Determination of mass and aerodynamic characteristics of rolling ballistic vehicles from dynamic motion data using equations of motion methods. I - Roll equation

1969 ◽  
Є. Ю. Іленко ◽  
В. М. Онищенко

In the process of designing and operating the aircraft, it is important to determine the ultimate state of the structure, taking into account the dynamic load of the structure and its stability. The ultimate state of the structure is characterized by damage, in which the structure still retains the ability to withstand without catastrophic destruction of the maximum operating load. The main method of studying the stability of the structure is the dynamic method. It allows us to investigate the perturbed motion of a structure as a nonconservative system for some initial perturbation. The monotonic departure of the system from the equilibrium position or its oscillations with increasing amplitudes indicate the instability of the structure. The paper analyzes the effect of damage to the aircraft structure on its dynamic stability based on the determination of the dynamic response of the aircraft to some non-stationary perturbation, for example, on the action of a turbulent atmosphere. The method of computational analysis is used to study the dynamic stability of the structure. The basis of this method is mathematical modeling (MM) of the operation of the aircraft in the form of a system of equations of motion and deformation of the structure. The problem of dynamic aeroelasticity is considered - the behavior of the elastic damaged structure of the aircraft in the air flow to the initial perturbation. On the basis of computer simulation, the dynamic stability of the elastic structure, its oscillating or quasi-static (aperiodic) deformation motion within the flight range of the aircraft is estimated. On the basis of parametric researches the limits of instability of a design at the set damages for typical operating conditions are estimated. The relevance of the direction focused on the creation and advanced operation of MM aircraft - their mathematical backups in the process of design and operation of aircraft due to the complexity and limited capabilities of ground experimental installations and flight experiment. It is noted that the condition for the application of this method is the formed MM operation of the aircraft and the availability of information on the mass-inertial, stiffness and aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft.

1. The equations of motion of viscous fluid (obtained by grafting on certain terms to the abstract equations of the Eulerian form so as to adapt these equations to the case of fluids subject to stresses depending in some hypothetical manner on the rates of distortion, which equations Navier seems to have first introduced in 1822, and which were much studied by Cauchy and Poisson) were finally shown by St. Venant and Sir Gabriel Stokes, in 1845, to involve no other assumption than that the stresses, other than that of pressure uniform in all directions, are linear functions of the rates of distortion, with a co-efficient depending on the physical state of the fluid. By obtaining a singular solution of these equations as applied to the case of pendulums in steady periodic motion, Sir G. Stokes was able to compare the theoretical results with the numerous experiments that had been recorded, with the result that the theoretical calculations agreed so closely with the experimental determinations as seemingly to prove the truth of the assumption involved. This was also the result of comparing the flow of water through uniform tubes with the flow calculated from a singular solution of the equations so long as the tubes were small and the velocities slow. On the other hand, these results, both theoretical and practical, were directly at variance with common experience as to the resistance encountered by larger bodies moving with higher velocities through water, or by water moving with greater velocities through larger tubes. This discrepancy Sir G. Stokes considered as probably resulting from eddies which rendered the actual motion other than that to which the singular solution referred and not as disproving the assumption.

Joint Rail ◽  
2004 ◽  
Mohammad Durali ◽  
Mohammad Mehdi Jalili Bahabadi

In this article a train model is developed for studying train derailment in passing through bends. The model is three dimensional, nonlinear, and considers 43 degrees of freedom for each wagon. All nonlinear characteristics of suspension elements as well as flexibilities of wagon body and bogie frame, and the effect of coupler forces are included in the model. The equations of motion for the train are solved numerically for different train conditions. A neural network was constructed as an element in solution loop for determination of wheel-rail contact geometry. Derailment factor was calculated for each case. The results are presented and show the major role of coupler forces on possible train derailment.

Shanzhong Duan ◽  
Kurt S. Anderson

Abstract The paper presents a new hybrid parallelizable low order algorithm for modeling the dynamic behavior of multi-rigid-body chain systems. The method is based on cutting certain system interbody joints so that largely independent multibody subchain systems are formed. These subchains interact with one another through associated unknown constraint forces f¯c at the cut joints. The increased parallelism is obtainable through cutting the joints and the explicit determination of associated constraint loads combined with a sequential O(n) procedure. In other words, sequential O(n) procedures are performed to form and solve equations of motion within subchains and parallel strategies are used to form and solve constraint equations between subchains in parallel. The algorithm can easily accommodate the available number of processors while maintaining high efficiency. An O[(n+m)Np+m(1+γ)Np+mγlog2Np](0<γ<1) performance will be achieved with Np processors for a chain system with n degrees of freedom and m constraints due to cutting of interbody joints.

