control object
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М.Е. Ушков ◽  
В.Л. Бурковский

Рассматривается структура системы информационной поддержки процессов принятия решений оператором АЭС в оперативных условиях. Анализируются функциональные возможности системы информационной поддержки оператора (СИПО) на примере Нововоронежской атомной электростанции (НВ АЭС). Данная система дает возможность оператору, управляющему распределенным комплексом технологических объектов АЭС, проводить качественный анализ и обработку больших объемов сложностpуктурированной информации и принимать своевременные адекватные решения в темпе реального времени. Кроме того, рассматривается объект управления и его структура, приводятся рекомендации, направленные на увеличение функциональных возможностей СИПО на базе искусственных нейронных сетей. Одной из многочисленных функций СИПО является прогнозирование состояния объекта управления на основе реализации программно-технологического комплекса модели энергоблока (ПТК МЭ). Однако существующая модель не способна учесть все факторы, влияющие на производственный процесс. Альтернативой здесь выступает искусственная нейронная сеть, которая в процессе обучения может сформировать искомые зависимости между большим числом параметров объекта управления и получить более полный и достоверный прогноз. Предложена структура искусственной нейронной сети на базе нечёткой системы вывода, которая реализует возможности нейронных сетей и нечеткой логики We considered the structure of the information support system for decision-making by the NPP operator in operational conditions. We analyzed the functional capabilities of the operator information support system (SIPO) using the example of the Novovoronezh nuclear power plant (NV NPP). This system provides the operator managing the distributed complex of NPP technological facilities to carry out high-quality analysis and processing of large volumes of complex structured information and make timely adequate decisions in real time. In addition, we considered the control object and its structure and made recommendations aimed at increasing the functionality of the SIPO based on artificial neural networks. One of the many functions of the SIPO is to predict the state of the control object based on the implementation of the software and technological complex of the power unit model. However, the existing model is not able to take into account all the factors influencing the production process. An alternative here is an artificial neural network, which in the learning process can form the required dependencies between a large number of parameters of the control object and get a more complete and reliable forecast. The proposed structure of an artificial neural network based on a fuzzy inference system, which implements the capabilities of neural networks and fuzzy logic

2022 ◽  
Vol 1211 (1) ◽  
pp. 012022
A A Valke ◽  
D G Lobov ◽  
A G Shkaev

Abstract Contactless thermal control tools play an important role in solving the high-temperature technological processes improving energy efficiency problems. In order to create such controls, the authors analyzed the developing possibility of spectral ratio high-temperature pyrometer using a multispectral radiation receiver (color sensor) TCS34725. In the paper this receiver application coefficients are determined, signals ratio graphs in different spectral intervals on temperature are given for two applications: without additional filtration of the control object radiation infrared component and using an opaque in the infrared spectrum part external filter.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2160 (1) ◽  
pp. 012034
Haijun Zhou

Abstract The virtualization of the Festo process control teaching platform and the implementation process of extending it with real industry applications are introduced. Taking the heating process of the water tank as an example, the model extraction method of the real object is analyzed in detail, and the model identification problem of the low-order linear control object is solved. Through the introduction of the creation process of the object model on the virtual platform, a feasible way is pointed out for similar applications. On this basis, it is proposed to integrate the teaching platform with the specific industrial industry in the virtualized environment, broaden the breadth of process control teaching, and point out new ideas for building a teaching profession with industry support.

