scholarly journals Aleutian and Alaskan Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, Russian Authorities, and the Propagation of Orthodoxy in North America in the Late 19th Century

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (2020) ◽  
pp. 206-216
Yu.G. Akimov ◽  
Philip Viktorovich Yuzlikeev

Due to the fact that the tradition of close relation between the Orthodox Church and the state has formed since the time of the Byzantine Empire, the reflection of foreign policy ambitions of the Greek government on the foreign activity of the Patriarchate of Constantinople seems absolutely justifiable. In the early XX century, North America was a center of Greek migration, and simultaneously, the territory of proliferation of the authority of the Russian Orthodox Church; therefore, the United States spark particular interest in this case. The Patriarch of Constantinople attempted to dispute the jurisdictional affiliation of the United States by issuing the corresponding tomos. This article is dedicated to interaction between the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Russian Orthodox Church in the territory of the United States during the 1908 – 1924. The author explores the influence of Greece upon the relationship between the two Orthodox jurisdictions in North America. The activity of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in the United States is compared to political events of Greece. The history of Orthodoxy in the United States in the first quarter of the XX century is highly researched however, the actions of church organizations are not always viewed from the perspective of the foreign policy of the countries involved. The conclusion is made on the possible influence of the Greek governmental forces on the Patriarchate of Constantinople, which in turn, stepped into the jurisdictional conflict with the Russian Orthodox Church.

Maksim Volkov

The relevance of this study is due to the increased interest in the problems of the cultural and material heritage of the monasteries in Russia. At the moment, when there are numerous discussions about the fate of the monastic shrines between the state and the Russian Orthodox Church, an appeal to the history of this issue is very important. Monasteries in various regions were a peculiar center of spiritual and material culture, around which various sections of the popu-lation united and formed a single historical understanding of the past, present and future of their region. Over the centuries, in the minds of each person the feeling of tremulous and sacred attitude to the history of their ancestors has developed, which made it possible to realize the significance of each local holy place for the entire Russian people as a whole. The main sacred and valuable relics in the Russian Orthodox monasteries, of course, were: the relics of saints, icons (many of which were considered miraculous), collections of books. As a result, whole system of cultural, educational and social activities was gradually built around the monasteries. It was implemented in various directions. In the monasteries of the Tambov Eparchy there are several main directions: public education, charity, social guardianship in various fields, education. The main objective of this study is the most detailed disclosure of these aspects of monastic activity on the territory of the Tambov Region, as well as identifying the main patterns and development trends of the designated areas in their interdependence.

Adeptus ◽  
2017 ◽  
Szymon Grygiel

The body and the sanctity. The case of the 19th-century Russian holy startsyThe article considers references to the body appearing in selected texts concerning 19thcentury Russian holy startsy. Three conditions of a holy man’s body are discussed: living, immediately after death and as relics. The body plays an important role in creating the image of holiness of startsy during their lifetime. In the chapter The Breath of Corruption in Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s Brothers Karamazov, the sacred status of starets Zosima’s dead body is cancelled by the crowd’s interpretation of his body’s putrefaction as judgment of God refuting the holiness of the deceased monk. This, in turn, allows for a discrediting the life of the starets. Mirroring the events of Dostoyevsky’s novel, the dead body of a monk became subject of dispute shortly before the canonization of the starets Seraphim of Sarov in 1903. Drawing on the commonness of the view identifying putrefaction of the body with profanity, a Petersburg anti-Orthodox association sought to discredit the Russian Orthodox Church by demanding that the coffin of Seraphim of Sarov is reopened. The answer of Antonius, the Metropolitan of Petersburg, was an article, in which he argued that inviolability of the body was not a necessary condition of holiness. During the canonization, the adored relics of Saint Seraphim were used by the state power to strengthen the bond between Tsar Nicholas II and the people.  Ciało i świętość. Przypadek XIX-wiecznych świętych starców rosyjskichArtykuł rozważa odniesienia do ciała pojawiające się w wybranych tekstach dotyczących XIX-wiecznych rosyjskich świętych starców. Zostały w nim omówione trzy stany ciała świętego: za życia, tuż po śmierci oraz w postaci relikwii. Ciało odgrywa ważną rolę w kreowaniu obrazu świętości starców podczas ich życia. W rozdziale Odór trupi w powieści Bracia Karamazow Fiodora Dostojewskiego sakralny status martwego ciała starca Zosimy zostaje unieważniony przez zgromadzony tłum poprzez zinterpretowanie gnicia ciała jako wyroku bożego przeczącego świętości zmarłego. Dzięki temu możliwa jest dyskredytacja osoby starca za życia. Podobnie jak w powieści Dostojewskiego ciało zmarłego mnicha stało się przedmiotem sporu niedługo przed kanonizacją starca Serafina z Sarowa w 1903 roku. Powszechność poglądu utożsamiającego gnicie ciała z profanum sprawiła, że zwalczający prawosławie petersburski związek domagał się ponownego otwarcia trumny Serafina z Sarowa, chcąc podważyć wiarygodność Rosyjskiej Cerkwi Prawosławnej. Głos w sprawie szczątków starca zabrał metropolita Petersburga Antoni, przekonując, że nienaruszalność zwłok nie jest koniecznym warunkiem świętości. Podczas uroczystości kanonizacyjnych adorowane relikwie św. Serafina zostały wykorzystane w służbie władzy państwowej w celu wzmocnienia więzi pomiędzy carem Mikołajem II a ludem.

