epidemiological aspect
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2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 008-013
Moussa Diawara ◽  
Modibo Coulibaly ◽  
Dramane Samaké ◽  
Soumaila Touré ◽  
Dramane Cissé ◽  

Background: β-lactams and carbapenems. are the major antibiotics used to treat gram-negative bacteria and non-fermenting bacilli. However, the increasing production of β-lactamase and carbapenemase limits the therapeutic options. Our study aims to determine the resistant phenotypes of these bacteria while describing their epidemiological aspect. Material and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study by consecutive enrollment from January 2018 to December 2019 at Sominé DOLO Hospital of Mopti, Mali. We performed manual method for bacteria culture, identification and antibiotics sensitivity testing. The antibiotics sensitivity testing was accessed by the diffusion method according to CA-SFM/EUCAST (“Comité de l’Antibiogramme de la Société Française de Microbiologie” / European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing) recommendations V1.0 february 2018 and V2.0 may 2019 2019 V.2.0. May recommendation released in 2019. Data were analyzed by software R 4.0.3 GUI 1.73 Catalina build (7892). Results: At all 904 samples were included in this study. Out of the 904 cultures, 297 sample (32.85%) were positive. The rates of enzymes production were as follow: Extended-spectrum ß-lactamase (ESBL) 56.42% (101/179), cepholosporinase hyperproduction (HCASE) 15.64% (28/179), cephalosporinase production (CASE) 6.14% (11/179), penicillinase hyperproduction (HP) 5.58% (10/179), carbapenemase production (CP) 6.14% (11/179) and savage strains 10.05% (18/179). Conclusion: Our data showed a high prevalence of resistance to β-lactamins ß-talactamins and carbapenemes in gram-negative bacteria and non-fermenting bacillus bacilli. The A high level of β-lactamase and carbapenemase production by gram negative bacillus were also reported by others authors calls for the rational use of antibiotic in hospital setting.

2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 008-013
Moussa Diawara ◽  
Modibo Coulibaly ◽  
Dramane Samaké ◽  
Soumaila Touré ◽  
Dramane Cissé ◽  

Background: β-lactams and carbapenems. are the major antibiotics used to treat gram-negative bacteria and non-fermenting bacilli. However, the increasing production of β-lactamase and carbapenemase limits the therapeutic options. Our study aims to determine the resistant phenotypes of these bacteria while describing their epidemiological aspect. Material and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study by consecutive enrollment from January 2018 to December 2019 at Sominé DOLO Hospital of Mopti, Mali. We performed manual method for bacteria culture, identification and antibiotics sensitivity testing. The antibiotics sensitivity testing was accessed by the diffusion method according to CA-SFM/EUCAST (“Comité de l’Antibiogramme de la Société Française de Microbiologie” / European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing) recommendations V1.0 february 2018 and V2.0 may 2019 2019 V.2.0. May recommendation released in 2019. Data were analyzed by software R 4.0.3 GUI 1.73 Catalina build (7892). Results: At all 904 samples were included in this study. Out of the 904 cultures, 297 sample (32.85%) were positive. The rates of enzymes production were as follow: Extended-spectrum ß-lactamase (ESBL) 56.42% (101/179), cepholosporinase hyperproduction (HCASE) 15.64% (28/179), cephalosporinase production (CASE) 6.14% (11/179), penicillinase hyperproduction (HP) 5.58% (10/179), carbapenemase production (CP) 6.14% (11/179) and savage strains 10.05% (18/179). Conclusion: Our data showed a high prevalence of resistance to β-lactamins ß-talactamins and carbapenemes in gram-negative bacteria and non-fermenting bacillus bacilli. The A high level of β-lactamase and carbapenemase production by gram negative bacillus were also reported by others authors calls for the rational use of antibiotic in hospital setting.

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 (4) ◽  
pp. 519-526
Agnieszka Jasik ◽  
Anna Kycko ◽  
Monika Olech ◽  
Krzysztof Wyrostek ◽  
Anna Śmiech ◽  

Abstract Introduction Apocrine sweat gland carcinomas (ASGCs) are rare malignant skin tumours in dogs and humans. The literature published so far focuses mostly on the clinico-epidemiological aspect of these tumours, but little is known about their pathogenesis. In this study we aimed to determine whether the p53 gene is involved in the carcinogenesis of the apocrine sweat gland in dogs and whether ultraviolet radiation (UV) is related to it. Material and Methods Forty canine ASGCs were submitted to laser capture microdissection to isolate neoplastic cells, from which DNA was subsequently extracted. PCR amplification and sequencing of p53 exons 2–8 was then performed, followed by computer analysis of the obtained sequences. Results Sixteen mutations within the p53 gene were found in 13 tumours. The mutations involved C → T, T → C, G → A, and CC → TT transitions, C → G transversion and adenine deletion, which are gene alteration types known to be related to UV radiation in the process of skin carcinogenesis in humans. Six of the thirteen tumour cases displayed the C → T transitions in the same location in exon 4 and three of the thirteen cases displayed T → C in the same location in exon 5. Conclusion The results of the present study indicate both the participation of the p53 gene and the influence of UV radiation in the formation of ASGCs in dogs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 036-044
Hamidou Sylla ◽  
Soriba Naby Camara ◽  
Mamadou Sakoba Barry ◽  
Habiboulaye Balde ◽  
Biro Diallo

