2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 266
Soifanah Soifanah ◽  
Siti Wahyuningsih ◽  
Muhammad Munif Syamsuddin
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Rizki Oktiana Sakti ◽  
Supri Hartanto

Abstrak Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui upaya meningkatkan prestasi belajar PPKn dengan menggunkan model Brain Based Learning Kelas VII B SMP Negeri 16 Rejang Lebong Bengkulu Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020. Penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Rejang Lebong Bengkulu pada tahun pelajaran 2019/2020 di Kelas VII B dengan jumlah 26 siswa (Laki-laki 11 dan Perempuan 15). Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini menggunkan siklus model Kermmis dan Mc Taggart yaitu rencana, tindakan, pengamatan dan refleksi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, tes evaluasi, wawancara, dokumentasi. Teknik Analisi Data menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif yaitu terjadi peningkatan prestasi belajar dari pra siklus. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa upaya untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa kelas VII B SMP Negeri 16 Rejang Lebong Bengkulu dengan menggunakan model Brain Based Learninghasil jumlah perhitungan pra siklus dengan persentase ketuntasan sebesar 50,00%, pada siklus I mengalami peningkatan tuntas dengan persentase 57,69%, dan pada siklus II mengalami kenaikan kembali dengan presentase 65,38%. Sesuai dengan KKM 70 dan Indikator keberhasilan 60% dengan hasil yang diperoleh di siklus II maka, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini dihentikan karena prestasi belajar siswa meningkat dan sudah mencapai indikator keberhasilan yang telah ditentukan. Kata Kunci : Prestasi Belajar, PPKn Brain Based Learning Abstract This Classroom Action Research aims to determine efforts to improve PPKn learning achievement by using the Class VII B Brain Based Learning model of SMP Negeri 16 Rejang Lebong Bengkulu for the 2019/2020 academic year. The research was conducted in Rejang Lebong Bengkulu Regency in the 2019/2020 school year in Class VII B with a total of 26 students (male 11 and female 15). This Classroom Action Research uses the Kermmis and Mc Taggart model cycle, namely planning, acting, observing and reflecting. Data collection was carried out by observation, evaluation tests, interviews, documentation. The data analysis technique used quantitative descriptive, namely an increase in learning achievement from the pre-cycle. The results of the study concluded that efforts to improve student achievement in class VII B SMP Negeri 16 Rejang Lebong Bengkulu using the Brain Based Learningmodel resulted in the number of pre-cycle calculations with a completeness percentage of 50.00%, in the first cycle experienced an increase in completeness with a percentage of 57.69% , and in the second cycle it increased again with a percentage of 65.38%. In accordance with KKM 70 and success indicators of 60% with the results obtained in cycle II, this Classroom Action Research was stopped because student learning achievement had increased and had reached predetermined success indicators. Keywords: Learning Achievement, PPKn Brain Based Learning

Chrisnaji Banindra Yudha ◽  
Asep Supena ◽  
Yufiarti ◽  
Nurfatanah ◽  
Vina Iasha

2019 ◽  
Vol IV (II) ◽  
pp. 564-570
Muhammad Qasim Ali ◽  
Najam Ul Kashif ◽  
Muhammad Irfan Chani

When educational neuroscience emerged in the latter decade of the 20th century, it completely transformed the area of education and presented a slew of new difficulties to educators, scholars, and intellectuals. The study's goals were to 1) ascertain secondary school students' conceptions about brain-based learning 2) assess students' awareness of neurotheological practices. It was a descriptive study, and the study sample consisted of all public secondary school students, and250 students were chosen at random from the study population. The researchers developed a questionnaire after reading relevant literature. The study indicated that emotions influence decision-making, fostering creativity and uniqueness, so it concluded that a suitable classroom/institution environment makes students feel like active learners. The study may suggest that teachers create a favorable learning environment for better learning, and it may also recommend that students offer prayer five times daily to relax their brains and improve learning and creativity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 17-19
Edy Mastoni

