Ground-Motion Models for the Prediction of Significant Duration Using Strong-Motion Data from Iran

2020 ◽  
Vol 110 (1) ◽  
pp. 319-330 ◽  
Ali Meimandi-Parizi ◽  
Masoud Daryoushi ◽  
Abbas Mahdavian ◽  
Hamid Saffari

ABSTRACT In this study, new prediction equations for significant duration (DS5–75 and DS5–95) are developed using an Iranian strong ground-motion database. The database includes 2228 records of 749 earthquakes with small to large magnitudes up to the year 2018. The functional form of the model is an additive natural logarithm of four predictor variables, namely moment magnitude (Mw), rupture distance (Rrup), time-averaged shear-wave velocity in the top 30 m (VS30), and the style of faulting effect (Fm), which is considered as an indicator directly in the functional form for the first time. The proposed models can be used to estimate significant durations of earthquakes with moment magnitudes (Mw) from 4.5 to 7.6 and rupture distances of up to 200 km. The models are compared with four existing significant-duration prediction models. The results indicate proper agreement between the proposed models and the models that use the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center-Next Generation Attenuation-West2 Project (PEER-NGA West2) database (say PEER models). Based on the results, our proposed models indicate an increasing trend of significant duration with an increase in the rupture distance. However, unlike the PEER models, the rate of increase in significant duration is decreasing in our model.

2008 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-21 ◽  
Maurice Power ◽  
Brian Chiou ◽  
Norman Abrahamson ◽  
Yousef Bozorgnia ◽  
Thomas Shantz ◽  

The “Next Generation of Ground-Motion Attenuation Models” (NGA) project is a multidisciplinary research program coordinated by the Lifelines Program of the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER), in partnership with the U.S. Geological Survey and the Southern California Earthquake Center. The objective of the project is to develop new ground-motion prediction relations through a comprehensive and highly interactive research program. Five sets of ground-motion models were developed by teams working independently but interacting with one another throughout the development process. The development of ground-motion models was supported by other project components, which included (1) developing an updated and expanded PEER database of recorded ground motions, including supporting information on the strong-motion record processing, earthquake sources, travel path, and recording station site conditions; (2) conducting supporting research projects to provide guidance on the selected functional forms of the ground-motion models; and (3) conducting a program of interactions throughout the development process to provide input and reviews from both the scientific research and engineering user communities. An overview of the NGA project components, process, and products is presented in this paper.

1987 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 263-287 ◽  
N. A. Abrahamson ◽  
B. A. Bolt ◽  
R. B. Darragh ◽  
J. Penzien ◽  
Y. B. Tsai

SMART 1 is the first large digital array of strong-motion seismographs specially designed for engineering and seismological studies of the generation and near-field properties of earthquakes. Since the array began operation in September 1980, it has recorded over 3000 accelerogram traces from 48 earthquakes ranging in local magnitude ( ML) from 3.6 to 7.0. Peak ground accelerations have been recorded up to 0.33g and 0.34g on the horizontal and vertical components, respectively. Epicentral distances have ranged from 3 km 200 km from the array center, and focal depths have ranged from shallow to 100 km. The recorded earthquakes had both reverse and strike-slip focal mechanisms associated with the subduction zone and transform faults. These high quality, digital, ground motions provide a varied resource for earthquake engineering research. Earthquake engineering studies of the SMART 1 ground motion data have led to advances in knowledge in several cases: for example, on frequency-dependent incoherency of free-surface ground motions over short distances, on response of linear systems to multiple support excitations, on attenuation of peak ground-motion parameters and response spectra, on site torsion and phasing effects, and on the identification of wave types. Accelerograms from individual strong-motion seismographs do not, in general, provide such information. This review describes the SMART 1 array and the recorded earthquakes with special engineering applications. Also, it tabulates the unfiltered peak array accelerations, displays some of the recorded ground motion time histories, and summarizes the main engineering research that has made use of SMART 1 data.

