scholarly journals Las mujeres, las guerras y el derecho internacional humanitario

Marta Postigo Asenjo

<p>La violencia sexual se emplea como instrumento de intimidación, castigo y terror, e incluso coadyuvante de limpieza étnica, en los conflictos armados. En las últimas décadas, se han producido importantes avances en la inclusión de la violación entre los crímenes contra el derecho internacional humanitario. Sin embargo, aún son necesarias acciones más eficaces para evitar que se produzcan violaciones sistemáticas en las zonas en conflictos y post-conflicto. Este trabajo destaca la importancia que tiene la lucha por la igualdad y la incorporación de las mujeres en los procesos de toma de decisiones para combatir esta lacra y asegurar la paz y la estabilidad.</p><p> Sexual violence has long been used as a weapon of war, with the purpose of intimidating, injuring and punishing civilians, and even as an ethnic cleansing adjuvant, in armed conflicts. In the last decades, though, there have been important advances towards the definition and prosecution of rape as a crime against international humanitarian law. Notwithstanding, more effective measures are needed to protect women from this heinous crime in the conflict zones and post-conflict. This article stresses the need to keep struggling for gender equality and improving women’s participation in decision making processes to achieve peace and stability</p>

Retos ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 44 ◽  
pp. 34-44
Gerard Foppiano-Vilo ◽  
Carlos Matus-Castillo ◽  
Miguel Cornejo-Améstica

  La brecha de género sobre la participación femenina en puestos de toma de decisiones está evidenciada en las organizaciones deportivas. Las juntas directivas de las Federaciones Deportivas chilenas no están ajenas a esta situación. Por ello, esta investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar barreras, facilitadores y estrategias que influyen en la participación y desarrollo de las mujeres en cargos directivos en las Federaciones Deportivas de Chile. El método fue de tipo cualitativo con enfoque descriptivo y, la técnica fue la entrevista personal mediante aplicación de un guion semi-estructurado de preguntas. Durante octubre y noviembre de 2020 se desarrollaron entrevistas virtuales a mujeres que formaban parte de juntas directivas de federaciones deportivas. El análisis se realizó mediante categorías de análisis y codificaciones empleando el software Atlas. Ti. Las barreras identificadas se asocian a situaciones familiares tales como el cuidado de miembros de la familia. También se reconoce la existencia de prejuicios asociados a estereotipos de género en las funciones que se desempeñan; subestimación de las opiniones femeninas y desarrollo de los cargos en ambientes masculinizados que invisibilizan a las mujeres. Como agentes facilitadores se identifica el soporte familiar; el tener una profesión, experiencia laboral y capacitación en gestión deportiva, junto con algunos aspectos de la personalidad de las dirigentes. Como estrategias se releva la necesidad de un cambio cultural al interior de las federaciones en torno a la participación femenina, implementar cuotas de participación por género y desarrollar programas de capacitación en liderazgo para las mujeres.  Abstract. The gender gap in female participation in decision-making positions is evident in sports organizations. The boards of directors of Chilean sports federations are no strangers to this situation. Therefore, the objective of this research was to determine barriers, facilitators and strategies that influence the participation and development of women in managerial positions in Chilean Sports Federations. The method was qualitative with a descriptive approach and the technique was the personal interview through the application of a semi-structured script of questions. During October and November 2020, virtual interviews were conducted with women who were members of the boards of directors of sports federations. The analysis was carried out through categories of analysis and coding using Atlas. Ti. The barriers identified are associated with family situations such as caring for family members. The existence of prejudices associated with gender stereotypes in the functions performed, underestimation of women's opinions and the development of positions in masculinized environments that make women invisible are also recognized. Family support is identified as facilitating agents, having a profession, work experience and training in sports management, together with some aspects of the leaders' personalities. As strategies, the need for a cultural change within the federations regarding women's participation, the implementation of participation quotas by gender and the development of leadership training programs for women were identified.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2.ESP) ◽  
Margaret Olinda de Souza Carvalho Lira ◽  
Fernando Vitor Alves Campos ◽  
Levi Olinda Lira de Paiva ◽  
Jeany Freire Oliveira

