scholarly journals Pedro María Ibáñez y el nacimiento de los estudios históricos en Colombia

Daniel Felipe Villanueva Falla

ResumenPedro María Ibáñez, historiador, médico y periodista fue uno de los intelectuales más importantes en el  territorio colombiano y pionero de los estudios históricos en el país. Su labor como letrado se desarrolló en las coyunturas álgidas de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX dando como fruto la fundación de la Academia Colombiana de Historia, institución que promovió las primeras investigaciones históricas en  el seno de una entidad formal. No obstante, estas investigaciones cimentadas desde la perspectiva de la  Escuela Metódica Francesa.Palabras claves: Intelectual, Positivismo, Guerra civil, Academia, Siglo XIX, Historia.***************************************************Pedro María Ibáñez and the birth of historic studies in ColombiaAbstractPedro María Ibañez, historian, medical doctor and journalist, was one of the most important intellectuals in the Colombian territory and a pioneer of historic studies in the country. His labor as a scholar was developed in the stormy joints of the end of the 19th Century and the beginning of the 20th  Century producing as a result the foundation of the Colombian Academy of History, institution that promoted the first historic pieces of research in the body of a formal institution. However, these pieces of research are founded on the bases of the Methodic French School.Key words: intellectual, positivism, Civil war, Academy, 19th Century, History.***************************************************Pedro María Ibáñez e o nascimento dos estudos históricos na ColômbiaResumoPedro María Ibáñez, historiador, médico e jornalista, foi um dos intelectuais mais importantes no território  colombiano e pioneiro dos estudos históricos no país. Seu labor como letrado se desenvolveu nascojunturas álgidas dos finais do século XIX e começos do século XX, dando como fruto a fundação da Academia Colombiana de História, instituição que promoveu as primeiras investigações históricas no seio de uma entidade formal. No entanto, estas investigações cimentadas desde a perspectiva da Escuela Metódica Francesa. Palavras chave: Intelectual, Positivismo, Guerra civil, Academia Colombiana de História, Século XIX, História.

David Castro Liñares

Este trabajo tiene como finalidad analizar el tratamiento penal que durante el siglo XIX se dispensó a los actos indebidos para con el cuerpo y memoria de las personas fallecidas. Para ello, este texto se inicia con un recorrido normativo por los Códigos Penales españoles del siglo XIX (1822-1848-1850-1870) con el propósito de analizar la forma en que el Legislador penal fue incorporando esta cuestión en los distintos textos normativos. A continuación, y como forma de continuar este análisis, se estima adecuado detenerse en las razones político criminales subyacentes a la tipificación de estas conductas. De esta forma, se intenta realizar una aproximación a las lógicas punitivas decimonónicas inherentes a una esfera tan particular como el castigo penal a los actos irrespetuosos para con los difuntos. Por último, se incorpora un apartado conclusivo en el que abordar algunas ideas que, por razón de estructura narrativa no encontraban un acomodo idóneo en otras partes del texto pero que igualmente resultan de importancia para esta propuesta de análisis político-criminal histórico.This work aims to analyse the criminal law treatment that during the 19th century is dispensed to wrongdoing with the body and memory of deceased people. For that purpose, this text begins with a normative view of the Spanish Criminal Codes of the 19th century (1822-1848-1850-1870) in order to investigate how the Criminal Legislator incorporated this issue into the various normative texts. Hereunder, as a way to continue this analysis, it is considered appropriate to dwell on the criminal political reasons typification of these conducts. In this way, an attempt is made to approximate the decimonic punitive logics inherent in an area as particular as criminal punishment to disrespectful acts with the deceased. Finally, a concluding section is incorporated in order to address some ideas that, by reasons of narrative structure, did not find an appropriate accommodation in other parts of the text but which are also relevant for this proposal of historical political-criminal analysis. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 58 ◽  
pp. 267-276
Alexander Yu. Polunov

