2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 713-728
Yulia Estmirar Tanjov ◽  
Roza Yusfiandayani ◽  
. Mustaruddin

Lempasing is a Coastal Fishing Port (CFP) which located in Bandar Lampung. It is one of the centers of fisheries activities in the city. One of the fishing gear which operated by most of fishermen in Lempasing is mini purse seine. Mini purse seine fishing activities in the Lampung Bay Area and Lempasing CFP is not in accordance with the conditions of the surrounding waters area. The research was conducted in the Lampung Bay Area and Lempasing CFP, Lampung. This study aims to: 1) determine the status of fisheries resources utilization, 2) to describe the dominant fish caught by mini purse seine.  Analysis methods were used in this study namely: 1) Fishing Power Index (FPI), Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE), and Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) to determine the status of fisheries resource utilization. The dominant small pelagic fishes caught were scad fish Selaroides sp., mackerel fish Rastrelliger sp., longnose trevally fish Carangoides chrysophrys. The result showed that Fox model was the best fits models with estimated maximum sustainable yield of 15.5 ton and fishing effort of 992 trip/year for mini purse seine. The longnose trevally fish in lampung bay area in do not exceeded the optimal catch fish condition can be used to sustainably. In these condition is necessary to wisely manage and setting the catches to not exceed the allowable catch of the small pelagic fish, so the stock of small pelagic fish in the Lampung Bay Area can be used sustainably.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 713
Yulia Estmirar Tanjov ◽  
Roza Yusfiandayani ◽  
. Mustaruddin

<p><em>Lempasing is a Coastal Fishing Port (CFP) which located in Bandar Lampung. It is one of the centers of fisheries activities in the city. One of the fishing gear which operated by most of fishermen in Lempasing is mini purse seine. Mini purse seine fishing activities in the Lampung Bay Area and Lempasing CFP is not in accordance with the conditions of the surrounding waters area. The research was conducted in the Lampung Bay Area and Lempasing CFP, Lampung. This study aims to: 1) determine the status of fisheries resources utilization, 2)</em><em> to describe the dominant fish caught by mini purse seine. </em><em> Analysis methods were used in this study namely: 1) Fishing Power Index (FPI), Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE), and Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) to determine the status of fisheries resource utilization. The dominant small pelagic fishes caught were scad fish <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Selaroides</span> </em>sp<em>., mackerel fish <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Rastrelliger</span> </em>sp<em>., longnose trevally fish <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Carangoides</span> <span style="text-decoration: underline;">chrysophrys</span>. The result showed that Fox model was the best fits models with estimated maximum sustainable yield of 15.5 ton and fishing effort of 992 trip/year for mini purse seine. The longnose trevally fish in lampung bay area in do not exceeded the optimal catch fish condition can be used to sustainably. In these condition is necessary to wisely manage and setting the catches to not exceed the allowable catch of the small pelagic fish, so the stock of small pelagic fish in the Lampung Bay Area can be used sustainably.</em></p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Sri Turni Hartati ◽  
Setiya Triharyuni ◽  
Lilis Sadiyah

The coastal of Makassar Strait is one of main fishing grounds for purse seine vessels from northern part of Java which based at the following landing sites, i.e. Pekalongan, Tegal and Juwana. The purse seine fishery predominantly targets small pelagic fish. This paper attempts to present the current condition of small pelagic fishery in the Makassar Strait. Catch and effort (trip) data between 2004 and 2011 from the three landing sites were used to estimate Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) using Schaefer & Fox models. The results showed a decreasing trend in the catch rate, from 30.83 tons/trip in 2004 to 12.27 tons/trip in 2011. The estimated MSY is at the range of 34,705- 37,930 tons with optimum efforts for 2,234-2,500 purse seine trips. Thus the level of purse seine fishing effort in 2011, i.e. 3,078 trips, was exceeding the optimum effort. The decreasing trend in the catch rate may indicate overfishing is occurring between 2004 and 2011. For management of the small pelagic fisheries in the waters of Makassar Strait, important action recommended is fishing effort restrictions. The effort allowed would be only in the range of 2,234-2,500 purse seine trips, and the fishing capacity needs to be controled.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Suherman Banon Atmaja