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (06) ◽  
pp. 1840-1849
Sergey G. Marchenko ◽  
Leonid I. Berner ◽  
Yuri M. Zeldin

The article describes an approach to the operational and supervisory control of a gas transmission system for large industrial zones using a model predictive control, as well as analytical and simulation methods. The operational and supervisory control of the gas transportation system covers the time horizon from several hours to several days and involves performing several cyclically repeated actions. The authors propose a time series predictive model of the gas consumption parameter considering temperature weather conditions, which is extended based on accounting for the correlation relationships between the consumption volumes of each consumer. The control methods used today, reacting to the current deviations from the planned regime, a priori do not allow achieving the best results. A significant increase in the stability of control and a reduction in the cost of fuel and energy resources can be achieved by using the control method based on predictive models. In this case, the control object model is used to predict its behavior within the selected time horizon, and optimal control actions are selected on this basis. The process of predicting and selecting control actions is periodically repeated, constantly changing the time horizon boundaries. The described method of changing the flow diagram consists either in changing all the flows at the same time or in a preemptive and smooth transition based on the introduction of a weighted flow diagram for various stationary modes, provided that their mismatch is minimized at neighboring time intervals corresponding to the intervals of constancy of consumption requests.

Liudmila V. Zhukova

Recent years were a transformation period of the analytic systems to support management decision-making on continuously available open data away from official periodic reports. In this regard, the system of control and supervision of management objects by the state controlling bodies is changing, new sources of information are included; monitoring of the external environment and media space is introduced. The author proposes an approach to the formation of a generalized key indicator for rapid assessment of the object of management (on the example of an industrial enterprise) on the basis of open data from the Internet. The object of the research is developing universal comprehensive indicator for rapid assessment of the compliance of the economic object of management on the part of regulators or relevant services on the basis of structured and unstructured data from the Internet. Scientific novelty of the study is to propose the concept of building a universal comprehensive indicator (UCI) based on a logical function that uses an extended set of arguments, including both continuous and discrete variables. Transformation into the values of the indicator is proposed using the logical rules, given the requirements for the control object from the regulators. Main results of the work: the concept of constructing universal comprehensive indicator allowing to get an express assessment of the state of the object in control was developed. The algorithm was tested to assess the need and feasibility for the state authorities in the financial assistance of the Moscow industrial enterprise. The approach in this research is applicable to current monitoring of the situation due to official reporting at the tactical level of management.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 38-43
Alexander P. MASLYANITSYN ◽  

The problem of mathematical modeling of a heating system radiator as a control object is considered. The purpose of its development is to create a generalized mathematical model of thermal processes in a room heated by means of water radiators. A calculation scheme of heat transfer processes between the heat carrier of the radiator and the air of the room has been developed, on the basis of which the heat balance equations are writt en. This takes into account both steady and unsteady heat transfer processes between the coolant, radiator and room air. A block diagram of the mathematical model of a heating radiator has been developed. After the introduction of assumptions and transformation of the structural diagram of the nonlinear model, the structural diagram of the linear mathematical model of the heating radiator was obtained. On its basis, the transfer function of the heating radiator is derived, the output coordinate of which is the thermal power. The resulting transfer function can be used in a generalized mathematical model of a heated room. The analysis of the transfer function of the heating radiator is carried out and it is shown that its dynamics is determined not only by geometric parameters, but also by the fl ow rate of the heat carrier.

Ivan Kostjukov

The article provides an overview of the most common methods for monitoring the technical state of electrical insulation, based on the applying of absorption phenomena arising in dielectric materials under the influence of DC voltage. The main provisions of the control method based on determining the voltage at the electrodes of the investigated capacitive control object, which is recovering after a short-term discharge of its capacity, are described. The main aspects of the application of the polarization index and the absorption coefficient for determining the technical state of insulation by using the coefficients characterizing the change in time of the current through the dielectric when a constant test voltage is applied to it are analyzed. The advantages of using absorption methods for monitoring the technical state of electrical insulation, first of all, are the ability to carry out testing without the necessity of applying of relatively high test voltages, which greatly simplifies all the necessary technical operations. Such control methods show a significant dependence of the informative parameters used in them on the technical state of insulation on the degree of development of slow polarization processes in the material under study and, therefore, are successfully used to determine the degree of moisture in tested electrical insulation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (12) ◽  
pp. 650-659
V. B. Melekhin ◽  
M. V. Khachumov