The article analyzes the issue of conceptualization by Russian public leaders and publicists of the causes and goals of the turn of Russian foreign policy to the East at the end of the 19th century. In those years there took shape the idea of specific eastern mission of Russia that influenced later the configuring of Eurasian ideology. At the same time the ideological constructions of the publicists at the end of the 19th century were rather peculiar. In contrast to the Eurasians those authors paid special attention to the “old civilized states in Asia”, like Persia and China. The necessity to support the Celestial Empire and the Christian communities in Persia was determined, according to those publicists, by Russia’s duty to protect the weak. Besides, China was viewed as the state with established autocracy concept that was very important for Russia. At the beginning of the 20th century the ideas of the “orientalists” and other publicists contemplating Russia’s special mission in Asia, lost their former influence. Their distant echo can be found in the program of the prominent White movement leader baron R.F. Ungern, who brought forward the idea of establishing a Pan-Asian monarchy relying on China during Civil War.

2021 ◽  
Vol 72 (1) ◽  
pp. 311-338
Juan Antonio Ennis ◽  
Claudio Soltmann

Abstract The following paper undertakes the presentation and subsequent analysis of the initial section of an extended, although only partially preserved letter exchange between two salient German scholars settled in Argentina and Chile from the end of the 19th century on, and during the first decades of the 20th century: Rudolf Lenz, trained in linguistics and Romance languages at the renowned Romanistik School of Bonn, who worked at the Instituto Pedagógico in Santiago de Chile, and Robert Lehmann-Nitsche, a Prussian physician and anthropologist who was in charge of the Anthropological Section of a brand new modern Museum in Argentina’s recently founded city of La Plata. The letter exchange between them lasted from 1897 until 1928 and the analysis of its initial pieces (1897–1898) allows us to see how personal and scientific networks were constructed, and how German science and sociability managed to settle down in such distant locations and still remain connected with its system of origin.

Neuróptica ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 227-240
Alejandro Silvela Calvo

Resumen: P. Craig Russell ha destacado, entre otras aportaciones, por su labor a la hora de realizar una larga serie de adaptaciones del mundo de la ópera a la viñeta. El estilo de Russell se caracteriza por partir de la idea de adaptar una obra musical a un medio plástico y visual haciendo que no solo se convierta en la simple narración de una ópera musical, sino que crea una obra en sí misma en la que intenta recoger diferentes sensaciones estilísticas, estructurales y estéticas de la obra y generar una representación de las mismas. En este artículo nos valdremos de su adaptación de Salomé, ópera de Richard Strauss de 1905 basada en la obra teatral homónima de Oscar Wilde. Se tratará la idea de musicalización del cómic y la forma en la que Russell plasma diferentes ideas musicales referentes no solo a timbres, leitmotiv u orquestación, sino atendiendo a diferentes parámetros que engloba la obra de Strauss, en torno a la idea de maximalización y decadencia del arte de finales del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX. Abstract: P. Craig Russell has stood out, among other contributions, for his work in making a long series of adaptations from the world of opera to comic. Russell's style is characterized by starting from the idea of adapting a musical work to a plastic and visual medium, making it not only become the simple narration of a musical opera, but also creates a work in itself in which he tries to collect different stylistic, structural and aesthetic sensations of the work and generate a representation of them. In this article we will use his adaptation of Salomé, an opera by Richard Strauss from 1905 based on the play of the same name by Oscar Wilde. The idea of musicalization of the comic will be discussed and the way in which Russell expresses different musical ideas referring not only to timbres, leitmotivs or orchestration, but also taking into account different parameters that encompass Strauss's work around the idea of maximalization and decadence of art from the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.  

