scholarly journals The Robin, Erithacus Rubecula (Passeriformes, Turdidae), as a Component of Heterotrophic Consortia of Forest Cenoses, Northeast Ukraine. Part 2

2016 ◽  
Vol 50 (6) ◽  
pp. 493-502
A. B. Chaplygina ◽  
D. I. Yuzyk ◽  
N. O. Savynska

Abstract The role of the robin as a determinant of heterotrophic consortia is considered. The robin is a consort of determinants of autotrophic consortia, which core is represented mostly by dominating species of deciduous trees (Quercus robur Linnaeus, 1753, Tilia cordata Miller, 1768, Acer platanoides Linnaeus, 1753, Acer campestre Linnaeus, 1753), and also by sedges (Carex sp.) and grasses (Poaceae), connected with the determinants by fabric links. The robin also belongs to the concentr of the second and higher orders as a component of forest biogeocenoses and it is also the main determinant in species composition of the insects inhabiting bird nests. As a result of the taxonomic analysis of invertebrates in the robin nests, it has been found out that the most numerous class was Insecta (9 orders and 27 families), with the dominance of Coleoptera (30.7 %). The nidicolous fauna of the robin (38 species) was dominated by zoophages along with parasites and hematophages such as Hippoboscidae (46.4 %). The percentage of phytophages and saprophages among the invertebrate nest inhabitants was somewhat less (21 % each), then followed necrophages (12 %). Zoophages and parasites also dominated according to the number of objects in the nests (42 %; n = 150), the less was the portion of phytophages (34 %), saprophages (18 %), and necrophages (6 %). The highest number of species and objects of zoophages was recorded for climax and mature biocenoses (oak forests in NNP “HL” and pine cenoses in NNP “H””).

2016 ◽  
Vol 50 (4) ◽  
pp. 369-378 ◽  
A. B. Chaplygina ◽  
D. I. Yuzyk ◽  
N. O. Savynska

Abstract The role of the robin, Erithacus rubecula Linnaeus, 1758 as a consort of autotrophic consortia is considered. It has been found that representatives of 9 higher taxa of animals (Mammalia, Aves, Gastropoda, Insecta, Arachnida, Acarina, Malacostraca, Diplopoda, Clitellata) have trophic and topical links with the robin. At the same time, the robin is a consort of determinants of autotrophic consortia, which core is represented mostly by dominating species of deciduous trees (Quercus robur Linnaeus, 1753 (24.6 %), Tilia cordata Miller, 1768 (17.5 %), Acer platanoides Linnaeus, 1753 (22.8 %), Acer campestre Linnaeus, 1753), and also by sedges (Carex sp.) and grasses (Poaceae). The robin also belongs to the concentre of the second and higher orders as a component of forest biogeocenoses and forms a complex trophic system. In the diet of its nestlings, there have been found 717 objects from 32 invertebrate taxa, belonging to the phylums Arthropoda (99.2 %, 31 species) and Annelida (0.8 %, 1 species). The phylum Arthropoda was represented by the most numerous class Insecta (76.9 %), in which 10 orders (Lepidoptera (46.8 %) dominates) and 20 families were recorded, and also by the classes Arachnida (15.0 %), Malacostraca (5.3 %) and Diplopoda (1.9 %). The invertebrate species composition was dominated by representatives of a trophic group of zoophages (14 species; 43.8 %); the portion of phytophages (7 species; 21.9 %), saprophages (18.7 %), and necrophages (15.6 %) was the less. The highest number of food items was represented by phytophages (N = 717; 51 %), followed by zoophages (34 %), saprophages (12 %), and necrophages (3 %). The difference among study areas according to the number of food items and the number of species in the robin nestling diet is shown. In NNP “HF”, the highest number of food items was represented by phytophages - 47 % (N = 443), whereas zoophages were the most species-rich group (43.3 %, 13 species). In NNP “H”, phytophages also prevailed in food items - 62.3 % (N = 164), but the number of phyto-, zoo- and saprophage species was equal (30.8 %, 13 species). In the forest park, zoophages were more frequent - 45.5 % (N = 110), but phytophages were the most species-rich (42.9 %).