The article outlines the main problems of automatic planning of the behavior of an autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle in unstable air conditions. It is shown that the urgency of the problem is due to the fact that an autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle independently forms and implements its flight route without support from a ground control station. There is therefore a need to develop a method for automatic control of programmed movements associated with the implementation of the route constructed by the problem solver. To solve this problem we propose an approach to regulating the parameters of the state of dynamic objects based on the principle of situational control of the goal-directed behavior of complex systems in changing environmental conditions. The expediency of choosing this control principle is due to the fact that the state of an autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle during its flight is characterized by a large number of parameters and disturbing environmental factors. In order to effectively implement this control principle, we introduce the concept of a complete problematic situation, which consists of deviations of the state parameters of an autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle from the required values during flight and disturbing environmental factors. On this basis, a fuzzy model of situational control of the state parameters of an autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle functioning in an unstable environment is developed, in which linguistic variables and functions are used to provide a generalized presentation of reference problem situations, as well as to describe the deviations of the state parameters and disturbing environmental factors. The conditions are determined under which the reference indistinctly presented problem situations generalize the actual problem situations that arise at the control object. This makes it possible to significantly reduce the number of logical-transformational decision rules in the situational control model and to promptly automatically determine effective control actions in problematic situations that ensure the effective implementation of programmed movements of an autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle under conditions of uncertainty. In conclusion, it is shown that for the implementation of control actions which are selected on a situational basis with increased requirements for the accuracy of regulation of the time-varying parameters of the control object and a significant level of possible discrepancies between their actual and specified values in conditions of uncertainty, it is advisable to use indistinctly implemented proportional, integral and differential regulation laws.

2021 ◽  
Vol 939 (1) ◽  
pp. 012028
R Baratov ◽  
T Bon ◽  
Y Chulliyev ◽  
Yu Shoyimov ◽  
M Abdullayev

Abstract This paper discusses the question of modeling and simulation of water levels control in open canals as a key decition of water and energy resources scarsity in the vegetation period of agricultural irrigation. The mathematical model of the water levels control in open canals is developed and the outcomes are evaluated using by Matlab’s tool Simulink. In addition, the paper proposes that the pivot weir or overshot gate for water levels control in open canals is simple in terms of precise and quality control of the upstream and downstream water levels control. Then dynamic equation of control object that describes dynamic state of the water levels control was obtained. A functional diagram has been developed and PID control was applied for the water levels control in the open canals. PID control was applied for the water levels control in the open canals to know how faster response the object to disturbance. Based on functional diagram the model of the system was built in Simulink environment and obtained the dynamic response.

Alexander Aleksandrovich Dyda ◽  
Van Thanh Nguyen ◽  
Dmitry Aleksandrovich Oskin

The article focuses on developing synthesis methods for automatic heading control systems for the rudder-controlled sea vessel. The solution of the problem of vessel heading control is carried out in the conditions of heavy sea. The disturbing effect of the external water environment causes the vessel yawning, which results in exceeding activity of the steering gear. This leads to its increased wear and loss in the longitudinal speed of the vessel. To reduce the wave effect there has been supposed an approach based on the additionally introduced internal model of the ship dynamics. The given approach is aimed at improving the operation of the steering gear in rough seas. To implement the proposed algorithm, changes are made to the original system by introducing an internal model in parallel to the control object and modifying the feedback channel of the control system. To describe the sea vessel dynamics there is used the 1st order Nomoto model, the steering gear model is implemented in accordance with the imposed speed limits and the rudder shift value. Wave disturbance is close to harmonic disturbance. The identification of the parameters of the internal model can be carried out in advance, both by maneuvering tests and by the process of operation. Numerical simulations carried out in the MATLAB/Simulink system confirmed the advantage of the proposed approach. The synthesis of control in a system with an internal model makes it possible to significantly neutralize the influence of wave disturbance. The modifications introduced to the original control system help to improve functioning of the steering gear, significantly reducing the number of rudder shifts during operation.

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