Selama ini, kerangka pengelolaan sumber daya ikan berdasarkan pada titik acuan nilai potensi dan kriteria maksimum (maximum sustainable yield), mengabaikan laju pertumbuhan stok ikan dan tanpa memperhatikan dinamika perikanan yang terjadi. Dari kombinasi data yang tersedia diperoleh hasil besaran nilai stok ikan yang bersifat dinamis, akibat perubahan yang terjadi pada parameter–parameter model produksi surplus. Tingkat maximum sustainable yield menunjukkan CMSY darimetode Gompertz lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan metode logistik, sebaliknya tingkat EMSY lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan metode logistik. Konsekuensi perbedaan tersebut menghasilkan tingkat BMSY dan tercapai puncak titik jenuh dari perikanan pukat cincin berbeda, untuk metode Gompertz (37% dari biomassa awal) terjadi pada kurun waktu tahun 1978 sampai dengan 1981, sedangkan untuk metode logistik (50% dari biomassa awal) terjadi pada kurun waktu tahun 1990 sampai dengan 1992. Kondisi trend biomassa menunjukkan penurunan biomassa berkisar 92 sampai dengan 96,5% dari biomassa awal untuk metode Gompertz, sedangkan untuk metode logistik berkisar 70 sampai dengan 93%. Tampak perkembangan perikanan pukat cincin catch effort mengikuti fungsi pertumbuhan logistik daripada fungsi pertumbuhan Gompertz. Bagaimanapun, penyusutan stok ikan pelagis didukung oleh trend hasil tangkapan yang menurun, sedangkan hari operasi cenderung meningkat. During the time, framework of fisheries resources management was based on reference point of potency value and criteria (maximum sustainable yield), while net growth of fish stock and fisheries dynamics have been ignored. From data combination available obtaining result of size of fish stocks was dynamic due to change of parameters of surplus production. The Level maximum sustainable yield showes that CMSY method of Gompertz was higher than logistics method, on the contrary EMSY compared to lower than logistics method. Consequently, these results were obtained the level of BMSY (biomass at level maximum sustainable yield) and the peaks of exploitation from purse seine fishery were also diffrent, for Gompertz method revealed that the level of BMSY (37% from initially biomass) occurred in the period of 1978 to 1981, while logistics method (50% from initially biomass) occurred in the period of 1990 to 1992. Trend biomass in state of decline reached 92 to 96,5% from intially biomass for Gompertz method, while for the method of logistics reached 70 to 93% from intially biomass. Seems that the development of purse seine fisheries (catch effort) followed function growth logistics rather than the function growth Gompertz. However, the decrease of fish stock pelagic supported by the catch of pelagic fish showed a declining trend, while fishing days have tend to increase.

Khusnul Khatimah Hasrun ◽  
M Natsir Nessa ◽  
Hasrun Abdullah

Barru Regency has various potentials for capture fisheries, including small pelagic fish such as flying fish (Decapterus spp). Until now, fly fishing in Barru Regency is still open access. So it is necessary to monitor the catch per unit effort. The identification of the type of catch is done visually. Data processing through the Schaefer Model approach. The results showed that the sustainable potential of flying fish in the waters of Barru Regency, Schaefer model (1954), was 6774.59 tons, the maximum sustainable fishing effort (fMSY) was 384 units. Meanwhile, JTB for the sustainable potential of flying fish is 5419.67 tons with a maximum number of fishing effort units of 212 units / year. The status of the utilization of flying fish resources in Barru Regency waters has been categorized as dense exploitation with a high level of cultivation. Even though they have not passed the MSY and Fopt values, caution is needed in their use.