Objetivo: Refletir sobre as repercussões da pandemia do novo coronavírus na vida cotidiana da mulher. Método: Estudo teórico-reflexivo embasado em discussões vigentes sobre a pandemia em interface entre sustentabilidade e equidade de gênero, com análise fundamentada em noções e pressupostos da Sociologia Compreensiva e do Quotidiano por Michel Maffesoli. Resultados: Foram previstas repercussões econômicas, emocionais, na segurança e autonomia da mulher. Nas econômicas prevê-se crescimento do desemprego. As emocionais supõe-se que a mulher chegará à exaustão e atingirá seu limiar de tolerância expresso em incertezas, medo, angústia, raiva, preocupação, impotência e frustrações, atingindo com maior intensidade, as profissionais de enfermagem. As repercussões na segurança e autonomia se darão pela maior exposição à violência doméstica e ausência feminina nos processos decisórios sobre a doença.  Conclusão: a trágica crise representa empecilho para a conquista da autonomia feminina e aponta para drásticas modificações na vida da mulher, cuja sobrevivência exigirá adaptações a uma nova rotina e incluirá mudanças de hábitos, esforço pessoal e solidariedade de amigos e instituições. Este material reúne informações relevantes que contribuem para a sensibilização e esclarecimento da sociedade sobre o quadro que se configura, compreendendo que modificações somente ocorrerão quando as atuais assimetrias entre homens e mulheres forem superadas.Descritores: Infecções por Coronavírus; Mulher; Equidade de Gênero; Atividades Cotidianas; Desenvolvimento Sustentável.REPERCUSSIONS OF COVID-19 IN WOMEN'S DAILY LIFE: REFLECTIONS UNDER MICHEL MAFFESOLI'S SOCIOLOGICAL VIEWObjective: to reflect about repercussions of the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus in the daily life of women. Method: theoretical-reflective study based on current discussions on the pandemic at the interface between sustainability and gender equity, with analysis based on notions and assumptions of Comprehensive Sociology and Daily Life by Michel Maffesoli. Results: economic, emotional, security and women's autonomy repercussions were predicted. About economics is expected to increase unemployment. The emotional ones assume that the woman will reach exhaustion and reach her tolerance threshold expressed in uncertainties, fear, anguish, anger, concern, impotence, and frustrations, reaching nursing professionals with greater intensity. The repercussions on security and autonomy will occur due to the greater exposure to domestic violence and the absence of women in decision-making processes about the disease. Conclusion: the tragic crisis represents an obstacle to the achievement of female autonomy and points to drastic changes in the life of women, whose survival will require adaptations to a new routine and will include changes in habits, personal effort and solidarity from friends and institutions. This material gathers relevant information that contributes to the awareness and clarification of society about the situation that is taking shape, understanding that changes will only occur when the current asymmetries between men and women are overcom.Descriptors: Women; Gender Equity; Activities of Daily Living; Coronavirus Infections; Sustainable Development.REPERCUSIONES DEL COVID-19 EN EL DIARIO DE LA MUJER: REFLEXIONES BAJO LA VISIÓN SOCIOLÓGICA DE MICHEL MAFFESOLIObjetivo: reflexionar sobre las repercusiones de la pandemia causada por el nuevo coronavirus en la vida cotidiana de las mujeres. Método: estudio teórico-reflexivo basado en debates actuales sobre la pandemia en la interfaz entre sostenibilidad y equidad de género, con análisis basado en nociones y suposiciones de Sociología integral y vida cotidiana por Michel Maffesoli. Resultados: se predijeron repercusiones económicas, emocionales y de seguridad y autonomía de la mujer. En la economía, se espera que el desempleo crezca. En los aspetos emocionales suponen que la mujer alcanzará el agotamiento y alcanzará su limite de tolerancia expresado en incertidumbres, miedo, angustia, ira, preocupación, impotencia y frustraciones, llegando a profesionales de enfermería con mayor intensidad. Las repercusiones em la seguridad y la autonomía se producirán debido a la mayor exposición a la violencia doméstica y la ausencia de mujeres en los procesos de toma de decisiones sobre la enfermedad. Conclusión: la trágica crisis representa un obstáculo para el logro de la autonomía femenina y apunta a cambios drásticos en la vida de las mujeres, cuya supervivencia requerirá adaptaciones a una nueva rutina e incluirá cambios en los hábitos, el esfuerzo personal y la solidaridad de amigos e instituciones. Este material reúne información relevante que contribuye a la conciencia y la clarificación de la sociedad sobre la situación que está tomando forma, entendiendo que los cambios solo ocurrirán cuando se superen las asimetrías actuales entre hombr.Descriptores: Mujeres; Equidad de Género; Actividades Cotidianas; Infecciones por Coronavirus; Desarrollo Sostenible.

