655-669 ◽  
D F Kubai

Light microscope descriptions of meiosis I in males of the fungus gnat Sciara coprophila suggested the presence of a monopolar spindle in which maternal and limited chromosomes move poleward while paternal chromosomes "back away" from the pole. The ultrastructural analysis reported here, based upon serial sections of cells in different stages of meiosis I, shows that the spindle is indeed monopolar with a distinctive differentiation, the polar complex, at one pole. This complex is the focus of a conical radiation of spindle microtubules. Kinetochores of paternal chromosomes face the complex and microtubules associated with these kinetochores run toward the complex. No kinetochore microtubules were discovered on maternal or limited chromosomes. When the position of paternal, maternal, and limited chromosomes is compared at various stages, it is found that limited chromosomes always remain near the polar complex, paternal chromosomes remain far from it and only maternal chromosomes move closer to the pole. Apparently, chromosome segregation does not depend on paternal chromosomes "backing away" from the pole, and the required movement of maternal chromosomes take place in the absence of kinetochore microtubules. In the prophase nucleus, limited and maternal chromosomes are already spatially separate from paternal chromosomes before the spindle forms. Thus, the monopolar spindle functions only to increase the distance between already segregated sets of chromosomes. An extensive system of microtubule-associated membranes outlines the spindle; the possibility that maternal chromosome movement is somehow related to the presence of this membrane is discussed.

1997 ◽  
Vol 8 (11) ◽  
pp. 2119-2132 ◽  
Mark Winey ◽  
Defne Yarar ◽  
Thomas H. Giddings ◽  
David N. Mastronarde

The number of nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) in individual nuclei of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was determined by computer-aided reconstruction of entire nuclei from electron micrographs of serially sectioned cells. Nuclei of 32 haploid cells at various points in the cell cycle were modeled and found to contain between 65 and 182 NPCs. Morphological markers, such as cell shape and nuclear shape, were used to determine the cell cycle stage of the cell being examined. NPC number was correlated with cell cycle stage to reveal that the number of NPCs increases steadily, beginning in G1-phase, suggesting that NPC assembly occurs continuously throughout the cell cycle. However, the accumulation of nuclear envelope observed during the cell cycle, indicated by nuclear surface area, is not continuous at the same rate, such that the density of NPCs per unit area of nuclear envelope peaks in apparent S-phase cells. Analysis of the nuclear envelope reconstructions also revealed no preferred NPC-to-NPC distance. However, NPCs were found in large clusters over regions of the nuclear envelope. Interestingly, clusters of NPCs were most pronounced in early mitotic nuclei and were found to be associated with the spindle pole bodies, but the functional significance of this association is unknown.

1978 ◽  
Vol 79 (3) ◽  
pp. 737-763 ◽  
D H Tippit ◽  
D Schulz ◽  
J D Pickett-Heaps

The spindle of the colonial diatom Fragilaria contains two distinct sets of spindle microtubules (MTs): (a) MTs comprising the central spindle, which is composed of two half-spindles interdigitated to form a region of "overlap"; (b) MTs which radiate laterally from the poles. The central spindles from 28 cells are reconstructed by tracking each MT of the central spindle through consecutive serial sections. Because the colonies of Fragilaria are flat ribbons of contiguous cells (clones), it is possible, by using single ribbons of cells, to compare reconstructed spindles at different mitotic stages with minimal intercellular variability. From these reconstructions we have determined: (a) the changes in distribution of MTs along the spindle during mitosis; (b) the change in the total number of MTs during mitosis; (c) the length of each MT (measured by the number of sections each traverses) at different mitotic stages; (d) the frequency of different classes of MTs (i.e., free, continuous, etc.); (e) the spatial arrangement of MTs from opposite poles in the overlap; (f) the approximate number of MTs, separate from the central spindle, which radiate from each spindle pole. From longitudinal sections of the central spindle, the lengths of the whole spindle, half-spindle, and overlap were measured from 80 cells at different mitotic stages. Numerous sources of error may create inaccuracies in these measurements; these problems are discussed. The central spindle at prophase consists predominantly of continuous MTs (pole to pole). Between late prophase and prometaphase, spindle length increases, and the spindle is transformed into two half-spindles (mainly polar MTs) interdigitated to form the overlap. At late anaphase-telophase, the overlap decreases concurrent with spindle elongation. Our interpretation is that the MTs of the central spindle slide past one another at both late prophase and late anaphase. These changes in MT distribution have the effect of elongating the spindle and are not involved in the poleward movement of the chromosomes. Some aspects of tracking spindle MTs, the interaction of MTs in the overlap, formation of the prophase spindle, and our interpretation of rearrangements of MTs, are discussed.

