feeding intensity
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2022 ◽  
Vol 82 ◽  
W. Khan ◽  
S. M. H. M. Naqvi ◽  
H. Ullah Khan ◽  
M. Rafiq ◽  
B. Ahmad ◽  

Abstract Salmo trutta fario is the most important fish species of family Salmonidae inhibited in cool waters all over the world including the nortern parts of Pakistan. This study was aimed to find out the prey selection and feeding habits of the species. One hundred and eighty five Salmo trutta fario were captured from March 2016 to April 2017. Feeding intensity as represented by a fullness index (FI), changing with various length groups and season. Out of 185 Brown trout 24 fish stomaches were found empty. The most important and common food items of brown trout were Brachycentridae, Blepharocera, Hydropsychidae, ephemerella spp. Kruskal Wallis H-test were applied on feeding intensity groups consisting of three month group. The test statistic for K.W-H-test were (H=8.13 with df =3) had a p-value of 0.043 < (alpha=0.05 indicates favor of the alternative hypothesis of at least one difference among the feeding intensity groups. The linear relationship of N with index of relative importance and %IRI denoted by least square regression line (N = 35.2 + 22.1%IRI), shows that for 22 prey there is 1% change in IRI. The relationship between total length (mm) and fish body weight (gm) is expressed by Pearson correlation coefficient (r = 0.976), showed that total length (mm) and fish body weight (gm.) is highly correlated. Descriptive statistics are used for the stomach fullness, which shows that feeding intensity was recorded higher from March to May. A total of 2289 preys was recorded including the most common were; Trichoptera, Hydropsychidae, Brachycentridae, diptera, blepharocera, ephemerala, chironomida, honey bees, grass hopper, locust, trout egg, trochanter, plant tissue, stones were retrieved from the gut contents of brown trout. According to index of relative importance IRI% four preys represents major components of the diet. The highest IRI% was recorded in Brachycentridae (39.38%), followed by blepharocera (13.23%), Hydropsychidae (10.76%) and ephemerella spp (8.28%). The relationship between IRI and FO is (r =0.556) is moderately correlated with coefficient of determination (r2=0.31). This study will help in the development of an artificial diet for the species for better growth performance in captivity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  

Palinustus waguensis Kubo, 1963, is the deep-sea Japanese blunthorn lobster belonging to the Family Palinuridae. It is a species that has been rarely reported, living in rocky habitats on deep-reef slopes at a depth of 100–250 m. An estimated catch of 100 kg of P. waguensis consisting of 113 males, 54 females, and 23 berried lobsters were collected during the first fortnight of January 2019 from the multi-day shrimp trawls operating off Sakthikulangara, Kerala, India. The mean total length was recorded as 112.3 mm in males, 102.6 mm in females. The parameters of the length-weight relationship were estimated as, a = 0.041, b = 2.84 for males and a = 0.05, b = 2.86 for females, which were not significantly different (P > 0.05, r2 > 0.90) between the males and females. The relative condition factor (K) in the males and females of P. waguensis ranged from 2.07–4.96 and 1.87–3.86, respectively, attributing to the better feeding efficiency in males. Food and feeding analysis revealed the dietary content as fish (53 %), crab (23.5 %), shrimp (7.8 %), digested matter (11.6 %), and foraminifera (4 %). Feeding intensity analysis about the fullness of the stomach showed the specimens bearing full stomachs (11.3 %), three-fourth full (9.9 %). Length at 50 % maturity (Lm50) was 96.9 mm. Gonado-somatic index (GSI) ranged from 3.39 to 8.13. The present study forms the first report on the biology of the deep-water Japanese blunthorn lobster, P. waguensis from India.

F J Munny ◽  
M S Uddin ◽  
M S Islam ◽  
M T Alam ◽  
I N Suravi ◽  

This research was conducted to find out the seasonal (monsoon and post monsoon) variation in gut contents of Labeo calbasu from June to November, 2016 in Dekhar haor of Sunamgonj district, Bangladesh. Three orders of phytoplankton were identified from the gut content viz. Bacillariophyceae (11 genera), Chlorophyceae (9 genera), and Cyanophyceae (4 genera). Bacillariophyceae (6.98±1.61×103cell/L) were identified as the most dominant phytoplankton group. Two types of zooplankton viz. crustacean (5 genera) and rotifer (5 genera) were identified. Crustaceans (0.88±0.4×103cell/L) were identified as the dominant group among zooplankton. Feeding intensity (average index of fullness, Gastrosomatic index) was higher in the post monsoon season compared with the monsoon season. The findings concluded that L. calbasu prefers phytoplankton over zooplankton, and the plankton consumption was slightly higher in the post-monsoon season than in the monsoon season. This research is expected to be crucial in the management and conservation of endangered L. calbasu in open waters, as well as provide baseline work for future research and open the path for captive aquaculture.

