scholarly journals Materials to the creation of the botanical preserve of local importance «Novozhanivskyi»

The results of ecological and floristic studies of the rarity component of the urban flora of Kharkiv City in the valley of the Udy River within the Novobovarskyi microdistrict are presented. Field studies were conducted in 2017‒2020. A triangular section of 30.48 hectares was investigated near the Novozhanovo railway station. It is located on the left bank of the river Udy and is bounded on both sides by railway embankments. The Udy River valley is situated in the northeast of the city, mainly in the previously underdeveloped areas; its significant part lays in the exclusion zone of the Kharkiv railway junction and road transport routes. A large area of the river valley is swampy, therefore unsuitable for economic use. The Udianskyi eco-corridor of local importance passes through the city. It consists of two key areas: the Zhovtnevyi Hydropark wetlands and the Kriukivskyi hydrological reserve of local importance. Currently, it has been proposed to create a botanical preserve of local importance "Novozhanivskyi" for the protection of species and associations rare for Kharkiv Region and for conservation of the true meadow formation (Prata genuine) of the class Festuceta pratensis. The site is of scientific importance, since a number of species growing there are listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine and need protection under Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) – Ophioglossum vulgatum, Botrychium lunaria, Anacamptis coriophora, A. palustris, Epipactis palustris, Parnassia palustris, Centaurium erythraea, C. pulchellum, Valeriana officinalis, Inula helenium, Dianthus stenocalyx. The investigated area phytodiversity is represented by meadow and psammophytic species of vascular plants: Calamagrostis epigeios, Agrostis vinealis, Poa pratensis, Koeleria cristata, Nardus stricta, Sieglingia decumbens, Anthoxanthum odoratum, Festuca orientalis, Juncus gerardii, Botrychium lunaria, Genista tinctoria, Solidago virgaurea, Euphrasia pectinata, Stellaria graminea, Hieracium villosum, H. umbellatum, Polygala sibirica, Plantago lanceolata, Equisetum arvense, Achillea submillefolium. For the five plant species listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine, the distribution maps within the area of proposed preserve are given.

2016 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
pp. 243-256 ◽  
I. N. Urbanavichene ◽  
G. P. Urbanavichus

A total of 138 species of lichens, lichenicolous and allied fungi are reported from broad-leaved forests with Buxus colchica from the Shakhe River valley in the Caucasus State Nature Reserve (Krasnodar Territory, Western Transcaucasia). The list includes 10 foliicolous lichens, namely Arthonia microsticta, Bacidina apiahica, Byssoloma leucoblepharum, Fellhanera bouteillei, F. viridisorediata, Gyalectidium caucasicum, G. setiferum, Phyllogyalidea phyllophila, Porina oxneri, Strigula buxi. On the thallus of the latter, a lichenicolous fungus Lambinonia strigulae was found. Nine species are recorded for the first time for the Russian Caucasus, five of them being new for the Caucasus. Endococcus ramalinarius, Eopyrenula septemseptata and Pyrenula subelliptica are reported for the first time for Russia. The list includes five species included in the Red Data Book of Russian Fеderation (2008) and ten species included in the Red Data Book of Krasnodar Territory (2007).

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-58
Solomakha I.V. ◽  
Shevchyk V.L. ◽  
Bezsmertna O.O. ◽  
Bondar I.V.