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (8) ◽  
pp. 14-18
V. P. Masalskiy ◽  
S. I. Kuznetsov

Висвітлено результати досліджень складу насаджень дендрологічних парків Лісостепу України. Встановлено, що в складі насаджень парків кількісно переважають рослини аборигенних видів. Разом із дубом звичайним (Quercus robur L.) паркоутворювальну роль відіграють його супутники: клен гостролистий (Acer platanoides L.), ясен звичайний (Fraxinus exelsior L.), липа серцелиста (Tilia cordata Mill.), клен польовий (Acer campestre L.), клен явір (Acer pseudoplatanus L.), граб звичайний (Carpinus betulus L.), в'язові. Зроблено порівняльний аналіз аборигенної та інтродукованої дендрофлори в дендропарках Лісостепу України з таких критеріїв: функціональність, економічність та естетичність. З погляду функціональності доведено, що садово-паркові об'єкти, основу яких складають аборигенні види покритонасінних, легко створювати, за ними легко доглядати і такі об'єкти є більш довговічними. Доведено, що з економічного погляду парки, створені з покритонасінних аборигенної дендрофлори, є дешевшими за парки, створені з інтродуцентів у 10–15 разів. Встановлено, що парки, створені аборигенною дендрофлорою покритонасінних, мають найбільший позитивний психоемоційний вплив на відвідувачів і є комфортними для відпочинку. Отже, для створення парків, аборигенна дендрофлора є саме тим елементом ландшафту, який повною мірою відповідає основним трьом критеріям оцінки садово-паркового об'єкта, а значить є головним паркоутворювальним елементом.

2020 ◽  
Vol 87-88 ◽  
pp. 108-114
Lyubov Pleskach ◽  
Vitaliy Virchenko

Investigations of the species diversity of epiphytic bryophytes of the State Dendrological Park “Olexandria” (the historical part and the “Budynok Lisnyka” plot) were conducted in 2017–2019 and revealed 40 species representing 22 genera, 17 families, seven orders, two classes, and two divisions. This corresponds to 46.51 % of the total number of detected bryophytes in the park. The leading families in the bryoflora of the park are Orthotrichaceae (9 species), Brachytheciaceae (6), Amblystegiaceae (3), Anomodontaceae (3), Dicranaceae (3), Hypnaceae (3), and Pottiaceae (2). The leading genera are Orthotrichum (9 species), Anomodon (3), and Dicranum (3).Among the identified taxa, five species (Dicranum tauricum, Orthotrichum lyellii, Porella platyphylla, Sciuro-hypnum reflexum, and Syntrichia virescens) are regionally rare within the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. Most of the recorded epiphytic mosses were found on the bark of Acer platanoides (28 species), Fraxinus excelsior (27), Quercus robur (26), Acer campestre (23), and Tilia cordata (22). The least epiphytic mosses were found on the bark of conifers (Pinus sylvestris, P. strobus, Picea abies, Larix decidua, etc.).The surveyed trees in the State Dendrological Park “Olexandria” were also found such epigeal mosses as Plagiomnium cuspidatum, Ceratodon purpureus, Dicranella heteromalla, and Pohlia nutans, as well as epixilic moss Dicranum flagellare, etc.The “Budynok Lisnyka” plot hosts three species that do not occur in the park’s historical part. In particular, Lophocolea heterophylla and Sciuro-hypnum curtum were found there on Quercus robur trunks and Sciuro-hypnum reflexum on Quercus rubra bark. At the same time, the historical part of the park is characterized by the number of expansive bryophytes.

2016 ◽  
Vol 62 (2) ◽  
pp. 110-122 ◽  
Olena Blinkova ◽  
Oleksandra Ivanenko

Abstract Selected forestry parameters were investigated in the system of tree vegetation and wood-destroying fungi in parks of the Kyiv city along a gradient of recreational transformation. We investigated vitality, age structure and health conditions of woody plants (Acer platanoides L., Aesculus hippocastanum L., Carpinus betulus L., Frangula alnus Mill., Pinus sylvestris L., Quercus robur L., Q. rubra L., Sambucus nigra L., Tilia cordata Mill.), and species, systematic, trophic and spatial compositions of xylotrophic fungi (27 species of xylotrophs representing 22 genera, 16 families, 6 orders of divisions Basidiomycota; class Agaricomycetes). The results showed that the communities of tree vegetation and xylotrophic fungi in parks depend on the degree of recreational transformation of the environment. Vitality, age structure and health conditions of trees altered species composition of xylotrophs.