Shubhadeep Ghosh ◽  
Manas Munivenkatappa Hoshalli ◽  
Satishkumar Mamidi ◽  
Prathibha Rohit ◽  
Gopalakrishnan Achamveetil

Abstract No prior comprehensive information on the reproductive biology and trophodynamics of Aluterus monoceros was globally available. The present study was performed on 1036 individuals landed along the western Bay of Bengal during 2017 to 2019. Length ranged between 25.3–64.4 cm in females (mean at 48.34 cm) and from 21.5–64.1 cm in males (mean at 47.83 cm). Growth was negatively allometric with no significant difference between sexes. Sex ratio (F:M) was 1.03 with variations based on sizes and months. Size at sexual maturity for females and males was 40.85 and 41.60 cm, respectively. The species spawned throughout the year with major and minor peaks during February to May and October and November. Absolute fecundity increased linearly with length and weight and ranged from 33,640 eggs to 12,39,202 eggs. Stomachs were empty or with trace amounts of food in 59.17%, part-full in 34.07% and full in 6.76% of the fishes. Stomach vacuity and fullness and predator–prey weight ratios varied with an increase in body size, implying higher feeding intensity in large-sized fishes. Feeding activity was more intense during June–August and less during the peak spawning months. The species is omnivorous and a bottom feeder. Teleosts contributed the most to the prey items (43.23% by Index of Preponderance) implying preference for carnivory. Ontogenetic shifts and seasonal variations in prey items were observed. The present study provides paramount information that can significantly contribute to the management and conservation of monacanthid stocks in northern Indian Ocean.

Drones ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 109
Naomi A. Ubina ◽  
Shyi-Chyi Cheng ◽  
Hung-Yuan Chen ◽  
Chin-Chun Chang ◽  
Hsun-Yu Lan

This paper presents a low-cost and cloud-based autonomous drone system to survey and monitor aquaculture sites. We incorporated artificial intelligence (AI) services using computer vision and combined various deep learning recognition models to achieve scalability and added functionality, in order to perform aquaculture surveillance tasks. The recognition model is embedded in the aquaculture cloud, to analyze images and videos captured by the autonomous drone. The recognition models detect people, cages, and ship vessels at the aquaculture site. The inclusion of AI functions for face recognition, fish counting, fish length estimation and fish feeding intensity provides intelligent decision making. For the fish feeding intensity assessment, the large amount of data in the aquaculture cloud can be an input for analysis using the AI feeding system to optimize farmer production and income. The autonomous drone and aquaculture cloud services are cost-effective and an alternative to expensive surveillance systems and multiple fixed-camera installations. The aquaculture cloud enables the drone to execute its surveillance task more efficiently with an increased navigation time. The mobile drone navigation app is capable of sending surveillance alerts and reports to users. Our multifeatured surveillance system, with the integration of deep-learning models, yielded high-accuracy results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (5) ◽  
pp. 465-471
M. A. Eremina ◽  
P. N. Menshanov ◽  
O. D. Shishkina ◽  
N. E. Gruntenko

The insulin/insulin-like growth factor signaling (IIS) pathway is one of the key elements in an organism’s response to unfavourable conditions. The deep homology of this pathway and its evolutionary conservative role in controlling the carbohydrate and lipid metabolism make it possible to use Drosophila melanogaster for studying its functioning. To identify the properties of interaction of two key IIS pathway components under heat stress in D. melanogaster (the forkhead box O transcription factor (dFOXO) and insulin-like peptide 6 (DILP6), which intermediates the dFOXO signal sent from the fat body to the insulin-producing cells of the brain where DILPs1–5 are synthesized), we analysed the expression of the genes dilp6, dfoxo and insulin-like receptor gene (dInR) in females of strains carrying the hypomorphic mutation dilp641 and hypofunctional mutation foxoBG01018. We found that neither mutation influenced dfoxo expression and its uprise under short-term heat stress, but both of them disrupted the stress response of the dilp6 and dInR genes. To reveal the role of identified disruptions in metabolism control and feeding behaviour, we analysed the effect of the dilp641 and foxoBG01018 mutations on total lipids content and capillary feeding intensity in imago under normal conditions and under short-term heat stress. Both mutations caused an increase in these parameters under normal conditions and prevented decrease in total lipids content following heat stress observed in the control strain. In mutants, feeding intensity was increased under normal conditions; and decreased following short-term heat stress in all studied strains for the first 24 h of observation, and in dilp641 strain, for 48 h. Thus, we may conclude that dFOXO takes part in regulating the IIS pathway response to heat stress as well as the changes in lipids content caused by heat stress, and this regulation is mediated by DILP6. At the same time, the feeding behaviour of imago might be controlled by dFOXO and DILP6 under normal conditions, but not under heat stress.