Research Highlights The study proposed two focus studies and results indicated there is a conformity between Brain Based Learning (BBL) and students' intrapersonal intelligence toward characteristics of junior high school mathematics learning. Implementation of Brain Based Learning (BBL) and intrapersonal intelligence in junior high school mathematics learning can improve student’s learning outcomes.   Research Objectives This research aims to knowing activities of junior high school mathematics learning and to knowing conformity of characteristics between Brain Based Learning (BBL) and intrapersonal intelligence with junior high school mathematics learning. BBL as a learning strategies and intrapersonal intelligence as an internal factors of students must be the main consideration in learning activities, including in this case mathematics learning. Learning is more directed at construction than instruction, which has implications for the role of teachers and students (Reigeluth and Carr-Chellman, 2009). Learning strategies concept is a various types of plans used by the teacher to achieve goals (Silver et al., 2012). In simple terms, this view states that learning strategies are ways to do something in achieving goals. Learning mathematics is learning about the concepts and structure of mathematics and looking for relationships between the two on the material being studied (Bruner, 2009). In the learning activities, learning materials must be adapted to the abilities and cognitive structures of students. Learning material must be related to the concepts that are already owned so that new ideas can be fully absorbed by students (Ausubel, 2012). Learning activities must be gradual, sequential and always based on past learning experiences.   Methodology This type of research is qualitative descriptive. The approach used is qualitative with descriptive methods and literature studies. Data collection uses documentation studies, observations, and interviews with teachers and students. Data collection was conducted in junior high school of SMP Assahil Lampung Timur in the 2018/2019 academic year. The mathematics teachers and students were included in this study as a respondents. In this study the data analysis used was quantitative descriptive and qualitative descriptive analysis. Quantitative descriptive analysis is used to present and analyze data relating to mathematics learning outcomes over the past three years. Qualitative descriptive analysis is used to interpret and analyze data regarding the learning process of mathematics that has taken place.   Results The study indicate that mathematics teachers have only used expository learning strategies in learning activities. The expository learning strategy is a form of teacher-centered learning approach. Mathematical learning outcomes are not satisfactory. The Mathematics learning is a learning process that involves active students building mathematical knowledge (Cobb, 2013). In mathematics learning there is a process of developing students' creativity to improve their abilities and beliefs in building knowledge and mastering good mathematics subject matter. The Characteristics of Brain Based Learning (BBL) emphasizes students to play an active role in building the concepts learned (Ulger, 2018). The steps in the BBL learning strategy include creating a learning environment that challenges students' thinking skills (regulated immersion), creates a relaxed learning environment, and creates actual and meaningful learning situations for students (active processing). Intrapersonal intelligence is self-knowledge as intelligence that involves self-awareness or self-sensitivity, thought processes, realizing changes that occur in oneself, involving skills of cooperation and communication both verbally and nonverbally (Alder, 2001). The characteristics of intrapersonal intelligence consist of three main aspects that can be used as benchmarks, namely recognizing oneself, knowing one's own desires, and knowing what is necessary for oneself.   Findings The results of data analysis, it was found that the learning activities that had taken place so far only used expository learning strategies. The teacher does not apply learning strategies that are in accordance with the internal factors of students in learning mathematics. The literature review show that there is a match between the characteristics of junior high school mathematics material, the characteristics of BBL learning strategies and the characteristics of intrapersonal intelligence. Therefore, the implementation of BBL learning strategies and intrapersonal intelligence in junior high school mathematics learning is very well done to improve student learning outcomes.   Acknowledgement This study was supported by Universitas Negeri Jakarta and SMP Assahil Lampung Timur, for which thanks to 1) Doctoral Program in Educational Technology, Postgraduate Program at Universitas Negeri Jakarta; 2) SMP Assahil Lampung Timur; 3) Prof. Dr. M. Syarif Sumantri, M.Pd. as the promoter and Prof. Dr. Nurdin Ibrahim, M.Pd. as the co. promoter who has provided guidance to the author.    

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