scholarly journals Seasonal catch composition and catch per unit effort of coastal fishery in Yenişakran (Çandarlı Bay, Aegean Sea)

2020 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-14
Tuğçe Şensurat Genç ◽  
Okan Akyol

This study presents the catch records of a coastal fisherman during daily fishing trip between 2017 and 2018 in Yenişakran, Çandarlı Bay (Aegean Sea). The trammel net and longline were used at depths of 5-25 m on a sandy bottom and the sea meadows during the year. A total of 39 species were identified from the both trammel netting and the longlining. Mean catch per unit effort (CPUE) values (8.7±0.1 kg/1000 m net and 12.9±0.8 kg/1000 hooks) shown that longlining was more efficient fishing gear than the trammel netting. In terms of mean CPUE values, there is significantly difference between trammel netting and longlining (p<0.05).

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-188
Ozan Soykan ◽  
Cemil Sağlam ◽  
İlker Aydın ◽  
Hasan Tuncay Kınacıgil

This study aimed to determine the impact of hook and bait type on the catch composition and catch per unit effort. Effects of hook and bait types on catch composition, catch per unit effort (CPUE), length and weight distributions in demersal longline fishery were determined by experimental surveys on demersal longline sets in the Aegean Sea. A total of 12 samplings corresponding to 4800 hook fishing effort were performed between April 2014 and September 2014. Two bait types; sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and grooved razor shell (Solen marginatus) and two hook types; J-hook and C-hook were tested. CPUE values were calculated for each species and assessed between different hook-bait combinations. A total of 623 individuals were captured belonging to 3 families and 9 species. It was found that more than 60% of total catch was captured by grooved razor shell and more than 50% of the total catch was caught with J type hook. J hook was found to be close to significant (p=0.06) and grooved razor shell was found significant (p=0.02) for CPUE. The effect of bait type was found to be more significant than that of hook type for CPUE and length distribution. Hook-bait combination differed according to species and C hook baited with sardine was determined to be the best combination for Sparus aurata as the most targeted fish in the study area. Discard ratio was calculated to be 34% in terms of weight and 42.5% in terms of total number of individuals for pooled data. The condition value (K) of the species ranged from 1.05 to 1.68 and differed according to bait type. Most of the high commercial value species caught with any hook-bait combination experimented within this study are larger than minimum fishing length according to minimum landing size regulations of Turkish fishery and maturity studies.

2002 ◽  
Vol 53 (8) ◽  
pp. 1161 ◽  
Diana Szteren ◽  
Enrique Páez

Southern sea lions (Otaria flavescens) forage in coastal fishery grounds in shallow waters, where they interact with coastal fishing activities. The main objective of this research was to evaluate the predation of southern sea lions on artisanal fishery catches and thus determine whether interactions with sea lions affected catches. Between July 1997 and March 1998, we observed 53 fishing events onboard artisanal fishing boats in four localities. The presence and number of sea lions around the boat and the numbers of each fish species consumed by sea lions were recorded by an onboard observer. To estimate the damage caused by sea lions to fishery catches, we considered two scenarios, a conservative scenario and a maximized scenario. Predation on catches was observed in 50.9% of all the fishing events and up to four sea lions were sighted in 67.9% of fishing events. Considering a conservative scenario, predation varied from 0.8 to 9.1% of the catch per unit effort (CPUE) depending on the location. Considering the maximized scenario, predation varied from 3.4 to 46.2%. However, no significant relationship was found between CPUE and the number of sea lions in any locality or with either type of fishing gear. Furthermore, CPUE did not differ in the presence or absence of sea lion interactions and predation per unit effort did not vary between localities or seasons. It was concluded that neither the presence of sea lions nor the damage they cause were responsible for variations in CPUE.