CES Derecho ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 154-166
Maria Alejandra López Agudelo

El presente artículo pretende abordar el surgimiento de las acciones afirmativas como mecanismos o instrumentos equiparadores de derechos políticos para grupos excluidos, como lo son las mujeres en general, desde lo consagrado en el Acuerdo Final de Paz firmado entre el Gobierno Nacional y las FARC- EP en el año 2016. El foco central del escrito será el Punto Dos: “Participación política: Apertura democrática para construir la paz, y las medidas o acciones afirmativas”, es decir, lo atinente a los espacios de representación y participación política activa en los escenarios de poder y toma de decisiones, del cual se pretende la identificación de las acciones afirmativas, así como verificación de la implementación de estas en el país. 

2015 ◽  
Vol 21 (65) ◽  
pp. 28-37
Federico Mayor Zaragoza

En este artículo de suprema importancia, Federico Mayor Zaragoza, de manera fundamentada señala los factores o condiciones, que por vez primera representan un punto de inflexión para el tránsito de la humanidad, de la cultura de la imposición y dominación a la cultura del encuentro y de la paz. Nos brinda información de las grandes oportunidades perdidas, luego de la primera y segunda guerras mundiales y del fin de la guerra fría.En la era digital, tan reciente, tan consolidada ya, no sólo conocemos en tiempo real “la vida en la Tierra”, sino que podemos transmitir nuestros pensamientos y emociones, podemos participar en los asuntos del estado, nación y el mundo.Por eso es preciso que ahora, cuando ya podemos expresarnos, cuando ya las mujeres participan progresiva y activamente en la toma de decisiones, cuando ya todos los seres humanos y no unos cuantos pueden manifestarse y actuar en virtud de sus propias reflexiones, sea el clamor popular, la voz del pueblo, de “Nosotros, los pueblos…”, el que haga posible el advenimiento del “nuevo comienzo”, que con tanta lucidez preconiza la Carta de la Tierra.

Christian Schaller

The chapter explores the temporal scope of the law of armed conflict in multinational military operations. In particular, it is discussed under which conditions armed conflicts begin and terminate as a matter of international humanitarian law (IHL). Asymmetric conflict structures, fluctuating levels of violence, and the involvement of a multitude of state and non-state actors who enter and leave the battlefield at different stages during the hostilities make it especially difficult to determine the end of an armed conflict. Often, periods of intense fighting alternate with periods of relative calm. It is therefore argued that two requirements should be satisfied before an armed conflict within the meaning of IHL ought to be considered over: the situation must fall below a certain qualitative threshold separating the armed conflict from the post-conflict phase; and the threshold must be crossed with a degree of stability and permanence.

Mayra Nuñez Pastor

Abstract This paper examines social, cultural and religious factors that affect the implementation of international humanitarian law concerning dead and missing persons in non-international armed conflicts. To this end, the behaviour of both armed groups and civil society is studied. The argument made in the paper is that in some cases endogenous and exogenous systems of value (social, religious and cultural understandings), operating within the logic of armed non-State actors and within local communities, should be considered by policies concerning the search for missing persons. The Colombian armed conflict is used as case study; the social, cultural and religious practices of the National Liberation Army and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People's Army are analyzed as examples. Likewise, social and cultural values within affected populations can impact on post-conflict mechanisms agreed upon by the parties concerning the search for missing persons, and vice versa. Consequently, customs and traditions such as the “adoption” of unidentified buried people by local communities (social resignification of the dead) and the practices of indigenous communities are reviewed in order to establish a holistic framework.