GEOgraphia ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (40) ◽  
pp. 56
Carla Lois

Resumo: A geografia é uma disciplina que traz consigo uma longa tradição gráfica, que é parte de seu próprio nome (algumas interpretações etimológicas prevalecem o significado de gráfico ou desenho do sufixo graphia sobre o de descrição textual).No entanto, nos últimos dois séculos, a Geografia se consolidou como uma disciplina eminentemente literária e isso acabou impactando na produção e uso de imagens na geografia escolar. Em oposição a isso, no final do século XIX, foi amplamente aceito que o ato de desenhar (especialmente a cópia e o mapeamento) era um exercício útil para pensar, interpretar e internalizar conteúdos geográficos.Neste artigo, analisamos como as habilidades gráficas promovidas na geografia escolar foram variadas com base em experiências, materiais e atividades desenvolvidos nas instituições escolares (considerando que é lá e quando as habilidades expressivas e comunicacionais são aprendidas) entre o final do século XIX e meados do século XX. Resumen: La geografía es una disciplina que carga con una larga tradición gráfica, que forma parte incluso de su propio nombre (algunas interpretaciones etimológicas hacen prevalecer el sentido de gráfico o dibujo del sufijo graphia sobre la de descripción textual).Sin embargo, en los últimos dos siglos, la Geografía se ha ido consolidando como en una disciplina eminentemente literaria y ello ha terminado impactando sobre la producción y el uso de imágenes en la geografía escolar. Por el contrario, a finales del siglo XIX, estaba ampliamente aceptado que el acto del dibujo (sobre todo, el copiado y el calcado de mapas) era un ejercicio útil para pensar, interpretar e interiorizar contenidos geográficos.En este artículo se analiza cómo fueron variando las habilidades gráficas promovidas en la geografía escolar a partir de experiencias, materiales y actividades desarrolladas en instituciones escolares (considerando que es allí donde y cuando se aprenden las destrezas expresivas y comunicacionales) entre finales del siglo XIX y mediados del siglo XX.   Abtract: Geography is a discipline that carries with it a long graphic tradition, which is even part of its own name (some etymological interpretations prevail the sense of graphic or drawing attributed to the graphia suffix over textual description).However, in the last two centuries, Geography has been consolidated as an eminently literary discipline and this has ended up impacting on the production and use of images in school geography. In contrast, at the end of the nineteenth century, it was widely accepted that the act of drawing was a useful exercise for thinking, interpreting and internalizing geographical contents.In this article we analyzed how the graphic skills promoted in school geography varied from experiences, materials and activities developed in school institutions between the end of the 19th century and the mid - 20th century.   

Esther González Alarcón

Resumen:Nuestro propósito con este trabajo es dar a conocer la obra del autor irlandés George Moore. Hablaremos de la influencia que tuvo Francia, los pintores impresionistas y escritores franceses de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX en su carrera de escritor. Tomaremos como análisis de estudio su libro de memorias Confessions d´un jeune anglais (1986) ya que dicha autobiografía es un el retrato del espectáculo que se vivía en París durante aquellos años. Sigamos a ese joven por las calles de Montmartre, véamoslo discutir de pintura con Manet y Renoir, oigámosle compartir ideas con Zola y Verlaine…Palabras clave: Francia, pasión, Montmartre, pintura, literatura.Title in English: George Moore: The French Passion.Abstract:Our aim with this piece is to introduce the work of the Irish author George Moore. We will speak of the influence which France, the impressionist painters, and the French writers from the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, all had on his career as a writer. For research purposes we have chosen his memoirs Confessions d´un jeune anglais (1986) as this autobiography is a true portrayal of the artistic life which was experienced in Paris in those years. We follow this young man through the streets of Montmartre, we see him discuss painting with Manet and Renoir, we hear him share ideas with Zola and Verlaine….Keywords: France, passion, Montmartre, painting, literature. 

