(A review) N. I. Makunina. The forest-steppe vegetation of the West Siberian plain and the Altai-Sayan mountain region. Novosibirsk: Academic publishing house “Geo”, 2016. 183 p.

2017 ◽  
pp. 114-116
B. M. Mirkin ◽  
L. G. Naumova

The monograph presents an overview of the forest-steppe vegetation of the West Siberian Plain and the Altai-Sayan mountain region. The questions of bioclimatic zonation of the Altai-Sayan mountain region are discussed. The biodiversity of foreststeppe is characterized, the floristic classification is performed, the scheme of eco-phytocoenotic classification is given, the basic types of plant communities are described in comparative terms. The diversity of forest-steppe landscapes is revealed, the structure of their vegetation is analyzed. The phytogeographical division of forest-steppe is worked out.

2017 ◽  
pp. 116-118
E. A. Volkova

The monograph presents an overview of the forest-steppe vegetation of the West Siberian Plain and the Altai-Sayan mountain region. The questions of bioclimatic zonation of the Altai-Sayan mountain region are discussed. The biodiversity of foreststeppe is characterized, the floristic classification is performed, the scheme of eco-phytocoenotic classification is given, the basic types of plant communities are described in comparative terms. The diversity of forest-steppe landscapes is revealed, the structure of their vegetation is analyzed. The phytogeographical division of forest-steppe is worked out.

2017 ◽  
pp. 78-93
N. I. Makunina ◽  
L. P. Parshutina

In South Siberian mountains floodplain steppe meadows can be found only within steppe and forest-steppe belts. In the eastern part of the Altai-Sayan mountain region (ASMR) these belts occupy large intermontane depressions, making up the submeridional range at 56–50° N (Fig. 1). The northern part of this range consists of four large depressions (the Nazarovo, North Minusinsk, Middle Minusinsk and South Minusinsk). To the north, the Nazarovo depression merges into the West Siberian plain. The southern border of the South Minusinsk depression is the West Sayan. The southern part of range includes the Turan-Uyuk and Central Tuvinian depressions. This study is based on the analysis of 260 geobotanical relevés made in the valleys of 47 rivers (21 — in Minusinsk depressions, 26 — in Tuvinian depressions). The set includes the relevés of steppe meadow of different river types (large, medium, small), located in different parts of the studied region. The typical feature of these communities is the permanent coexistence of steppe and meadow species with negligible part of meadow-steppe herbs. All steppe meadows under discussion are similar in appearance. Tall grasses, various in different associations, form a sparse upper sublayer. Depending on the intensity of use, the main part of the herbage can be located in the middle sublayer or in the bottom one. In the middle sublayer, grasses predominate (Bromopsis inermis, Poa angustifolia, Elytrigia repens). Herbs tolerant to grazing (Potentilla bifurca, Amoria repens) make up the bottom sublayer. We have revealed 6 associations of steppe meadows. Ass. Potentillo bifurcae–Poetum angustifoliae, Potentillo bifurcae–Leymetum dasystachyos, Potentillo bifurcae–Hordeetum brevisubulati are typical for Tuvinian depressions, ass. Artemisio laciniatae–Koelerietum delavignei, Trifolio pratensis–Koelerietum delavignei и Trifolio pratensis–Festucetum valesiacae — for Minusinsk ones (Table 1). The basic bioclimatic barrier of ASMR — the West Sayan divides their areas. The ordination of new associations along the gradients of moisture supply (horizontal axis) and richness-salinity of soils (vertical axis) demonstrates that areas of associations form two ranges — the Minusinsk and Tuvinian. Every association of the Minusinsk range has corresponding association of the Tuvinian range (Fig. 2). DCA-ordination (Fig. 3) and cluster analysis (Fig. 4) of syntaxa from the South Urals, West Siberia, Yakutia and new associations have detected the specificity of the last ones, so a new alliance Potentillo bifurcae–Poion angustifoliae (order Galietalia veri, class Molinio-Arrhenatheretea) has been described. It comprises steppe meadows of the Eastern part of ASMR.

