scholarly journals STUDI KETERKAITAN EKOSISTEM LAMUN DAN PERIKANAN SKALA KECIL (Studi Kasus: Desa Malang Rapat dan Berakit, Kabupaten Bintan, Kepulauan Riau)

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 137
Muhammad Nur Arkham ◽  
Luky Adrianto ◽  
Yusli Wardiatno

<p>Ekosistem lamun merupakan salah satu bagian penting sebagai bagian penyusun kesatuan ekosistem pesisir bersama dengan mangrove dan terumbu karang. Secara spesifik, keterkaitan masyarakat sebagai pemanfaat sumberdaya pada ekosistem lamun belum banyak diungkapkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji keterkaitan sistem sosial-ekologi lamun berdasarkan hasil tangkapan sumberdaya ikan di lokasi penelitian dan mengestimasi besaran manfaat sumberdaya ikan kaitannya dengan jasa ekosistem lamun di lokasi penelitian. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Data yang dibutuhkan adalah data primer dan sekunder. Data primer didapat dari wawancara dengan instrumen kuisioner dan pencatatan hasil tangkapan dan penjualan di pedagang pengepul. Analisis data penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis diskriptif kualitatif dan net fishing revenue (NFR) yang diperoleh nelayan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat keterkaitan sosial-ekologi dengan keberadaan ekosistem lamun yang dijadikan sebagai tempat penangkapan bagi perikanan skala kecil yang bisa berkontribusi dalam ketahanan pangan dan sebagai mata pencaharian nelayan di desa tersebut. Manfaat yang didapat perikanan skala kecil dari keberadaan ekosistem lamun yaitu kemudahan akses bagi nelayan skala kecil dalam mencari ikan karena lokasinya yang dekat dengan pantai. Secara umum besaran manfaat dari fungsi ekosistem lamun sebagai jasa penyedia terlihat dari pendapatan per hari nelayan skala kecil diatas UMK Kabupaten Bintan yaitu Rp. 93,000,00. Dengan adanya keterkaitan sosial-ekologi lamun tersebut dapat dilakukan pertimbangan pengelolaan pesisir terpadu dengan pendekatan sosial-ekologi lamun di lokasi penelitian.</p><p> </p><p><em>(The Study of Seagrass Ecosystem and Small-Scale Fisheries Linkages (Case Studie: Malang Rapat and Berakit village, Bintan Regency,Riau Islands))</em></p><p><em>Seagrass ecosystem is one of an important coastal ecosystem’s component along with mangroves and coral reefs. However, the linkage between fishers and seagrass ecosystem, had not been fully explored. The objectives of this research were analyze seagrass social-ecological system linkages based on fish caught and estimating the fisheries resource benefits regarding its ecosystem services at the study sites. Qualitative and quantitative approach based on primary and secondary data were used in this study. Data were collected by interviewed using questionaire and also production and sales records from sellers. Descriptive-qualitative and net fishing revenue (NFR) were used to analyze in this study. Results showed that there was a social and ecological linkage between seagrass and small scale fishers that could contribute to food security and livelihood at those sites. Accessibility of fishing ground on shores was one of the benefit for small scale fisheries. While ecological benefit of seagrass as a provisioning service was indicated by the daily small scale fishers’ revenue that was higher than The Minimum District Wage of Bintan District value which was IDR 93,000. Based on those social-ecological linkages, it is possible to use integrated coastal management with seagrass social-ecological approach in those sites.</em></p><p><em><br /></em></p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 137
Muhammad Nur Arkham ◽  
Luky Adrianto ◽  
Yusli Wardiatno