1988 ◽  
Vol 90 (3) ◽  
pp. 501-516

The ultrastructure of the mitotic nuclear division cycle of the fungus Entomophaga aulicae was studied from serial sections of hyphal tips and protoplasts. The extranuclear bar-shaped nucleus- associated organelle (NAO) remained associated with the persistent nuclear envelope throughout. Prior to spindle formation, a patch of intranuclear NAO-associated chromatin detached from the nuclear envelope to yield a chromatin free zone containing fine filaments and a linear array of presumptive kinetochores. Early metaphase spindles less than 1μm in length were characterized by a ‘fused’ metaphase plate consisting of kinetochore-associated chromatin and a full complement of at least 15 kinetochore microtubules per half-spindle, while most of the chromatin was remote from the intranuclear spindle. Analysis of the distribution of antiparallel spindle microtubules indicated that polar separation and concomitant spindle elongation through metaphase were not accompanied by intermicrotubule sliding. Anaphase exhibited extensive decondensation of the large patches of condensed chromatin characteristic of all other stages. In a logarithmically growing protoplast population all nuclei contained spindle microtubules, with metaphase occupying approximately 66% of the nuclear cycle time. The calculated genome size of 4.3 pg, and average DNA content per chromosome of 0.3 pg, are extremely high for fungi.

1973 ◽  
Vol 19 (11) ◽  
pp. 1383-1387 ◽  
Lynn Rooney ◽  
Peter B. Moens

In cultures of cells which have been on sporulation medium for 22 h, all stages of meiosis and sporulation occur. In electron microscopy of glutaraldehyde-fixed cells, spindles and spindle-pole bodies are preserved but chromosomes and kinetochores are not apparent. Photographic records of complete serial sections of some 40 asci in different developmental stages show that during the first meiotic division, the nuclear envelope remains intact and the spindle elongates from about 1 μm to 4 μm. Each of the spindle-pole bodies then divides and the bilobed nucleus contains two short spindles (one in each lobe). During the second division the spindles elongate from about 0.5 μm to 3.5 μm while the nuclear envelope remains intact. As a result there is a four-lobed nucleus, either in a chain formation or in a more compact arrangement. The spindle-pole bodies increase in complexity to varying degrees during the second division. One becomes the organizer of a complete ascospore wall while the other three may develop an incomplete wall and eventually these three nuclei degenerate in the cytoplasm of the ascus. It is shown that the nuclear behavior during meiosis parallels that of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae but differs from that reported for Euascomycetes.

1997 ◽  
Vol 139 (2) ◽  
pp. 435-447 ◽  
Xuebiao Yao ◽  
Karen L. Anderson ◽  
Don W. Cleveland

Centromere-associated protein E (CENP-E) is a kinesin-related microtubule motor protein that is essential for chromosome congression during mitosis. Using immunoelectron microscopy, CENP-E is shown to be an integral component of the kinetochore corona fibers that tether centromeres to the spindle. Immediately upon nuclear envelope fragmentation, an associated plus end motor trafficks cytoplasmic CENP-E toward chromosomes along astral microtubules that enter the nuclear volume. Before or concurrently with initial lateral attachment of spindle microtubules, CENP-E targets to the outermost region of the developing kinetochores. After stable attachment, throughout chromosome congression, at metaphase, and throughout anaphase A, CENP-E is a constituent of the corona fibers, extending at least 50 nm away from the kinetochore outer plate and intertwining with spindle microtubules. In congressing chromosomes, CENP-E is preferentially associated with (or accessible at) the stretched, leading kinetochore known to provide the primary power for chromosome movement. Taken together, this evidence strongly supports a model in which CENP-E functions in congression to tether kinetochores to the disassembling microtubule plus ends.

