Differences in insulin secretion between the rat and mouse: role of cAMP

1995 ◽  
Vol 132 (3) ◽  
pp. 370-376 ◽  
Yan Hui Ma ◽  
Jian Wang ◽  
Gail G Rodd ◽  
Janice L Bolaffi ◽  
Gerold M Grodsky

Ma YH, Wang J, Rodd GG, Bolaffi JL, Grodsky GM. Differences in insulin secretion between the rat and mouse: role of cAMP. Eur J Endocrinol 1995;132:370–6. ISSN 0804–4643 Although information regarding insulin secretion usually is considered equivalent when generated in the mouse or the rat, it is established that the kinetics of insulin secretion from mouse and rat pancreatic beta cells differ. The mechanisms underlining these differences are not understood. The in vitro perfused pancreas and isolated islets of the mouse or rat were employed in this study to investigate the role of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), a major positive modulator of betacell function, as one differentiating signal for the uniquely different insulin release from the beta cells of these commonly used rodents. Glucose-stimulated first-phase insulin release from the perfused pancreas of the rat was higher than the mouse when calculated per gram of pancreas or as fractional secretion, but this phase was identical in the two species when results were adjusted for total body weight. Whether related to insulin content, pancreatic weight or body weight, the rat pancreas responded to glucose with a progressively increasing second-phase insulin release compared to the mouse pancreas, which secreted a flat second-phase of lesser magnitude. Isolated islets from rat and mouse were comparable in insulin content whereas the basal cAMP level of mouse islets was less than half that of the rat. At submaximal stimulation with glucose or glucose + IBMX or forskolin, mouse islets exhibited lower cAMP levels to a given stimulus than the rat. In rat islets cAMP levels increased to approximately 1000 fmol per islet, although insulin secretion maximized by 100–150 fmol. Insulin release at the same 100–150fmol cAMP per mouse islet was one-third that of the rat and secretion had not maximized in mouse islets at 800 fmol. Despite their similar insulin contents, mouse islets consistently secreted less insulin for a given level of cAMP per islet than the rat. The lower capacity of mouse islets to achieve comparable cAMP levels was not the result of increased catabolic rate because the "half-time" disappearance of islet cAMP after a stimulus was similar (~1 min) for both species. It is concluded that, compared to the mouse, beta cells of the rat pancreas elicit a more pronounced secondphase insulin secretion that is due, at least in part, to a greater production of, and sensitivity to, cAMP. Gerold M Grodsky, Metabolic Research Unit, University of California, H5W 1157, Box 0540, 3rd and Parnassus Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94143, USA

1982 ◽  
Vol 60 (3) ◽  
pp. 297-301 ◽  
Michael K. Mueller ◽  
Raymond A. Pederson ◽  
John C. Brown

Chronic treatment of rats with triiodothyronine (T3) resulted in suppression of insulin release from the isolated pancreas when perfused with 8.6 mM glucose. This inhibition could be partially overcome by 16 mM glucose but the insulin release was still significantly reduced. Arginine and gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) induced an insulinotropic action in both control and T3-treated preparations. This was achieved in the latter, in the absence of a second phase of insulin secretion to glucose. The insulinotropic effect of both arginine and GIP was abolished by mannoheptulose in both control and T3-treated animals.

Endocrinology ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 162 (1) ◽  
Eike Früh ◽  
Christin Elgert ◽  
Frank Eggert ◽  
Stephan Scherneck ◽  
Ingo Rustenbeck

Abstract The role of depolarization in the inverse glucose-dependence of glucagon secretion was investigated by comparing the effects of KATP channel block and of high potassium. The secretion of glucagon and insulin by perifused mouse islets was simultaneously measured. Lowering glucose raised glucagon secretion before it decreased insulin secretion, suggesting an alpha cell–intrinsic signal recognition. Raising glucose affected glucagon and insulin secretion at the same time. However, depolarization by tolbutamide, gliclazide, or 15 mM KCl increased insulin secretion before the glucagon secretion receded. In contrast to the robust depolarizing effect of arginine and KCl (15 and 40 mM) on single alpha cells, tolbutamide was of variable efficacy. Only when applied before other depolarizing agents had tolbutamide a consistent depolarizing effect and regularly increased the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration. When tested on inside-out patches tolbutamide was as effective on alpha cells as on beta cells. In the presence of 1 µM clonidine, to separate insulinotropic from glucagonotropic effects, both 500 µM tolbutamide and 30 µM gliclazide increased glucagon secretion significantly, but transiently. The additional presence of 15 or 40 mM KCl in contrast led to a marked and lasting increase of the glucagon secretion. The glucagon secretion by SUR1 knockout islets was not increased by tolbutamide, whereas 40 mM KCl was of unchanged efficiency. In conclusion a strong and sustained depolarization is compatible with a marked and lasting glucagon secretion. KATP channel closure in alpha cells is less readily achieved than in beta cells, which may explain the moderate and transient glucagonotropic effect.