Ekosistem lamun merupakan salah satu bagian penting sebagai bagian penyusun kesatuan ekosistem pesisir bersama dengan mangrove dan terumbu karang. Secara spesifik, keterkaitan masyarakat sebagai pemanfaat sumberdaya pada ekosistem lamun belum banyak diungkapkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji keterkaitan sistem sosial-ekologi lamun berdasarkan hasil tangkapan sumberdaya ikan di lokasi penelitian dan mengestimasi besaran manfaat sumberdaya ikan kaitannya dengan jasa ekosistem lamun di lokasi penelitian. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Data yang dibutuhkan adalah data primer dan sekunder. Data primer didapat dari wawancara dengan instrumen kuisioner dan pencatatan hasil tangkapan dan penjualan di pedagang pengepul. Analisis data penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis diskriptif kualitatif dan net fishing revenue (NFR) yang diperoleh nelayan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat keterkaitan sosial-ekologi dengan keberadaan ekosistem lamun yang dijadikan sebagai tempat penangkapan bagi perikanan skala kecil yang bisa berkontribusi dalam ketahanan pangan dan sebagai mata pencaharian nelayan di desa tersebut. Manfaat yang didapat perikanan skala kecil dari keberadaan ekosistem lamun yaitu kemudahan akses bagi nelayan skala kecil dalam mencari ikan karena lokasinya yang dekat dengan pantai. Secara umum besaran manfaat dari fungsi ekosistem lamun sebagai jasa penyedia terlihat dari pendapatan per hari nelayan skala kecil diatas UMK Kabupaten Bintan yaitu Rp. 93,000,00. Dengan adanya keterkaitan sosial-ekologi lamun tersebut dapat dilakukan pertimbangan pengelolaan pesisir terpadu dengan pendekatan sosial-ekologi lamun di lokasi penelitian. (The Study of Seagrass Ecosystem and Small-Scale Fisheries Linkages (Case Studie: Malang Rapat and Berakit village, Bintan Regency,Riau Islands))Seagrass ecosystem is one of an important coastal ecosystem’s component along with mangroves and coral reefs. However, the linkage between fishers and seagrass ecosystem, had not been fully explored. The objectives of this research were analyze seagrass social-ecological system linkages based on fish caught and estimating the fisheries resource benefits regarding its ecosystem services at the study sites. Qualitative and quantitative approach based on primary and secondary data were used in this study. Data were collected by interviewed using questionaire and also production and sales records from sellers. Descriptive-qualitative and net fishing revenue (NFR) were used to analyze in this study. Results showed that there was a social and ecological linkage between seagrass and small scale fishers that could contribute to food security and livelihood at those sites. Accessibility of fishing ground on shores was one of the benefit for small scale fisheries. While ecological benefit of seagrass as a provisioning service was indicated by the daily small scale fishers’ revenue that was higher than The Minimum District Wage of Bintan District value which was IDR 93,000. Based on those social-ecological linkages, it is possible to use integrated coastal management with seagrass social-ecological approach in those sites.

Muhammad Nur Arkham ◽  
Luky Adrianto ◽  
Yusli Wardiatno

Seagrass ecosystem has important roles in ecological and social factors to support fisherman income. The purpose of this research was to map the social-ecological system connectivity of seagrass with small-scale fisheries with networks perspective, to identify social-ecological connectivity of seagrass with fisheries resource availability approaches in small-scale fisheries, and to estimate the benefits of fish resources relation to seagrass ecosystem in Malang Rapat and Berakit vilages. Social-ecological system connectivity of seagrass was proven by the spatial distribution of fishing areas, networks map markets, and dynamics of small-scale fisheries catches in the study site. Social-ecocoligal connectivity of seagrass was also proven by fish catches dominated by Siganidae, Scaridae, Lethrinidae, and Lutjanidae families. The fishermen income was supported by seagrass ecosystem connectivity which contributed revenue from fish catches totally Rp 202,124,00/day in Malang Rapat village and Rp. 193,151,00/day  in Berakit village. Other benefit of seagrass ecosystem located nearby the beach was that the fishermen can have an easy access or less fuel for fishing operation.Keywords: seagrass ecosystem, network map, connectivity, small-scale fisheries, social-ecological system, Riau islands

