moscow region
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Bratashova Tatyana Sergeevna ◽  
Zakharkina Natalya Ivanovna ◽  
Shcherbakova Elena Nikolaevna ◽  
Safonov Vladimir Aleksandrovich

The study of indicators characterizing the processes associated with the acclimatization of birds in new biogeochemical conditions is of interest in connection with the prospects of the poultry industry in the Astrakhan Region, where the lack of important trace elements in soils and plant feeds: Se, I, Co, is observed. In the presented study, the main hematological and biochemical parameters of blood and mineral metabolism were determined in 2 groups of chickens of the Moscow black breed: imported to the Astrakhan Region from Moscow and kept in the Moscow Region. The analyses revealed strong differences (P<0.01) in indicators of two groups. The acclimatized birds were characterized by low levels of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood, as well as a higher content of white blood cells than in the second group. The chickens had impaired lipid and protein metabolism. A 71.3% increase in the level of total sugar most likely indicated a stress state of birds. Compared with the chickens in the Moscow Region, the level of calcium in their blood was 32.4% lower, phosphorus – 12.9%. To a large extent, a decrease in the levels of iodine and selenium – by 5.3 and 5.2 times, respectively, was observed. Thus, in the absence of external changes, acclimatized chickens are subject to a latent form of combined I- and Se-hypomicroelementosis. At the same time, a drop in egg productivity by 19% is the recorded fact. The necessity to adapt to the new climatic conditions of the Lower Volga region for birds, combined with a lack of important trace elements, can cause increased oxidative stress in acclimatized birds. Based on the results of the study, the use of feed additives that make up for the deficiency of necessary trace elements is recommended.

2022 ◽  
pp. 37-40
М.Г. Ибрагимбеков ◽  
О.Р. Давлетбаева ◽  
А.Н. Ховрин

Новые сорта и гибриды лука репчатого должны обладать необходимыми рынку хозяйственно ценными признаками, поэтому приоритетно направление по созданию гетерозисных гибридов этой культуры, проявляющих повышенную жизнеспособность, высокую и стабильную урожайность и выравненность, общую устойчивость к патогенам и хорошую лежкость. Цель исследований: изучение новых гибридных комбинаций лука репчатого по основным хозяйственно ценным признакам. Исследование проводили в 2019–2020 годах в отделе селекции и семеноводства ВНИИО – филиале ФГБНУ «Федеральный научный центр овощеводства» с постановкой опытов в открытом и хранилище с регулируемыми температурно-влажностными характеристиками (Раменский район Московской области). В опыте участвовало семь новых гибридных комбинаций лука репчатого, в качестве стандарта использовали гибрид F1 Премито (Monsanto) и отечественный сорт Форвард (совместной селекции агрофирмы «Поиск» и ВНИИО – филиала ФГБНУ ФНЦО). Посев проводили в III декаде апреля, из расчета 0,8 млн шт/га. В течение вегетационного периода вели фенологические учеты, биометрические измерения и проводили морфологическое описание согласно общепринятым методическим указаниям. Мероприятия по уходу за растениями проводили в соответствии с рекомендациями для зоны возделывания. Изучение морфологических признаков и биометрических показателей проводили по малой выборке (10 растений) каждого образца. Число зачатков определяли на поперечном разрезе луковицы. Интенсивность воскового налета на образцах оценивали визуально. Лук закладывали в хранилище с оборудованными холодильными установками, автоматически регулирующими температуру, влажность и циркуляцию воздуха. Для лучшей сохранности этой культуры поддерживали температуру в хранилище около 1–2 °C и относительную влажность воздуха – в пределах 75–80%. Результаты оценки новых образцов лука репчатого в условиях Московской области позволили выделить гибридную комбинацию 652/15 F1 (Шет × Ливингстон I3) с высокой урожайностью (59,5 т/га) и сохранностью в зимний период (84,7%), которая соответствует параметрам разработанной модели для условий региона и обладает конкурентными преимуществами. New varieties and hybrids of onion should have economically valuable characteristics necessary for the market, therefore, the priority is to create heterotic hybrids of this crop, showing increased viability, high and stable yield and alignment, general resistance to pathogens and good keeping quality. The purpose of the research: to study new hybrid combinations of onions according to the main economically valuable characteristics. The study was carried out in 2019–2020 in the Department of breeding and seed production of ARRIVG – branch of FSBSI FSVC with the staging of experiments in open ground and storage with adjustable temperature and humidity characteristics (Ramensky district of the Moscow region). Seven new hybrid combinations of onions participated in the experiment, the hybrid F1 Premito (Monsanto) and the domestic variety Forward (joint selection of the Poisk Agro Firm and ARRIVG – branch of FSBSI FSVC) were used as a standard. Sowing was carried out in the third decade of April, at the rate of 0.8 million pcs/ha. During the growing season, phenological records, biometric measurements were carried out and morphological description was carried out according to generally accepted methodological guidelines. Plant care measures were carried out in accordance with the recommendations for the cultivation zone. The study of morphological features and biometric indicators was carried out on a small sample (10 plants) of each sample. The number of rudiments was determined on a cross section of the bulb. The intensity of wax plaque on the samples was assessed visually. Onions were placed in storage with equipped refrigeration units that automatically regulate temperature, humidity and air circulation. For the best preservation of this culture, the temperature in the storage was maintained at about 1–2 °C and the relative humidity in the range of 75–80%. The results of the evaluation of new onion samples in the conditions of the Moscow region allowed us to identify a hybrid combination 652/15 F1 (Shet × Livingston I3) with high yield (59.5 t/ha) and preservation in winter (84.7%), which corresponds to the parameters of the developed model for the conditions of the region and has competitive advantages.