Keith W. Buffinton

Abstract Presented in this work are the equations of motion governing the behavior of a simple, highly flexible, prismatic-jointed robotic manipulator performing repetitive maneuvers. The robot is modeled as a uniform cantilever beam that is subject to harmonic axial motions over a single bilateral support. To conveniently and accurately predict motions that lead to unstable behavior, three methods are investigated for determining the boundaries of unstable regions in the parameter space defined by the amplitude and frequency of axial motion. The first method is based on a straightforward application of Floquet theory; the second makes use of the results of a perturbation analysis; and the third employs Bolotin’s infinite determinate method. Results indicate that both perturbation techniques and Bolotin’s method yield acceptably accurate results for only very small amplitudes of axial motion and that a direct application of Floquet theory, while computational expensive, is the most reliable way to ensure that all instability boundaries are correctly represented. These results are particularly relevant to the study of prismatic-jointed robotic devices that experience amplitudes of periodic motion that are a significant percentage of the length of the axially moving member.

1981 ◽  
Vol 71 (6) ◽  
pp. 2011-2038 ◽  
William B. Joyner ◽  
David M. Boore

Abstract We have taken advantage of the recent increase in strong-motion data at close distances to derive new attenuation relations for peak horizontal acceleration and velocity. This new analysis uses a magnitude-independent shape, based on geometrical spreading and anelastic attenuation, for the attenuation curve. An innovation in technique is introduced that decouples the determination of the distance dependence of the data from the magnitude dependence. The resulting equations are log A = − 1.02 + 0.249 M − log r − 0.00255 r + 0.26 P r = ( d 2 + 7.3 2 ) 1 / 2 5.0 ≦ M ≦ 7.7 log V = − 0.67 + 0.489 M − log r − 0.00256 r + 0.17 S + 0.22 P r = ( d 2 + 4.0 2 ) 1 / 2 5.3 ≦ M ≦ 7.4 where A is peak horizontal acceleration in g, V is peak horizontal velocity in cm/ sec, M is moment magnitude, d is the closest distance to the surface projection of the fault rupture in km, S takes on the value of zero at rock sites and one at soil sites, and P is zero for 50 percentile values and one for 84 percentile values. We considered a magnitude-dependent shape, but we find no basis for it in the data; we have adopted the magnitude-independent shape because it requires fewer parameters.

2015 ◽  
Vol 0 (11) ◽  
pp. 40-47
Дмитрій Миколайович Зінченко ◽  
Олексій В. Седневець

Zbigniew SURMA ◽  

This paper presents a selection of deliverables of a research project intended to develop a technology demonstrator for an active protection system smart counterprojectile. Numerical simulations were completed to analyse the effects of geometry and weight of the counterprojectile warhead on the counterprojectile flight (motion) parameters. This paper investigates four variants of the counterprojectile warhead shape and three variants of the counterprojectile warhead weight. Given the investigated geometric and weight variants, the PRODAS software environment was used to develop geometric models of the counterprojectile warhead, followed by the determination of the model aerodynamic characteristics. The final deliverable of this work are the results of the numerical simulation of the counterprojectile motion along the initial flight path length. Given the required activation of the active protection system in direct proximity of the protected object, the analyses of counterprojectile motion parameters were restricted to a distance of ten-odd metres from the counterprojectile launching system.

2021 ◽  
Randal Schumacher.

The fundamental task of a space vision system for rendezvous, capture, and servicing of satellites on-orbit is the real-time determination of the motion of the target vehicle as observed on-board a chaser vehicle. Augmenting the architecture to incorporate the highly regarded Kalman filtering technique can synthesize a system that is more capable, more efficient and more robust. A filter was designed and testing was conducted in an inertial environment and then in a more realistic relative motion orbital rendezvous scenario. The results indicate that a Dynamic Motion Filter based on extended Kalman filtering can provide the vision system routines with excellent initialization leading to faster convergence, reliable pose estimation at slower sampling rates, and the ability to estimate target position, velocity, orientation, angular velocity, and mass center location.

2005 ◽  
Vol 33 (4) ◽  
pp. 319-338
Ron P. Podhorodeski ◽  
Paul Sobejko

Analysis of the forces involved in mechanical systems requires an understanding of the dynamic properties of the system's components. In this work, a project on the determination of both the location of the centre of mass and inertial properties is described. The project involves physical testing, the proposal of approximate models, and the comparison of results. The educational goal of the project is to give students and appreciation of second mass moments and the validity of assumptions that are often applied in component modelling. This work reviews relevant equations of motion and discusses techniques to determine or estimate the centre of mass and second moment of inertia. An example project problem and solutions are presented. The value of such project problems within a first course on the theory of mechanisms is discussed.

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