Diana Ivzhenko

The article deals with amnesty for combatants, who committed crimes in international armed conflicts or armed conflicts of non-international character in foreign countries, there are also explored conclusions and recommendations of international government and non-government organisations on exemption combatants from criminal liability. It’s obviously, that amnesty does not apply to the perpetrators of such crimes as genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, torture, enforced disappearances, and some others. Considering the extended armed conflict in the east of Ukraine, it’s extremely necessary to examine the institution of amnesty within the context of diplomatic and peaceful measures of ending the conflict. As far as Ukraine is concerned, amnesty in Ukraine is a step towards general reconciliation of the society given serious work and understanding within the society is completed. Moreover, in article discussed the question on specificities of amnesty's implementation in context of armed conflict on temporary occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Special attention is focused on binding terms of amnesty for combatants. As a conclusion, author of this article states on some necessary conditions for implementing the amnesty for combatants in post-conflict society. These conditions are: Disarmament, demobilisation, reintegration. This is one of the most controversy and difficult steps. Combatants only then are going to be disarmed when they feel their safety under international and national law. There is a list of human rights violations that may not be pardoned by the amnesty: genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. The nation and victims of the armed conflict have to know the truth about all violations of human rights according to international humanitarian law and international human rights law. It’s important to understand, that amnesty is one of the institutions in oust-conflict society, that aimed for the end of the conflict, stabilisation of the politica; situation in the country, disarming and reintegration.

2019 ◽  
Lars Müller

This book introduces agreements concluded in the context of non-international armed conflicts into the debate on the significance and development of public international law, especially international humanitarian law. As the appropriateness of norms of international humanitarian law and their ability to govern the conduct of parties in the context of non-international armed conflicts are increasingly challenged, this book looks into agreements concluded between the parties in such conflicts – state and non-state actors – as an additional source of law and legitimacy. By studying agreements from conflict zones in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe and proceeding from a traditional or positivist notion of international law, the author provides a thorough analysis of their content and legal character. He comes to the conclusion that such agreements could and should be considered an instrument of public international law and explains the impact of this conclusion on the aforementioned debate.

2013 ◽  
Vol 82 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-20 ◽  
Dieter Fleck

While a general rule of ‘eco-protection’ in armed conflict may be derived from the basic principles of distinction, proportionality, avoidance of unnecessary suffering and humanity, international humanitarian law provides little by way of more specific rules for the protection of the natural environment except for in extreme situations that can rarely be expected to occur. Nevertheless, opinio juris has changed since the adoption of pertinent instruments in 1977. This development needs to be balanced against a still prevailing general reluctance to accept specific ecological obligations and procedures in military operations. Thus a detailed evaluation of planning and decision-making processes appears necessary. Revisiting the San Remo Manual on International Law Applicable to Armed Conflicts at Sea and the ICRC Study on Customary International Humanitarian Law, this article argues that certain qualifications made in these documents relating to requirements of ‘imperative military necessity’ are to be assessed in the light of their specific implications and should be used with caution. Furthermore, it is suggested that pertinent consequences of the International Law Commission’s Draft Articles on the Effects of Armed Conflicts on Treaties deserve further study. To this end, interdisciplinary case studies should be conducted to support fact-oriented evaluations of military requirements, ecological assessments and political effects post-conflict, rather than insisting on thresholds for legal regulation that already appeared to be escapist decades ago and which may prove counter-productive in the years to come. New activities aimed at protecting the natural environment in armed conflict should focus on a reaffirmation of existing rules and their effective implementation.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-5
Proscovia Svärd

Truth and Reconciliation Commissions (TRCs) are established to document violations of human rights and international humanitarian law in post-conflict societies. The intent is to excavate the truth to avoid political speculations and create an understanding of the nature of the conflict. The documentation hence results in a common narrative which aims to facilitate reconciliation to avoid regression to conflict. TRCs therefore do a tremendous job and create compound documentation that includes written statements, interviews, live public testimonies of witnesses and they also publish final reports based on the accumulated materials. At the end of their mission, TRCs recommend the optimal use of their documentation since it is of paramount importance to the reconciliation process. Despite this ambition, the TRCs’ documentation is often politicized and out of reach for the victims and the post-conflict societies at large. The TRCs’ documentation is instead poorly diffused into the post conflict societies and their findings are not effectively disseminated and used.

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