2021 ◽  
pp. 231-242
Герасим Дьячков

Цель статьи - познакомить читателя с личностью одного из замечательных тружеников Московской духовной академии середины XIX в. - иеромонаха Иринея (Добролюбова). На основании сведений, полученных археологической экспедицией при исследовании некрополя Троице-Сергиевой лавры, и информации, хранящейся в библиотеке Московской духовной академии, удалось пролить свет на этапы устройства в Царских чертогах императорского дворца Покровского академического храма, прояснить обстоятельства сооружения Библиотеки, перестройки и перепланировки Царских чертогов, Классного, Инспекторского и Больничного корпусов, приспособление их к требованиям нового Устава духовных академий, а также узнать о деятельности эконома, о его личных качествах и чертах характера наставника. В итоге восполнен ещё один пробел в истории Русской Православной Церкви, Лавры и Академии. The purpose of the article is to acquaint the reader with the personality of one of the remarkable workers of the Moscow Theological Academy of the mid-19th century- Hieromonk Irenaeus (Dobrolyubov). Based on the information obtained by the archaeological expedition during the study of the necropolis of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, and information stored in the library of the Moscow Theological Academy, it was possible to shed light on the stages of the arrangement in the Imperial Palace of the Intercession Academic Church, to clarify the circumstances of the construction of the Library, the reconstruction and redevelopment of the Royal Palace, Classroom, Inspector and Hospital buildings, adapting them to the requirements of the new Charter of theological academies, as well as learn about the activities of the economist, about his personal qualities and the character traits of a mentor. As a result, one more gap in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church, Lavra and Academy was filled.

2001 ◽  
pp. 91-100
Yu. Ye. Reshetnikov

Last year, the anniversary of all Christianity, witnessed a number of significant events caused by a new interest in understanding the problem of the unity of the Christian Church on the turn of the millennium. Due to the confidentiality of Ukraine, some of these events have or will have an immediate impact on Christianity in Ukraine and on the whole Ukrainian society as a whole. Undoubtedly, the main event, or more enlightened in the press, is a new impetus to the unification of the UOC-KP and the UAOC. But we would like to focus on two documents relating to the problem of Christian unity, the emergence of which was almost unnoticed by the wider public. But at the same time, these documents are too important as they outline the future policy of other Christian denominations by two influential Ukrainian christian churches - the Russian Orthodox Church and the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. These are the "Basic Principles of the attitude of the Russian Orthodox Church to the" I ", adopted by the Anniversary Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, and the Concept of the Ecumenical Position of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, adopted by the Synod of the Bishops of the UGCC. It is clear that the theme of the second document is wider, but at the same time, ecumenism, unification is impossible without solving the problem of relations with others, which makes it possible to compare the approaches laid down in the mentioned documents to the building of relations with other Christian confessions.

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