2021 ◽  
Vol 103 (5) ◽  
C. F. Persch ◽  
P. A. DeYoung ◽  
S. Lyons ◽  
A. Spyrou ◽  
S. N. Liddick ◽  
Β Decay ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 103 (3) ◽  
J. Gombas ◽  
P. A. DeYoung ◽  
A. Spyrou ◽  
A. C. Dombos ◽  
A. Algora ◽  
Β Decay ◽  

Ksenia Andreyevna Akhmedova ◽  
Lidia Mikhailovna Vasilyeva ◽  
Damelya Khazigaleeva Mazanova ◽  
Svetlana Alekseyevna Gutsulyak ◽  
Adelya Zakirovna Anokhina

Artificial reproduction of sturgeon fish in the Volga-Caspian basin in modern conditions is the only real opportunity to replenish natural populations with juveniles, therefore, increasing its efficiency is the key to restoring the stocks of these relict fish species. Improving the technological processes of growing juvenile sturgeon fish, including the Caspian stellate sturgeon, the number of which has been rapidly decreasing in recent years, is one of the main tasks at present. We studied the conditions for growing stellate sturgeon larvae in the nursery ponds for artificial reproduction at different periods of their watering. It is known that the stocking of ponds with larvae that have switched to exogenous feeding occurs at the end of June or the beginning of July, this coincides with the time of maximum water heating in nursery ponds to extreme (26–28 °C) values and with a depletion of the food supply in them. Hydrobiological studies were carried out to assess the food supply in water bodies that were watered in the traditional (June 12–14) terms (control option) and earlier (May 28) 2 weeks earlier than usual (experimental option). In addition, the intensity of feeding and the growth rate of juvenile starred sturgeon in the indicated ponds was studied for 20–24 days. The results of the studies performed showed that the food supply in the experimental pond was higher, so the zooplankton was represented by four orders, the biomass on average ranged from 2,8 to 4,6 g/m³, and in the control variant, planktonic organisms were represented by three orders, total biomass from 0,3 to 2,5 g/m³. The same tendency can be traced for zoobenthos. The feeding intensity of stellate sturgeon fry reared in ponds of early watering had indicators in terms of the gastrointestinal tract filling index, fatness coefficient and growth rates higher than the juveniles kept in water bodies of traditional watering periods.

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 ◽  
pp. 24
Shubhadeep Ghosh ◽  
Satishkumar Mamidi ◽  
Manas Hoshalli Munivenkatappa ◽  
Prathibha Rohit ◽  
Abdussamad Eruppakkottil Median ◽  

Coryphaena hippurus is a large pelagic species and constitutes an important by-catch in drift gillnet, trolling and long-line fishing gears operated along the Bay of Bengal, northeastern Indian Ocean. The present study, first from the region, is aimed at deciphering the feeding dynamics from 1150 individuals collected from 2017 to 2019. 32.17% of the fishes had empty stomachs or was with food traces, 45.57% had partially-full stomachs and 22.26% had full stomachs. The feeding intensity was inferred through stomach filling and predator-prey weight ratio, which was higher in May and lower in January, and increasing as increase in the fish size. Coryphaena hippurus is considered a piscivorous pelagic predator as pelagic teleosts contribute more than half of the prey species. Major prey species were big-eye scad (27.3%), squid (10.3%), crabs (9.3%), Indian mackerel (7.2%), Indian scad (5.9%), whitebaits (5.7%) and sardines (5.4%). Scads and crabs were abundantly preyed during summer and winter, while clupeids and engraulids in monsoon; however, no significant variations were observed in prey composition between sizes. Trophic Level was 4.22 ± 0.15 and Levins Standardized Niche Breadth Index was 0.30. Dietary niche breadth was higher during summer (0.48) and monsoon (0.33) and in fishes measuring 60.0–74.9 cm (0.51) and below 45.0 cm (0.48) indicating generalised feeding. This primary study from Bay of Bengal is the first comprehensive report on trophodynamics for the species and would contribute to its management using trophic interactions.

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