A study of the state of preservation of a rare component of the flora of the site on the left bank of the middle reaches of the Dnipro River with an area of 19036,5 hectares, which is the object of the Emerald Network UA0000337 «Divychky». It is proposed to create within this national nature park. Vegetation is represented by meadow-swamp, forest-shrub-swamp and forest biotopes. There are four types of localities are dominant: shallow water areas of ancient lakes and coastal shallow waters with aquatic and coastal-aquatic vegetation; flooded segments of terraced and cavity depressions of the pine terrace with a complex of shrub-forest-meadow-swamp vegetation; lowland plain and slightly hilly segments of the pine terrace with medium-rich fresh sod-podzolic soils with oak and oak groves; uplift segments of aeolian origin with dry poorly formed soils and sands with dry forests, pine forests and psammophilous wastelands. Currently, it can be stated that 6 sozophyte species of international, 13 national and 7 regional significance are growing in the territory of the valley complex of sand terraces Dnipro-Karan. Among the protected species of European importance are populations of 6 species: Iris hungarica, Jurinea cyanoides, Ostericum palustre, Salvinia natans, Liparis loeselii, Trapa natans (the three last belong also to the Red Data Book of Ukraine). Moreover, 10 populations of species from the Red Data Book of Ukraine are registered on the mentioned area: Dactylorhiza incarnata, Daphne cneorum, Epipactis helleborine, E. palustris, Lycopodiellainundata,Lilium martagon, Neottianidus-avis, Platanthera bifolia, Pulsatilla pratensis and Stipa borysthenica.Populations of 14 sozophyte species are represented by many localities with a high number of individuals and good indicators of the reproductive process; 6 species represent poorly due to the small number of localities and low number of individuals in populations; for populations of 3 sozophyte species (Liparis loeselii, Lycopodiella inundata, Dryopteris cristata) there is a danger of extinction due to the fact that only a few localities with a small number of individuals were found. The current state of the landscape complex of this area determines the high probability of growth of some species of sozophytes, which makes further research relevant. Виконано дослідження стану збереженості раритетної компоненти флори ділянки на лівому березі середньої течії Дніпра площею 19036,5 га, що є об’єктом Смарагдової мережі UA0000337 «Дівички» та пропонується до створення в цих межах національного природного парку. Рослинність представлена лучно-болотними, лісо-чагарниково-болотними та лісовими угрупованнями. У ландшафтно-генетичному відношенні панівними є чотири типи місцевостей: мілководні акваторії давньостаричних озерець та прибережні мілководдя із водною та прибережно-водною рослинністю; підтоплені сегменти притерасних та западинних знижень борової тераси із комплексом чагарниково-лісо-лучно-болотної рослинності; знижених рівнинних та слабопогорбованих сегментів борової тераси із середньобагатими свіжими дерново-підзолистими ґрунтами із суборами та дібровами; сегменти піднять еолового походження із сухими слабосформованими ґрунтами та пісками із сухими борами, сосновими рідколіссями та псамофільними пустошами. Станом на сьогодні, на даному етапі дослідження флори території долинного комплексу піщаних терас Дніпро-Карань можна стверджувати про зростання тут 6 видів-созофітів міжнародного, 13 загальнодержавного та 7 регіонального значення. Із числа охоронюваних видів загальноєвропейського значення виявлені популяції 6 видів: Irishungarica, Jurineacyanoides, Ostericumpalustre, Salvinianatans, Liparisloeselii, Trapanatans (три останні занесені також до Червоної книги України). Окрім цього, на вказаній території зареєстровано популяції ще 10 видів судинних рослин із Червоної книги України, а саме: Dactylorhiza incarnata,Daphne cneorum, Epipactis helleborine, E. palustris, Lycopodiella inundata, Lilium martagon, Neottianidus-avis, Platanthera bifolia, Pulsatilla pratensisта Stipa borysthenica. Популяції 14 видів-созофітів представлені багатьма локалітетами із високою чисельністю особин та хорошими показниками репродуктивного процесу; 6 видів мають слабку представленість через незначну кількість самих локалітетів та низьку чисельність особин в популяціях; для популяцій 3 созофітів (Liparis loeselii, Lycopodiella inundata, Dryopteris cristata) існує небезпека зникнення у зв’язку із тим, що виявлені лише поодинокі локалітети із незначною чисельністю особин. Зважаючи на сучасний стан та розташування ландшафтного комплексу даної території є досить йомвірним зростання тут ще цілої низки видів-созофітів, що робить актуальним подальше її дослідження.

