scholarly journals Population biology and color patterns of the blue land crab, Cardisoma guanhumi (Latreille 1828) (Crustacea: Gecarcinidae) in the Northeastern Brazil

2014 ◽  
Vol 74 (4) ◽  
pp. 949-958 ◽  
CC Silva ◽  
R Schwamborn ◽  
JE Lins Oliveira

The objective of this study was to analyze the population biology and color patterns of Cardisoma guanhumi Latreille, 1828 in a mangrove area in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Crabs were collected monthly between February 2010 and January 2012 and totaled 1,837 individuals. Sex ratios were similar between males and females in the first year and differed in the second. Sex ratios by size class differed statistically in the extremes of the distribution, with an abundance of males in the large size classes. There was no difference (p > 0.05) in carapace width between males and females in the first year, but in the second year, males were larger than females (p = 0.003), showing the importance of considering interannual variation in such studies. Both sexes presented a unimodal distribution. The size of first maturing of the females was 6.00 cm. Asymptotic carapace width for males was 9.4 cm and females for 9.2 cm, using the Wetherall method. There was no defined modal progression, which made the determination of the Von Bertalanffy growth parameter K impossible. Juveniles were found throughout all months of the year, demonstrating that there was no defined period of recruiting, although slightly fewer juveniles were found in the dry season. Four color patterns were observed, the three first patterns were the same for both sexes, while the fourth pattern was observed in females only. The four color patterns identified could be clearly related to the stage of development (size) and sexual maturity of the animal.

2014 ◽  
Vol 62 (4) ◽  
pp. 331-340 ◽  
Danilo Francisco Corrêa Lopes ◽  
Emanuell Felipe Beserra da Silva ◽  
Silvio Ricardo Maurano Peixoto ◽  
Flavia Lucena Frédou

This paper aims to describe the population dynamics and to evaluate the stock of the seabob-shrimp Xiphopenaeus kroyeri on the coast of Pernambuco. Sampling was carried out between August/2011 and July/2012 in Sirinhaém, southern coast of Pernambuco. A total of 1201 individuals were analyzed, 673 females and 528 males. Total length (Lt) of females varied from 4.5 to 13.5 cm while the Lt of males ranged between 4.0 and 11.0 cm. The relationship between the Lt and carapace length and Lt and total weight showed negative allometry (males, females and pooled sexes). The slope of the curve "b" was statistically different between males and females for both relationships. Females mature with 8.90 cm. Asymptotic length L∞ was lower for males than for females (12.26 to 14.79 and 10.72 to 11.5 cm, respectively), K was similar between sexes (1.00-2.04 and 1.00-2.63 cm/year-1 respectively) as well as the longevity and size at 1st capture (1.50 to 1.97) years and 7.9 to 8.9 cm for males and females, respectively). The results indicate that X. kroyeri in the region is not overexploited for males, however considering females and pooled sexes the stock is near to being fully exploited.

Mário José Pereira ◽  
Joaquim Olinto Branco ◽  
Martin Lindsey Christoffersen ◽  
Felipe Freitas ◽  
Hélio Augusto Alves Fracasso ◽  

The capture of crabs of the genus Callinectes is one of the oldest extractive activities practised by waterside communities, due to the abundance of brachyurans along the Brazilian coast. The present paper aimed to provide basic information on the population biology of C. sapidus and C. danae during the period of December 2003 to November 2004, in Babitonga Bay, Joinville, Santa Catarina. The size of the first maturation of C. danae was estimated as 7.1 cm in total carapace width for females, and as 8.6 cm for males. Fecundity of the 20 females of C. danae with carapace width from 7.0 to 11.0 cm varied from 618,667 to 811,267 eggs. Fecundity of C. sapidus was higher, with a median of 978,000 eggs per female, but carapace widths in this species were also larger, with the highest frequency of females attaining 19.01 cm on average. In both species, a tendency was observed for the egg mass to increase with size of females. The capture per unit of effort presented the lowest values in summer, while the largest values occurred from March, August and November. A total of 80 males and 117 females of C. sapidus were captured in the four collecting areas, with the largest abundances in Area III (45.18%), followed by Areas II, IV and I. The size of the first maturation of C. sapidus was estimated as 10.2 cm for females and as 9.0 cm for males. Fishing effort was in relative equilibrium for adult stock (males = 58.75% and females = 52.99%) and juveniles (males = 41.25% and females = 47.01%). The largest monthly rates of biomass of C. sapidus occurred from April to November, with a peak of capture in August, without significant differences in the participation of males and females.

