scholarly journals Preliminary results of studies on the distribution of invasive alien vascular plant species occurring in semi-natural and natural habitats in NW Poland

2015 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-35 ◽  
Agnieszka Popiela ◽  
Andrzej Łysko ◽  
Zofia Sotek ◽  
Krzysztof Ziarnek

Abstract In Western Pomerania, as in other areas of Europe, alien species play an increasingly important role. In particular, invasive plants tend to spread rapidly and in large numbers which may reduce diversity of native species, leading to the phenomenon of “trivialisation of flora”, and transform ecosystems. The list of invasive species (32 taxa) includes alien species occurring throughout Western Pomerania, and penetrating natural or semi-natural habitats. The second group consists of potentially invasive species (23 taxa), i.e. those distributed across the area under study and tending to increase the number of their localities in semi-natural and natural habitats, taxa invasive only locally, as well as species with missing data, which does not currently allow including them into the first group. Invasive weeds, as well as some epecophytes and archaeophytes occurring only on anthropogenic sites and tending to spread, were not taken into account. Among hemiagriophytes, the most common and troublesome ones are: Conyza canadensis, Erigeron annuus, Lolium multiflorum, Lupinus polyphyllus, Solidago canadensis, S. gigantea. Among holoagriophytes, i.e. the taxa which received the highest naturalisation status, very expansive species, successful in land colonisation, like Acer negundo, Bidens frondosa, B. connata, Clematis vitalba, Elodea canadensis, Epilobium ciliatum, Heracleum sosnowskyi, Impatiens glandulifera, I. parviflora, Padus serotina, Quercus rubra and Robinia pseudoacacia, should be given particular attention. Among the invasive and potentially invasive species, most taxa penetrate plant communities of the Artemisietea and Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class, followed by Querco-Fagetea, Vaccinio-Piceetea, Stellarietea mediae, Salicetea purpurae and Koelerio-Corynophoretea. The number of invasive species is twice as high when compared to the situation of these species in Poland; on the contrary, the number of species inhabiting anthropogenic, semi-natural and natural habitats is two times lower, while that of holoagriophytes and hemiagriophytes is 56.3% and 43.7%, respectively. It seems that in the case of some invasive and potentially invasive species, a decrease in the number of their locations may be observed from the west to the east (e.g. for Acer negundo, Bromus carinatus, Clematis vitalba, Helianthus tuberosus, Lycium barbarum, Reynoutria japonica, Rosa rugosa, Vicia grandiflora). Distribution patterns for some species (e.g. for Parthenocytisus inserta or Xanthium albinum) are indicative of a likely major role of the Odra River valley in the spreading of invasive species. It should be kept in mind that the area of the North-West Poland is poorly examined in terms of its flora, so the results provided in this paper are tentative. Nevertheless, the maps illustrate colonisation trends and directions and, moreover, have been so far the only attempt to synthesise this problem in NW Poland.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-22
Vladimir Mikhailovich Vasjukov ◽  
Lyubov Alexandrovna Novikova