2014 ◽  
pp. 45-70 ◽  
A. Yu. Korolyuk

The West-Siberian Plain extends more than 1200 km from west to east. Its southern part is occupied by steppe and forest-steppe zones with pre-dominance of herbaceous plant communities. Steppes and xeric meadows are widespread on this territory and characterized by a high diversity and complex spatial structure. This study presents the analysis of 874 relevés describing xeric meadows and steppes of the class Festuco-Brometea from the West Siberian Plain. Numerical analysis with using of plant indicator values showed that some ecological factors, such as soil moisture, salinity and sand content are important in differentiation of grasslands. Three zonal associations form the sequence on the latitudinal gradient from 56º to 51º of northern latitude: Galatello biflorae–Calamagrostietum epigeii (xeric meadows and meadow steppes on solonetz soils in forest-steppe zone), Helictotricho desertori–Stipetum rubentis (rich bunchgrass steppes of southern part of forest-steppe zone and northern part of steppe zone), Artemisio austriacae–Stipetum capillatae (typical bunchgrass steppes of steppe zone). Zonal associations form complexes with other grasslands of Festuco-Brometeae. In forest-steppe landscapes zonal communities usually adjoined with Galio borealis–Artemisietum ponticae in more mesic habitats and with halophyte association Limonio gmelini–Phleetum phleoides. In steppe regions zonal associations make an assemblage with relatively mesic grasslands of Trommsdorffio maculatae–Stipetum pennatae and halophyte communities of Limonio gmelini–Stipetum capillatae on solonetz soils. Three associations form the sequence related with increasing of sand content in soils: Gypsophilo paniculatae–Artemisietum glaucae, Sileno borysthenicae–Cleistogenetum squarrosae, Scorzonero ensifoliae–Festucetum valesiacae. All grasslands usually are under intense grazing that cause changes in plant communities, first of all, the reduction of meso-xerophyte species diversity. The class Festuco-Brometea in the West Siberian plain is divided into two orders. The order Festucetalia valesiacae unites xeric meadows and meadow steppes in forest-steppe landscapes. The class and order are diagnosed mainly by meso-xerophyte species with wide Eurosiberian distribution: Anemone sylvestris, Artemisia glauca, A. latifolia, Astragalus danicus, Campanula sibirica, Centaurea scabiosa, Dianthus versicolor, Festuca pseudovina, Festuca valesiaca, Filipendula vulgaris, Fragaria viridis, Galium ruthenicum, Galium verum, Koeleria cristata, Medicago falcata, Phleum phleoides, Phlomoides tuberosa, Plantago urvillei, Poa angustifolia, Polygala comosa, Scabiosa ochroleuca, Seseli libanotis, Stipa capillata, Stipa pennata, Tephroseris integrifolia, Trommsdorffia maculata, Veronica spicata. This order is presented by the alliance Galatellion biflorae located to the west from the Ob River (Korolyuk, Kiprijanova, 1998). Its communities differ from others by presence of salt-tolerant species: Artemisia pontica, Artemisia rupestris, Carex caryophyllea, Galatella biflora, Inula britannica, Melampyrum cristatum, Peucedanum morisonii, Plantago maxima, Silene multiflora. To the east from the Ob River this alliance is replaced by Poo urssulensis–Artemision glaucae, in the South Urals by Festucion valesiacae. The xeric meadows of Festuco-Brometea north from forest-steppe zone are replaced by mesic meadows of Molinio-Arrhenatheretea. The order Helictotricho-Stipetalia represents the typical steppes and xeric variants of meadow steppes. Its distribution covers steppe zone and southern part of forest-steppe zone. The main part of its diagnostic combination is formed by xerophyte steppe plants: Achillea nobilis, Adonis villosa, Androsace maxima, Artemisia austriaca, Carex supina, Galatella angustissima, Helictotrichon desertorum, Jurinea multiflora, Onosma simplicissima, Oxytropis pilosa, Pilosella echioides, Potentilla bifurca, P. humifusa, Salvia stepposa, Scorzonera austriaca, Seseli ledebourii, Spiraea crenata, Stipa zalesskii, Taraxacum erythrospermum, Thymus marschallianus, Verbascum phoeniceum, Veronica incana. Three alliances form the sequence along moisture gradient: more mesic rich steppes of Helictotricho desertori–Stipion rubentis (diagnostic species: Helictotrichon desertorum, Stipa zalesskii, Thymus marschallianus, Artemisia latifolia, Filipendula vulgaris, Fragaria viridis, Phlomoides tuberosa, Plantago urvillei, Seseli libanotis, Artemisia pontica, A. rupestris, Galatella biflora, Peucedanum morisonii, Silene multiflora), typical steppes of Artemisio austriacae–Festucion valesiacae (diagnostic species: Androsace maxima, Artemisia austriaca, Carex supina, Po­ten­tilla bifurca, Scorzonera austriaca, Taraxacum erythrospermum), and dry steppes of Stipion korshinskyi Toman1969 (diagnostic species: Kochia prostrata, Krascheninnikovia ceratoides, Leymus ramosus, Phlomoides agraria, Stipa korshinskyi, Stipa lessingiana).