Comunicar ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 12 (24) ◽  
pp. 105-112
Virginia-Silvina Funes

Nowadays, teachers often face apathethic and demotivated pupils. Nevertheless, these students do not show either apathy or demotivation when they stop being students and become spectators: of television, of cinema, of new technologies, of PC displays. If in the 19th century we had citizens and in the 20th century we had speakers, in 21th century we have the figure of the spectator, whose main social experience is the multiplicity of connections with the flow of information. If school was created to learn reading and writing, what do we have to learn watching? It seems that the media youngsters should teach us the way to. Cotidianamente los profesores de los centros educativos se enfrentan con un alumnado apático y desmotivado. Sin embargo, ni apatía ni desmotivación es lo que demuestran cuando dejan de ser alumnos y se convierten en espectadores de televisión, de cine, de las tecnologías, de las pantallas del PC. Si en el siglo XIX tenemos al ciudadano, y en el XX tenemos al parlante, en el siglo XXI tenemos la figura del espectador, cuya experiencia social fundamental es la experiencia de la multiplicidad de conexiones con el flujo de la información. Si para aprender a leer y a escribir inventamos la escuela, ¿qué dispositivos tenemos para aprender a mirar? Parece que tenemos que aprender nosotros de los jóvenes mediáticos.

Religions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (8) ◽  
pp. 618
Dorota Walczak-Delanois

The aim of this paper is to show the presence of religion and the particular evolution of lyrical matrixes connected to religion in the Polish poems of female poets. There is a particular presence of women in the roots of the Polish literary and lyrical traditions. For centuries, the image of a woman with a pen in her hand was one of the most important imponderabilia. Until the 19th century, Polish female poets continued to be rare. Where female poets do appear in the historical record, they are linked to institutions such as monasteries, where female intellectuals were able to find relative liberty and a refuge. Many of the poetic forms they used in the 16th, late 17th, and 18th centuries were typically male in origin and followed established models. In the 19th century, the specific image of the mother as a link to the religious portrait of the Madonna and the Mother of God (the first Polish poem presents Bogurodzica, the Virgin Mary, the Mother of Jesus) reinforces women’s new presence. From Adam Mickiewicz’s poem Do matki Polki (To Polish Mother), the term “Polish mother” becomes a separate literary, epistemological, and sociological category. Throughout the 20th century (with some exceptions), the impact of Romanticism and its poetical and religious models remained alive, even if they underwent some modifications. The period of communism, as during the Period of Partitions and the Second World War, privileged established models of lyric, where the image of women reproduced Romantic schema in poetics from the 19th-century canons, which are linked to religion. Religious poetry is the domain of few female author-poets who look for inner freedom and religious engagement (Anna Kamieńska) or for whom religion becomes a form of therapy in a bodily illness (Joanna Pollakówna). This, however, does not constitute an otherness or specificity of the “feminine” in relation to male models. Poets not interested in reproducing the established roles reach for the second type of lyrical expression: replacing the “mother” with the “lover” and “the priestess of love” (the Sappho model) present in the poetry of Maria Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska. In the 20th century, the “religion” of love in women’s work distances them from the problems of the poetry engaged in social and religious disputes and constitutes a return to pagan rituals (Hymn idolatrous of Halina Poświatowska) or to the carnality of the body, not necessarily overcoming previous aesthetic ideals (Anna Świrszczyńska). It is only since the 21st century that the lyrical forms of Polish female poets have significantly changed. They are linked to the new place of the Catholic Church in Poland and the new roles of Polish women in society. Four particular models are analysed in this study, which are shown through examples of the poetry of Genowefa Jakubowska-Fijałkowska, Justyna Bargielska, Anna Augustyniak, and Malina Prześluga with the Witches’ Choir.