Water SA ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 43 (3) ◽  
pp. 463 ◽  
J.R. Sara ◽  
O.L.F. Weyl ◽  
S.M. Marr ◽  
W.J. Smit ◽  
P.S.O. Fouché ◽  

Irfan Yulianto ◽  
Budy Wiryawan ◽  
Am Azbas Taurusman ◽  
Prihatin I. Wahyuningrum ◽  
Vita R. Kurniawati

<p>ABSTRACT<br />Karimunjawa National Park is one of the national parks that have the objective to maintain fish populations in the Java Sea, where one of them is grouper. Grouper is one of the target fish in the national park. The objective of this study is to assess the conditions and dynamics of the grouper fishery in Karimunjawa National Park. Fish landing surveys were conducted to collect the data. Fishing gear types, grouper species, and weight of each species were collected. Calculation of Catch per Unit Effort (CPUE) per month and two-way ANOVA statistical tests were used for data analysis. Results of this study indicated that catches of grouper using speargun was significantly higher than the catch using handline. There was a seasonal cycle of the grouper catch, where the value of the highest CPUE occurred in transitional season between the west and east monsoon season, from March to May.<br />Key words: CPUE, grouper fishery, Karimunjawa National Park</p><p>-------</p><p><br />ABSTRAK<br />Taman Nasional Karimunjawa merupakan salah satu taman nasional yang salah satu tujuannya untuk mempertahankan populasi ikan di Laut Jawa, dimana salah satunya adalah perikanan kerapu. Ikan kerapu merupakan salah satu target penangkapan di perairan Taman Nasional Karimunjawa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kondisi dan dinamika perikanan kerapu di Taman Nasional Karimunjawa. Survei pendaratan ikan dilakukan untuk pengumpulan data. Data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini adalah alat tangkap yang digunakan untuk menangkap ikan kerapu, jenis hasil tangkapan, dan berat masing-masing jenis hasil tangkapan setiap trip. Perhitungan nilai Catch per Unit Effort (CPUE) setiap bulan dan uji statistik two ways ANOVA digunakan untuk analisis data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hasil tangkapan ikan kerapu dengan menggunakan speargun lebih tinggi dan berbeda nyata secara statistik dibandingkan hasil tangkapan dengan menggunakan pancing. Terdapat siklus musiman hasil tangkapan, dimana nilai CPUE tertinggi terjadi pada musim peralihan antara musim barat dan musim timur yakni dari bulan Maret hingga Mei.<br />Kata kunci: CPUE, perikanan kerapu, Taman Nasional Karimunjawa</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 919 (1) ◽  
pp. 012019
G N Huda ◽  
F N Adyatma ◽  
N Alfiatunnisa ◽  
F Rachman ◽  
S S Djasmani ◽  

Abstract This study aims to determine the effect of escape gap on catch composition, CPUE, and trap rate at the northern coast of Tuban Regency. The research was conducted by ten trips of experimental fishing at different locations in November 2019. A total of 60 units of cube folding traps were installed long line, consisting of cube folding traps without escape gaps, cube folding traps with escape gaps 6x3 cm, cube folding traps escape gaps 7x4 cm, 20 units, respectively. The fish catch composition consists of 18 species of 6 groups, i.e., fish, swimmer crab, shrimp, hermit crab, and snail. Fish were the most dominant group captured by cube folding traps in the northern coast of Tuban Regency (59.7%), followed by swimmer crab, snail, crab, shrimp, and hermit crab. The highest catch per unit effort was found in cube folding traps with escape gaps 7x4 cm as much as 6,94 gr/traps/trip. The highest of the trap rate (18%) was obtained in the cube folding traps without escape gap. There was a significant difference (p=95%) in the weight of fish catches and CPUE between cube folding traps without escape gaps and the cube folding traps with escape gaps 7 x 4 cm.

2009 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 19 ◽  
O. AKYOL ◽  

Catch per unit effort (CPUE) data from the coastal trammel prawn net fishery was estimated from fishery-dependent surveys in Izmir Bay (Aegean Sea) during the 2004-2005 fishing season. Catches were sampled from 18 boats for a total of 170 landings, 60 landings from April to July (first period) and 110 landings from August to November (second period). The mean CPUEs were 2.56 ± 0.39 kg. 10 net unit-1 in the first period and 2.29 ± 0.20 kg. 10 net unit-1 in the second period, and not significantly different between periods (P>0.05).