Muhammad Nur Arkham ◽  
Luky Adrianto ◽  
Yusli Wardiatno

<p><em>Seagrass ecosystem has important roles in ecological and social factors to support fisherman income. The purpose of this research was to map the social-ecological system connectivity of seagrass with small-scale fisheries with networks perspective, to identify social-ecological connectivity of seagrass with fisheries resource availability approaches in small-scale fisheries, and to estimate the benefits of fish resources relation to seagrass ecosystem in Malang Rapat and Berakit vilages. Social-ecological system connectivity of seagrass was proven by the spatial distribution of fishing areas, networks map markets, and dynamics of small-scale fisheries catches in the study site. Social-ecocoligal connectivity of seagrass was also proven by fish catches dominated by <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Siganidae</span>, <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Scaridae</span>, <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Lethrinidae</span>, and <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Lutjanidae</span> families. The fishermen income was supported by seagrass ecosystem connectivity which contributed revenue from fish catches totally Rp 202,124,00/day in Malang Rapat village and Rp. 193,151,00/day  in Berakit village. Other benefit of seagrass ecosystem located nearby the beach was that the fishermen can have an easy access or less fuel for fishing operation.</em></p><p><em><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>seagrass ecosystem, network map, connectivity, small-scale fisheries, social-ecological system, Riau islands</em></em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 91
Yeyen Mardyani ◽  
Tahmat Kurnia ◽  
Luky Adrianto

Pengelolaan perikanan skala kecil di Kabupaten Bangka pada beberapa kurun waktu terakhir menunjukkan produktivitas yang semakin menurun. Hal ini disebabkan oleh pengelolaan ruang laut yang tidak hanya dimanfaatkan sebagai daerah penangkapan ikan, tetapi juga sebagai wilayah eksploitasi penambangan laut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui status pemanfaatan perikanan skala kecil di perairan Kabupaten Bangka. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan data primer dan sekunder; analisis bioekonomi digunakan pada ketiga zona daerah penangkapan ikan (DPI) dengan memisahkan sumberdaya ikan pelagis dan demersal untuk melihat status pemanfaatan perikanan pada masing-masing zona. Ketiga zona daerah penangkapan ikan didasarkan pada kondisi eksisting menurut RZWP3K Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, yaitu: Zona A (DPI dengan IUP), Zona A1 (DPI dengan IUP tanpa kegiatan), dan Zona B (DPI tanpa IUP). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perikanan pelagis Zona A cenderung economical overfishing; sedangkan perikanan demersal sudah menunjukkan kondisi economical overfishing; Zona A1 berada pada kondisi underfishing; serta Zona B berada pada kondisi underfishing. Pemanfaatan perikanan Zona A dan A1 tidak mencapai 50% TAC; sedangkan pada Zona B hanya 15% TAC. Agar pemanfaatan perikanan baik pelagis ataupun demersal dapat berkelanjutan baik secara ekologi maupun ekonomi, pengelolaan perikanan skala kecil di perairan Kabupaten Bangka perlu dilakukan pengelolaan input pada upaya tangkap yang berbeda-beda pada tiap zona serta pengelolaan ekologi dan ekosistem.Title: Management of Small-Scale Fisheries in The Coastal Waters of Bangka Regency with Bioeconomic ApproachManagement of small-scale fisheries in Bangka Regency has recently shown decreased productivity. This is caused by the management of marine area which is not only used as a fishing ground, but also as an area of exploitation for off-shore mining. Based on these conditions, this study aims to determine the level of utilization of small-scale fisheries in the waters of Bangka Regency. This research uses primary and secondary data; bio-economic analysis was carried out in the three fishing ground zones by separating pelagic and demersal fish resources to see the utilization status of each zone. The three fishing ground zones are based on the existing fishing ground conditions according to RZWP3K Bangka Belitung Islands Province, namely: Zone A (fishing ground with IUP), Zone A1 (fishing ground with IUP without activities), and Zone B (fishing ground without IUP). The results showed that Pelagic Zone A fisheries tend to be economical, whereas demersal fisheries have shown economical overfishing; Zone A1 is under fishing; Zone B is under fishing. The utilization of fisheries in Zone A and A1 does not reach 50% TAC, while in Zone B it is only 15% TAC. For the utilization of pelagic and demersal fisheries to be sustainable both ecologically and economically, the management of small-scale fisheries in Bangka Regency waters needs to carry out input management for different fishing efforts in each zone as well as ecological and ecosystem management.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-40
M. Nur Arkham