Introduction: The aim of this study was to assess the epidemiological aspect and the difficulties associated with the surgical management of hyperthyroidism in our context. Hyperthyroidism is an over function of the thyroid gland resulting in thyrotoxicosis. Thyroidectomy is one of the Main treatments. It also uses synthetic antithyroid drugs, radioactive iodine. Methodology: We carried out a descriptive 6-year retrospective from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2017 inclusively. Our study variables were qualitative and quantitative, Results: During our study, 26 cases were collected between January 2011 and August 2017 with a predominance of 73% female and an average age of 52, 78 years. The clinic was dominated by the signs of thyrotoxicosis which were found in all patients. The exploration identified 14 cases of toxic multi-hetero nodular goiter, ie 53.84%; 9 cases of basal disease 34, 66% and 3 cases of toxic adenoma 11, 54%. Medical preparation was required in all our patients Total thyroidectomy was performed in one patient, i.e. 4%, and Lobo isthmectomy in 24 patients, ie 96%. Postoperatively, complications were collected: 1 case of intraoperative hemorrhage 20%; 1 case of postoperative hematoma 20%; 1 case of dysphonia 20%. Conclusion: Surgery for toxic goiter known to be hemorrhagic and adherent should be performed after obtaining euthyroidism and double vigilance to minimize the morbidity represented mainly by laryngeal paralysis and hyperparathyroidism

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 34-37
Pankaj Kumar Jain ◽  
Kamalesh Katara ◽  
S. Jelia

Introduction: Acute poisoning represents a real health threat in the world. It is a common cause of admission to emergency department and in intensive care unit. Periodic clinical and epidemiological studies are required to understand the pattern of poisoning. This study aims to analyze epidemiological aspect, clinical profile, and outcome of acute poisoning in a tertiary care hospital. Material and Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted at Government Medical College Hospital, Kota, Rajasthan. 102 admitted patients were taken for study from January 2020 to August 2020. Epidemiological variables age, sex, type of poison, mode of exposure, clinical presentation and outcome were studied. Results: The median age was 30.23 years with a male predominance (54.9%). The circumstances of poisoning were suicidal, accidental and unknown in 88.2%, 9.8%, and 1.96% respectively. Ingestion was the major route of exposure (98%) followed by inhalation (1.96%). The majority 33(32.4%) of cases were of Organophosphorus poisoning followed by 17(16.7%) cases of Rodenticide poisoning. The main symptoms were nausea and vomiting in 90(88.2%) cases. Convulsions were noted in 3(2.9%) patients. Gastric lavage was done for 92(90.19%). 8 patients (7.84%) were needed mechanical ventilation. 7 patients (6.86%) were needed vasoactive drugs. The rate of mortality was 8.82%. The aluminium phosphide poisoning was responsible for 44.4% deaths. Conclusion: Study revealed the high mortality associated with acute poisoning. Appropriate approach towards poisoning at tertiary care center and prevention remains the best strategy for reducing morbidity and mortality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (36) ◽  
pp. 3178-3183
Khursheed Muzammil ◽  
Nazim Nasir ◽  
Atiq Hassan ◽  
Preeti Padda ◽  
Zeba Siddiqui ◽  

BACKGROUND A new-born baby having a cleft lip alone or a cleft lip with cleft palate is definitely painful to the parents. Such cases must be referred to a multi-disciplinary medical team having expertise in craniofacial defects. The role of a family doctor is significant in these cases as he / she is the one who can minimize the sufferings of the parents and their family members by ensuring antenatal diagnosis and extending support for the whole family post-diagnosis, during initial days of breastfeeding as well as bonding issues and also throughout an extended period of months and years of surgical interventions and speech therapies. These cleft lip and palate deformities are the most typical facial defects in children at birth. This leads to not only the altered appearance, defective speech, improper hearing, retarded growth of the baby but also deranged psychosocial well-being and disrupted social integration of the parents and family members. This article presents an overall epidemiological aspect of the said anomalies in the immense interest & benefit of all the concerned professionals. Patients with cleft lip or palate have significant problems in communication, and face difficulties with deglutition. The understanding of the anatomy and associated pathophysiology play a vital role in the management of these patients. The surgical correction remains the mainstay of treatment to date. This article describes common problems related to kids having cleft lip and palate anomalies and provides the latest surgical options available in such congenital cleft care. The genetic basis of the disease and recent advances in the developmental defects of this congenital abnormality is also discussed. In addition to physical corrections, psychological effects on the family need to be addressed at priority. The treating physician must consider the mental health of the parents. The current concepts of treatment will continue to evolve because of continuous developments in the fields of foetal surgery, genetic and tissue engineering. KEY WORDS Cleft, Lip, Palate, Aperture, Folic Acid, Congenital, Abnormality, Orofacial, Correction, Surgery

