scholarly journals Ship course control system with compensation of external disturbance on steering gear

Alexander Aleksandrovich Dyda ◽  
Van Thanh Nguyen ◽  
Dmitry Aleksandrovich Oskin

The article focuses on developing synthesis methods for automatic heading control systems for the rudder-controlled sea vessel. The solution of the problem of vessel heading control is carried out in the conditions of heavy sea. The disturbing effect of the external water environment causes the vessel yawning, which results in exceeding activity of the steering gear. This leads to its increased wear and loss in the longitudinal speed of the vessel. To reduce the wave effect there has been supposed an approach based on the additionally introduced internal model of the ship dynamics. The given approach is aimed at improving the operation of the steering gear in rough seas. To implement the proposed algorithm, changes are made to the original system by introducing an internal model in parallel to the control object and modifying the feedback channel of the control system. To describe the sea vessel dynamics there is used the 1st order Nomoto model, the steering gear model is implemented in accordance with the imposed speed limits and the rudder shift value. Wave disturbance is close to harmonic disturbance. The identification of the parameters of the internal model can be carried out in advance, both by maneuvering tests and by the process of operation. Numerical simulations carried out in the MATLAB/Simulink system confirmed the advantage of the proposed approach. The synthesis of control in a system with an internal model makes it possible to significantly neutralize the influence of wave disturbance. The modifications introduced to the original control system help to improve functioning of the steering gear, significantly reducing the number of rudder shifts during operation.

2013 ◽  
Vol 457-458 ◽  
pp. 844-847
Ren Hao Jiang ◽  
Yan Ping Shi ◽  
Wen Jie Song

In the case of high class ocean wave, because of the disturbance movement of ocean wave is larger than moment of rudder, it is noneffective to reduce yaw angle with rudder control and it also increase the times of noneffective rudder. In this paper design a filter to deal with yaw angle and reduce the main value frequency impact to heading control system. Filter will reduce the response of heading control system to wave disturbance and then reduce the noneffective rudder. It will reduce the abrasion of steering and energy consume.

2015 ◽  
Vol 719-720 ◽  
pp. 330-335
Gan Sheng Zhang ◽  
Wei Xie ◽  
Xiang Jun Li ◽  
Bo Li

The paper deals with speed control system design for variable speed fixed-pitch (VS-FP) wind turbine based on improved internal model control. The design procedure includes two steps: first nominal controller is considered that the VS-PF wind turbine works well around its operating point; second, a stable compensator is designed to reject the influence of external disturbance on the control performance when external disturbance occurs. Finally, a numerical simulation is presented to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed method.

Vitaly Vysotsky ◽  
Igor Markov ◽  
Yuri Matveev ◽  

The article deals with the main trends in the development of marine automatic AC electric drive systems. A variant of the implementation of an electric drive using an electromechanical converter of a synchronous machine with electromagnetic field excitation is presented. A promising electric drive system with a valve engine for the icebreaker's with the Azipod propulsion and steering system is proposed. The aim of the work is to eliminate the structural complexity and expand the functional capabilities of the electric drive by using a scalar automatic control system of the frequency of rotation in the two-zone control of the valve motor of the EPS. The novelty lies in the use of the approach and representation of the control object-a valve motor as an analog of a DC collector motor controlled by an armature and by a field. The analysis of control processes is directly related to the processes of electromechanical energy conversion occurring in a synchronous machine.

2021 ◽  
pp. 179-183
А.А. Исаев

Предложены авторские трактовки понятий «человек» (как высокоразвитая кибернетическая система (биоробот), которая функционирует на основании определенных программ (врожденных и сформированных в процессе жизни), «кибернетическая антропология» (как наука, рассматривающая человека как компьютеризированную систему управления, которая функционирует на основании определенных программ), «психопрограммистика» (как отрасль кибернетической антропологии, изучающая врожденные программы человека, которые определяют мышление и поведение последнего). Раскрывается структура человека как биоробота, основными элементами которой являются: 1) Органическая машина (объект управления); 2) Управляющий орган (субъект управления); 3) Устройство «прямой связи»; 4) Устройство «обратной связи». Выявляются основные элементы Управляющего органа человека как биоробота: 1) Совершенный компьютер; 2) Персональный компьютер; 3) Сенсор (Душа). Предложены авторские трактовки понятий «чувства» и «эмоции» с позиции кибернетической антропологии. Раскрываются основные элементы программ, которые лежат в основе безусловных и условных рефлексов. The author's interpretations of the concepts of “human” are proposed as a highly developed cybernetic system (biorobot), which functions on the basis of certain programs (innate and formed in the process of life); “Cybernetic anthropology” as a science that considers a person as a computerized control system that functions on the basis of certain programs, as well as “psychoprogramming” as a branch of cybernetic anthropology, which studies the innate programs of a person that determine the thinking and behavior of the latter. The structure of a person as a biorobot is revealed, the main elements of which are: 1) Organic machine (control object); 2) Managing body (subject of management); 3) "Direct communication" device; 4) Device "feedback". The main elements of the Managing body of a person as a biorobot are revealed: 1) Perfect computer; 2) Personal computer; 3) Sensor (Soul). The author's interpretations of the concepts of "feelings" and "emotions" from the standpoint of cybernetic anthropology are proposed. The main elements of programs underlying unconditioned and conditioned reflexes are revealed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Gang Zhang ◽  
Deqiang Cheng ◽  
Qiqi Kou

This paper investigates a low-complexity saturated control law for a class of nonlinear systems with consideration of the time-varying output constraint, control constraint, and external disturbance. First, a dead-zone model is employed to transform the control saturation nonlinearity into a linear one with respect to the real input signal. Then, the original system with time-varying output constraint is transformed into a constraint-free one, based on which a novel adaptive saturated control law is devised along the filtered error manifold. By employing minimum learning parameter technique and virtual error concept, only two adaptive parameters are needed to update online, which reduces the computational burdens dramatically. Finally, the applications to Duffing-Holmes chaotic system are organized to validate the effectiveness of the proposed control law.

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 ◽  
pp. 69 ◽  
Hua-Cheng Zhou

In this paper, we solve the output tracking and disturbance rejection problem for a system described by a one-dimensional anti-stable wave equation, with reference and disturbance signals that belong to W1,∞[0, ∞) and L∞[0, ∞), respectively. Generally, these signals cannot be generated from an exosystem. We explore an approach based on proportional control. It is shown that a proportional gain controller can achieve exponentially the output tracking while rejecting disturbance. Our method consists of three steps: first, we convert the original system without disturbance into two transport equations with an ordinary differential equation by using Riemann variables, then we propose a proportional control law by making use of the properties of transport systems and time delay systems. Second, based on our recent result on disturbance estimator, we apply the estimation/cancellion strategy to cancel to the external disturbance and to track the reference asymptotically. Third, we design a controller using a state observer. Since disturbance does not appear in the observer explicitly (the disturbance is exactly compensated), the controlled output signal is exponentially tracking the reference signal. As a byproduct, we obtain a new output feedback stabilizing control law by which the resulting closed-loop system is exponentially stable using only two displacement output signals.

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