2014 ◽  
pp. 63-85
N. N. Lashchinskiy ◽  
M. P. Tishchenko ◽  
O. Yu. Pisarenko ◽  
N. V. Lashchinskaya

Vegetation of the right bank of the Ob River in the limits of Novosibirsk area consists of southern taiga, subtaiga and forest-steppe elements. More over, in comparison with neighboring areas on the West Siberian Plain, it contains the significant amount of mountain elements (Kuminova, Vagina, Lapshina, 1963). Natural vegetation of the area belongs to the forest-steppe subzone of the West Siberian province (Il’ina, 1985). Low percentage of forest coverage is caused by anthropogenic deforestation and wide distribution of meadows (Lapshina, 1963). This is the most endangered vegetation in Novosibirsk area. Spatial vegetation structure was studied by using the model of the Ob River basin covered 184 square kilometers. Well-developed system of ravines and small creeks caused a presence of relatively large areas with very low anthropogenic impact which potentially could be the refuges of pristine zonal vegetation. Main vegetation type of this basin is forest which covered about 31% of the area. Forest diversity of model area consists of four syntaxa of association and subassociation ranks belonging to the Brachypodio pinnati–Betuletea pendulae class. Meadow vegetation is presented by five syntaxa from the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class and mire vegetation — by two syntaxa from the Alneteae glutinosae class. Two subassociations and four variants are described for the first time. The ravine systems could be considered as low-level landscape structures which are the natural refuges with high level of biodiversity and habitats of rare and endangered species. The slope vegetation organized in ecological rows consists of three up to four syntaxa changing from the top to the ravine bottom. The Ob River Basin flora is characterized by insignificant amount of meadow steppe species, well-represented mire flora and a presence of mountain and taiga elements. The most specific floristic features are the presence of ephemeroid species, taiga species and Siberian tertiary nemoral relics (Polozhiy, Krapivkina, 1985). All these features allow us to refer the river basin vegetation to the low-mountain subtaiga type.

2015 ◽  
pp. 129-147
M. P. Tishchenko ◽  
A. Yu. Korolyuk ◽  
N. I. Makunina

The Tobol and the Irtysh watershed occupy the western part of West-Siberian plain. Area studied covers latitudinal band between 55° and 57° n. l. It includes the southern part of subtaiga subzone and northern part of forest-steppe zone. This territory has been used for agriculture since XVIIth century. In the middle of XXth century the local landscapes were represented by endless arable lands alternated with tiny patches of forests on the watersheds and swamps and solonchaks prevailing at lowlands. In the end of XXth century the large areas of arable lands, especially in northern part of mentioned area, were abandoned. Nowadays this area is covered by fallow meadows on different stages of demutation. Vegetation studies of the region have started in the end of XIXth century. One of the best scientific works on local grasslands was written by B. N. Gorodkov (1915). The spectrum of natural plant communities demonstrates some changes fr om south to north. These changes enclose both zonal and intrazonal vegetation. The southern part of the area studied belongs to forest-steppe zone. Its zonal vegetation is represented by small-leaved forests, grasslands (steppe meadows) and meadow steppes. Zonal vegetation of northern part — subtaiga subzone — includes only small-leaved forests. The watershed grasslands replace the cut-off forests. Intrazonal vegetation of southern part consists of various grasslands on salty soils and swamps predominated in the northern part. The border of forest-steppe and subtaiga represents a combination of zonal and intrazonal communities disturbed by man. The goal of this article is to reveal the diversity of grasslands on drained soils of mentioned area. The analysis of 151 geobotanical relevйs obtained fr om subtaiga and northern forest-steppe of Omskaya and Tyumenskaya administrative districts has been carried out. The syntaxonomy of the Tobol-and-the Irtysh watershed grasslands is represented by 6 associations, 4 subassociations and 2 communities of 4 alliances, 4 order and 2 classes. Subtaiga and northern forest steppe are charac­terized by different spectra of grasslands. This can be explained by a presence of wide range of saline soils in forest-steppe and their absence in subtaiga. The floristic composition of grasslands of forest-steppes zone includes the plants tolerant to soil salinity such as Artemisia pontica, Galatella biflora, Plantago maxi­ma, Eryngium planum, Saussurea amara, Limonium gmelinii. The listed species are rare in subtaiga grasslands while Festuca pratensis, Phleum pratense, Agrostis gigantea of alliance Festucion pratensis are dominated in subtaiga grassland meadows. Steppe meadows of this territory are represented by two classes. Northern forest-steppe subzone demonstrates the northern lim it of Festuco-Brometea (alliance Galatellion biflorae of order Festucetalia valesiacae). The associations Galatello biflorae–Calamagrostietum epigeii and Galio borealis–Artemisietum ponticae occupy the zonal positions. Their communities are characterize by high activity of meadow-steppe mesoxerophytes that are the diagnostic of the class Festuco-Brometea. The meadow mesophytes dominate in subtaiga steppe meadows absolutely; meadow-steppe species are rare. They are marked with a lack of diagnostic species of alliance Galatellion biflorae. They are ascribed to the class Molinio–Arrhenatheretea, order Galietalia veri and alliance Trifolion montani as the communities Filipendula stepposa–Cenolophium denudatum and Astragalus danicus–Potentilla anserinа. Forest steppe meadows of alliance Aconito barbati–Vicion unijugae (order Carici macrou­rae–Crepidetalia sibiricae, class Molinio-Arrhena­theretea) are usual for northern, subtaiga subzone of the Tobol and the Irtysh watershed. Diagnostic species list of the communities belonging to the order Carici macrourae–Crepidetalia sibiricae on West-Siberian plain is impoverished in comparison with the uplands and the mountains of South Siberia wh ere this order was described by Ermakov et al. (1999). We have revealed 2 new associations of alliance Aconito barbati–Vicion unijugae: Aegopodio podagrariae–Brachypodietum pinnati and Dracocephalo ruyschiani–Heracleetum sibiricae. In subtaiga subzone communities of these associations occupy the small well drained habitats between mesophytic forests and arable lands. The first association unites the xerophytic forest meadows with Aegopodium podagraria dominance, occurring only on right bank of the Ishim River. The second one includes forest meadows of subtaiga widely spread on the Tobol and the Irtysh watershed. Association Dracocephalo ruyschiani–Heracleetum sibiricae comprises two subassociations: D. r.–H. s. typicum and D. r.–H. s.molinietosum caeruleae. One of diagnostic species of the last mentioned subassociation is Molinia caerulea that is a common species of boreal wet meadows of Europe. The eastern border of this species distribution is on the left riverside of the Ishim River. Meadows of alliance Festucion pratensis of order Arrhenatheretalia are characteristic only for subtaiga, they belong to two associations. Meadows of subassociation Cirsio setosi–Phleetum pratensis pastinacetosum sylvestris are widespread. They are wide spread over the abandoned arable lands and rather monotonous by their floristic composition. The floristic peculiarity of plant communities is abundance of diagnostic species of classes Artemisietea и Chenopodietea. Meadows of Agrostio tenuis–Festucetum pratensis Yamalov 2005 occur on sandy soils; they present one of the first stages of pine forest demutation. Some of species are not characteristic for typical subassociation described by S. M. Yamalov (2005), therefore the meadows of this association on the Tobol and the Irtysh watershed are referred to a new subassociation A. t.–F. p. senecionetosum jacobaea.

