Efficiency of gas discharge methods for odor control in municipal wastewater transportation and treatment systems

Л.М. Василяк ◽  
Н.Н. Кудрявцев ◽  
А.Д. Смирнов

В процессе транспортировки и очистки сточных вод в воздух выделяются дурнопахнущие вещества, среди которых одним из наиболее трудноудаляемых является сероводород. Для очистки воздуха от дурнопахнущих веществ используются различные методы, в том числе газоразрядные (плазменные, ионизационные), которые хорошо зарекомендовали себя в других областях промышленности. Вентиляционные выбросы, образующиеся при обработке и очистке сточных вод, имеют ряд особенностей: высокая влажность, высокая концентрация сероводорода, потенциальная взрывоопасность. Эти свойства ограничивают возможность использования газоразрядных методов для очистки данного типа вентиляционных выбросов. Описывается специфика применения газоразрядных методов при очистке воздуха на очистных сооружениях канализации и канализационных насосных станциях. Приведены возникающие при этом технические сложности. In the process of wastewater transportation and treatment malodorous substances are released into the air; among them hydrogen sulfide being one of the most difficult to remove. Various methods are used to remove malodorous substances from the air, including gas-discharge (plasma, ionization) methods that have proven remarkably effective in other industries. Vent emissions generated during wastewater treatment are specified by high humidity, high concentration of hydrogen sulfide, potential explosion hazard. These properties limit the possible use of gas discharge methods for the purification of this type of vent emissions. The specificity of applying gas discharge methods for air purification at the wastewater treatment facilities and wastewater pumping stations is described. The arising technical difficulties are presented.

2011 ◽  
Vol 2011 (3) ◽  
pp. 328-349
Ernest R. Blatchley ◽  
ShihChi Weng ◽  
Mehrnaz Zare Afifi ◽  
Hsiao-Han Chiu ◽  
Douglas B. Reichlin ◽  

Ю.А. Егорова ◽  
В.И. Кичигин ◽  
О.И. Нестеренко ◽  
А.А. Юдин

Осадки городских очистных канализационных сооружений являются самым массовым технологическим отходом, создающим проблемы утилизации для любого города. Рассмотрены возможные методы обработки осадков сточных вод на городских очистных канализационных сооружениях городского округа Самара с целью их последующей утилизации. Обозначены причины и приведены документальные подтверждениянекорректности возложения ответственности за обращение с такими отходами только на организации водопроводно-канализационного хозяйства. Рассмотрен способ захоронения обезвоженного осадка сточных вод в обвалованном полигоне. Установлено, что обработанные на очистных сооружениях осадки относятся к V классу опасности для окружающей среды. Обработанные, стабилизированные, подсушенные, обезвреженные отходы осадков сточных вод (малоопасный осадок с песколовок при очистке хозяйственно-бытовых и смешанных сточных вод, практически не опасный осадок с песколовок при очистке хозяйственно-бытовых и смешанных сточных вод и избыточный ил биологических очистных сооружений в смеси с сырым осадком) могут быть использованы в качестве наполнителей бетонно-цементных смесей и органоминеральных удобрений или переданы для утилизации сторонним организациям. Sludge from the municipal wastewater treatment facilities is the most massive technological waste that causes trouble for any city. Possible methods of wastewater sludge treatment at the municipal wastewater treatment facilities of the Samara Urban District with the purpose of its further utilization are considered. The reasons are indicated and documentary evidence of the incorrectness of assigning the responsibility for processing such wastes only to the water and wastewater utilities is provided. The method of landfilling dewatered wastewater sludge in a ridged landfill is considered. It has been established that the sludge processed at the wastewater treatment facilities is referred to the V class of environmental hazard. Sludge subjected to the treatment, stabilization, drying and neutralization (low hazardous sludge from grit chambers for domestic and mixed wastewater treatment; almost non-hazardous sludge from grit chambers for domestic and mixed wastewater treatment and excess sludge from biological treatment facilities mixed with raw sludge) can be used as fillers for concrete-cement mixtures and organo-mineral fertilizers or transferred for disposal to outside companies.

2006 ◽  
Vol 54 (4) ◽  
pp. 77-82 ◽  
B.R. Johnson ◽  
Y. Shang

The ADM 1 model has been implemented in a steady-state whole wastewater plant simulator. The ADM 1 model has been in use with good success for approximately 2 years on a wide range of wastewater treatment facilities. However, a number of modifications were necessary to allow it to be used in the context of municipal wastewater treatment. It was found that the model's use was greatly simplified if used in conjunction with a larger plant simulator to assist in the feed fractionation. It was also found that a better fit to actual operating data was achieved if some of the slowly biodegradable particulate fraction was partitioned into ADM particulate fractions other than the composite fraction. Another significant limitation of the model is in the absence of phosphorus modeling. The ADM model needs to have phosphorus handling for all the relevant fractions, and needs to include the handling of inorganic reactions such as struvite precipitation and metal phosphate/metal hydroxide precipitation. Activity effects on chemical equilibria are significant when considering phosphorus. Also of importance in wastewater treatment is the fate of sulfur compounds. This includes the generation of H2S in the digester gas and the fate of the sulfur species in the digested sludge (as a predictor of odour-generating potential).

2015 ◽  
Vol 52 (3) ◽  
pp. 188-194 ◽  
A. Dudlová ◽  
P. Juriš ◽  
P. Jarčuška ◽  
L. Čisláková ◽  
I. Papajová ◽  

AbstractThe occurrence of developmental stages of endoparasite germs (cysts, oocysts, protozoa, and helminth eggs) as an indirect detection factor of endoparasitoses circulation in the environment, was examined in raw municipal wastewater, sludge and biologically cleaned waste water. Examination of municipal wastewater and sludge from five monitored wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in east Slovakia, from various fractions of municipal wastewater, confirmed 35.87 % positivity of samples for the endoparasitic germs. Among of all analysed samples 11.09 % were protozoan oo(cysts) and 20.87 % were helminth eggs. 3.91 % of samples showed positivity to both the helminth eggs and protozoan oo(cysts). In the raw wastewater the protozoa comprised of Giardia spp. (1.08 %) and Entamoeba spp. (1.08 %). The helminth eggs primarily consisted of Ascaris spp. (4.35 %) and strongyle-type eggs (3.26 %). No germs of protozoa or helminths were found in the treated wastewater. However, the highest presence of the germs was found in drained stabilised sludge. The average number of oo(cysts)/kg was 2.86±0.24 and the average number of helminth eggs/kg was 5.77±0.09. In all kinds of sludge, obtained during the process of wastewater treatment, there were protozoan (Giardia spp., Cryptosporidium spp., Entamoeba spp.) and helminths eggs (Ascaris spp., Trichuris spp., Taenia spp., Hymenolepis spp., or strongyle-type eggs) presented. In drained (condensed) stabilised sludge the eggs of Capillaria spp. and Toxocara spp. were also detected. From the epidemiological aspect the sewage sludge, due to high concentration of protozoal oo(cysts) or helminth eggs, represents a significant epidemiological risk for the endoparasitoses dissemination.

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