GEOgraphia ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (40) ◽  
pp. 56
Carla Lois

Resumo: A geografia é uma disciplina que traz consigo uma longa tradição gráfica, que é parte de seu próprio nome (algumas interpretações etimológicas prevalecem o significado de gráfico ou desenho do sufixo graphia sobre o de descrição textual).No entanto, nos últimos dois séculos, a Geografia se consolidou como uma disciplina eminentemente literária e isso acabou impactando na produção e uso de imagens na geografia escolar. Em oposição a isso, no final do século XIX, foi amplamente aceito que o ato de desenhar (especialmente a cópia e o mapeamento) era um exercício útil para pensar, interpretar e internalizar conteúdos geográficos.Neste artigo, analisamos como as habilidades gráficas promovidas na geografia escolar foram variadas com base em experiências, materiais e atividades desenvolvidos nas instituições escolares (considerando que é lá e quando as habilidades expressivas e comunicacionais são aprendidas) entre o final do século XIX e meados do século XX. Resumen: La geografía es una disciplina que carga con una larga tradición gráfica, que forma parte incluso de su propio nombre (algunas interpretaciones etimológicas hacen prevalecer el sentido de gráfico o dibujo del sufijo graphia sobre la de descripción textual).Sin embargo, en los últimos dos siglos, la Geografía se ha ido consolidando como en una disciplina eminentemente literaria y ello ha terminado impactando sobre la producción y el uso de imágenes en la geografía escolar. Por el contrario, a finales del siglo XIX, estaba ampliamente aceptado que el acto del dibujo (sobre todo, el copiado y el calcado de mapas) era un ejercicio útil para pensar, interpretar e interiorizar contenidos geográficos.En este artículo se analiza cómo fueron variando las habilidades gráficas promovidas en la geografía escolar a partir de experiencias, materiales y actividades desarrolladas en instituciones escolares (considerando que es allí donde y cuando se aprenden las destrezas expresivas y comunicacionales) entre finales del siglo XIX y mediados del siglo XX.   Abtract: Geography is a discipline that carries with it a long graphic tradition, which is even part of its own name (some etymological interpretations prevail the sense of graphic or drawing attributed to the graphia suffix over textual description).However, in the last two centuries, Geography has been consolidated as an eminently literary discipline and this has ended up impacting on the production and use of images in school geography. In contrast, at the end of the nineteenth century, it was widely accepted that the act of drawing was a useful exercise for thinking, interpreting and internalizing geographical contents.In this article we analyzed how the graphic skills promoted in school geography varied from experiences, materials and activities developed in school institutions between the end of the 19th century and the mid - 20th century.   

2019 ◽  
Vol 31 ◽  
pp. 253
Carmen de Tena Ramírez

Resumen: El objetivo de este artículo es ofrecer una visión general acerca de los estudios histórico-artísticos realizados y publicados en España a lo largo del siglo XIX, así como poner de manifiesto que estos trabajos dieron base y fundamento a la posterior institucionalización de la Historia del Arte en la universidad española a comienzos de la centuria siguiente. Comenzamos nuestro texto con un estado de la cuestión para subrayar la necesidad de acometer esta clase de estudios; seguidamente exponemos una amplia perspectiva diacrónica sobre las circunstancias históricas que rodearon la práctica historiográfica del siglo XIX, sus características y quiénes fueron sus artífices. Terminamos este trabajo con una breve reflexión acerca del alcance de la investigación decimonónica y sus efectos en la institucionalización de la Historia del Arte en España.Palabras clave: historiografía artística, historia de la Historia del Arte en España, Restauración borbónica, Historia del Arte y Arqueología, fuentes para la Historia del Arte.Abstract: This articles aims chiefly to provide an overview of the historical-artistic studies carried out and published in Spain throughout the 19th century and to show that these works provided the basis and foundation for the subsequent institutionalisation of Art History in Spanish universities in the early 20th century. It begins with a summary underlining the need for this kind of study, then paints a broad diachronic perspective on the historical circumstances surrounding the historiographic practice of the 19th century, its characteristics and its writers. It ends with a brief consideration of the scope of 19th century research and its effects on the institutionalisation of Art History in Spain.Key words: Art Historiography, history of Art History in Spain, Bourbon restoration, Art History and Archaeology, Sources for Art History.

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