El principio de proporcionalidad en la restauración urbanística. ¿Un caballo de Troya en la seguridad jurídica?


LABURPENA: Hirigintza-jardueraren garrantziak argi erakusten du administrazioaren diziplinazko esku-hartzea beharrezkoa dela. Baina esku-hartze hori administrazioaren jardueraren berri ematen duten printzipioek bideratu behar dute. Printzipioon artean legaltasunekoak, segurtasun juridikokoak eta proportzionaltasunekoak nabarmenduko ditugu jarraian. Proportzionaltasun printzipioa hirigintzako zaharberritze arloan aplikatzeak balio dezake administrazioaren jarduera arrazionaltasunez eta justiziaz hornitzeko arauaren aplikazio zorrotzen aurrean, baita praktikan konplexuak diren egoerak konpontzeko ere. Baina beharrezkoa da hori aplikatzeko suposizioak eta eskakizunak hobeto arautzea, segurtasun juridikoa ez dadin ahuldu eta ez dadin erabili legez kontrako jarduerak justifikatzeko tresna gisa. RESUMEN: La trascendencia de la actividad urbanística no deja lugar a dudas sobre la necesidad de la intervención administrativa disciplinaria. Pero tal intervención ha de estar orientada por los principios que informan la actuación administrativa, de los que, concretamente, resaltamos ahora los de legalidad, seguridad jurídica y proporcionalidad. La aplicación del principio de proporcionalidad en el ámbito restaurador urbanístico puede servir para dotar de racionalidad y justicia a la actuación administrativa frente a la estricta aplicación de la norma y dar solución a situaciones complejas en la práctica, pero es necesaria una mejor regulación de los supuestos y requisitos para su aplicación a fin de evitar que la seguridad jurídica se vea resentida y que sea utilizado como instrumento para justificar ilegalidades. ABSTRACT: The importance of town-planning activity is beyond doubt about the need of the disciplinary administrative intervention. But that intervention has to be directed by the principles which rule the administrative action, among which, we specifically highlight the principle of legality, legal certainty and proportionality. The application of the principle of proportionality in the town-planning urban sphere can be suitable for providing the administrative action with rationality and fairness against the strict application of the norm and so give answer to complex situations, but it is necessary a better regulation of the facts and conditions for its application so as to avoid to damage legal certainty and that it is used as a tool for justifying illegalities.

Sergey D. Mityagin

The town-planning code of the Russian Federation allows to prepare the documents regulating design and planning activity independently by each subject of the town-planning relations. At the same time violations in the form of mismatch of information contents between separate town-planning documents are possible. These defects of a legal design can be eliminated by special federal instructive-methodological document preparation which is constructed on the basis of optimization of technological model of town-planning design activity which assumes in particular:1) strict execution of functional priorities establishment tasks of the Russian Federation Town-planning code in territories assignment at the Russian Federation territorial planning schemes level functional zones (land categories) dislocation definition in territorial planning schemes of the territorial subjects of the Russian Federation municipal districts and also in city district master plan drafts city and rural settlements2) town-planning zoning works reference to the level of territory planning documents preparation where the territorial zones of placement of capital construction projects would be established in the borders of planning structure elements of the settlement3) land plots surveying in the borders of territorial zones perform on the basis of the complex of conciliation procedures and public hearings of volume spatial decisions (sketches) of building undergoneThe offered town-planning design actions organization technological model is directed to planning solutions consecutive specification from different level territorial planning schemes, including city district master plans, city and rural settlements to theland plot planning organization schemes of the capital construction projects, i.e. from an investment plan to project realization.