Maizan Sharfina ◽  
Mennofatria Boer ◽  
Yunizar Ernawati

<p>ABSTRACT<br />Yellowstripe scad included the one of commodity that has an important economic value in the Sunda Strait. Commonly, this species processed by Pandeglang fishermen to be the boiled fish, salted fish, grilled fish, besides it also traded in fresh or frozen fish product. The high market demand can not offset the production of this species from the nature. Therefore, it needed an information about resources of yellowstripe scad in the waters of the Sunda Strait in order to manage it well. The objective of this study was to estimate the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) and the optimum fishing effort (fopt), so that the yellowstripe scad resources in the waters of the Sunda Strait can be utilized optimally and sustainably. Based on the standardization analysis, the purse seine be made the standard fishing gear for estimating the MSY of yellowstripe scad. The yellowstripe scad growth patterns during the study is isometric. Trends of CPUE of the yellowstripe scad fisheries tends to decrease during 2003 to 2013. Then, this species was estimated its maximum sustainable yield (MSY) of 304.50 tons per year, with the optimum fishing effort of 12.478 trips per year. The decline of the catch per fishing effort can indicated that the yellowstripe scad fishing conditions in the Sunda Strait was having the overfishing phenomenon.</p><p><br />Key words: Sunda Strait, sustainable potential, yellowstripe scad</p><p>-------</p><p>ABSTRAK</p><p><br />Ikan selar kuning termasuk salah satu komoditas perikanan yang memiliki nilai ekonomis penting di perairan Selat Sunda. Jenis ikan ini, selain banyak dimanfaatkan oleh nelayan sekitar Kabupaten Pandeglang sebagai ikan pindang, ikan bakar, ikan asin, juga diperdagangkan dalam keadaan segar maupun dibekukan. Tingginya permintaan pasar tidak dapat mengimbangi produksi ikan tersebut di alam. Oleh karena itu, untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai tingkat pemanfaatan sumber daya ikan selar kuning di perairan Selat Sunda, diperlukan suatu kajian mengenai potensi lestari ikan selar kuning. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hasil tangkapan maksimum lestari (maximum sustainable yield atau MSY) serta upaya penangkapan maksimum lestari (fopt) sehingga sumberdaya ikan selar kuning di Perairan Selat Sunda dapat dimanfaatkan secara optimal dan berkelanjutan. Berdasarkan hasil standardisasi, alat tangkap standart yang digunakan adalah purse seine. Pola pertumbuhan ikan selar kuning selama penelitian, yaitu isometrik. Hasil perhitungan CPUE menunjukkan adanya produksi yang cenderung menurun dengan upaya penangkapan yang meningkat dari tahun 2003 sampai 2013. Hasil perhitungan potensi hasil tangkapan maksimum lestari (MSY) diestimasi sebesar 304,50 ton per tahun, dan upaya penangkapan optimumnya adalah 12.478 trip per tahun. Penurunan hasil tangkapan per upaya penangkapan dapat dijadikan salah satu indikasi bahwa kondisi penangkapan ikan selar kuning di Perairan Selat Sunda sedang mengalami gejala lebih tangkap atau overfishing.</p><p><br />Kata kunci: Selat Sunda, potensi lestari, ikan selar kuning</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-93
Maulvi Didit Baskoro ◽  
Edi Wibowo Kushartono ◽  
Irwani Irwani