The paper deals with naturalized alien plants in Penza Region. There are 75 naturalized alien plant species in the flora of the Penza Region, the most dangerous for natural ecosystems of them are 10 transformers species ( Acer negundo , Bidens frondosa , Echinocystis lobata , Elaeagnus angustifolia , Elodea canadensis , Fraxinus lanceolata , Fraxinus pennsylvanica , Phalacrolomaseplentrionale , Salix euxina , Ulmus pumila ), 20 alien species, actively settled and invasive in semi-natural and natural habitats ( Amelanchier spicata , Conyza canadensis , Cuscuta campestris , Echinochloa crusgalli , Epilobium adenocaulon , Epilobium pseudorubescens , Geranium sibiricum , Heracleumsosnowskyi , Helianthus subcanescens , Hippopha rhamnoides , Impatiens glandulifera , Juncus tenuis , Malus domestica , Oenothera villosa s.l., Parthenocissus inserta , Phragmites altissimus , Sambucus racemosa , Sambucus sibirica , Solidago canadensis s.l., Xanthium albinum ), 45 alien species, invasive and settled at present in disturbed habitats ( Acroptilon repens , Amaranthus albus , Amaranthus blitoides , Amaranthus retroflexus , Ambrosia artemisiifolia , Ambrosiatrifida , Anisantha tectorum , Arrhenatherumelatius , Artemisia sieversiana , Atriplex tatarica , Bassia sieversiana , Berberisvulgaris , Cannabisruderalis , Caragana arborescens , Cardaria draba , Centaurea diffusa , Chamomilla suaveolens , Crataegus monogyna , Cyclachaena xanthiifolia , Elsholtzia ciliata , Galega orientalis , Galinsoga quadriradiata , Galinsoga parviflora , Grindelia squarrosa , Gypsophila perfoliata , Hordeum jubatum , Impatiens parviflora , Kali collina , Lepidium densiflorum , Leymusracemosus , Lolium perenne , Lupinus polyphyllus , Oenothera biennis , Oenothera rubricaulis , Onobrychisviciifolia , Populusbalsamifera , Portulaca oleracea , Robiniapseudoacacia , Senecio viscosus , Sisymbriumvolgense , Symphyotrichum salignum s.l., Symphytumcaucasicum , Typha laxmannii , Vinca minor , Xanthoxalis stricta ).

2015 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-90
Izabella Kirpluk ◽  
Anna Bomanowska

Abstract Studies aimed at the identification of the range and method of spread of alien plant species in settlement areas in Kampinos National Park (KNP) and its immediate vicinity were carried out in years 2012-2014. Special emphasis was put on surveying the sites of invasive alien species (IAS), and diagnosing potential threats posed to the natural and semi-natural vegetation of the national park by the IAS present in rural areas. We found 53 alien vascular plant species, including 40 invasive taxa which may potentially pose a threat to the ecosystems of KNP. Species encroaching from settlement areas to semi-natural and natural communities included: Bidens frondosa, Echinocystis lobata, Impatiens glandulifera, I. parviflora, Juncus tenuis, Lupinus polyphyllus, Reunoutria japonica and Solidago gigantea. Most of them were species from the highest invasiveness (IV and III) classes in Poland. Similarity analysis carried out for all investigated localities with regard to all alien species, and only for invasive ones showed a clear division into separate groups: villages within the boundaries of the national park and villages outside the park.

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 276-290 ◽  
R. I. Burda ◽  
S. N. Koniakin

The process of invasion, naturalization, dispersion and invasive activity of non-native woody species in 5 regional floras, 5 urban floras and over 30 floras of the protected areas is discussed. It has been established that 182 non-native species out of 95 genera and 45 families are currently at different naturalization stages in the spontaneous flora of Ukraine. In terms of life-forms, they may be divided as follows: trees – 41%, shrubs – 35%, trees/shrubs – 15%, lianas – 9%. Most species spread both via seed dispersal and the vegetative way – 56%, using only seed dispersal – 42%, only the vegetative way – 2%. According to the preliminary rating of species-wise invasive activity, 71 species (40%) have naturalized completely, among them 20 invasive species, including 12 transformer species, 29 potentially invasive species, and 22 naturalized species which demonstrate no invasive tendencies. The initial stages of invasion of 111 species are as follows: introduction – 9%, survival – 36%, adaptation of the reproductive sphere – 28%, establishment, formative of local populations – 27%. In terms of dispersion, non-naturalized species are divided as follows: rare – 45%, local – 16%, sporadic – 6%, unique – 12%, spreading under control beyond collections and expositions in botanical gardens and arboretums – 21%. Twelve transformer species, the greatest threat to local diversity, are Acer negundo, Ailanthus altissima, Amorpha fruticosa, Bupleurum fruticosum, Elaeagnus angustifolia, E. rhamnoides, Fraxinus ornus, Parthenocissus quinquefolia, P. vitacea, Robinia pseudoacacia, Rhamnus alaternus, Salix × blanda and 8 invasive proper species: Berberis aquifolia, Colutea orientalis, Daphne laureola, Prunus cerasifera, P. serotina, Quercus ilex, Viburnum tinus, Vitis vinifera. The list of alien species, most widespread in 50 regions of Europe, includes Robinia pseudoacacia (42 regions), Ailanthus altissima (40), Acer negundo (38), Prunus cerasus (34), Quercus rubra (34), Rosa rugosa (34), Prunus domestica (31). The mitigation of the impacts of these species on local biodiversity is possible via the restoration of local native plant communities, land use organization, strict selection of introduced species prior to the introduction, culture of planting management, preventive measures and extending awareness and sharing of information about plant invasions. Therefore, Ukraine’s spontaneous flora is notable for the active process of naturalization of non-native woody species with considerable involvement of invasive alien species. This is the first and preliminary evaluation of the invasive activity of woody species in Ukraine’s flora. The manifestations of the global tendency of increased involvement and invasive activity of alien woody species in domestic flora have been confirmed. These conclusions are also relevant for elaborating the system of preventive, containing and mitigating measures regarding plant invasions in Ukraine.