2012 ◽  
Vol 256-259 ◽  
pp. 2117-2121
Li Lin ◽  
Rui Zhi Wen ◽  
Bao Feng Zhou ◽  
Da Cheng Shi

In this paper, PEER Ground Motion Databases (PGMD) at the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) was updated by 314 sets of ground motion records of great earthquakes in recent years, which expanded the application of this database. This paper reviews alternative selection methods for strong ground motion records. The expanded database could make the different selection and scaling of strong motion records in great earthquakes, and the conditional mean spectrum (CMS) method could be applied for the strong motion records selection in structural spectrum analysis.

1996 ◽  
Vol 86 (1B) ◽  
pp. S333-S349 ◽  
J. P. Bardet ◽  
C. Davis

Abstract During the 1994 Northridge earthquake, the Van Norman Complex yielded an unprecedented number of recordings with high acceleration, in the close proximity of the fault rupture. These strong-motion recordings exhibited the pulses of the main event. One station recorded the largest velocity ever instrumentally recorded (177 cm/sec), resulting from a 0.86 g peak acceleration with a low frequency. Throughout the complex, the horizontal accelerations reached peak values ranging from 0.56 to 1.0 g, except for the complex center, where the peak acceleration did not exceed 0.43 g. The vertical acceleration reached maximum peak values comparable with those of the horizontal acceleration. The acceleration response spectra in the longitudinal and transverse directions were significantly different. Such a difference, which is not yet well documented in the field of geotechnical earthquake engineering, indicates that the amplitude and frequency content of the ground motion was directionally dependent in the Van Norman Complex.

2012 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 931-941 ◽  
Kenneth W. Campbell ◽  
Yousef Bozorgnia

Arias intensity (AI) and cumulative absolute velocity (CAV) have been proposed as instrumental intensity measures that can incorporate the cumulative effects of ground motion duration and intensity on the response of structural and geotechnical systems. In this study, we have developed a ground motion prediction equation (GMPE) for the horizontal component of AI in order to compare its predictability to a similar GMPE for CAV. Both GMPEs were developed using the same strong motion database and functional form in order to eliminate any bias these factors might cause in the comparison. This comparison shows that AI exhibits significantly greater amplitude scaling and aleatory uncertainty than CAV. The smaller standard deviation and less sensitivity to amplitude suggests that CAV is more predictable than AI and should be considered as an alternative to AI in engineering and geotechnical applications where the latter intensity measure is traditionally used.

2014 ◽  
Vol 30 (4) ◽  
pp. 1427-1448 ◽  
Chiara Smerzini ◽  
Carmine Galasso ◽  
Iunio Iervolino ◽  
Roberto Paolucci

The increasing interest in performance-based earthquake engineering has promoted research on the improvement of hazard-consistent seismic input definition and on advanced criteria for strong motion record selection to perform nonlinear time history analyses. Within the ongoing research activities to improve the representation of seismic actions and to develop tools as a support for engineering practice, this study addresses the selection of displacement-spectrum-compatible real ground motions, with special reference to Italy. This involved (1) the definition of specific target displacement spectra for Italian sites, constrained—both at long and short periods—by results of probabilistic seismic hazard analyses; (2) the compilation of a high-quality strong ground motion database; and (3) the development of a software tool for computer-aided displacement-based record selection. Application examples show that sets of unscaled, or lightly scaled, accelerograms with limited record-to-record spectral variability can also easily be obtained when a broadband spectral compatibility is required.

2014 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 973-987 ◽  
Yousef Bozorgnia ◽  
Norman A. Abrahamson ◽  
Linda Al Atik ◽  
Timothy D. Ancheta ◽  
Gail M. Atkinson ◽  

The NGA-West2 project is a large multidisciplinary, multi-year research program on the Next Generation Attenuation (NGA) models for shallow crustal earthquakes in active tectonic regions. The research project has been coordinated by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER), with extensive technical interactions among many individuals and organizations. NGA-West2 addresses several key issues in ground-motion seismic hazard, including updating the NGA database for a magnitude range of 3.0–7.9; updating NGA ground-motion prediction equations (GMPEs) for the “average” horizontal component; scaling response spectra for damping values other than 5%; quantifying the effects of directivity and directionality for horizontal ground motion; resolving discrepancies between the NGA and the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) site amplification factors; analysis of epistemic uncertainty for NGA GMPEs; and developing GMPEs for vertical ground motion. This paper presents an overview of the NGA-West2 research program and its subprojects.

