scholarly journals Maturation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, Salmonidae): a synthesis of ecological, genetic, and molecular processes

2020 ◽  
Kenyon Mobley ◽  
Tutku Aykanat ◽  
Yann Czorlich ◽  
Andrew House ◽  
Johanna Kurko ◽  

Over the past decades, Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, Salmonidae) has emerged as a model system for sexual maturation research, owing to the high diversity of life history strategies, knowledge of trait genetic architecture, and their high economic value. The aim of this synthesis is to summarize the current state of knowledge concerning maturation in Atlantic salmon, outline knowledge gaps, and provide a roadmap for future work. Our summary of the current state of knowledge: 1) maturation in Atlantic salmon takes place over the entire life cycle, starting as early as embryo development, 2) variation in the timing of maturation promotes diversity in life history strategies, 3) ecological and genetic factors influence maturation, 4) maturation processes are sex-specific and may have fitness consequences for each sex, 5) genomic studies have identified large-effect loci that influence maturation, 6) the brain-pituitary-gonadal axis regulates molecular and physiological processes of maturation, 7) maturation is a key component of fisheries, aquaculture, conservation, and management, and 8) climate change, fishing pressure, and other anthropogenic stressors likely have major effects on salmon maturation. In the future, maturation research should focus on a broader diversity of life history stages, including early embryonic development, the marine phase and return migration. We recommend studies combining ecological and genetic approaches will help disentangle their relative contributions to maturation. Functional validation of large-effect loci should reveal how these genes influence maturation. Finally, continued research in maturation will improve our predictions concerning how salmon may adapt to fisheries, climate change, and other future challenges.

Kenyon B. Mobley ◽  
Tutku Aykanat ◽  
Yann Czorlich ◽  
Andrew House ◽  
Johanna Kurko ◽  

AbstractOver the past decades, Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, Salmonidae) has emerged as a model system for sexual maturation research, owing to the high diversity of life history strategies, knowledge of trait genetic architecture, and their high economic value. The aim of this synthesis is to summarize the current state of knowledge concerning maturation in Atlantic salmon, outline knowledge gaps, and provide a roadmap for future work. We summarize the current state of knowledge: 1) maturation in Atlantic salmon takes place over the entire life cycle, starting as early as embryo development, 2) variation in the timing of maturation promotes diversity in life history strategies, 3) ecological and genetic factors influence maturation, 4) maturation processes are sex-specific and may have fitness consequences for each sex, 5) genomic studies have identified large-effect loci that influence maturation, 6) the brain-pituitary–gonadal axis regulates molecular and physiological processes of maturation, 7) maturation is a key component of fisheries, aquaculture, conservation, and management, and 8) climate change, fishing pressure, and other anthropogenic stressors likely have major effects on salmon maturation. In the future, maturation research should focus on a broader diversity of life history stages, including early embryonic development, the marine phase and return migration. We recommend studies combining ecological and genetic approaches will help disentangle the relative contributions of effects in different life history stages to maturation. Functional validation of large-effect loci should reveal how these genes influence maturation. Finally, continued research in maturation will improve our predictions concerning how salmon may adapt to fisheries, climate change, and other future challenges.

1999 ◽  
Vol 56 (12) ◽  
pp. 2397-2403 ◽  
Sveinn K Valdimarsson ◽  
Neil B Metcalfe

Traditionally, behavioural studies on juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, have been conducted during the day in summer. It is known that Atlantic salmon become nocturnal in winter, but very little is known about their behaviour at that time. Therefore, observations in a seminatural stream were carried out during the day and night, from February to June, comparing diel and seasonal differences in behaviour between fish adopting alternative life history strategies. The results showed a general trend for more activity in spring than in winter, and the fish were found to be foraging at surprisingly low light levels. There were differences in relative feeding rate between the life history strategies; the early migrant fish foraged mostly during the day whereas the delayed migrant fish did more foraging at night. There is some evidence that the early migrant fish made fewer feeding attempts over the winter, which is surprising, since they grow faster over that period. This suggests differences in foraging efficiency, which could contribute to the separation into these two life history strategies.

2017 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-26 ◽  
Å H Garseth ◽  
C Fritsvold ◽  
J C Svendsen ◽  
B Bang Jensen ◽  
A B Mikalsen

1992 ◽  
Vol 33 (4) ◽  
pp. 331-340 ◽  
John E. Thorpe ◽  
Neil B. Metcalfe ◽  
Felicity A. Huntingford

1985 ◽  
Vol 42 (3) ◽  
pp. 615-618 ◽  
Richard L. Saunders ◽  
Charles B. Schom

Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) demonstrate great variability in their life history; individuals from a given year-class can spawn during several years and can, therefore, breed with salmon from other year-classes. Atlantic salmon can mature after 1–4 sea-winters and some males mature as parr, during the second through fifth years, before going to sea. Salmon may survive to spawn more than once; some spawn several times. This variability in life history may be a safeguard against loss of small stocks through several successive years of reproductive failure, since nonspawning individuals in the river or at sea could spawn in subsequent years. Spawning populations are frequently quite small. The effective spawning population size may be potentially much larger, however, since members of several year-classes, including sexually mature male parr and anadromous adults of various ages, contribute to spawning. The level of inbreeding may be relatively low, since a number of year-classes, each with different sets of parents, are represented during spawning.

1989 ◽  
Vol 67 (6) ◽  
pp. 1453-1461 ◽  
E. Verspoor ◽  
L. J. Cole

Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) from Little Gull Lake on the Gander River system of central Newfoundland were found to be electrophoretically polymorphic at 5 of 20 protein loci screened. Four of the polymorphic loci were structural and one was regulatory. Major heterozygote deficiencies relative to Castle–Hardy–Weinberg expectations were detected at the two most polymorphic loci, Aat-3 and Mdh-3,4, and significant nonrandom associations between genotypes at these loci and the other polymorphic loci, Sdh-1, Me-2, and Pgm1-t, were also found. The heterozygote deficiencies and the nonrandom genotype associations were attributable to the admixture of genetically distinct gene pools of resident and anadromous salmon in the lake. This is the first documented case of coexistence of reproductively separated populations of Atlantic salmon of the two life history types, and shows that the sympatric occurrence of the two forms can represent between-population variation.

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