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (01) ◽  
pp. 24-27
Yogesh Poudyal ◽  
Chandra Bhal Jha ◽  
Niraj Parajuli

INTRODUCTION Vitiligo is an acquired disorder of skin characterized by white macules. Though there are many studies describing clinical and epidemiological features of vitiligo; there are few studies which have attempted to see the differences between male and female. Understanding the gender differences in clinico-epidemiological features will help to find the direction for further research in understanding pathogenesis. The objective was to find the gender wise differences in clinico-epidemiological pattern of vitiligo.   MATERIAL AND METHODS This was cross sectional study done at Dermatology and Venereology out-patient clinic of Universal College of Medical Sciences Teaching hospital, Bhairhawa, Nepal from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016. Consecutive sampling technique was used and the cases of 18 years and above were taken. Chi-square test, multi-variate logistic regression, two sample t-tests were used to analyze the data.   RESULTS The total number of case was 190. Female to male ratio was 1.38:1. Vitiligo vulgaris was seen more in female and mucosal vitiligo more in male and the difference was statistically significant.   However, there was no statistically significant difference among gender in family history, duration of disease, mucosal and hair involvement, history of recurrence and various age groups.   CONCLUSION Vitiligo vulgaris is seen more in female and mucosal vitiligo is seen more in male. This study has strengthened the evidence regarding the difference noted in clinic-epidemiological aspect of vitiligo. There should be more studies, so that more patterns in gender differences could be understood, and this will help in understanding the pathogenesis of vitiligo.  

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-22
Jainendra Kumar ◽  
Pankaj Kumar

The present study was undertaken in the department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology , Patna Medical College Patna with the primary aim of scientic observation and study of pattern of interpersonal violence with different medicolegal aspect based on Autopsies carried out at Patna Medical College .The main objectives was to gain knowledge and insight into medicolegal and epidemiological aspect of interpersonal violence and to get insight into pattern and trends of injuries on human body as cause of death due to the violence and further to aid to existing data and study in the subject for purpose of justice. The study also focused on to nd out new trends in civilian assault or violence with special regard to the homicidal violence and lastly to study the prevalence and incidence of interpersonal violence in relation to the existing data .

Edisond FLORIAL ◽  
Srane-Lorette THERMIDOR ◽  
John Mirvens MEDOR ◽  
Charlin SIMEON

Introduction Renal failure either acute or chronic is a global public health problem. In developed countries, this condition occurs mainly in the elderly. The World Health Organization (WHO) has made preventing chronic disease a vital investment. The incidence of RF, long underestimated, increases with the age of the patient. Estimated at eight per million in children, it increases to 949 in octogenarians. In the registers of the Internal Medicine department of the HUEH, the country's reference center, kidney failure is very common after cardiac and gastric pathologies. The aim of this study will be to describe the epidemiological aspects of renal failure cases by studying quantitative and qualitative variables. Methodology This is a retrospective quantitative study conducted on sample patients in the Internal Medicine Department of the Hospital of the State University of Haiti (HUEH). The study was conducted on 39 patients admitted and registered in the internal medicine department of the HUEH during the period from May 2018 to December 2018 for the concept of renal failure. Result A total of 39 patients with 17 women (44%) and 22 men (56%).The mean age of the patients is 48.66 years, the main length of hospitalization is 21.7 days. Chronic renal failure (CRF) is the dominant diagnosis 27 cases (69.23%) compared to acute renal failure (ARF), 7 cases (17.95%), end-stage chronic renal failure (ESRF) 4 cases (10.26%) and severe chronic renal failure (SCRF) 1 case (2.56%). For patient outcome, discontinuation was 16 patients (41.03%), exeated was 15 patients (38.46%), Death was 7 patients (17.95%), transferred was 1 patient (2.56%). The department of origin was not mentioned for 20 patients (51.28%), the dominant department is the West or 11 patients (28.21%).

2021 ◽  
Vol 09 (02) ◽  
pp. 49-62
Rose Mikponhoue ◽  
Antoine Hinson ◽  
Mênonli Adjobimey ◽  
Patrick Sembeya ◽  
Ibrahim Mama Cisse ◽  

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