2015 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
pp. 2027-2046 ◽  
Matthieu Perrault ◽  
Philippe Guéguen

Using data from the California Strong Motion Instrumentation Program, we studied the relationship between building response and parameters describing the noxiousness of ground motion. According to vulnerability methods that use structural drift as damage criteria, we estimated the building response on the basis of the normalized relative roof displacement (NRRD), considered as damage criteria. The relationships between the NRRD and the intensity measures of the ground motion are developed using simulated annealing method. Grouping buildings by typology (defined according to their main construction material and height) reduces the variability of the building response. Furthermore, by combining IMs, the NRRD can be predicted more accurately by a building damage prediction equation. A functional form is thus proposed to estimate the NRRD for several building typologies, calibrated on the building responses recorded in California. This functional form can be used to obtain a fast and overall damage forecast after an earthquake.

2021 ◽  
Fatma Sevil Malcıoğlu ◽  
Hakan Süleyman ◽  
Eser Çaktı

Abstract An MW 4.5 earthquake took place on September 24, 2019 in the Marmara Sea. Two days after, on September 26, 2019, Marmara region was rattled by an MW5.7 earthquake. With the intention of compiling an ample strong ground motion data set of recordings, we have utilized the stations of Istanbul Earthquake Rapid Response and Early Warning System operated by the Department of Earthquake Engineering of Boğaziçi University and of the National Strong Motion Network operated by AFAD. All together 438 individual records are used to calculate the source parameters of events; namely, corner frequency, radius, rupture area, average source dislocation, source duration and stress drop. Some of these parameters are compared with empirical relationships and discussed extensively. Duration characteristics are analyzed in two steps; first, by making use of the time difference between P-wave and S-wave onsets and then, by considering S-wave durations and significant durations. It is observed that they yield similar trends with global models. PGA, PGV and SA values are compared with three commonly used ground motion prediction models. At distances closer than about 60 km observed intensity measures mostly conform with the GMPE predictions. Beyond 60 km their attenuation is clearly faster than those of GMPEs. Frequency-dependent Q models are developed for both events. Their consistency with existing regional models are confirmed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 91 (3) ◽  
pp. 1579-1592 ◽  
Vladimir Graizer ◽  
Dogan Seber ◽  
Scott Stovall

Abstract The moment magnitude M 4.4 on 12 December 2018 Decatur, Tennessee, earthquake occurred in the eastern Tennessee seismic zone. Although the causative fault is not known, the earthquake had a predominantly strike-slip mechanism with an estimated hypocentral depth of about 8 km. It was felt over a distance of 500 km stretching from Southern Kentucky to Georgia. Strong shaking, capable of causing slight damage, was reported near the epicenter. The Watts Bar nuclear power plant (NPP) is only 4.9 km from the epicenter of the earthquake and experienced only slight shaking. The earthquake was recorded by the plant’s seismic strong-motion instrumentation installed at four different locations. Near-real-time calculations by the plant operators indicated that the operating basis earthquake (OBE) ground motion was not exceeded during the earthquake. We obtained and processed the recorded motions to calculate corrected accelerations, velocities, and displacements. In addition, we computed the Fourier and 5% damped response spectra to compare them with the plant’s OBE. Comparisons of the ground-motion prediction models with the digital recordings at the plant site indicated that recorded ground motions were significantly below the predicted results calculated using the ground-motion prediction models approved for regulatory use. Availability of high-quality, digital recordings in this case helped make a quick decision about the ground motions not exceeding the OBE and hence prevented unnecessary shutdown of the NPP. Availability of earthquake recordings from the four locations in the NPP also presented an opportunity to analyze the linear response of plant structures.

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