2009 ◽  
Vol 31 (73/75) ◽  
Vivian Fransozo ◽  
Rafael Campanelli Mortari ◽  
Aline Staskowian Benetti

The population biology of the fiddler crab Uca mordax (Smith, 1870) was investigated in an estuarinemangrove from the southeastern coast of Brazil. Samplings were monthly performed by 2 collectors for30 min. using the technique of capture per unit effort during low tide periods. The allometric techniquewas used to determine crab size at sexual maturity (males and females). Thus, specimens were classified into juveniles and adults according to their size at sexual maturity for each sex. The specimens weredistributed into size classes. Recruitment was based on the juvenile frequency and the reproduction peakin ovigerous females. The median size of males was 15.9 ± 2.7 mm carapace width (CW) (n = 557) andthat of females, 14.6 ± 2.8 mm CW (n = 528). At sexual maturity, size of crabs was 11.9 mm CW formales and 11.5 mm CW for females. Juveniles were found throughout the year but more frequently inthe winter and autumn. Sex ratio did not differ among seasons, except during the summer (p < 0.05).As regards sex ratio per size class, females predominated in the fi rst size classes. Reproduction peakwas observed in the summer. In short, the population biology of U. mordax was similar to that of mostbroad-front fi ddler crab species.

2021 ◽  
Vol 82 (1) ◽  
Sana Sharifian ◽  
Vahid Malekzadeh ◽  
Ehsan Kamrani ◽  
Mohsen Safaie

Abstract Background Dotillid crabs are introduced as one common dwellers of sandy shores. We studied the ecology and growth of the sand bubbler crab Scopimera crabricauda Alcock, 1900, in the Persian Gulf, Iran. Crabs were sampled monthly by excavating nine quadrats at three intertidal levels during spring low tides from January 2016 to January 2017. Results Population data show unimodal size-frequency distributions in both sexes. The Von Bertalanffy function was calculated at CWt = 8.76 [1 − exp (− 0.56 (t + 0.39))], CWt = 7.90 [1 − exp (− 0.59 (t + 0.40))] and CWt = 9.35 [1 − exp (− 0.57 (t + 0.41))] for males, females, and both sexes, respectively. The life span appeared to be 5.35, 5.07, and 5.26 years for males, females, and both sexes, respectively. The cohorts were identified as two age continuous groups, with the mean model carapace width 5.39 and 7.11 mm for both sexes. The natural mortality (M) coefficients stood at 1.72 for males, 1.83 for females, and 1.76 years−1 for both sexes, respectively. The overall sex ratio (1:0.4) was significantly different from the expected 1:1 proportion with male-biased. Recruitment occurred with the highest number of annual pulse once a year during the summer. Conclusions The results, which show slow growth, emphasize the necessity of proper management for the survival of the stock of S. crabricauda on the Iranian coast of the Persian Gulf.

2014 ◽  
Vol 104 (2) ◽  
pp. 150-161 ◽  
Marina de Sá Leitão C. de Araújo ◽  
Deusinete de O. Tenório ◽  
Daniela da S. Castiglioni

The semi terrestrial crabs are important elements of the fauna of coastal regions. The aim of this study was to analyze the population structure of Armases angustipes (Dana, 1852) at estuaries of the Ariquindá River, considered a non impacted area, and Mamucabas River, considered a few impacted area, on the south coast of state of Pernambuco, Brazil. The species occurred in all months of the year. The number of individuals per month varied, being higher in the months of transition between the seasons. This is probably due to significant seasonal variations of air and burrow temperature and burrow salinity. There was no sexual dimorphism in size of A. angustipes in the mangrove of Ariquindá River, but males were larger than females in the mangrove of Mamucabas River. In both estuaries, the sex ratio did not differ from Mendelian proportion, but showed a deviation for females. The analysis of temporal variation in sex ratio showed significant differences in some months of the year. These variations are due to cyclical events that act distinctly on each sex. In both estuaries, size classes of carapace width were equally represented by both sexes. The ovigerous females of A. angustipes occurred only in some months of the year, especially in summer, in both estuaries. Probably the high phytoplankton productivity observed in summer favors the reproductive activity, since these algae serve as food for the larvae. Specimens of the population of Rio Ariquindá are largest and wider than those of Mamucabas River. This fact, associated with the low abundance of crabs and the lower frequency of ovigerous females observed in Mamucabas River, is an indication that this population may be influenced by the environmental impacts that this estuary has received.

Parasitology ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 132 (6) ◽  
pp. 757-765 ◽  

Whilst most animals invest equally in males and females when they reproduce, a variety of vertically transmitted parasites has evolved the ability to distort the offspring sex ratios of their hosts. One such group of parasites are male-killing bacteria. Here we report the discovery of females of the ladybirdAnisosticta novemdecimpunctatathat produced highly female-biased offspring sex ratios associated with a 50% reduction in egg hatch rate. This trait was maternally transmitted with high efficiency, was antibiotic sensitive and was infectious following experimental haemolymph injection. We identified the cause as a male-killingSpiroplasmabacterium and phylogenetic analysis of rDNA revealed that it belongs to theSpiroplasma ixodetisclade in which other sex ratio distorters lie. We tested the potential for interspecific horizontal transfer by injection from an infectedA. novemdecimpunctataline into uninfected individuals of the two-spot ladybirdAdalia bipunctata. In this novel host, the bacterium was able to establish infection, transmit vertically and kill male embryos.