1982 ◽  
Vol 95 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-104 ◽  
R B Nicklas ◽  
D F Kubai ◽  
T S Hays

Micromanipulation of living grasshopper spermatocytes in anaphase has been combined with electron microscopy to reveal otherwise obscure features of spindle organization. A chromosome is pushed laterally outside the spindle and stretched, and the cell is fixed with a novel, agar-treated glutaraldehyde solution. Two- and three-dimensional reconstructions from serial sections of seven cells show that kinetochore microtubules of the manipulated chromosome are shifted outside the confusing thicket of spindle microtubules and mechanical associations among microtubules are revealed by bent or shifted microtubules. These are the chief results: (a) The disposition of microtubules invariably is consistent with a skeletal role for spindle microtubules. (b) The kinetochore microtubule bundle is composed of short and long microtubules, with weak but recognizable mechanical associations among them. Some kinetochore microtubules are more tightly linked to one other microtubule within the bundle. (c) Microtubules of the kinetochore microtubule bundle are firmly connected to other spindle microtubules only near the pole, although some nonkinetochore microtubules of uncertain significance enter the bundle nearer to the kinetochore. (d) The kinetochore microtubules of adjacent chromosomes are mechanically linked, which provides an explanation for interdependent chromosome movement in "hinge anaphases." In the region of the spindle open to analysis after chromosome micromanipulation, microtubules may be linked mechanically by embedment in a gel, rather than by dynein or other specific, cross-bridging molecules.

2017 ◽  
Vol 216 (10) ◽  
pp. 3117-3132 ◽  
Aaron R. Tipton ◽  
Jonathan D. Wren ◽  
John R. Daum ◽  
Joseph C. Siefert ◽  
Gary J. Gorbsky

In mitosis, the dynamic assembly and disassembly of microtubules are critical for normal chromosome movement and segregation. Microtubule turnover varies among different mitotic spindle microtubules, dictated by their spatial distribution within the spindle. How turnover among the various classes of spindle microtubules is differentially regulated and the resulting significance of differential turnover for chromosome movement remains a mystery. As a new tactic, we used global microarray meta-analysis (GAMMA), a bioinformatic method, to identify novel regulators of mitosis, and in this study, we describe G2- and S phase–expressed protein 1 (GTSE1). GTSE1 is expressed exclusively in late G2 and M phase. From nuclear envelope breakdown until anaphase onset, GTSE1 binds preferentially to the most stable mitotic spindle microtubules and promotes their turnover. Cells depleted of GTSE1 show defects in chromosome alignment at the metaphase plate and in spindle pole integrity. These defects are coupled with an increase in the proportion of stable mitotic spindle microtubules. A consequence of this reduced microtubule turnover is diminished recruitment and activity of Aurora B kinase on chromosome arms. This decrease in Aurora B results in diminished binding of the chromokinesin Kif4A to chromosome arms.

2006 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 1959-1970 ◽  
Yasuhiro Araki ◽  
Corine K. Lau ◽  
Hiromi Maekawa ◽  
Sue L. Jaspersen ◽  
Thomas H. Giddings ◽  

The spindle pole body (SPB) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae functions to nucleate and organize spindle microtubules, and it is embedded in the nuclear envelope throughout the yeast life cycle. However, the mechanism of membrane insertion of the SPB has not been elucidated. Ndc1p is an integral membrane protein that localizes to SPBs, and it is required for insertion of the SPB into the nuclear envelope during SPB duplication. To better understand the function of Ndc1p, we performed a dosage suppressor screen using the ndc1-39 temperature-sensitive allele. We identified an essential SPB component, Nbp1p. NBP1 shows genetic interactions with several SPB genes in addition to NDC1, and two-hybrid analysis revealed that Nbp1p binds to Ndc1p. Furthermore, Nbp1p is in the Mps2p-Bbp1p complex in the SPB. Immunoelectron microscopy confirmed that Nbp1p localizes to the SPB, suggesting a function at this location. Consistent with this hypothesis, nbp1-td (a degron allele) cells fail in SPB duplication upon depletion of Nbp1p. Importantly, these cells exhibit a “dead” SPB phenotype, similar to cells mutant in MPS2, NDC1, or BBP1. These results demonstrate that Nbp1p is a SPB component that acts in SPB duplication at the point of SPB insertion into the nuclear envelope.

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