L. A. Lepeshkina ◽  
M. A. Klevtsova ◽  
A. A. Voronin

The processes of depletion of zonal vegetation are closely related to the settlement of invasive species. Within the forest ecosystems of the urban district of Voronezh, 31 invasive species from 30 genera and 19 families were recorded. The method of ecological scales revealed the ecological-coenotic aspects of phytoinvasions. The sample involved geobotanical descriptions (grouped by formational feature) of native phytocenoses without an alien component in the flora and phytocenoses replacing them with the active participation of invasive species within the same research object. Infestations of these species are accompanied by the development of allogeneic successions, which are characterized by a decrease in the species diversity of communities and the role of native taxa in them. The processes of infestations are typical for the region and are observed in communities of floodplain forests and meadows, native and derived forests and sub-forests, broad-leaved and mixed forests, slope meadow and steppes. Plant invasions in the coniferous and deciduous forests of the district are characterized by the expansion of 3 species of woody (Acer negundo, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Robinia pseudoacacia), 5 species of shrub (Sambucus racemosa, Caragana arborescens Lam., Viburnum lantana, Amelanchier spicata, Parthenocissus quinquefolia) and 4 species of herbaceous plants (Bidens frondosa, Impatiens parviflora, Galinsoga parviflora, Solidago canadensis). Phytoindication of pine forests shows the transformation of all 10 environmental indicators for communities with invasive species. For broad-leaved forests, the introduction of biomorphologically close taxa to native species does not lead to a sharp transformation of the ecological parameters of forest biotopes. The introduction of alien species into alder forests leads to a change in the ecological parameters of their biotopes towards mesophilization. This speeds up the process of the emergence of new alien species from the number of mesophytic taxa and an increase in the role of already settled ones. From 2007 to 2017, the invasive flora of the alder forests of the Voronezh increased from one species to four. According to the degree of invasiveness, the ecosystems of the southern upland, southwest oak forest, northern upland oak forests and pine forests have average values of 6.4 %, 6.1 %, 5.1 %, 5.7 %, respectively. Alder forests are minimally invasive, the share of invasive species is 1.3 %, which does not exceed 5 % of the threshold. Minor changes cover indicators: climate thermal mode (TM), continental climate (KN), climate aridity / humidity (OM), cryoclimatic (CR), soil trophicity (TR), soil acidity (RC), moisture variability (FH). Communities with a high level of participation of invasive species are actively developing in ecotonic conditions: forest edges and alder areas of terraces. As a result of the settlement of alien species in the Alder forests, a decrease in the price activity of the following native species is observed: Impatiens noli-tangere, Humulus lupulus, Solanum dulcamara, Thelypteris palustris, Paris quadrifolia, Maianthemum bifolium. To warn of the possible expansion of Acer negundo, Parthenocissus quinquefolia and Galinsoga parviflora, a high water cut regime for alder forests is required. Under the conditions of global and climatic changes, this is a rather complicated task, requiring constant monitoring of the abiotic and biotic components of the forest, as well as the regulation of nature management regimes in the floodplains of small rivers. The implementation of ecological and cenotic strategies for invasive species in forest communities is accompanied by a restructuring of the ecology of biotopes, which is expressed in the transformation of the ecological parameters of pine forests, mesophilization of alder biotopes, increasing the moisture content and richness of oak forests, the emergence of new alien species and reducing the cenotic activity of some native taxa. The most significant changes are subject to parameters: soil moisture (HD), soil nitrogen richness (NT), illumination/shading (LC).

