scholarly journals Time of concentration of surface flow in complex hillslopes

2013 ◽  
Vol 61 (4) ◽  
pp. 269-277 ◽  
Touraj Sabzevari ◽  
Bahram Saghafian ◽  
Ali Talebi ◽  
Reza Ardakanian

Abstract Time of concentration (TC) of surface flow in watersheds depends on the coupled response of hillslopes and stream networks. The important point in this background is to study the effects of the geometry and the shape of complex hillslopes on the time of concentration considering the degree of flow convergence (convergent, parallel or divergent) as well as the profile curvature (concave, straight or convex). In this research, the shape factor of complex hillslopes as introduced by Agnese et al. (2007) is generalized and linked to the TC. A new model for calculating TC of complex hillslopes is presented, which depends on the plan shape, the type and degree of profile curvature, the Manning roughness coefficient, the flow regime, the length, the average slope, and the excess rainfall intensity. The presented model was compared to that proposed by Singh and Agiralioglu (1981a,b) and Agiralioglu (1985). Moreover, the results of laboratory experiments on the travel time of surface flow of complex hillslopes were used to calibrate the model. The results showed that TC for convergent hillslopes is nearly double those of parallel and divergent ones. TC in convex hillslopes was very close to that in straight and concave hillslopes. While the effect of convergence on TC is considerable, the curvature effect confirmed insignificant. Finally, in convergent hillslopes, TC increases with the degree of convergence, but in divergent hillslopes, it decreases as degree of divergence increases.

2005 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 490-499 ◽  
Ömer Akgiray

The application of the Manning equation to partly filled circular channels is considered. The four types of problem that require iterative calculations are elucidated, and explicit solutions proposed in the literature are reviewed. New and improved equations are presented for one type of problem. Explicit analytical equations are developed for the two types of problem for which no explicit solutions could be found in the literature. For each type of problem, two cases are considered: (i) constant Manning roughness coefficient, and (ii) variable Manning roughness coefficient that depends on the depth of flow. Separate equations are presented for each case. The accuracy of each equation is demonstrated by calculating and reporting its maximum deviation from the exact solution within its range of applicability. In addition to obviating the need for iterative calculations, these equations facilitate the calculation of both solutions when the problem at hand has two distinct solutions (two possible flow depths). The proposed equations are accurate enough to be used in computer calculations and sufficiently simple to be used with a hand-held calculator. Key words: explicit solution, hydraulics, Manning equation, free-surface flow, roughness coefficient, sewer design.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 1657
Jingzhou Zhang ◽  
Shengtang Zhang ◽  
Si Chen ◽  
Ming Liu ◽  
Xuefeng Xu ◽  

To explore the characteristics of overland flow resistance under the condition of sparse vegetative stem coverage and improve the basic theoretical research of overland flow, the resistance characteristics of overland flow were systematically investigated under four slope gradients (S), seven flow discharges (Q), and six degrees of vegetation coverage (Cr). The results show that the Manning roughness coefficient (n) changes with the ratio of water depth to vegetation height (h/hv) while the Reynolds number (Re), Froude number (Fr), and slope (S) are closely related to vegetation coverage. Meanwhile, h/hv, Re, and Cr have strong positive correlations with n, while Fr and S have strong negative correlations with n. Through data regression analysis, a power function relationship between n and hydraulic parameters was observed and sensitivity analysis was performed. It was concluded that the relationship between n and h/hv, Re, Cr, Q, and S shows the same law; in particular, for sparse stem vegetation coverage, Cr is the dominant factor affecting overland flow resistance under zero slope condition, while Cr is no longer the first dominant factor affecting overland flow resistance under non-zero slope condition. In the relationship between n and Fr, Cr has the least effect on overland flow resistance. This indicates that when Manning roughness coefficient is correlated with different hydraulic parameters, the same vegetation coverage has different effects on overland flow resistance. Therefore, it is necessary to study overland flow resistance under the condition of sparse stalk vegetation coverage.

2020 ◽  
Vol 39 (4) ◽  
pp. 651-659
Yashan CHENG ◽  
Zhonggen WANG ◽  
Jun LI ◽  
Zhen HUANG ◽  
Xiangyu YE ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 55 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-84
Hikaru Tomita ◽  
Alessandra Mayumi Nakata ◽  
Kazuo Konagai ◽  
Takashi Matsushima ◽  
Masataka Shiga ◽  

The Gorkha earthquake of April 25, 2015 has caused many landslides along the Trishuli River in the Rasuwa District. A numerical approach has been taken to assess the remaining risk of landslides. The debris mass movements are described in simulations with only three parameters, namely, the critical angle if, Gauckler–Manning roughness coefficient n, and angle of repose id. The optimum set of these three parameters, obtained through a batch of numerical simulations to minimize the prediction error, was then used to identify locations of unstable colluvium deposits remaining along gullies on steep valley walls of the Trishuli River.  

1996 ◽  
Vol 22 ◽  
pp. 255-259 ◽  
A. C. Fowler ◽  
F. S. L. Ng

The classical theory of jökulhlaups used Röthlisberger’s earlier theory of ice-channel drainage to describe the development of the flood hydrograph. This theory has some drawbacks: the mechanism of initiation (breaking the seal) is opaque, the Manning roughness coefficient is too large and the hydrographs can reveal a sudden switching from channel opening to channel closure which is not simulated by the model. In this paper, we examine these features by exploring a more detailed model, which takes into account the physics of sediment erosion and its effect on channel morphology. We propose a theory in which channels need not be semicircular, but have shapes determined by alocalbalance between closure and melting, and in which erosion of the tunnel margins is taken into account; in particular, we derive theoretical predictions for sediment discharge, and we also propose a mechanism whereby the pressure seal over the caldera rim at Grímsvötn in Vatnajökull, Iceland, can be broken when the lake-level water pressure is still some 6 bar below the maximum overburden ice pressure.

2009 ◽  
Vol 9 (5) ◽  
pp. 549-567 ◽  
L. De Doncker ◽  
P. Troch ◽  
R. Verhoeven ◽  
K. Bal ◽  
P. Meire ◽  

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