scholarly journals The Search for Satisfaction: A Journey Through Drive, Jouissance And Repetition Incorporating Neuroscience

2019 ◽  
Mila Boyanova Petkova ◽  
Elena Carolina Díaz Ruiz

Understanding drives is essential because they tell us about that original encounter in which a somatic stimulus encounters the mental representations. This paper is an attempt to recollect previous research and construct a parallel of psychoanalytic concepts and neuroscientific findings such as the correspondence between drive and libido and the dopaminergic seeking system. We are mind, body and language.In our research we present the hypothesis that there are three existing paths of obtaining certain level of satisfaction – pleasure, jouissance and death drive, led by the pleasure principle of partial satisfaction and the Nirvana principle of (impossible) complete satisfaction.In Beyond the Pleasure Principle, Freud reviews his own drive theory incorporating a new term - death drive. Freud theorized about compulsion repetition, a cycle in which a behavior is carried out repeatedly and repressed material is lived instead of remembered, let alone elaborated. He observes that some are not guided by the principle of pleasure seeking, which reveals a complacency of the subject with the suffering of his symptoms, beyond their conscious yearning for healing. While the goal of the life drives is self-preservation, sexual satisfaction, creation and procreation, the final goal of the death drive appears to be to completely reduce tensions and return the living individual to the inorganic state of stillness and repose which is unachievable.When Jacques Lacan introduces the concept of jouissance (enjoyment), he refers to this mythical state of complete satisfaction before the barrier of the castration as such.The way to achieve this state of minimum tension, can as well be mediated by addiction and/or compulsive behavior as we have seen before, suppressing the internal tension of stimulus and surrendering to the principle of Nirvana and the death drives – complete reduction of any tension.Now we know that the frontal cortex is responsible for regulating the instinctual reactions and puts them in social context. But when one appears to be struggling to achieve satisfaction by harmful or unpleasant actions this can be common consequence of the dopaminergic reward functions, resulting in a paradoxically dysfunctional behavior. Repetition is an important brain function. Repetition is involved in learning processes and improves performance. In this theoretical research we would like to review and differentiate between efficient, rewarding repetition and repetition compulsion in order to further clarify how satisfaction can be achieved and up to what point.

Miriam Leonard

In …Pleasure Principle, Freud juxtaposes his discussion of the life and death instincts in “elementary organisms” to the tragic drama he sees enacted in his grandson’s fort-da game. Freud’s insights into the death drive are given an added tragic dimension in Lacan’s reading of Oedipus at Colonus. Here Lacan establishes the anti- or even post-humanist credentials of tragedy by insisting that it is the death of the subject which is Sophocles’ ultimate preoccupation. By placing Greek tragedy’s confrontation with the death drive in dialogue with the instincts of the “germ-cell”, the chapter demonstrates how psychoanalysis offers a perfect model for understanding antiquity’s contribution to posthumanism.

Elizabeth Rottenberg

This chapter argues that Sigmund Freud’s 1920 text Beyond the Pleasure Principle marks a watershed in the history of psychoanalysis. Freud not only speculates in this text, he also speculates in a way that is far-reaching and far-ranging: his speculation takes him back to the origin of consciousness and the beginning of life. But what does it mean, this chapter asks, for Freud’s speculation to culminate in the hypothesis of a death or destructive drive? Indeed, what does it mean for Freud’s hypothesis of the repetition compulsion and the death drive to breathe new life into psychoanalytic theory? It is here, this chapter argues, that we must take Freud’s speculative play seriously and rethink not only psychoanalysis’s relation to philosophy (i.e., speculation) but also its relation to Plato. For Plato, more than any other philosopher in Freud’s work, plays a vital—literally a life-and-death—role in Freud’s theory of the drives.

Derrida Today ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 178-195
Elizabeth Rottenberg

This essay will concentrate, somewhat voyeuristically, on a particular and very special textual encounter. For if there is one text in the psychoanalytic tradition that will have caused Derrida to spill more ink than any other – it's Freud's Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920). For ten years, from 1970–1980, Derrida returns not once but three times, on three separate occasions, in three different contexts, to Freud's text on repetition compulsion and the death drive, each time devoting more time and energy – that is to say, more pages – to it. As we will see in this essay, what emerges from this textual encounter is not only a new kind of pleasure; it is also a chance event of repetition that brings with it something strikingly new.

2016 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-182 ◽  
Hannah Proctor

Alexander Luria played a prominent role in the psychoanalytic community that flourished briefly in Soviet Russia in the decade following the 1917 October Revolution. In 1925 he co-wrote an introduction to Sigmund Freud's Beyond the Pleasure Principle with Lev Vygotsky, which argued that the conservatism of the instincts that Freud described might be overcome through the kind of radical social transformation then taking place in Russia. In attempting to bypass the backward looking aspects of Freud's theory, however, Luria and Vygotsky also did away with the tension between Eros and the death drive; precisely the element of Freud's essay they praised for being ‘dialectical’. This article theoretically unpicks Luria and Vygotsky's critique of psychoanalysis. It concludes by considering their optimistic ideological argument against the death drive with Luria's contemporaneous psychological research findings, proposing that Freud's ostensibly conservative theory may not have been as antithetical to revolutionary goals as Luria and Vygotsky assumed.