2019 ◽  
pp. 195-202
Serhii Razanov ◽  
Volodymyr Nedashkivskyi

The intensity of damaging the nectar and pollen trees of forest lands, parks and woods in the conditions of Vinnytsia region has been studied. It has been found that in the zones of the highest local overspreading of Viscum album L. on the nectar and pollen trees, the following sequence of their damage is observed, in particular, in the conditions of forest lands: Tilia cordata L.-Tilia platyphyllos L. -Acer platanoides L.- Acer tataricum L.; in the parks: Acer platanoides L.- Acer tataricum L.- Tilia cordata L.- Acer campestre L.- Tilia platyphyllos L. - Robinia pseudoacacia L.; in the woods: Robinia pseudoacacia L. - Tilia platyphyllos L. - Acer tataricum L. It depended both on the composition of the nectar and pollen trees and their number in the area of distribution of the parasite. It was found that the level of damage to the nectar-dust-bearing trees of forest lands, parks and forest strips was respectively within 11.7% - 34.6%, 28.5% - 85.5% and 38.4% - 84.8%. Characterizing the intensity of distribution of white mistletoe within the forest lands, it should be noted that damage to the Tilia cordata L. – 34,6%, Tilia platyphyllos L. – 23,5%, Acer platanoides L. and Acer tataricum L.– 25,0% and 11,7% . In the conditions of park plantations, damage to Viscum album L.: Tilia cordta– 51,6%, Tilia platyphyllos L. – 52,9%, Viscum album L. – 28,5%, Acer platanoides L. – 85,5%, Acer campestre L. – 71,4% and Acer tataricum L.– 63,6%. Analysis of the intensity of Viscum album L. distribution on the nectar-pollen-bearing trees of the forest area under the highways showed that this parasite was damaged: Tilia platyphyllos L. – 38,4%, Viscum album L. – 84%, Acer campestre L. – 42,8%. The intensity of damage to nectar-pollen was found to depend on the dominant tree species in the area of local Viscum album L. In the woodland, a greater proportion of the nectar-bearing trees were Tilia, in the park zones – Acer platanoides L. and in the forest strips -– Viscum album L., at the same time, and a larger percentage were observed of damaged trees in these species. The distribution of Viscum album L. depended not only on the breed of nectar-pollen-bearing trees, but also on the number of trees of a particular variety in the area of their local damage by this parasite.

The history of the forest of Bialowieza is briefly reviewed. The National Park was created in 1923 in the central and apparently least exploited part of the forest. The composition of the forest varies in relation to the nature of the soils. Almost half of the wooded area of the park is occupied by forest composed of Carpinus betulus, Tilia cordata, Quercus robur, Acer platanoides, Ulmus glabra and Picea abies (Querceto-Carpinetum). The structure of this association is illustrated by maps and transects of selected plots. An almost continuous canopy is formed by Carpinus betulus with tall emergent trees of Tilia cordata, Quercus robur and Picea abies. Tilia cordata regenerates freely and there are numerous groups of seedlings, saplings and young trees which are sometimes in gaps but often beneath the main canopy. The origin of the groups is analysed and evidence is presented that those of T. cordata are probably always less than 50 years old. This is in contrast to analyses made by Paczoski (1928a, b, 1930) shortly after the park was established, when trees of T. cordata with trunk diameters less than 0.3-0.4 m were absent. There is now a discontinuity in the distribution of diameter classes in the population. The influence of this change on the structure of the forest is discussed.