LABURPENA: Legezkotasun-printzipioaren krisiaren eta arau-hierarkiaren printzipioaren aldaketaren ondorioz Espainiako arau-sistemak gaur egun dituen arazoei heltzen die lan honek. Horrek agerian uzten ditu legegintza-ahalaren eta erregelamenduak egiteko ahalaren distortsio garrantzitsu batzuk, eta distortsio horiek, azken batean, herritarrek legegintza-jardueraren eta administrazio-jardueraren aurrean izan behar dituzten gutxieneko bermeak murriztea dakarte. Gainera, aurrekoa estu-estu lotuta dago garrantzi handiagoko gai batekin, hots, arauen ugaritzearekin eta gure arauetan dagoen kalitate eta arrazionaltasun faltarekin. Gure ustez, hori gertatzen da ez dagoelako legegintza-teknika eraginkor eta efiziente baterako jarraibideak ezartzen dituen “legegintza-teoriarik”. Gogoeta patxadatsua egin behar dugu zer legegintza-politika behar dugun jakiteko; izan ere, horrela bakarrik egin ahal izango dugu argitasun pixka bat egungo arau-sistema nahasian, eta herritarrei behar duten segurtasun juridikoa bermatu. Gure helburua da gai horiek aztertzea eta ekimen batzuk proposatzea, gure legegintza-teknikaren kalitatea eta arrazionaltasuna hobetzeko. ABSTRACT: This work addresses the current problems of the Spanish regulatory system as a consequence of the crisis of the principle of legality and the alteration of the principle of the hyerarchy of the norms. This exposes some important distortions both in legislative and regulatory powers, which ultimately are translated into a loss in the minimum guarantees citizens must enjoy vis a vis the legislative activity and administrative action. Moreover, this is closely linked to a deeper issue at stake: the proliferation of regulations and the lack of quality and rationality that reigns in our norms. We believe this is due to the absence of a "theory of legislation" that establishes the guidelines for an effective and efficient legislative technique. It is necessary to reflect carefully on which legislative policy is required, as only then can we provide some clarity to the current confusing regulatory system and assure the citizens the legal certainty they need. We aim to analyse these issues and propose several initiatives that may improve the quality and rationality of our legislative technique. RESUMEN: Este trabajo aborda los problemas actuales del sistema normativo español como consecuencia de la crisis del principio de legalidad y la alteración del principio de jerarquía normativa. Ello pone de manifiesto algunas distorsiones importantes tanto de la potestad legislativa como de la potestad reglamentaria que, en último extremo se traducen en una merma de las mínimas garantías que deben tener los ciudadanos ante la actividad legislativa y la actuación administrativa. Además, lo anterior está íntimamente relacionado con una cuestión de mayor calado como es la proliferación normativa y la falta de calidad y racionalidad que impera en nuestras normas. Entendemos que ello es debido a la ausencia de una “teoría de la legislación” que establezca cuáles son las pautas para una técnica legislativa eficaz y eficiente. Es necesario realizar una reflexión pausada de qué política legislativa necesitamos, pues sólo así podremos aportar algo de claridad en el confuso sistema normativo actual y garantizar a los ciudadanos la seguridad jurídica que necesitan. Es nuestro objetivo analizar estas cuestiones y proponer algunas iniciativas que mejoren la calidad y la racionalidad de nuestra técnica legislativa.

2012 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 315-326 ◽  
Tanja Obradovic ◽  
Petar Mitkovic

This paper discusses the development of legislation in the fields of urbanism and construction in Serbia and worldwide (England is used as an example). This development is viewed through characteristic periods and the enacted laws and regulations are systematized. The introduction of urban legislation is recorded in Serbia when the Construction Act of 1931 was enacted whereas in England it was the Town Planning Act of 1909.

2021 ◽  
Vol 07 (11) ◽  

The principle of legal certainty applied to the principle of extra ordinary crime is contrary to the respect for humanity as the most fundamental human rights principle and the principle of legality is associated with positive law and international conventions. The results of this study are intended to seek or find arguments for the certainty of the execution of the death penalty for the community, family, convicts and the state, so that the research on death penalty decisions in narcotics cases that occurred from 2014 to 2018. This research method is included in normative juridical law research. The conclusion is, sentencing with the threat of the death penalty can still be applied in Indonesia in narcotics crime cases is appropriate. Therefore, the death penalty, of course, state law does not conflict with religious law/teachings, in other words, the death penalty does not conflict with the first precepts because the first principle of Pancasila is Belief in One God, which means based on the beliefs/religions of each person who in carrying out/believes His religion is also guaranteed in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, which is contained in Article 28 E paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) and Article 29 paragraph (2).

2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 653-664
Matteo Cvenček

Moral and moral values are increasingly questioned in today's society when it comes to a multiplicity of vices that are becoming available to a larger number of people. Gambling, as a form of hazardous activity, is reaching every space and every liberal country through digitalization. Internet and online business have made it possible to spread gambling and thus to increase the number of participants in such games. Apart from some basic doubts about the morality of such games, especially regarding young players, there also appears the issue of state interests in monopoly systems ordered by national laws. A policy driven by state interests has paved the way for restricting gambling providers by blocking those providers or blocking the access to the content of certain webpages. The linked ban is debatable at least from the aspect of the constitutionality of the mentioned measure. Despite of this, measures prohibiting access to a certain internet content should be evaluated individually, in accordance with the principle of proportionality and in line with the requirement of legal certainty. This paper therefore addresses the need to introduce such a measure in the Croatian tax legislation with comparative examples of justifications for this measure and also deals with the problem of its possible abuses by the Croatian Tax Administration, thereby subtly introducing the complete control of the content of websites.

2015 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-153
Ruzica Bozovic

This paper is concerned with phenomenon of medieval town- fortress of Zvecan through examining (1) the town planning and spatial organization within the town, (2) its physical structure, (3) conception of medieval design and construction of Zvecan, (4) medieval instinct for correlation of shapes within the town and correlation of Zvecan and its surrounding, (5) comparison of Zvecan with medieval towns in the region and beyond. This medieval town as a whole was the expression of medieval characteristics with its spatial organization and with its own individuality. Zvecan emerged from the then contemporary circumstances and necessities. This research is focused toward finding construction principles of medieval town Zvecan which are timeless and unique to all town constructions.

2002 ◽  
Vol 37 (0) ◽  
pp. 529-534
Takashi Takami ◽  
Takamasa Nagata ◽  
Toru Matunaga ◽  
Makoto Tukumo

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