2019 ◽  
pp. 272-277
Anna V. Zhuchkova

The review considers A. Rudalyov’s book 4 Shots [ 4 vystrela ], devoted to the ‘new realism’, a trend in 2000s Russian literature, and more specifically, works of four ‘new realists’: Z. Prilepin, R. Senchin, S. Shargunov, and G. Sadulaev. The reviewer criticizes the author for an incomplete and biased presentation of ‘new realism’, which had been a focus of intense discussions among literary critics and scholars for over a decade. The same flaw blights the descriptions of the four chapters’ respective protagonists: Prilepin, Senchin, Shargunov, and Sadulaev. Rudalyov ended up writing a panegyric, albeit with very sparse language, mainly by repetition of flattering epithets from the press. He failed, however, to address the discussion of the ‘new realism’ by critics or supply a review of literary theoretical research on the subject. Therefore, the reviewer finds the book lacking in any historical-literary and philological value.

Stephan Atzert

This chapter explores the gradual emergence of the notion of the unconscious as it pertains to the tradition that runs from Arthur Schopenhauer via Eduard von Hartmann and Philipp Mainländer to Sabina Spielrein, C. G. Jung, and Sigmund Freud. A particular focus is put on the popularization of the term “unconscious” by von Hartmann and on the history of the death drive, which has Schopenhauer’s essay “Transcendent Speculation on the Apparent Deliberateness in the Fate of the Individual” as one of its precursors. In this essay, Schopenhauer develops speculatively the notion of a universal, intelligent, supraindividual unconscious—an unconscious with a purpose related to death. But the death drive also owes its origins to Schopenhauer’s “relative nothingness,” which Mainländer adopts into his philosophy as “absolute nothingness” resulting from the “will to death.” His philosophy emphasizes death as the goal of the world and its inhabitants. This central idea had a distinctive influence on the formation of the idea of the death drive, which features in Freud’s Beyond the Pleasure Principle.

2017 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 246-264
Monique David-Ménard

This paper considers Freud's 1920 text, Beyond the Pleasure Principle, in light of Jacques Derrida's critical commentary on it in The Post Card. Against the deconstructive reading that highlights the performative aspects of Freud's speculative remarks, David-Ménard reads Freud's theory of the death drive as an epistemological and experimental hypothesis necessary for giving an account of the complexity and diversity of the clinical phenomenon of repetition in psychoanalysis. Though the death drive never appears locatable as such in the various examples given by Freud, it is nonetheless accessible in the constellation of differences produced by traumatic dreams, children's games, etc.

2006 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 513-521 ◽  
Alex Hankey

This article is the first of two comparing findings of studies of advanced practitioners of Tibetan Buddhist meditation in remote regions of the Himalayas, with established results on long-term practitioners of the Transcendental Meditation programs. Many parallel levels of improvement were found, in sensory acuity, perceptual style and cognitive function, indicating stabilization of aspects of attentional awareness. Together with observed increases in EEG coherence and aspects of brain function, such changes are consistent with growth towards a state of total brain functioning, i.e. development of full mental potential. They are usually accompanied by improved health parameters. How they may be seen to be consistent with growth of enlightenment will be the subject of a second article.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 22-27

The purpose of this article is to highlight the essence and content of teaching this subject, which was introduced in Polish schools on 1 September 2009. To achieve this goal, the importance of education and, specifically, security education is discussed. The essence of security education is then presented, and it replacing the currently implemented defense adaptation is explained. Subsequently, the educational content of security education was discussed. The aim of the study was based on theoretical research methods such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, and inference.The conclusion encourages further reflection on this subject because education is an important area for ensuring security; hence, education in security from pre-school education to adult education can be found in Polish education. The tendency toward change testifies to broader cognitive perspectives, especially in the area of personnel and structural security of individuals and social groups. It also testifies to the understanding of the essence and importance of education itself.


 As concepções de vida e morte de Freud e de Fechner se entrelaçam no momento em que o primeiro, em Além do princípio do prazer (1920), aclimata ao seu arcabouço teórico o princípio fechneriano da tendência à estabilidade, tomado a partir de então como um princípio mais geral ao qual se subordina o princípio da constância (ou princípio do Nirvana). O princípio de Fechner, contudo, é destacado por Freud de uma obra publicada em 1873, onde seu autor o formula como um princípio físico que se insere em uma concepção geral sobre a vida — sobre a sua origem e o seu desenvolvimento, mas também o seu ocaso —, concepção que difere sobremaneira da visão científica usual, à qual Freud se filia. No entanto, a visão sobre a vida e a morte dos dois autores conflui a partir do ponto em comum representado pelo princípio da tendência à estabilidade, que, em Fechner, leva os organismos progressivamente ao estado inorgânico e, em Freud, parece poder ser entendido como o fundamento da pulsão de morte, que naturalmente se esforça por alcançar este mesmo fim.Palavras-Chave: Freud. Fechner. Vida. Morte. Life and death in Fechner and FreudABSTRACTFreud's and Fechner's conceptions of life and death are intertwined when the former, in Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920), acclimatizes to his theoretical framework the Fechnerian principle of the tendency to stability, taken from then on as a more general principle to which the constancy principle (or Nirvana principle) is subordinated. Fechner's principle, however, is highlighted by Freud from a work published in 1873, where its author formulates it as a physical principle that fits into a general conception of life — about its origin and its development, but also the its sunset — a conception that differs greatly from the usual scientific view, to which Freud adheres. However, the vision of life and death of the two authors converges from the common point represented by the principle of the tendency to stability, which, in Fechner, leads organisms progressively to an inorganic state and, in Freud, seems to be understood as the foundation of the death drive, which naturally strives to achieve this very end.Keywords: Freud. Fechner. Life. Death.

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