Lobster pasir (Panulirus homarus) merupakan salah satu jenis lobster yang banyak di temukan di perairan Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan November 2017 sampai bulan Februari 2018 dengan lokasi pengambilan sampel di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudra Cilacap (PPSC), di Perairan Cilacap Penelitian ini melihat bagaimana model pertumbuhan, dan status sumberdaya, mulai dari Von Bertalanffy, CPUE dan MSY. Estimasi parameter pertumbuhan lobster pasir (Panulirus homarus) dihitung dengan aplikasi Fisat II. Didapatkan hasil model pertumbuhan lobster pasir ( L∞ = 93.66 cm , K = 0.780 dan t0 -1.0950 mm). Hasil CPUE didapatkan persamaan, nilai linier sebesar  y = -0.0002 + 0.0965 x, nilai R2= 0,09443 untuk data lima tahun ke belakang terhitung dari 2012 sampai 2016 dalam upaya penangkapan (Panulirus sp.). Analisa Maximum sustainable yield (MSY) di lakukan untuk mengetahui besarnya potensi lestari Panulirus sp. dengan registrasi linier y-0.0002x + 0.965. Pendugaan MSY dan upaya penangkapan Foptimum diperoleh dengan 2412 trip dan nilai MSY 1164.031. Produksi Panulirus sp. di tahun 2016 – 2017 di Perairan Cilacap mengalami kenaikan, pada tahun 2016 terjadi kenaikan di bulan Februari, Maret, April dan Desember. Sedangakan pada tahun 2017 terjadi kenaikan di bulan Maret dan Oktober. Kenaikan ini dikarenakan musim lobster berada di bulan Oktober hingga Februari. Perubahan iklim dan penangkapan yang melebihi batas akan berpengaruh terhadap ukuran dan stok Panulirus sp. di alam. The Spiny lobster (Panulirus homarus) is one species of lobster that is widely found in Indonesian. This research was conducted on November 2017 until February 2018 the sample locations at the Cilacap (PPSC), which observed  the growth of models, and the status of resources, regretion Von Bertalanffy Growth function CPUE and MSY. The estimated growth parameters of sand lobster (Panulirus homarus) were  calculated using Fisat II application. The results of the spiny lobster  growth  model were obtained (L∞ = 93.66 cm, K = 0.780 and 0 -1.0950 mm). The CPUE results were obtained equations, linear values of y = -0.0002 + 0.0965 x for five years data from 2012 to 2016 . The Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) analysis was carried out to determine the magnitude of the sustainable potential of Panulirus sp. within linear  y-0.0002x + 0.965. The MSY values 1164,031 estimation and (Foptimum) fishing effort were 2.412 trips and MSY values 1164,031. The  production of Panulirus sp. start from  2016 to 2017 in the Cilacap has increased, the fact in 2016 there was an increase on February, March, April and December, while in 2017 there was an increase on March and October. So that the increase due to the lobster season being in October to February.  In addition, climate alteration and capture exceed the effect of  size and stock of Panulirus sp.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 79
Tuti Hariati ◽  
Umi Chodrijah ◽  
Muhammad Taufik