The seagrass ecosystem has the same role as other ecosystem in improving coastal community fishery business. The purpose of this study is to assess the provision of seagrass ecosystem services to small fishing activities in the study sites. The research was conducted in Malang Village Meeting and Berakit from September to November 2014. Spatial distribution of fish species resources and small fishing catchment areas at study sites were located near the coast in each study village. The activity of catching small fishermen by utilizing the existence of seagrass ecosystem is reflected from the resources of fish species that are obtained and marketed to meet their needs. Fish community structure associated with seagrass from small fisherman catch in Malang Village Meeting based on index value of diversity (H ') and uniformity (E) of 2.58 and 0.93 higher than that of Desa Berakit that is 1.77 and 0.65. This value indicates that the keaganagaman in Malang Village is Medium and the community is in stable condition. While in the village of Berakit shows low diversity and community in unstable conditions. While the value of dominance index (C) of each village is low with the value of each village of 0.09 and 0.31. Keywords: seagrass ecosystem services, small-scale fisheries, and Eastern Coastal of Bintan

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Farah Diana ◽  
Muhammad Rizal

Capture fisheries are very important economic activity and have contributed greatly to the total fishery production in general in the District Naganraya. Fishery system that occurs dominated by small-scale fisheries. Fishermen in Naganraya district has a high dependence on fisheries resources as the main source of livelihood and almost all coastal areas based fisheries activities. Small-scale fisheries businesses have an impact on the fishing fleet and fishing locations (fishing ground) resulting in range of fishing operations is limited. The purpose of this research is 1). Analyzing small-scale capture fisheries system in locations PKN Naganraya district, 2). Formulate an alternative strategy in the management of small-scale fishing locations PKN Naganraya district. Data to be collected in this study consisted of primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected intensively using semi-structured interviews (semi-structured interview) to small-scale fishermen, observation and documentation in selected locations. The results showed that the dominant type of fishing gear is trawl catches beach and species that dominate the catch is Sardinella lemuru and Selar spp. Fish marketing patterns in locations peningkapan fishing activities (PKN) is not through the auction only through traders / large and are twelve strategic through internal and external environmental factors were dominant influence on the pattern of the conceptualization of small-scale fishery management in PKN location Nagan Raya.

2012 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 77
Sonny Koeshendrajana ◽  
Tenny Apriliani ◽  
Maulana Firdaus