1974 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 417 ◽  
NA Campbell ◽  
RJ Mahon

A multivariate approach has been used to study morphological variation in the blue and orange-form species of rock crab of the genus Leptograpsus. Objective criteria for the identification of the two species are established, based on the following characters: width of the frontal region of the carapace; width of the posterior region of the carapace (rear width); length of the carapace along the midline; maximum width of the carapace; and the depth of the body. The first canonical variate, which differentiates between the two species, represents a contrast between the carapace width relative to the width of the front lip and the depth of the body; the blue-form species has a greater relative carapace width than has the orange form. The second canonical variate, which presents a contrast between the rear width and the carapace length, identifies males and females within each species; males have a greater relative carapace length than have females. All individuals, including 20 not used in the study, were correctly identified for colour form. The clear separation of the blue and orange forms achieved by canonical analysis supports the previously determined specific status of the two forms.

2000 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-103 ◽  
Lincoln S. Rocha ◽  
André Luiz P. Perondini

In sciarid flies, the control of sex determination and of the progeny sex ratio is exercised by the parental females, and is based on differential X-chromosome elimination in the initial stages of embryogenesis. In some species, the females produce unisexual progenies (monogenic females) while in others, the progenies consist of males and females (digenic females). The sex ratio of bisexual progenies is variable, and departs considerably from 1:1. Bradysia matogrossensis shows both monogenic and digenic reproduction. In a recently established laboratory strain of this species, 15% of the females were digenic, 10% produced only females, 13% produced only males, and 62% produced progenies with one predominant sex (33% predominantly of female and 29% predominantly male progenies). These progeny sex ratios were maintained in successive generations. Females from female-skewed progenies yielded female- and male-producing daughters in a 1:1 ratio. In contrast, daughters of females from male-skewed progenies produce bisexual or male-skewed progenies. The X-chromosome of B. matogrossensis shows no inversion or other gross aberration. These results suggest that the control of the progeny sex ratio (or differential X-chromosome elimination) involves more than one locus or, at least, more than one pair of alleles. The data also suggest that, in sciarid flies, monogeny and digeny may share a common control mechanism.

2021 ◽  
Elham Abdullah Ghobain ◽  
Abdullah Ahmed Zughaibi

Nowadays, especially after the COVID-19 crisis lockdown, the heavy reliance on technology and online platforms led to a greater expectation of more learning autonomy among English learners in EFL contexts such as Saudi Arabia. The sudden shift to online learning requires an investigation into students’ readiness and willingness for such a mode of learning. This can provide educators with many prospects about learning outcomes achievement and assessment, test performance, and interaction during classes. Therefore, the current study seeks to contribute to the well-known area of learner autonomy research, which is still lacking in the context of the study, by exploring the readiness of Saudi first-year undergraduate English learners towards online education. Participants’ level of readiness is identified according to their autonomous behaviors and activities. The study will also assess the investigated concept considering the influence of gender and field of study of the participants on their autonomy levels. A total of 802 students participated in this study. It was found that Saudi first-year university students are moderately autonomous, that both males and females have similar levels of aptitude and readiness for taking responsibility for their learning, and that English-major and non-English-major groups showed comparatively similar levels across different learning autonomy dimensions. Yet interestingly, English-major participants displayed a relatively lower autonomy level than students of other majors.

D. B. Bennett

Moult increments, annual moult frequency and hence annual growth were determined from suture-tagged edible crabs (Cancer pagurusL.) released and recaptured off Devon, Cornwall, and Dorset.The average moult increments of males and females at a premoult carapace width of 100 mm were similar; at larger sizes the average moult increment of females was considerably less than that of males. Annual moult frequency ofC. pagurusin south-west England decreased with increase in size, females more so than males.As a result of the smaller moult increments and lower moult frequency of females, their annual growth is considerably less than that of males. This appears to be the result of three aspects of sex and reproduction: (1) reduction in moult increments, probably as a result of competition for nutritive resources between egg production and body growth; (2) the interruption of the moulting cycle by successive annual spawnings from a single impregnation at the previous moult; and (3) accentuation of the larger increments in weight at moulting of male crabs due to the allometric growth of their chelae. A consequence of the higher growth rate of males is the presence of very large male crabs – a distinctive feature of the population structure of the stock off south-west England.The growth of C.pagurusin south-west England was compared with published data for stocks off the east and north-east coast. Moult increments were similar for both areas, but there were considerable differences in the moult frequencies. In the south-west, males moult more frequently than females; the opposite is the case for the east and north-east crab stocks. A valid reason for this difference has not yet been established.

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