Sunarto Sunarto ◽  
Isrojaty Johanes Paransa ◽  
Alfred Luasunaung

Fish catches landed in the Oceanis Fisheries Port (OFP), Bitung, are mackerel (Decapterus sp), ray finned bony fish (Euthynus sp), yellowstripe scad (Selaroides sp), and mackerel (Rastrelliger sp). This study used descriptive method and aimed to know the composition and the fluctuation of mini purse seine catches landed in OFP Bitung, to know the catch per unit effort (CPUE), and to analyze the fishing season.  Catch composition in 2012-2016 consisted of Euthynnus spp. (37.30%), Decapterus sp. (27.59%), Selaroides sp. (25.89%), and Rastrelliger sp. (9.22%). The highest total number of catch occurred in 2014 (650.29 tons), then in 2015 (509. 91 ton), and 2016 (338.31 tons). The highest CPUE was recorded in 2012 and 2013, in November and August, respectively. In 2014, the highest occurred in September then December. In 2015, the highest was found in  January then March. In 2016, the highest was recorded in June than October and November. Fishing season in 2012 and 2013 occurred in October and August; In 2014, the highest was in September then December; in 2015, the highest occurred in January, and in 2016, the highest was in June.Keywords; mini purse seine, small pelagic fish, CPUE, fishing season ABSTRAK Hasil tangkapan yang di daratkan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudra (PPS) Bitung , adalah ikan layang (Decapterus sp), ikan tongkol (Euthynus sp), ikan selar (Selaroides sp), dan ikan kembung (Rastrelliger sp). Penelitian menggunakan metoda deskriptif, bertujuan mengetahui komposisi dan fluktuasi jumlah tangkapan mini purse seine yang didaratkan di PPS Bitung, mengetahui tingkat upaya penangkapan dengan mini purse seine, menganalisis musim penangkapan ikan dengan mini purse seine yang didaratkan di PPS Bitung.  Komposisi jumlah tangkapan mini purse seine rata-rata Tahun 2012 - 2016 terdiri ikan tongkol (37,30%); ikan layang (27,59%), ikan selar (25,89%) dan ikan kembung (9,22%). Total jumlah tangkapan tertinggi terjadi pada Tahun 2014 (650,29 ton), kemudian Tahun 2015 (509, 91 ton) dan Tahun 2016 (338,31 ton).  tingkat upaya penangkapan ikan (CPUE) dengan mini purse seine Tahun 2012 dan 2013, tertinggi pada bulan November kemudian Agustus; Tahun 2014 tertinggi bulan September kemudian Desember; Tahun 2015 tertinggi bulan Januari kemudian Maret; Tahun 2016 tertinggi bulan Juni kemudian Oktober dan November. Musim penangkapan ikan dengan mini purse seine Tahun 2012 dan 2013 terjadi pada bulan Oktober dan Agustus; Tahun 2014 tertinggi bulan September kemudian Desember; Tahun 2015 tertinggi bulan Januari dan Tahun 2016 tertinggi di bulan Juni.Kata-kata kunci, mini purse seine, pelagis kecil, CPUE, musim penangkapan

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 888-892

Paighambari SY, Eighani M. 2018. Seasonal variation of catch per unit effort and catch composition in a Persian Gulf longline fishery. Biodiversitas 19: 888-892. The catch per unit effort (CPUE), and catch composition of a Persian Gulf longline fishery were investigated during the study to develop essential information regarding the needs of longline fishing in Persian Gulf just to assist the artisanal fishermen. A total number of 2990 deployed hooks were set during spring and winter seasons. One catch contained 8 teleost fish and one elasmobranch species belonging to 8 families. In the spring season, 357 fish were counted during sampling out of which Netuma thalassina with 183 specimens (F= 51.3%) was the most abundant one. In winter season 235 specimens were collected, of which 17.7% were represented by the N. thalassina. So, there is no significant difference in fish assemblages were obtained between spring and winter seasons (R=0.567, P>0.05). Proportion of all caught fish below length at maturity was higher in the winter season than spring season. Data revealed significantly higher CPUE at spring season compared to winter (P<0.05), suggesting that in general, fishing at the spring season was necessarily more efficient than winters. Difference in CPUE between spring and winter seasons may be explained by the species response to the temperature cycle in the Persian Gulf. A better understanding of the complete catch including catch rate, catch composition, and their sizes, is therefore, an important step towards a sustainable Persian Gulf longline fishery.

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