Pemanfaatan sumber daya ikan pelagis kecil di Laut Cina Selatan wilayah Indonesia (luasnya sekitar 595.000 km2), khususnya di perairan pantai Kalimantan Barat dengan sasaran utamanya ikan kembung (Rastrelliger brachyosoma) pada tahun 1991 telah mencapai 94% dari rata-rata hasil tangkapan maksimum lestari. Perkembangan penangkapan ikan pelagis kecil ke arah lepas pantai yang dirintis oleh armada pukat cincin Pekalongan sejak tahun 1985 di perairan Pejantan telah diikuti oleh nelayan Kalimantan Barat, khususnya di Pemangkat pada tahun 1990. Jumlah kapal pukat cincin Pemangkat yang pada tahun 1995 hanya enam unit, pada tiap tahunnya meningkat sampai mencapai 48 unit pada tahun 2003. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran perikanan pelagis kecil yang berbasis di Pemangkat dengan alat tangkap pukat cincin. Analisis dilakukan berdasarkan pada data log book tiap trip kapal pukat cincin pada periode tahun 2004 - 2006. Hasil tangkapan pukat cincin didominansi oleh ikan pelagis kecil, terutama 2 jenis ikan layang (Decapterus russelli dan D. macrosoma), bentong (Selar crumenophthalmus), banyar (Rastrelliger kanagurta), dan tembang (Sardinella gibbosa), serta jenis-jenis ikan lainnya yang bernilai ekonomis. Hasil tangkapan ikan pelagis kecil bervariasi menurut musim, yaitu paling tinggi pada musim peralihan 1 dan peralihan 2, serta paling rendah pada musim barat. Catch per unit of effort jenis-jenis ikan pelagis kecil dari tahun 2005 - 2006 pada umumnya cenderung turun, diduga akibat tingginya jumlah upaya dari banyak armada pukat cincin lain, baik dari wilayah Indonesia maupun dari luar negeri. Exploitation of small pelagic fish resources in the South China Sea of Indonesian region (around 595,000 km2) especially in the coastal waters ofWest Kalimantan Province which short bodied mackerel (Rastrelliger brachyosoma) as the main target had reached at a rate of 94% of the average of maximum sustainable yield. The development of fishing on small pelagic fishes toward off shore pioneered by purse seine fleet of Pekalongan (north coast of Java) since 1985 then followed by fishermen of West Kalimantan, especially in Pemangkat in 1990. The number of purse seine of Pemangkat that only 6 units in 1995 increased every year up to 43 units in 2003. The aim of this research was to describe small pelagis fishery in the Pemangkat landing site by purse seine. Analysis was conducted based on log book data of purse seiners during the period of 2004 to 2006. During the period of 2004 to 2006, the catch of Pemangkat purse seine was mostly small pelagic fish mainly composed of 2 species of scads (Decapterus russelli and D. macrosoma), big eye scad (Selar crumenophthalmus), Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta), and fringerscale sardine (Sardinella gibbosa), also the other economic fishes. Both the catch varied between moonson. The highest catch was during the two intermoonsons and the lowest catch was during the west moonson. Catch per unit of effort of the small pelagic fishes from 2005 to 2006 mainly decreased, since the high amount of the efforts from purse seine fleets of the other locations of Indonesia as well as foreign countries.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 97 ◽  
Ali Suman ◽  
Hari Eko Irianto ◽  
Fayakun Satria ◽  
Khairul Amri

Sumber daya ikan di perairan Indonesia merupakan salah satu modal menuju kemakmuran bagi bangsa, apabila dikelola secara berkelanjutan.Kajian potensi dan tingkat pemanfaatan tahun 2015, merupakan salah satu dasar utama dalam merumuskan pengelolaan tersebut menuju pemanfaatan sumber daya yang lestari bagi kesejahteraan bangsa. Secara keseluruhan komposisi jenis sumber daya ikan di perairan Indonesia didominasi kelompok ikan pelagis kecil sebesar 36 % dan ikan pelagis besar sebesar 25 %. Potensi sumber daya ikan di perairan Indonesia adalah sebesar 9,931 juta ton per tahun dengan potensi tertinggi terdapat di WPP 718 (Laut Arafura) sebesar 1,992 juta ton/tahun (20%), di WPP 572 (Samudera Hindia sebelah barat Sumatera dan Selat Sunda) sebesar 1,228 juta/tahun (12 %) dan di WPP 711 (Selat Karimata, Laut Natuna dan Laut Cina Selatan) sebesar 1,143 juta ton/tahun (12 %). Tingkat pemanfaatan secara keseluruhan terlihat didominasi kondisi overfishing (indikator warna merah) sekitar 49 %, diikuti kondisi fully-exploited (indkator warna kuning) sekitar 37 % dan kondisi moderat (indikator warna hijau) hanya 14 %. Kelompok ikan yang mengalami kondisi overfishing paling tinggi adalah kelompok udang Penaeid, lobster, kepiting dan rajungan, yang mencapai 63 % dari kondisi overfishing saat ini. Dalam perspektif yang demikian, opsi pengelolaan yang harus segera dilakukan adalah mengurangi jumlah upaya penangkapan pada WPP yang mengalami kondisi overfishing serta meningkatkan upaya pada WPP yang tingkat pemanfaatannya masih moderat dan fully exploited.Fish resources within Indonesian waters (i.e. teritorial and archipelagic waters) including Indonesian Economic Exclusive Zone if under sustainably management it would contribute a significant role as a source of nation welfare. Scientific advice on stock status and its exploitation rate are required as an input to support an apropriate fisheries management. Generally, fish resources in these waters are dominated by two main fish groups such as small pelagic fish by 36 % and large pelagic fish by 25 %. Indonesia fish resource in 2015 was estimated for 9,931 million tons/year with comprises of 1,992 million ton/year (20 %) in fisheries management area (FMA) 718 (Arafura sea), 1,228 million/year (12 %) in FMA 572 (western of Sumatera of Indian ocean and Sunda strait) and 1,143 million tons/year (12 %) in FMA 711 (Karimata strait, Natuna sea, and south China sea). Most of fish resources (49 %) were in the status of overfishing with red indicator, folowed by fully-exploited state(37 %) in yellow indicator and only 14 % in the moderate state (green indicator). Among all nine fish groups, the overfishing state (up to 63%) is recorded from group of shrimps (Penaidae), lobster, and crabs. The management options in these prespective is urgently suggested to reduce fishing effort at the level of f.opt (fishing optimum) for overfishing fish groups. Whilts possibly to increase effort for fish groups with fully and moderate exploited state at the level off opt.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
David Y Rumambi ◽  
Unstain N. W. J. Rembet ◽  
Joudy R. R. Sangari