Usaha perikanan tangkap laut skala kecil mendominasi struktur perikanan Indonesia, mencakup > 90% dari struktur perikanan tangkap yang ada di Indonesia. Permasalahan utama dalam pengembangan usaha perikanan pada kelompok ini adalah keterbatasan aset dan permodalan serta sifat musiman dan resiko ketidak pastian sebagai akibat keterbatasan kapasitas yang dimiliki. Hal ini diperparah oleh minimnya keberpihakan penentu kebijakan pada kelompok usaha tersebut. Tulisan ini merupakan bagian dari penelitian Panel Kelautan dan Perikanan Nasional (PANELKANAS) yang bertujuan menyediakan database yang akurat di tingkat mikro yang mampu merepresentasikan kinerja pembangunan sektor kelautan dan perikanan. Secara spesifik penulisan artikel ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan rekomendasi kebijakan peningkatan efektivitas dan efisiensi pengelolaan perikanan tangkap laut skala kecil melalui fasilitasi peta perkiraan ‘fishing ground’. Data primer dan sekunder digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Data primer diperoleh melalui survei monitoring terhadap 30-40 contoh responden rumah tangga nelayan terpilih dengan menggunakan bantuan kuesioner terstruktur di lokasi Sibolga, Sampang dan Bitung; sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dari laporan tahunan berbagai institusi terkait maupun hasil-hasil penelitian terdahulu. Analisis statistik deskriptif digunakan dalam penelitian ini, sedangkan penyajian dilakukan secara deskriptif eksploratif dengan bantuan teknik tabulasi silang. Hasil kajian memberikan ilustrasi dinamika musim penangkapan ikan di laut di lokasi terpilih, dinamika penguasaan aset dan investasi berdasarkan tipologi penangkapan, dinamika struktur biaya dan pendapatan serta rumusan rekomendasi kebijakan peningkatanan efektivitas dan efisiensi pengelolaan perikanan tangkap laut skala kecil melalui fasilitasi peta perkiraan ‘fishing ground’. Title: Improving Effectivity and Effienciency of Small-Scale Fisheries Business Through Facilitating the Estimated Fishing Ground Map. Small-scale fisheries business dominated the structure of Indonesian fisheries covering more than 90% of the structure of marine fisheries in Indonesia. Primary problems in the development of the sector were limited assets and capital as well as the seasonal nature and the uncertainties as a result of lack of capacity in managing the business. This situation compounded by lack of decision makers support to small scale fisheries. This paper is a part of Research Panel of the National Marine and Fisheries (PANELKANAS) which aims to provide an accurate data base at micro level by which are able to represent performance of the development of marine and fisheries sector. Specifically, this article aims to formulate policy recommendations to improving the effectiveness and efficiency marine capture fisheries management through facilitating an estimated ‘fishing ground’ map for small-scale fishers. Primary and secondary data were used in this study. Primary data were obtained through monitoring survey of 30-40 samples of selected fisher households by using a structured questionnaire at the Sibolga, Sampang and Bitung regencies, while secondary data were obtained from various institutions related to the annual report and the results of previous studies. A Descriptive statistics analysis was used in this study while the report was presented descriptive-exploratory by using cross tabulation techniques. Results of the study illustrate the dynamics of fishing season at selected locations, dynamic of control assets and investments based on the marine capture fisheries typology, dynamics of cost and revenue structure and formulation policy recommendations to improving the effectiveness and efficiency of marine capture fisheries management through the facilitation of small-scale map of the estimated ‘fishing ground’.

2016 ◽  
Vol 46 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-213 ◽  
Nozomi Kawarazuka ◽  
Catherine Locke ◽  
Cynthia McDougall ◽  
Paula Kantor ◽  
Miranda Morgan

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-49 ◽  
Mohammad Mojibul Hoque Mozumder ◽  
Md. Mostafa Shamsuzzaman ◽  
Md. Rashed-Un-Nabi ◽  
Ehsanul Karim

2017 ◽  
Vol 113 (5/6) ◽  
Louise C. Gammage ◽  
Astrid Jarre ◽  
Charles Mather ◽  

Fishers in the small-scale, commercial linefishery in the southern Cape, South Africa, are exposed to variability and change in the marine social-ecological system of which they are a part. Faced with multi-scalar changes within this complex system, fishers employ a wide range of strategies in reaction to change. As part of a broader study of stressors that bring about change in these systems, this contribution examines the fishers’ responses to these changes and is based on a participant-led, semi-structured interview process of skippers/boat owners, crew, processors and spouses/partners, in six communities in the southern Cape region, and has been supplemented with appropriate secondary data. The results are discussed using a resilience framework. The data were initially considered thematically by stressor, but results identified that a place-based analysis was equally important. Three major groupings were identified: (1) fishers who adapt and show clear business-orientation, (2) fishers who cope, and (3) fishers who react and are thus caught in a poverty trap. In addition to place-specific history, local feedback loops and indirect effects need to be better accounted for to understand these responses to change at various scales. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the basis of scenario planning in the region.

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