2022 ◽  
pp. 66-72
E. G. Degtiareva

The article considers the сhallenges for small and medium-sized businesses in obtaining government support during the pandemic and post-pandemic period. The reasons preventing people from obtaining support measures, as well as tangible and non-tangible state support measures for businesses in the Moscow region and the support measures provided by banks and lending institutions have been reviewed. Data from reputable source studies on identifying the difficulties caused by state and non-state support measures, in particular the problem of banks refusing to allow small and medium-sized businesses to defer accrued interest at a concessionary rate have been presented. The problem has been the distribution of support to small and medium-sized enterprises according to the type of economic activity, as not all enterprises fit the required activities. Examples have been given of sectors that have restructured their business in the new environment. A list of support measures for small and medium-sized enterprises has been proposed. 

Марина Васильевна Куцаева

В статье приводятся результаты социолингвистического обследования, проведенного автором в марийской диаспоре московского региона с целью выявления и описания функционирования этнического языка. Один из аспектов исследования посвящен установлению функций, которые закреплены за этническим языком в условиях диаспорного проживания группы. Несмотря на незначительную степень использования марийского в московском регионе (ввиду повсеместной распространенности и доминирования русского языка) и тяготение к его употреблению в семейно-бытовой, дружеской, иногда — профессиональной сферах общения, марийский язык, тем не менее, выполняет в диаспоре ряд важных функций. В ходе обследования автором были определены следующие функции: коммуникативная, фатическая (контактоустанавливающая), функция тайного языка (используемая в общественном пространстве между носителями марийского языка, а также в семейно-бытовой сфере между некоторыми членами семьи), эмоциональная (на каком языке опрошенным доводится думать, видеть сны, ругаться, шутить), а также сакральная (язык обращения к божественным силам, а также язык религии и религиозных отправлений) и символическая (язык как символ групповой идентификации). В результате обследования было установлено распределение функций марийского языка по поколениям; в отношении набора функций языка у респондентов в выборке был выявлен ряд закономерностей, связанных, с одной стороны, со степенью владения ими марийским языком, с другой стороны, с принадлежностью тому или иному поколению диаспоры. Кроме того, были выделены факторы, препятствующие использованию марийского в той или иной функции. The article presents the results of a sociolinguistic survey conducted by the author in the Mari diaspora of the Moscow region aimed at identifying and describing the functioning of the ethnic language. One of the aspects of the study is devoted to the establishment of the functions, assigned to the ethnic language in the conditions of the diaspora residence of an ethnic group. Despite the insignificant degree of the Mari language use in the Moscow region (due to the ubiquity and dominance of the Russian language there) and its use mainly in family, household, friendly, sometimes professional communications, the Mari language, however, performs several important functions in the diaspora. The survey results revealed the following functions: communicative, phatic (contact-establishing), the function of a secret language (used in a public space between Mari speakers or in the home communication between some family members), emotional (which language the respondents are likely to think, dream, swear, joke in), sacred (the language of appeal to the divine powers, the language of religion and religious practices) and symbolic (language used as a symbol of group identification). As a result of the survey, the distribution of functions of the Mari language by generations was established, as well as some patterns, majorly related to the proficiency levels in the Mari language and the respondents’ belonging to the first or the second diaspora generation. Factors preventing the use of Mari in some functions mentioned above have been equally singled out.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 1463-1467
Igor G. Glamazdin