This research activity took place in Manado City, North Sulawesi Province with activities centered on the Tumumpa Fishery Harbor (PPP). The data were recorded from capture fisheries activity conducted in the Sulawesi Sea and its surroundings landed in the Tumumpa Fishery Harbor. The purpose of this study was to analyze the stock value and Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) of pelagic fish in the Sulawesi Sea based on the approach of the surplus production model (Model Schaefer). This research is expected to be used as a consideration in the management of pelagic fish stocks in the Sulawesi Sea, and can be used as a basis for further research. This research uses secondary data collection method in the form of statistical document and record available. The data taken, including fish catch and fishing effort or effort (trip), from 2012 to 2016 (5 years). The results show that production value is inversely proportional to the value of effort, where the value of production from 2012 to 2016 has decreased every year, while the value of effort from 2012 to 2016 has increased. This condition indicates that the presence of pelagic fish stocks in the Sulawesi Sea and surrounding areas has been and is experiencing a decline that impacts on the decrease of production every year with a large percentage and this condition also indicates the occurrence of potentially overfishing. The value of MSY utilization of capture fishery resources in the Sulawesi Sea based on Tumumpa Fishery Harbor data were 16,305.45 tons / year for HMSY and 1,664,59 trips / year for EMSY, with TAC of 13,044.36 tons / year.Keywords :  Capture fishery, MSY, Pelagic, Surplus Production Model, Tumumpa ABSTRAK Kegiatan penelitian ini berlangsung di Kota Manado, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara dengan kegiatan berpusat di Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai (PPP) Tumumpa Manado. Aktivitas perikanan tangkap yang ditelaah berlangsung di kawasan perairan Laut Sulawesi dan sekitarnya berdasarkan data PPP Tumumpa Manado. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis nilai stok dan Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) ikan pelagis di Laut Sulawesi berdasarkan pendekatan model produksi surplus (Model Schaefer). Penelitan ini diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pertimbangan dalam pengelolaan stok ikan pelagis di Laut Sulawesi dan sekitarnya, serta dapat digunakan sebagai dasar untuk penelitian selanjutnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengumpulan data sekunder berbentuk dokumen. Data yang diambil adalah data tangkapan ikan dan upaya penangkapan ikan atau effort (trip), dari tahun 2012 sampai dengan 2016 (5 Tahun). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai produksi berbanding terbalik dengan nilai effort, di mana nilai produksi dari tahun 2012 sampai 2016 mengalami penurunan setiap tahunnya, sedangkan nilai effort dari tahun 2012 sampai tahun 2016 mengalami peningkatan. Kondisi yang terjadi ini mengindikasikan bahwa keberadaan stok ikan pelagis di Laut Sulawesi dan sekitarnya telah dan sedang mengalami penurunan yang berdampak pada penurunan produksi setiap tahun dengan persentase yang cukup besar di mana kondisi ini mengindikasikan terjadinya overfishing. Nilai MSY pemanfaatan sumber daya perikanan tangkap di Laut Sulawesi berdasarkan data PPP Tumumpa Manado sebesar 16.305,45 ton/tahun untuk HMSY, dan 1.664,59 trip/tahun untuk EMSY, dengan TAC sebesar 13.044,36 ton/tahun.Kata Kunci: Perikanan Tangkap, MSY, Pelagis, Model Produksi Surplus, Tumumpa

