north coast
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Laju Gandharum ◽  
Djoko Mulyo Hartono ◽  
Asep Karsidi ◽  
Mubariq Ahmad

Uncontrolled urban expansion resulting from urbanization has a disastrous impact on agricultural land. This situation is being experienced by the densely populated and fertile island Java in Indonesia. Remote sensing technologies have developed rapidly in recent years, including the creation of Google Earth Engine (GEE). Intensity analysis (IA) is increasingly being used to systematically and substantially analyze land-use/land-cover (LULC) change. As yet, however, no study of land conversion from agriculture to urban areas in Indonesia has adopted GEE and IA approaches simultaneously. Therefore, this study aims to monitor urban penetration to agricultural land in the north coastal region of West Java Province by applying both methods to two time intervals: 2003–2013 and 2013–2020. Landsat data and a robust random forest (RF) classifier available in GEE were chosen for producing LULC maps. Monitoring LULC change using GEE and IA has demonstrated reliable findings. The overall accuracy of Landsat image classification results for 2003, 2013, and 2020 were 88%, 87%, and 88%, respectively. IA outputs at interval levels for all categories showed that the annual change-of-area rate was higher during 2013–2020 than during 2003–2013. At the category level, IA results showed that the area of agricultural land experienced net losses in both periods, with net loss in 2013–2020 being 2.3 times greater than that in 2003–2013 (∼1,850 ha per year). In contrast, the built-up area made net gains in both periods, reaching almost twice as much in the second period as in the first (∼2,030 ha per year). The transition-level IA performed proved that agricultural land had been the primary target for the expansion of built-up areas. The most extensive spatial distribution of land conversion from agriculture to built-up area was concentrated in the regencies of Bekasi, Karawang, and Cirebon. These findings are intended to provide stakeholders with enrichment in terms of available literature and with valuable inputs useful for identifying better urban and regional planning policies in Indonesia and similar regions.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
Marcelo T Okano ◽  
Odir De Almeida Veiga ◽  
Marcelo Eloy Fernandes

Economic, political, and technological uncertainties require organizations to prepare adequately for new events that occur each day. Economic crisis, changes in the policies of each country and technological developments are classic examples of these changes in organizations. Seasonality is one of the economic phenomena that occur, and different forms of management are required. The seasonality that is described as a systematic and temporal imbalance of the tourist phenomenon that does not need to be regular, caused by the climate or by the vacation periods, and is based on the consumer behavior that can be expressed in terms of the number of visitors, traffic, highways, jobs, and tickets at attractions. Therefore, through a careful analysis of seasonality, it is possible that the losses are predicted, and the negative impact is not so grotesque on the company. For this, it is good that the manager uses the cost assessment methods to assume the seasonality of sales and thus be able to guard against the negative effects of the same. The objective of this research is to understand how owners of micro and small businesses in coastal cities consider themselves entrepreneurs or not and how they deal with obstacles such as seasonality through cost management. The methodology used was based on an exploratory and bibliographic research with a qualitative approach, seeking to analyze the triad: Entrepreneurship, Seasonality and Cost Management. The field research was applied through a semi-structured questionnaire to the sample of 100 Microentrepreneurs in the trade of goods and services in Caraguatatuba and São Sebastião, central cities of the North Coast of São Paulo. The main results show that most of the interviewed entrepreneurs perceive a certain impact caused by seasonality, understand the use of Cost Management to improve their processes and are adapted to one of the main costing methods highlighted by the bibliography.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Kai Chang ◽  
Zesheng Li ◽  
Yu Long

This article attempts to fill important knowledge gaps to explore the spatial spillover effects of financial markets on regional financial efficiency in eight economic zones using three-stage superefficiency data envelopment analysis (DEA) and Durbin’s spatial econometric model. The average financial efficiencies in the North coast, East coast, and South coast economic zones reach the superefficiency DEA relatively efficient level, while the average financial efficiencies in the Northeast, Middle Yellow River, Middle Yangtze River, and large West-south and West-north economic zones reach the superefficiency DEA relatively inefficient level. Except for the North coast economic zone, seven equity markets have significant impacts on regional financial efficiency, and local equity markets in the Northeast, South coast, Middle Yellow River, and Middle Yangtze River economic zones generate significant spatial spillover effects on neighboring regions’ financial efficiency. Local credit markets only in the Northeast and South coast economic zones have significant spatial spillover influences on neighboring regions’ financial efficiency. Debt markets in the North coast, East coast, South coast, Middle Yangtze River, and large West-south economic zones have significant influences on regional financial efficiency, and local debt markets in the East coast and Middle Yangtze River economic zones generate significant spatial spillover effects on neighboring regions’ financial efficiency.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 925-930
Rakhmat Purnomo ◽  
Wowon Priatna ◽  
Ajif Yunizar Pratama Yusuf

Information Technology have to be an enabler of every activity. With the information technology, the effectiveness and efficiency of work shoultd be increase. The obstacles faced, with the existence of information technology, can be an alternative solution. SDN Hurip Jaya 03 Babelan is a school located on the north coast of Bekasi Regency. This school has a challenge where cable internet access from Provider has not yet entered so that educators and education staff, students use independent resources for internet access. Administrative and learning activities already use computers but have not utilized cloud applications such as google forms, google classroom, and shorter url applications for learning e-learning. The educators and education staff are also still working with computers in typing so that their work is less effective. The solution we provide is to share knowledge, knowledge, experience and resources in providing solutions to existing problems. The activities that have been carried out are providing wifi modem and usb wifi resources for internet access, training in fast typing the 10 finger method, using google forms and google classroom for administration and learning, as well as the application for naming links to make reading easier. We hope that if the material presented can be trained and applied seriously, it will certainly be useful in supporting administrative and learning activities.

