2010 ◽  
Vol 75 (649) ◽  
pp. 767-774
Hitoshi NARIKIYO ◽  
Toshimasa SUGIMOTO
2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 39-60
Pablo Gonzalez Martin

Abstract This article studies the relation between the movement of people and objects and the use of urban places during revolts in late medieval Tournai. It posits that fixed locations were but one ingredient in the construction of medieval spaces of protest and contestation, and that most other essential elements, such as people, objects, and performances, were in fact mobile. As shown here through the case of Tournai, the mobile nature of these elements allowed rebels to transform urban space and its meanings as they moved across the town. The first part of the article looks at how rebels utilized mobility to disrupt and re-appropriate ordinary itineraries. The second part focuses on the “Becquerel revolts,” a series of uprisings that took place in a small, peripheral square. This is to show how urban guilds, by effectively managing to move people, objects, and performances to unexpected locations, not only took control of specific places, but also created their own spaces of contestation.

2012 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 315-326 ◽  
Tanja Obradovic ◽  
Petar Mitkovic

This paper discusses the development of legislation in the fields of urbanism and construction in Serbia and worldwide (England is used as an example). This development is viewed through characteristic periods and the enacted laws and regulations are systematized. The introduction of urban legislation is recorded in Serbia when the Construction Act of 1931 was enacted whereas in England it was the Town Planning Act of 1909.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 11-41
Maciej Ziemierski

17th century testaments of the Królik family from Krakow The article is dedicated to the Królik family from Krakow, who lived in the town from the late 16th century until the first years of the 18th century. The family members initially worked as tailors, later reinforcing the group of Krakow merchants in the third generation (Maciej Królik). Wojciech Królik – from the fourth generation – was a miner in Olkusz. The text omits the most distinguished member of the family, Wojciech’s oldest brother, the Krakow councillor Mikołaj Królik, whose figure has been covered in a separate work. The work shows the complicated religious relations in the family of non-Catholics, initially highly engaged in the life of the Krakow Congregation, but whose members gradually converted from Evangelism to Catholicism. As a result, Wojciech Królik and his siblings became Catholics. This work is complemented by four testaments of family members, with the first, Jakub Królik’s, being written in 1626 and the last one, Wojciech Królik’s, written in 1691.

2015 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-153
Ruzica Bozovic

This paper is concerned with phenomenon of medieval town- fortress of Zvecan through examining (1) the town planning and spatial organization within the town, (2) its physical structure, (3) conception of medieval design and construction of Zvecan, (4) medieval instinct for correlation of shapes within the town and correlation of Zvecan and its surrounding, (5) comparison of Zvecan with medieval towns in the region and beyond. This medieval town as a whole was the expression of medieval characteristics with its spatial organization and with its own individuality. Zvecan emerged from the then contemporary circumstances and necessities. This research is focused toward finding construction principles of medieval town Zvecan which are timeless and unique to all town constructions.

2017 ◽  
pp. 257-275
Гжегож Јавор

Апстракт: Миграције с простора Балкана у пoљске земље током XV и XVI века спадају у проблеме који су ретко обрађивани у историографији. Те миграције сматране су појавом мањег значаја, мада су поједини истраживачи прошлости покренули њихову обраду на маргинама појединих расправа које се тичу шире проблематике, али је ова тематика ипак остала и даље у категоријама ретких примера. Предузимању ширих истраживања није ишла на руку ни специфичности информација у изворима: оне су малобројне, по правилу веома уопштене и разбацане у бројним издањима изворâ и рукописних материјала, похрањених у пољским архивама. Циљ је овога рада да укаже на судбину представника породице назначене у наслову рада – Дукађиновича, која је вероватно из Албаније досељена у XVI веку на подручје Подоља, области која је тада припадала Пољском краљевству. Аутора су посебно интересовали место порекла ових дошљака, узроци и вероватни правац њиховог миграционог кретања, као и привредне иницијативе у новој домовини. Такође је указано на тешкоће с којима су се морали сучелити на Подољу, а чија је последица на крају био и неуспех подухвата браће Дукађинович. Исто тако, суштински задатак овога рада била је намера аутора да укаже на потенцијалне, до сада неискоришћене могућности предузимања целовитих истраживања миграција представника разних балканских етноса у правцу граница пољско-литванске државе, како у позном средњем веку тако и у раном новом веку. У том оквиру намеће се као постулат израда посебних монографија о овој проблематици. Кључне речи: Балкан, миграције, Пољска, Подоље, XVI век.

Jorge de Alarcão

In 1064, Ferdinand the Great conquered Coimbra from the Musulmans. The authority over the town was trusted to Sesnandus. Born in a Christian family of Coimbra or its area, the count had been educated in the Musulman court of Seville. In the time of Sesnandus, the Christian rule was not extended farther than the line of Penela and Soure, where castles were built. The relations seem to have been peaceful between Sesnandus and the emir of Badajoz, who controlled Lisbon and Santarém. An essay is made here to imagine the urban space of Coimbra and to map the villages that existed around the town.


LABURPENA: Hirigintza-jardueraren garrantziak argi erakusten du administrazioaren diziplinazko esku-hartzea beharrezkoa dela. Baina esku-hartze hori administrazioaren jardueraren berri ematen duten printzipioek bideratu behar dute. Printzipioon artean legaltasunekoak, segurtasun juridikokoak eta proportzionaltasunekoak nabarmenduko ditugu jarraian. Proportzionaltasun printzipioa hirigintzako zaharberritze arloan aplikatzeak balio dezake administrazioaren jarduera arrazionaltasunez eta justiziaz hornitzeko arauaren aplikazio zorrotzen aurrean, baita praktikan konplexuak diren egoerak konpontzeko ere. Baina beharrezkoa da hori aplikatzeko suposizioak eta eskakizunak hobeto arautzea, segurtasun juridikoa ez dadin ahuldu eta ez dadin erabili legez kontrako jarduerak justifikatzeko tresna gisa. RESUMEN: La trascendencia de la actividad urbanística no deja lugar a dudas sobre la necesidad de la intervención administrativa disciplinaria. Pero tal intervención ha de estar orientada por los principios que informan la actuación administrativa, de los que, concretamente, resaltamos ahora los de legalidad, seguridad jurídica y proporcionalidad. La aplicación del principio de proporcionalidad en el ámbito restaurador urbanístico puede servir para dotar de racionalidad y justicia a la actuación administrativa frente a la estricta aplicación de la norma y dar solución a situaciones complejas en la práctica, pero es necesaria una mejor regulación de los supuestos y requisitos para su aplicación a fin de evitar que la seguridad jurídica se vea resentida y que sea utilizado como instrumento para justificar ilegalidades. ABSTRACT: The importance of town-planning activity is beyond doubt about the need of the disciplinary administrative intervention. But that intervention has to be directed by the principles which rule the administrative action, among which, we specifically highlight the principle of legality, legal certainty and proportionality. The application of the principle of proportionality in the town-planning urban sphere can be suitable for providing the administrative action with rationality and fairness against the strict application of the norm and so give answer to complex situations, but it is necessary a better regulation of the facts and conditions for its application so as to avoid to damage legal certainty and that it is used as a tool for justifying illegalities.

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