“After You, Baroness!”: Ernest Hemingway and Karen Blixen (Isak Dinesen)

2016 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-109
Clara Juncker
2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (17) ◽  
pp. 105
Vanessa Sievers de Almeida

Neste artigo analiso alguns aspectos dos conceitos de ação e narrativa no pensamento de Hannah Arendt. Enfatizo a metamorfose operada pela narrativa que, na retrospectiva e por meio da imaginação, transforma a ação em estórias. Em especial, busco compreender por que Arendt afirma que as estórias são posteriores à ação e que é um equívoco tentar inverter essa ordem, sob a pena de eliminar a liberdade da ação. Baseio-me no capítulo sobre ação na obra “A condição humana” de Arendt e apresento alguns aspectos de seu texto sobre Karen Blixen, sob o pseudônimo de Isak Dinesen, publicado em “Homens em tempos sombrios”. Para aprofundar e ilustrar minha análise inicial, apresento e discuto, no final, o conto “A estória imortal”, de Karen Blixen, cujo enredo trata da tentativa pretensiosa de fabricar uma estória no mundo.

2013 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Priscila Marchiori Dal Gallo

A literatura pode ser entendida como uma expressão poética e lírica das vivências e experiências do escritor. Dentro desse contexto, a escrita se figura como uma possibilidade de autocompreensão e de reflexões diante de questões humanas universais. A literatura desvela o Ser, não só do autor, mas também o Ser humano. Buscamos pensar sobre tal entendimento da literatura na obra de Isak Dinesen: Minha Fazenda na África. Para tanto exploramos e refletimos no presente texto as conexões entre: escritor e obra; leitor e obra; escritor-leitor-obra para assim avançarmos mais especificamente para as ponderações a respeito das conexões entre a escrita de Isak Dinesen e as experiências de Karen Blixen. Pelas vias do tom autobiográfico de Minha Fazenda na África, entrecruzamos a escritora e seu pseudônimo de modo a desvendar as motivações, anseios, devaneios e escapismos que estão envolvidos no ato de criação literária de Karen e que desvelam o sentido ontológico de sua escrita.Palavras-chave: Literatura. Experiência. Escapismo.REFLECTIONS ON THE ONTOLOGICAL RAMIFICATIONS OF THE ART OF KAREN BLIXEN: out of AfricaAbstract: Literature can be understood as a poetical and lyric expression of the experiences of the writer. Inside of this context, the writing configures itself as a possibility of self-understanding and reflections in front of questions of universal human beings. Literature reveals the Being, not only of the author, but also the Human being. We seek to think about such understanding of the literature on the work of Isak Dinesen: Out of Africa. In order to do so we explore and reflect in the present text about the connections between: writer and work; reader and work; writer-reader-work thus to advance more specifically for the considerations regarding the connections between the writing of Isak Dinesen and the experiences of Karen Blixen. Through the autobiographical tone of Out of Africa, we intercross the writer and its pseudonym in order to unmask the motivations, desires, dreams and escapisms that are involved in the act of Karen' literary creation which unveil the ontological sense of her writing.Keywords: Literature. Experience. Escapism.REFLEXIONES SOBRE LAS RAMIFICACIONES ONTOLÓGICAS DE LA OBRA DE KAREN BLIXEN: mi hacienda en ÁfricaResumen: La literatura puede ser entendida como una expresión poética y lírica de las vivencias y experiencias del escritor. Dentro de este contexto, la escritura se presenta como una posibilidad de autocomprensióny de las reflexiones delante de las preguntas universales de los seres humanos. La literatura revela el Ser, no sólo del autor, sino también del Ser humano. Tratamos de pensar en esa comprensión de la literatura en la obra de Isak Dinesen: mi hacienda en África. De tal manera exploramos y reflejamos en este texto sobre las conexiones: escritor y obra; lector y obra; escritor-lector-obra y así a avanzar más específicamente para las consideraciones con respecto a las conexiones entre la escritura de Isak Dinesen y las experiencias de Karen Blixen. A través del tono autobiográfico de Memorias de África, entrecruzamos el escritor y su seudónimo para desenmascarar las motivaciones, los deseos, los sueños y los escapismos que intervienen en el acto de la creación literaria de Karen y que devela el sentido ontológico de su escritura.Palabras clave: Literatura. Experiencia. Escapismo.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1097184X2110255
Peter Mortensen