1980 ◽  
Vol 93 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-60 ◽  
Ove Berglund

Abstract. The dynamics of insulin release were studied in the perfused pancreas of rats and mice. Perfusion of the rat pancreas with 20 mm D-glucose resulted in the classical biphasic release of insulin with a rising second phase. However, in normal C57BL/KsJ-mice and noninbred mice, whether fed or starved, the second phase was nearly constant. The secretory dymanics of KsJ-mice were essentially the same, whether the glucose concentration was 30 or 20 mm, whether the medium contained 2.56 or 8 mm Ca2+, and whether or not the medium was supplemented with 5 mm pyruvate, 5 mm glutamate, and 5 mm fumarate. Insulin secretion in these mice was almost totally inhibited by omission of Ca2+, and was markedly enhanced by 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine. Insulin release during the constant phase was reversed by lowering the glucose concentration. A second rise of glucose from 3 to 20 mm produced a secretory pattern very similar to the first response. These studies indicate that the dynamics of insulin secretion are somewhat different in rats and mice. Since similar results were obtained with C57BL/KsJ-mice and non-inbred mice, the liability of KsJ-mice to develop β-cell failure when stressed by the mutated db gene is not related to the constancy of the second insulin secretory phase.

1983 ◽  
Vol 245 (4) ◽  
pp. E391-E400
R. S. Hill ◽  
W. B. Rhoten

The effect of microtubule-altering agents on the insulin secretory response to glucose during the perinatal period was investigated with an in vitro perifusion system. Rat pancreatic mince from day 17 of gestation (D17G) to day 6 postnatally (D6PN) were perifused for 60 min in basal glucose followed by 45 min with high glucose (3.5 mg/ml) or with high glucose plus 10 mM arginine (D17G). The two phases of insulin secretion in response to high glucose developed in an age-dependent and asynchronous manner. The first phase matured between D17G and D18G, and maturation of the second phase occurred subsequently. Vinblastine (VB) (20 or 100 microM) had a differential effect on the insulin secretory response. VB did not inhibit stimulated insulin release at D17G. This absence of an inhibitory effect of VB at D17G could not be explained by the absence of polymerized tubulin because microtubules were present in the control beta-cells and, in addition, VB treatment resulted in the formation of paracrystalline deposits. Subsequently in development, and with isolated islets of the adult, VB inhibited stimulated insulin release. Heavy water (deuterium oxide, D2O) inhibited stimulated insulin secretion at D17G but blocked completely insulin release from the near-term beta-cell. The inhibition of insulin secretion by D2O was rapidly reversed when water replaced D2O in the perifusion media. The results indicate that the maturation of the second phase of insulin secretion coincides with the ability of the microtubule-altering agents to modify the insulin secretory response. One possible explanation for these findings is that at D17G the microtubules are not coupled physicochemically to other molecules or structures necessary for their role in insulin secretion to be expressed fully.

1987 ◽  
Vol 114 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-189 ◽  
O. Berglund

ABSTRACT Perfusion of the mouse or rat pancreas with 20 mmol d-glucose/l caused a biphasic release of insulin. The second phase was nearly constant in the mouse but rose in the rat. Repeated pulses of 8, 20 or 30 mmol d-glucose/l did not potentiate subsequent insulin responses in the mouse, whereas repeated pulses of 20 mmol/l did in the rat. When 20 mmol d-glucose/l was introduced through the mesenteric artery or aorta of the mouse, the pattern of insulin release was the same as when it was introduced through the coeliac artery. Thus, insulin secretion in mice differs from that in rats both in not showing an increasing second phase in response to continuous stimulation with glucose and also in not showing successive enhancement in the insulin response to repeated pulses of glucose. J. Endocr. (1987) 114, 185–189

1976 ◽  
Vol 158 (2) ◽  
pp. 335-340 ◽  
K Capito ◽  
C J Hedeskov

Inosine is a potent primary stimulus of insulin secretion from isolated mouse islets. The inosine-induced insulin secretion was totally depressed during starvation, but was completely restored by the addition of 5 mM-caffeine to the medium and partially restored by the addition of 5 mM-glucose. Mannoheptulose (3 mg/ml) potentiated the effect of 10 mM-inosine in islets from fed mice. The mechanism of the stimulatory effect of inosine was further investigated, and it was demonstrated that pancreatic islets contain a nucleoside phosphorylase capable of converting inosine into hypoxanthine and ribose 1-phosphate. Inosine at 10 mM concentration increased the lactate production and the content of ATP, glucose 6-phosphate (fructose 1,6-diphosphate + triose phosphates) and cyclic AMP in islets from fed mice. In islets from starved mice inosine-induced lactate production was decreased and no change in the concentration of cyclic AMP could be demonstrated, whereas the concentration of ATP and glucose 6-phosphate rose. Inosine (10 mM) induced a higher concentration of (fructose 1,6-diphosphate + triose phosphates) in islets from starved mice than in islets from fed mice suggesting that in starvation the activities of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase or other enzymes below this step in glycolysis are decreased. Formation of glucose from inosine was negligible. Inosine had no direct effect on adenylate cyclase activity in islet homogenates. The observed changes in insulin secretion and islet metabolism mimic what is seen when glucose and glyceraldehyde stimulate insulin secretion, and as neither ribose nor hypoxanthine-stimulated insulin release, the results are interpreted as supporting the substrate-site hypothesis for glucose-induced insulin secretion according to which glucose has to be metabolized in the beta-cells before secretion is initiated.