S. L. Zhygalova

According to our own observations, herbarium materials and literature data, the distribution of Iris pineti- cola Klokov — an endemic forest-steppe species included in the Red Data Book of Ukraine in the status of “vulnerable” was analyzed. Data on its taxonomic status are given, distribution map is made (geographical coordinates are restored on the basis of materials of the National Herbarium of Ukraine (KW), herbarium of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (CWU), as well as literature data), range and population data are analyzed. It is established that I. pineticola is distributed in the Right-Bank and Left-Bank Forest-Steppe, occasionally entering the north part of the steppe and the valley of the Siversky Donets. Grows in forests, artificial pine plantations on sandy terraces of rivers. According to own data and analyzed literature, I. pineticola populations are stable. In addition to inclusion in the Red Data Book of Ukraine, at the regional level I. pineticola is protected in Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine, also protected in the territories of NPP “Holy Mountains” and landscape reserve of national importance “Red Coast”.

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 ◽  
pp. 62-70
Alexander V. Putchkov ◽  
Alexander V. Martynov ◽  
Maryna G. Shyshkina ◽  
Tetiana Yu. Markina

New data on the distribution, occurrence and ecology of 19 rare and little-known species of Caraboidea from 14 genera were obtained in the result of research at Steppe zone of Ukraine. Herein, Parophonus hirsutulus is given for the fauna of Ukraine for the first time, while Cicindela sylvatica and Carabus coriaceus are recorded for the first time in the Steppe zone. The species Poecilus nitens, Carterus angustipennis lutschniki and Eucarterus sparsutus are registered for the first time in mainland Ukraine, and Acinopus ammophilus is newly found at the steppe of Left-bank Ukraine. The distribution of six rare species in the Steppe zone of Ukraine is specified, namely Calathus mollis, Ophonus minimus, Parophonus planicollis, Ditomus calidonius oriens, Masoreus wetterhallii, and Mastax thermarum. The seasonal occurrence of subspecies Cephalota deserticola sivashensis and Carabus sibiricus errans in biotopes is analyzed. New data on four species of ground beetles protected by the Red Data Book of Ukraine (Cephalota besseri, Carabus hungaricus, Parazuphium chevrolatii, Carterus dama) is provided.

2012 ◽  
Vol 46 ◽  
pp. 190-196
A. V. Pchelkin ◽  
T. A. Pchelkina

Preliminary list of lichens of the Nature Park “Shodnya River valley in Kurkino” (Moscow) comprises 51 species. The list includes data on their ecology, distribution and GPS coordinates for the red-listed species (5 are included in the Red Data Book of Moscow, 2 — in the Red Data Book of the Moscow Region). The locality of new for Moscow lichen species Melanelixia subargentifera (Nyl.) O. Blanco et al. is provided.

1993 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
pp. 143-146
Oliver ◽  
Caroline Nicholson

Amasya, wrote a visitor at the turn of this century, is “the most picturesque town of all Anatolia, the Baghdad of Rûm”. Another called the city “l'Oxford de l'Anatolie”. One of its principal charms is the River Iris, the Yeşil Irmak, which runs through the town. Beautiful but not potable: “Tokat dumps in it, Amasya drinks it” is a Turkish proverb at least as old as Evliye Çelebi, who visited the town in the first half of the seventeenth century.In ancient times the city would seem to have taken its water from a source in the neighbouring hills. It was carried along an aqueduct cut, for the most part, into the face of the cliffs which form the side of the river valley south and west of the town and on the right bank of the river (Fig. 1). The castle of Amasya, on the left bank, had its own arrangements for water supply described by the geographer Strabo, a native of the city, and these should not be confused with the aqueduct on the right bank.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 11-17
Smelova S.S. ◽  
Zakharchenko Iu.Iu.

This article is devoted to the development of the slope processes in the Oka river valley in the city of Kolomna. There are considered the modern ecological and engineering-geological condition of floodplain terraces in the city quarter of Kolychevo. The aim of the work was to study the geomorphology of landslide processes. There is considered the identification of the causes of landslides in the Oka river valley. The is considered the identification of representatives of fossil fauna of organogenic limestones of the left Bank of the Oka river to. In this paper, for the first time the «Protopopovskiy» landslide is described in the scientific literature.