Gender is a key factor in shaping perceptions of environmental relationships, and moving toward sustainability requires that we rethink dominant ideas about both femininity and masculinity. Danish bilingual author Karen Blixen (1885–1962) wrote cryptic and convoluted stories under the male pseudonym Isak Dinesen, and while there is an abundance of feminist scholarship on Dinesen, her critique of masculine identity and her relevance to the emergent field of ecomasculinity studies have so far gone unnoticed. In this essay, I draw on feminist scholarship and cultural histories of male embodiment, as I analyze fluid masculine corporeality in “The Monkey” (1934) and “Ehrengard” (1962). In both her early and late narratives, I argue, Dinesen pushes back against the 20th century “metallization” of male bodies with baroque narratives and characters whose trajectories begin to produce novel and fruitful understandings of masculinity and the male body in relation to other bodies and the more-than-human world. More specifically, what I label “fluidification” designates recurring moments in Dinesen’s writing when corporeal boundaries are breached and male characters find themselves re-manned and re-environed by their bodies’ all-too-human participation in “transcorporeal” flows. The male bodies that populate Dinesen’s fiction, I find, diverge strikingly from the seamlessly solid, statuesque, and self-enclosed men of steel fantasized by contemporary fascists, communists, futurists, militarists, and machine-age modernists. While the hegemonic ideal of hard, dry, anti-ecological masculinity has persisted and even flourished to the present day, I approach Dinesen’s fictions as counterhegemonic sites where alternative earth-friendlier meanings of masculinity can become visible.

2016 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 107
Ieva Steponavičiūtė

The Danish classic Karen Blixen (1885–1962) wrote both in English and Danish and she is better known for the English-reading audience by her pseudonym Isak Dinesen. The article takes its departure from two extremes in her reception. The first extreme is the paramount interest in her person and life, and the other one is the new-critical and post-structural rejection of her biography. The present article pursues the middle way. First of all, this is done by tracing the presence of the fictional construct of the author and the storyteller (however, in many ways related to Karen Blixen’s person) in her texts, such as “Babette’s Feast”, “The Young Man with the Carnation” and “Deluge at Norderney”. Second, the article demonstrates how Blixen’s texts sanction the audience’s freedom and imply that reception is part of the artistic act. Finally, it suggests that Blixen’s readers can return the generosity, which Blixen’s oeuvre demonstrates in their respect. This can be done by applying biographical material intertextually, when interpreting these stories or staging them in one’s mind – without any obligation to treat the writer’s person and life as the ultimate and stable source for the meaning of these stories.

2021 ◽  
Annegret Heitmann

The bilingual oeuvre of Karen Blixen/Isak Dinesen contains many traces of inescapable connections and distant reverberations from the entire world: relations to far-off places, figures of mobility and foreignness; a ‘global mix’ of literary forms; innumerable references to intertextual works from world literature; and provocative perceptions of the world. Drawing upon globalisation theories, this study is the first to focus on this hitherto neglected aspect of Blixen’s/Dinesen´s relationship to the world, which runs right through the anecdotes, figures and tropes in her work. In their engagement with the world as a whole, her narratives reflect models and dynamics of globality, while aesthetically representing connectivity and an awareness of foreignness.

1974 ◽  
Vol 69 (3) ◽  
pp. 711
Geoffrey Cubbin ◽  
Donald Hannah

Sofia Osthoff Bediaga ◽  
Suzi Frankl Sperber

O presente artigo tem como objetivo investigar de que modo a autora Isak Dinesen (pseudônimo e personagem viva de Karen Blixen) utiliza certos recursos para invocar a memória das tradições pagãs europeias. Entre eles, há o animismo, em que a natureza, especialmente o mar, tem agência e intenção, interferindo com e manipulando o enredo - remetendo ao sistema ontológico animista, que caracteriza o modo de pensar do paganismo. Há também o emprego do storytelling, modo como os conhecimentos são transmitidos entre as gerações por essas populações, e a presença constante da figura da bruxa. Ao empregar esses elementos em sua escrita, Dinesen cria um tipo peculiar de modernismo que subverte as leis da composição literária clássica através da retomada de outro tipo de tradição, que há séculos questiona e resiste ao status quo.

1986 ◽  
Vol 60 (4) ◽  
pp. 640
Kathleen Chase ◽  
Bodil Wamberg ◽  
W. Glyn Jones

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