2015 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-62
Zbigniew Wilczek ◽  
Zuzanna Chabowska ◽  
Wojciech Zarzycki

Abstract Gravel bars are the initial habitats, inseparably connected to the mountain streams. On the one hand, they are an unstable substrate, influenced by the overflows and high waters; however, they are also exposed to strong sunlight and heat. This situation determines specific vegetation which, due to dynamic changes in the habitat, has a pioneer character. What is more, gravel bars are areas where many river migratory species and many random species appear. Among them, there are also synanthropic species. In years 2011-2012, floristic and phytosociological studies were conducted in the Silesian Beskids. The goal of these studies was to recognize the vegetation of the gravel bars of the Vistula and the Brennica rivers - from their springs in the Silesian Beskids to the point where the Brennica River flows into the Vistula River in the Silesian Foothills. The studied section of the two rivers is regulated. Particular attention was paid to the synanthropic species that pose a threat to the native flora. In 9 recognized types of plant communities, 293 vascular plant species were recognized. More than 15% of the flora were alien species (45) and 22 of them were considered to be invasive. The most common invasive species that were spotted included: Impatiens glandulifera, Heracleum mantegazzianum and Reynoutria japonica. Plant communities with the biggest number and share of alien species were Plantago major-Barbarea vulgaris community and Phalaridetum arundinaceae.

2016 ◽  
pp. 13-27 ◽  
L. M. Abramova ◽  
Ya. M. Golovanon

The Republic of Bashkortostan is located between 51°34′ –56 °10′ N and 53°10′ — 59°59′ E, its length from the north to the south — 550 km, from the west to the east — 450 km. The territory of Bashkortostan consists of three main natural regions (provinces): the Bashkir Cis-Urals (about 65 % of the area), the South Urals (29 %) and the Bashkir Trans-Urals (6 %). These areas differ not only by the natural conditions (topography, climate, soil, vegetation, etc.), but also by their level of economic development. Currently, an expansion and naturalization of a number of North American alien species of the family Asteraceae Dumort. of the genera Ambrosia L., Xanthium L., Bidens L., Galinsoga Ruiz & Pav., Cyclachaena Fresen. etc. (Abramova, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015) are observed in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Since 1990th of XX century we conduct a geobotanical research of communities with alien species. The article represents the third part of series of publications devoted to the classification of communities with alien species in the South Urals. The results of vegetation classification of communities with species from the gene­ra Ambrosia L., Cyclachaena (Nutt.) Fresen and Xanthium L. were published earlier (Abramova, 2011, 2015). In this article the communities with participation of three aggressive alien species such as: Bidens frondosa L., Hordeum jubatum L. and Urtica cannabina L. are presented. Two of them— Bidens frondosa and Hordeum jubatum — are included in “The black book of flora of the Central Russia” (Vinogradova, et al., 2010), and they are invasive species of many regions of Russia, and the third – Urtica cannabina — an invasive species of the South Urals (Abramova, 2014). As a result of the carried-out classification a Prodrome of communities is made, the synoptic table of syntaxa is given.