To continue the fight against pig helminthiasis, a detailed analysis of the current prevalence of nematodes in these productive animals is required. The assessment of the material after the technological slaughter of pigs kept in the Moscow region revealed the presence of parasitization in their intestines of four nematodes (Ascaris suum, Metastrongylus spp., Trichocephalus spp., Strongyloides spp.) In the form of monoinvasion and any combination thereof. The total infestation of pigs with intestinal nematodes was 55.24%. Trichocytic invasion (Trichocephalus spp.) Occurred in pigs most often (23.77%), ascarous invasion (Ascaris suum) reached 22.38%, strongyloid invasion (Strongyloides spp.) Was noted in 9.09% of cases, metastrongylous (Metastrongylus spp.) was present in 1.75% of cases. In conditions of an increase in the severity of monoinvasion, the size of helminth eggs decreased in Trichuris: size in length by 5.9%, size in width by 7.4%, in Ascaris: length by 4.9%, width by 4.6%, in strongulata eggs a decrease in size is also noted. In the case of mixed Ascaris-Metastrongylous invasion, there was a clear antagonistic relationship, manifested in a decrease in the size of Ascaris eggs. The size of the eggs of Trichuris in the case of an invasion mixed with Ascaris decreased, which is apparently associated with the development of antagonism between them. Comparative analysis of information on the prevalence of nematodes in pigs in farms of the Moscow region and their size can help to increase the effectiveness of treatment and prophylactic measures against helminthiasis, and can be taken into account in the course of further examination of pigs in the Moscow.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-117
Svetlana Yurievna Platonova ◽  
Carlos Javier Torres Mino ◽  
Ekaterina Muratovna Gins ◽  
Murat Sabirovich Gins ◽  
Elena Valerievna Romanova

The article focuses on phenological features of amaranth varieties grown in open fields as a reaction to variability of weather conditions in the Moscow region. Amaranthine is one of the promising compounds found in red-colored amaranths. It refers to a class of betalain pigments. The study revealed growth stages defined by the highest content of amarantine per plant and analyzed accumulation of the pigment in amaranth leaves and inflorescences. Phenological observations of introduced plant species under new conditions are important and determine their resistance to adverse environmental factors, ability to produce high quality fruits and seeds, and potential for cultivation. During the introduction of new amaranth varieties, the most adapted forms were selected for the conditions of the Non-Chernozem zone of the Russian Federation in 2013-2016. The studied Russian and Ecuador varieties were divided into 4 groups depending on the growth period (from germination to seed maturity). Analysis of phenological traits of plants confirmed that period of amaranth development did not depend on the variety, except the fourth stage of late-ripening cultivars - Don Pedro and Eku 17020, dependent on weather conditions. Being dependent on weather conditions, the vegetative growth period turned to be the most stable. Late cv. Eku 17020 did not form mature seeds in open ground conditions, which is explained by its origin (Ecuador). In the present study we identified growth stages when plant raw materials had the highest dye content in red-leaved amaranth varieties (Valentina, Don Pedro and Fakel). We also considered the perspective of cultivation of green-leaved varieties with red inflorescences - Pamyati Kovasa and Eku-17020 - as sources of biologically valuable compounds in the Moscow region.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 136-140
N. Bykovskaya ◽  
Evgeniy Barishevskiy

The article on the example of the Moscow region investigated the relationship between the increase in crop yields and changes in climates - temperature, rainfall. The obtained correlation coefficients showed an inverse relationship: an increase in temperature in the summer affects a decrease in crop yields. The dependence of yields on the amount of precipitation in the warm period is moderate, stronger for vegetable crops. To adapt agricultural production in the Moscow region to climatic changes, it was proposed to introduce the development of regenerative meadow farming as climate-saving land use. The concept of "Climatefields" has been successfully tested in Germany.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 31-35
Evgeniy Barishevskiy

The article compares indicators characterizing the achievement of sustainable development goals in the framework of national projects for two regions - Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow regions, which differ in the degree of urbanization. The Nizhny Novgorod region is inferior to indicators, both in the Russian Federation and in the Moscow region. Lagging behind the Nizhny Novgorod region in the main targets will require more efforts in achieving development goals. Analysis of changes in the administrative structure of rural territories of the regions for 2011-2020 showed that the enlargement of municipalities and the creation of urban and municipal districts accelerates the formation of rural-urban territories. In the Moscow region, rural settlements were completely eliminated, urban districts were created. Sustainability of rural development is defined as a complex concept, stable state and balanced harmless use of resources in each of the interconnected areas of development. There are an organization, an environment, a territory.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1411-1418
Elena A. Bryzgalova-Plan ◽  
Marina V. Kovshova ◽  
Lidiya B. Larina ◽  
Irina O. Ryzhova ◽  
Svetlana N. Lobanova

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