Ю.И. Головин ◽  
А.И. Тюрин ◽  
А.А. Гусев ◽  
С.М. Матвеев ◽  
Д.Ю. Головин ◽  

The paper presents the results of mechanical properties scanning by means of nanoindentation across the annual growth rings of deciduous trees wood, small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata) and common oak (Quercus robur) in particular. Significant variations in microhardness H and Young’s modulus E radial dependencies have been found for any of the studied species. Results can be useful 1) to amend the understanding the nature of macromechanical properties of various wood species and to reveal the details of their formation depending upon microstructural characteristics, 2) to optimize the technologies of growing, reinforcement and subsequent usage of the wood, 3) to develop new independent methods in dendrochronology and dendroclimatology

2005 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 138-144
E.M. Zimmerman ◽  
L.G. Jull ◽  
A.M. Shirazi

Abstract The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of NaCl and freezing temperatures on dormant lateral buds of Acer platanoides L. (Norway maple), Tilia cordata Mill. (littleleaf linden), and Viburnum lantana L. (wayfaringtree viburnum). The role of bud morphology was also examined. Buds were exposed to three NaCl concentrations [0, 2000, or 16,000 mg/liter (0, 2000, 16,000 ppm)] and eleven freezing temperatures [4, −4, −8, −12, −16, −20, −24, −28, −32, −36, and −40C (39, 25, 18, 10, 3, −4, −11, −18, −26, −33, −40F)] in November 2001 and January and March 2002. Electrolyte leakage and visual ratings of outer and inner bud tissue browning were used to assess injury. Bud injury generally increased as NaCl concentrations increased and temperatures decreased. Buds exposed to NaCl and freezing temperatures had greater electrolyte leakage than buds exposed to freezing temperatures alone. Norway maple buds had the highest electrolyte leakage, followed by wayfaringtree viburnum, and littleleaf linden in response to freezing temperatures and NaCl. The naked buds of viburnum had significantly more inner tissue browning than the scaled buds of maple and linden in response to freezing temperatures and NaCl in January 2002. Wayfaringtree viburnum exhibited increased tissue injury in response to NaCl and low temperature treatments in March 2002.

2014 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-266
Władysława Wojewoda ◽  
Zofia Heinrich ◽  
Halina Komorowska

In the years 1994-1996 studies on macromycetes of the Niepołomice Forest near Kraków were made in four plots designated in deciduous forests (<i>Tilio-Carpinetum stachyetosum</i>) with a population of <i>Carpinus betulus, Quercus robur</i> and <i>Tilia cordata</i> (the size of each plot was 1000 m<sup>2</sup>). The observations were made through an international project "Mycological monitoring in European oak forests". As many as 274 species were recorded, including 234 saprobic, 33 mycorrhizal, and 7 parasitic fungi. Moreover, 15 species of fungi are connected with oak, 24 species of fungi are threatened, and 16 species are new to Poland.

Василий Борисович Троц ◽  
О. Н. Беспаленко

Одной из основных задач лесоводов Самарской области является сохранение и воспроизводство насаждений дуба черешчатого (Quercus robur). Изучены особенности формирования древостоев дуба черешчатого семенного и порослевого происхождений в разных лесорастительных условиях. Объектами исследований являлись естественные насаждения дуба, произрастающие на богатых почвах с сухим, свежим и влажным режимом увлажнения (лесорастительные условия Д1 – Д3). Выявлено, что дуб черешчатый произрастает совместно с березой повислой (Betula pendula), кленом остролистным (Acer platanoides), осиной обыкновенной (Populus tremula) и липой мелколистной (Tilia cordata). Бонитет насаждений дуба порослевого происхождения равен III – IV классу. При этом наиболее высокорослые древостои (19,1 м) с максимальным запасом дубовой древесины (130 м3/га) формируются в дубравах с лесорастительными условиями Д2. В дубравах семенного происхождения наиболее высокие деревья дуба (30,6 м) с классом бонитета Ia формируются в составе насаждений 5Д3Ос2Кл+ЛП, находящихся в лесорастительных условиях Д3. Максимальный запас сыростоячей древесины (230 м3/га) имеют древостои в составе 7Д3Ос+Б, произрастающие в свежих местах обитания с режимом увлажнения, близким к оптимальному — Д2. Дубравы семенного происхождения при практически равном возрасте с порослевыми дубравами по запасу сыростоячей древесины на 1 га в среднем на 56,5 % продуктивнее их. Высота деревьев в семенных дубравах в среднем на 9,3 м, а их диаметр на 12,8 см больше, чем в порослевых дубравах. При этом их бонитет соответствует Ia – I классу.

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