2012 ◽  
pp. 169-182
Marija Popovic ◽  
Marija Markovic

Urban areas are among the most important centres of invasive plant species distribution due to their richness in alien species. Because of that, a detailed floristic analysis of perennial flowerbeds was conducted in the central parks of Belgrade. A total of 53 perennial species were found, of which 55% were the alien species planted on 75% of the research area. Among them, two species (Aster novi belgii and Solidago canadensis) are invasive and six species are potentially invasive in Serbia. These are planted on 5% and 20% of the flowerbeds, respectively. We can conclude that both the experts and institutions should be informed about the invasive species and potential damages. In the meantime, planting of native decorative species should be encouraged, since they will not pose a threat to natural habitats. Also, detailed research should be conducted in order to eradicate invasive and potentially invasive species from the surfaces around the research area.

BMC Zoology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Shannon E. Pittman ◽  
Ian A. Bartoszek

Abstract Background Dispersal behavior is a critical component of invasive species dynamics, impacting both spatial spread and population density. In South Florida, Burmese pythons (Python bivittatus) are an invasive species that disrupt ecosystems and have the potential to expand their range northward. Control of python populations is limited by a lack of information on movement behavior and vital rates, especially within the younger age classes. We radio-tracked 28 Burmese pythons from hatching until natural mortality for approximately 3 years. Pythons were chosen from 4 clutches deposited by adult females in 4 different habitats: forested wetland, urban interface, upland pine, and agricultural interface. Results Known-fate survival estimate was 35.7% (95% CI = 18% - 53%) in the first 6 months, and only 2 snakes survived 3 years post hatching. Snakes moving through ‘natural’ habitats had higher survival than snakes dispersing through ‘modified’ habitats in the first 6- months post-hatching. Predation was the most common source of mortality. Snakes from the agricultural interface utilized canals and displayed the largest net movements. Conclusions Our results suggest that pythons may have lower survival if clutches are deposited in or near urbanized areas. Alternatively, juvenile pythons could quickly disperse to new locations by utilizing canals that facilitate linear movement. This study provides critical information about behavioral and life history characteristics of juvenile Burmese pythons that will inform management practices.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. e25306
Shyama Pagad

The Global Register of Introduced and Invasive Species (GRIIS) presents annotated country checklists of introduced and invasive species. Annotations include higher taxonomy of the species, synonyms, environment/system in which the species occurs, and its biological status in that country. Invasiveness is classified by evidenced impact in that country. Draft country checklists are subjected to a process of validation and verification by networks of country experts. Challenges encountered across the world include confusion with alien/invasive species terminology, classification of the ‘invasive’ status of an alien species and issues with taxonomic synonyms.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. e24749
Quentin Groom ◽  
Tim Adriaens ◽  
Damiano Oldoni ◽  
Lien Reyserhove ◽  
Diederik Strubbe ◽  

Reducing the damage caused by invasive species requires a community approach informed by rapidly mobilized data. Even if local stakeholders work together, invasive species do not respect borders, and national, continental and global policies are required. Yet, in general, data on invasive species are slow to be mobilized, often of insufficient quality for their intended application and distributed among many stakeholders and their organizations, including scientists, land managers, and citizen scientists. The Belgian situation is typical. We struggle with the fragmentation of data sources and restrictions to data mobility. Nevertheless, there is a common view that the issue of invasive alien species needs to be addressed. In 2017 we launched the Tracking Invasive Alien Species (TrIAS) project, which envisages a future where alien species data are rapidly mobilized, the spread of exotic species is regularly monitored, and potential impacts and risks are rapidly evaluated in support of policy decisions (Vanderhoeven et al. 2017). TrIAS is building a seamless, data-driven workflow, from raw data to policy support documentation. TrIAS brings together 21 different stakeholder organizations that covering all organisms in the terrestrial, freshwater and marine environments. These organizations also include those involved in citizen science, research and wildlife management. TrIAS is an Open Science project and all the software, data and documentation are being shared openly (Groom et al. 2018). This means that the workflow can be reused as a whole or in part, either after the project or in different countries. We hope to prove that rapid data workflows are not only an indispensable tool in the control of invasive species, but also for integrating and motivating the citizens and organizations involved.

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