2018 ◽  
Vol 364 ◽  
pp. 10-28 ◽  
A.M. Byvaltsev ◽  
K.A. Belova ◽  
Yu.N. Danilov ◽  
V.V. Molodtsov ◽  

2017 ◽  
pp. 61-77 ◽  
A. Yu. Korolyuk

Landscapes of the Northern Kazakhstan and southern part of the West Siberian Plain are deeply transformed and fragmented as a result of long-term agricultural exploitation. So, steppes became the most endangered ecosystems due to total ploughing of zonal soils. Presently, there are no large massifs of natural steppes. This determines the importance of data representing zonal steppe communities. One of the most important studies in this field is the publication by T. I. Isachenko and E. I. Rachkovskaya (1961), containing detailed characteristic of steppe vegetation from the Northern Kazakhstan and 199 relevés representing the unique dataset of zonal communities, which were destroyed later. Based on these data, Miloslav Toman (1969) has described the new order Helictotricho-Stipetalia, 2 alliances, 3 suballiances and 8 associations. He used only 40 of 199 original relevés, that led to some incorrect conclusions. This study presents the analysis of 199 steppe relevés from the publication in question. We used the following methods: (1) the table sorting; (2) numerical analysis using plant indicator values, (3) Detrended Correspondence (DCA). All relevés were assigned into the order Helictotricho-Stipetalia Toman 1969 (Festuco-Brometea Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex Soó 1947) that represents the typical bunchgrass steppes and some variants of meadow steppes. They are distributed across the northern part of steppe zone and the southern part of forest-steppe zone from the Southern Urals to Altai Mountains. The analysis showed that classification systems of steppe vegetation proposed by T. I. Isachenko and E. I. Rachkovskaya and M. Toman are not conflicting due to the fact that in both surveys plant communities were identified based upon species composition. The actual syntaxonomy of the order Helictotricho-Stipetalia can be successfully applied to the vegetation studies of large areas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 ◽  
pp. 00126
Alexander I. Syso ◽  
Andrey Y. Korolyuk ◽  
Boris A. Smolentsev

The effect of weather conditions and such soil properties as pH, salt content, as well as different forms of macroand trace elements, on phytocoenoses biodiversity and chemical element contents in the aboveground phytomass was investigated in the forest-steppe zone of the West Siberian plain. Soil chemical element composition and salinity content were found to affect the phytomass content of N, P, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Sr, Li.

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