2011 ◽  
Vol 301 (6) ◽  
pp. E1072-E1080 ◽  
Erica M. Kepner ◽  
Stephanie M. Yoder ◽  
Eunjin Oh ◽  
Michael A. Kalwat ◽  
Zhanxiang Wang ◽  

Second-phase insulin release requires the sustained mobilization of insulin granules from internal storage pools to the cell surface for fusion with the plasma membrane. However, the detailed mechanisms underlying this process remain largely unknown. GTP-loading of the small GTPase Cdc42 is the first glucose-specific activation step in the process, although how glucose triggers Cdc42 activation is entirely unknown. In a directed candidate screen for guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs), which directly activate small GTPases, Cool-1/βPix was identified in pancreatic islet beta cells. In support of its role as the beta cell Cdc42 GEF, βPix coimmunoprecipitated with Cdc42 in human islets and MIN6 beta cells in a glucose-dependent manner, peaking just prior to Cdc42 activation. Furthermore, RNAi-mediated βPix reduction by 50% corresponded to full ablation of glucose-induced Cdc42 activation and significant attenuation of basal and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. Of the two Cdc42 guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor (GDI) proteins identified in beta cells, βPix competed selectively with caveolin-1 (Cav-1) but not RhoGDI in coimmunoprecipitation and GST-Cdc42-GDP interaction assays. However, a phospho-deficient Cav-1-Y14F mutant failed to compete with βPix; Cav-1Tyr14 is an established phosphorylation site for Src kinase. Taken together, these data support a new model, wherein glucose stimulates Cav-1 and induces its dissociation from Cdc42, possibly via Src kinase activation to phosphorylate Cav-1Tyr14, to promote Cdc42-βPix binding and Cdc42 activation, and to trigger downstream signaling and ultimately sustain insulin release.

Endocrinology ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 159 (11) ◽  
pp. 3747-3760 ◽  
Ishrat Jahan ◽  
Kathryn L Corbin ◽  
Avery M Bogart ◽  
Nicholas B Whitticar ◽  
Christopher D Waters ◽  

Abstract An early sign of islet failure in type 2 diabetes (T2D) is the loss of normal patterns of pulsatile insulin release. Disruptions in pulsatility are associated with a left shift in glucose sensing that can cause excessive insulin release in low glucose (relative hyperinsulinemia, a hallmark of early T2D) and β-cell exhaustion, leading to inadequate insulin release during hyperglycemia. Our hypothesis was that reducing excessive glucokinase activity in diabetic islets would improve their function. Isolated mouse islets were exposed to glucose and varying concentrations of the glucokinase inhibitor d-mannoheptulose (MH) to examine changes in intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) and insulin secretion. Acutely exposing islets from control CD-1 mice to MH in high glucose (20 mM) dose dependently reduced the size of [Ca2+]i oscillations detected by fura-2 acetoxymethyl. Glucokinase activation in low glucose (3 mM) had the opposite effect. We then treated islets from male and female db/db mice (age, 4 to 8 weeks) and heterozygous controls overnight with 0 to 10 mM MH to determine that 1 mM MH produced optimal oscillations. We then used 1 mM MH overnight to measure [Ca2+]i and insulin simultaneously in db/db islets. MH restored oscillations and increased insulin secretion. Insulin secretion rates correlated with MH-induced increases in amplitude of [Ca2+]i oscillations (R2 = 0.57, P < 0.01, n = 10) but not with mean [Ca2+]i levels in islets (R2 = 0.05, not significant). Our findings show that correcting glucose sensing can restore proper pulsatility to diabetic islets and improved pulsatility correlates with enhanced insulin secretion.

1977 ◽  
Vol 74 (2) ◽  
pp. 243-249 ◽  

To study the influence of insulin on its own secretion, collagenase-isolated islets of rat pancreas were prelabelled with [3H]leucine for 2 h. After washing the islets, (pro-)insulin release was stimulated by glucose in the presence or absence of exogenous insulin (up to 2·5 mu./ml). Hormone release was unchanged by the presence of exogenous insulin as judged by determination of both immunoreactive insulin and radioactivity incorporated into the proinsulin and insulin fractions of the medium. No direct feedback mechanism for insulin secretion was apparent from this study.

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