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Yesi Dewita Sari ◽  
Sonny Koeshendrajana ◽  
Benny Osta Nababan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan jumlah alat tangkap yang dioperasikan pada perikanan lemuru di Selat Bali, yang didasarkan pada mekanisme keseimbangan supply dan demand. Pendugaan parameter biologi dilakukan menggunakan model CYP, pendugaan kurva supply menggunakan model Clark dan pendugaan kurva demand menggunakan model Salvatore. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa keseimbangan supply dan demand terjadi pada tingkat harga Rp 5.889 dengan jumlah produksi 10.149 ton per tahun. Sementara itu, berdasarkan hasil survei diperoleh data bahwa harga ikan lemuru berkisar antara Rp 1.500 – 2.000 dengan rata-rata jumlah produksi (tahun 1990-2007) 30.254 ton dengan rata-rata upaya penangkapan 16.934 trip per tahun. Pada kondisi Maximum Sustainable Yield diperoleh maksimum jumlah tangkapan adalah 21.418 ton per tahun dengan jumlah upaya penangkapan 8.023 trip per tahun. Jumlah upaya penangkapan ini setara dengan 81 unit purse seine dengan asumsi setiap unit purse seine memiliki 99 trip per tahun. Mengacu kepada jumlah produksi pada kondisi MSY, maka dengan jumlah produksi 10.149 ton per tahun pada kondisi keseimbangan supply dan demand, hanya 38 unit purse seine yang diperlukan di Selat Bali. Kebijakan pembatasan jumlah upaya penangkapan di lokasi tersebut diharapkan mampu memulihkan sumberdaya ikan lemuru, dan dalam jangka panjang eksploitasi dapat dilakukan secara optimal. Tittle: Optimalization of Governing ‘Lemuru’ Fishery Based on the Supply and Demand Mechanism in the Bali Strait.This research aimed to know amount of fishing effort for capturing lemuru in the Bali Strait based on supply demand equilibrium. Biology parameters were estimated by using CYP model, supply curve was estimated using Clark model and demand curve wos estimated using Salvatore model. Results show that supply demand equilibrium is reached at Rp 5,889 of price and 10,149 MT per year of harvest. Based on survey, price of lemuru was around Rp 1,500 – 2,000 with average of harvest (1990-2007) was 30,254 MT per year. At maximum sustainable yield (MSY), maximum harvest were 21,418 MT per year and fishing effort 8,023 trip per year. Fishing effort at MSY were 81 unit purse seine assuming that one unit purse seine operated 99 trips per year. Based on fishing effort and harvested fish at the MSY, with 10,149 ton per years at the equilibrium point of supply and demand of that particular fish, it required 38 units of purse seine in the Bali Strait. Limiting number of fishing effort in the Bali Strait is to be expected by which enabling to recover lemuru required in the long-run optimal exploitation rate of the lemuru.

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