2022 ◽  
Vol 964 (1) ◽  
pp. 012001
Nguyen Thong ◽  
Ho Tuan Duc ◽  
Phan Quang Hung ◽  
Tran Hai Yen

Abstract The area of Cua-Dai estuary and the coastal areas of Hoi-An City have experienced complicated erosion and sedimentation in recent years. Along the coast of Hoi-An, erosion often occurs, whereas in the area of Cua-Dai River, there is an accretion phenomenon that obstructs the waterway navigation from Cua-Dai to Cu-Lao-Cham. Occurrence of sand dunes in the offshore location of Cua-Dai has been recorded at a number of times in recent years. Studying the process of bed morphological change due to the sediment transport in the Thu-Bon river and the influence of monsoons in the area allows to explain the above phenomenon thus an in-depth study to propose appropriate solutions. This study used the numerical model Telemac which combines the hydro-morphodynamic and wave modules. The simulation results show that the main trend of coastal currents caused by tides and waves tends to go southward, leading to coastal erosion especially in the northeast monsoon season as well as sedimentation in the estuarine area. In addition, the model also shows the crucial role of waves in shoreline erosion, with the degree of erosion in the north coast near Cua-Dai being more severe than the southern coast, through the formation of local eddy flow on the north coast.

2022 ◽  
Vol 82 ◽  
N. B. Gauthier ◽  
F. S. Goes ◽  
L. Quaresma ◽  
V. F. Pedrosa ◽  
F. Roselet ◽  

Abstract The yellow clam is a sand-burrowing bivalve that inhabits the dissipative beaches from southern Brazil to the north coast of Argentina. In the last decades, populations of this species have been impacted by mass mortality events, overfishing and other anthropogenic activities. The production of juveniles in captivity would allow feasibility studies to be carried out to restore the natural stock as well as the production in aquaculture systems. Given the scarcity of studies on the maintenance of this species in captivity, a culture system and a management protocol were developed and tested. Wild-caught clams (total length ≥50 mm) were used in a series of 14 day-long trials. Survival was higher in clams that were allowed to bury into the sand. A permanent ink marker covered with a thin layer of a quick-hardening adhesive proved to be a reliable method to tag clams. The maintenance of yellow clams in this system resulted in high survival and growth, increases in the condition factor and oocyte diameter, and a relative advancement of gonadal development.

2022 ◽  
Vol 955 (1) ◽  
pp. 012025
E Yuliani ◽  
H Widyasamrati ◽  
N Wulandari

Abstract The dynamics of air temperature cause thermal comfort to be unstable in the context of an urban micro-climate. One of the places affected by the urban micro-climate is the campus of Unissula. It lies on the main transportation route of the north coast of Central Java. To create a comfortable space in the campus environment, a local scale air temperature control method is required, one of which is the provision of green open spaces (GOS). Scenarios for providing green open space based on micro-climate dynamics must be developed to create thermal comfort. This study aimed to identify and analyze the correlation between micro-climate and thermal comfort based on the existing parameters. The research methodology employed a rationalistic quantitative deductive approach with micro-climate and thermal comfort variables, as well as rationalistic descriptive analysis technique. According to the findings of this study, the comfort of Unissula campus meets the criteria for morning air temperature of 25.42°C, daytime 31.35 °C, evening 29.92 °C. The morning humidity is relatively 73.92%, the daytime is 51.50%, and the evening is 60.57%. The thermal comfort level is moderately partly comfortable.

2022 ◽  
Vol 94 (1) ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 281-286
James Jenner Guerrero Braco ◽  
Ysabel Nevado Rojas ◽  
Luis Antonio Pozo Suclupe ◽  
Rossicielo Mendoza Núñez ◽  
William Sánchez Chávez

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-53
I Komang Yudha Wirawan ◽  
Liga Insani ◽  
Muh. Sulaiman Dadiono

Tiger grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) hatchery at the household scale has contributed to the increase in national grouper seed production. The main problem in tiger grouper cultivation is the availability of superior seeds. Where superior tiger grouper seeds must have fast growth, be resistant to new environments, low FCR, have perfect morphology and be resistant to. Superior seeds of tiger grouper can be seen from the value of Survival Rate (SR), where superior seeds will have a much higher SR when maintained. The purpose of this study was to determine the Survival Rate of tiger grouper hatchery in household-scale hatcheries located on the North Coast of Bali as the main parameter and water quality as a supporting parameter. Methods of data collection is done by using 4 ways: survey, active participation, observation, and interviews. Survival rate data analysis was carried out by performing calculations based on the SR calculation formula and analyzed descriptively. The results of observations of water quality are classified as good for the value of Salinity (33-35 ppt), Temperature (28-29.4 oC), and DO (6-6.5 ppm). While the pH value can be said to be not good for tiger grouper hatchery and rearing with a pH value of (7.3-7.4). The result of the calculation of the Survival Rate is 20% with a total of ± 24,000 seeds. From the percentage of survival rate, it can be said that the survival rate of tiger grouper larvae in this household-scale hatchery is still low. However, it should be noted that a low survival rate in grouper hatcheries does not always affect the value of profits and losses of a grouper hatchery business.

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