Spatium ◽  
2006 ◽  
pp. 34-40 ◽  
Marta Vukotic-Lazar ◽  
Jasmina Djokic

The Old Belgrade Fairground complex is the large area in the center of Belgrade that is completely isolated from other parts of Belgrade: it is one of the most devastated city areas, populated by poor inhabitants, often by those from the marginal groups, burdened with tragic history and it represents one of hardest problems for planners to solve. It is situated on the left bank of the Sava River between two bridges and downtown New Belgrade. Opposite to it, the Sava Amphitheatre slopes down the Belgrade Ridge towards the river. The complex was built in the thirties of the 20th century across the River Sava in the area that was an unpopulated swamp - Belgrade was situated on the right Sava bank. It was meant to be modern extension of oriental city, which could represent the western tendencies of the young state (Kingdom of Yugoslavia) and its capital. Modern and monumental complex of exhibition and commercial pavilions was built, and started its life with national and international fairs and exhibitions. World War 2 changed its destiny: German occupation forces transformed the complex into the concentration camp, where thousands of people were tortured and killed. After the war, new republican government, both communist and antifascist, had double frustration regarding this space: it?s tragic (during the War) and "capitalist" (before the War) past, so complex that was absolutely ignored in the period of the postwar renewal, and the result is described at the beginning of this text. This paper discusses the possibility to conciliate historical roles of the complex, and to realize it?s potentials in the modern world. Facts of the complex?s history are presented in the first part of the paper. Further on, these facts are analyzed in the context of contemporary city development of Belgrade in particular but globally, too.. Finally, some guidelines for crossing the gap between this area and the rest of the city are presented in the third part of the paper.

2013 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-199 ◽  
Jurga Motiejūnaitė

Two Regional Parks – Verkiai and Pavilniai are situated in Vilnius city area comprising territories both of the city itself and Vilnius district and are under strong anthropogenic influence. During the present study 172 species of lichens, lichenicolous and saprobic fungi were revealed in Verkiai RP and 92 species – in Pavilniai RP. Three lichen species – <em>Absconditella pauxilla, Thelenella pertusariella</em> (in Verkiai RP), <em>Bacidia caligans</em> (in Pavilniai RP) and one saprobic fungus – <em>Chaenothecopsis debilis</em> (in Verkiai RP) are reporded for the first time in Lithuania. Seven lichen species of Lithuanian Red Data Book were recorded, all of them only in Verkiai RP; this indicates less strong anthropogenic impact and better conditions for biodiversity in this Park.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 21-38
Alexander Dubynin ◽  
Inessa Selyutina ◽  
Alexandra Egorova ◽  
Mikhail Blinnikov

The spatial distribution of 14 species of the orchid family (Orchidaceae) was studied at the left bank of the Koynikha River (Iskitimskiy District, Novosibirsk Region, Russia). Four species are listed in the Russian Federation Red Data Book, four are listed in the Novosibirsk Region Red Data Book. The number of individual plants is sufficient to ensure the long-term viability of each red-listed orchid population. What is apparently one of the largest populations of Cypripedium macranthos in the region is described (up to 5,000 individuals). Some of the orchids discovered require further study, namely interspecific hybrids of Dactylorhiza and Gymnadenia and distinctive floral developmental morphs of Platanthera. &#1040;pplying the international criteria for allocation of an &ldquo;Important Plant Area&rdquo;, we nominate a new one for South Siberia. Based on the analysis of plant species composition of protected areas in Novosibirsk Region, we conclude that in situ preservation of orchids in the region is overall insufficient. It is therefore necessary to organize a new protected area &ldquo;Orchid Zapovednik&rdquo; in the category of &ldquo;botanical Zakaznik&rdquo; on 335 hectares with an explicit floral diversity conservation mandate and long-term orchid population monitoring.

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