2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Monik Kasman ◽  
Peppy Herawati ◽  
Hadrah Hasan ◽  
Hikmah Hikmah

Leachate atau lindi sampah berpotensi untuk mencemari air pemukaan dan air tanah. Hal ini diakibatkan degradasi biologis leachate menghasilkan pencemar berbahaya seperti zat organik dan logam berat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati efisiensi MSL dalam mereduksi pencemar yang terkandung dalam leachate. Pengamatan penelitian difokuskan pada pengaruh hydraulic loading rate (HLR) terhadap efisiensi reduksi pencemar, yang terdiri atas 250 l/m2 .hari, 500 l/m2 .hari dan 1000 l/m2 .hari. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara mengalirkan secara gravitasi leachate Tempat Pemprosesan Akhir (TPA) Talang Gulo ke reaktor MSL berdimensi 15x50x50 cm. Reaktor MSL terdiri atas lapisan impermeable dan lapisan permeabel. Lapisan impermeabel merupakan lapisan yang terdiri atas campuran tanah dan arang dengan rasio 2 : 1, serta lapisan permeabel terdiri atas lapisan zeolit berdiameter 0,25 – 0,5 cm. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, didapat bahwa MSL dapat menetralkan pH dan mereduksi konsentrasi pencemar COD, amoniak, besi (Fe) dan warna. Efisiensi reduksi untuk semua pencemar berkisar 92% – 99,966%. Secara umum, HLR sangat mempengaruhi efisiensi reduksi, dimana makin rendah HLR maka makin rendah konsentrasi outlet serta makin tinggi efisiensi reduksi.

Jurnal BiBieT ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 49
Welly Herman ◽  
Darmawan Darmawan ◽  
Gusnidar Gusnidar

<p><em>The research aimed to make Volcanic soil of Multiple Soil Layering (MSL) with different Hydraulic Loading Rate (HLR) on the purification of polluted irrigation water and to determine the appropriate HLR against purification of polluted irrigation water. The research used an MSL system of the same Soil Mixture Block (SMB) size from a study done by </em><em>(Chen et al., 2007)</em><em> arranged in an Acrylic box measuring 50 cm x 10 cm x 60 cm (PxLxT). Making SMB is done by mixing volcanic soil, sawdust, iron, charcoal that has been mashed by 50 mesh sieve, with a combination of 7: 1: 1: 1. The MSL system is supplied with irrigation water taken from the Gunuang Nago irrigation and Pasar Baru area, Cupak Tangah village, Pauh IX sub-district, Padang continuously with different HLR of 250 L/m<sup>2</sup>/day,     500 L/m<sup>2</sup>/ day and 1000 L/m<sup>2</sup>/day. From the result of this research, it is found that MSL system can decrease pollutant content in polluted irrigation water until the concentration below the water quality standard based on PP. 82 of 2001 and MSL system with HLR 250 L/m<sup>2</sup>/day have high ability in purifying BOD and COD and HLR 1000 L/m<sup>2</sup>/day has a high ability in purifying NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup>, NO<sub>2</sub><sup>-</sup> and NO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup> on polluted irrigation water.</em></p><p class="jbd-alamat"> </p><p class="jbd-alamat">Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan pengaruh tanah vulkanik dalam sistem <em>Multiple Soil Layering</em> (MSL) dengan <em>Hydraulic Loading Rate</em> (HLR) yang berbeda terhadap pemurnian air irigasi terpolusi. Penelitian  menggunakan sistem MSL dengan ukuran <em>Soil Mixture Block</em> (SMB) yang sama dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan (Chen, Sato, Wakatsuki, &amp; Masunaga, 2007)yang disusun di dalam kotak Acrylic berukuran 50 cm x 10 cm x 60 cm (PxLxT).  <em>Soil Mixture Block</em> terdiri dari tanah vulkanik, serbuk gergaji, besi, arang yang telah dihaluskan oleh ayakan 50 mesh, dengan perbandingan kombinasi 7:1:1:1.  Sistem MSL dialirkan air irigasi yang diambil dari irigasi Gunuang Nago dan Kawasan Pasar Baru, Kelurahan Cupak Tangah, Kecamatan Pauh IX, Padang secara terus menerus dengan HLR yang berbeda yaitu 250 L/m<sup>2</sup>/hari,  500 L/m<sup>2</sup>/hari dan 1000 L/m<sup>2</sup>/hari. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa sistem MSL mampu menurunkan kandungan zat pencemar pada air irigasi terpolusi  mencapai kosentrasi di bawah baku mutu air berdasarkan PP No. 82 tahun 2001 dengan HLR 250 L/m<sup>2</sup>/hari mempunyai kemampuan yang tinggi dalam memurnikan kadar pencemar BOD dan COD sedangkan HLR 1000 L/m2/hari mempunyai kemampuan yang tinggi dalam memurnikan kadar pencemar NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup>, NO<sub>2</sub><sup>-</sup> dan NO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup> pada air irigasi terpolusi.</p>

Jurnal Dampak ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 98
Shinta Elystia ◽  
Shinta Indah ◽  
Denny Helard

ABSTRAKDalam penelitian dilakukan pengolahan limbah cair Hotel yang bersumber dari dapur dan laundri dengan metode Multi Soil Layering (MSL). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menentukan efisiensi penyisihan COD dan mempelajari pengaruh faktor variasi material organik dalam campuran tanah pada lapisan anaerob dan variasi Hydraulic Loading Rate (HLR) terhadap efisiensi pengolahan limbah cair hotel dengan metode MSL. Dua buah reaktor MSL berdimensi 50 x 15 x 100 cm dengan lapisan batuan yang sama pada kedua reaktor berupa kerikil berukuran 35 mm serta lapisan anaerob berupa campuran tanah dengan arang (reaktor 1) dan campuran tanah dengan serbuk gergaji (reaktor 2) dengan rasio komposisi 2 : 1. Limbah dialirkan pada masing-masing reaktor dengan variasi HLR 500, 750, dan 1.000 l/m2hari. Konsentrasi COD sebelum diolah adalah 132,600201,240 mg/l, setelah diolah dengan MSL konsentrasi berubah menjadi 12,48088,920 mg/l. Secara umum, variasi material organik dalam campuran tanah tidak begitu berpengaruh pada penyisihan COD. Variasi HLR cukup berpengaruh, dimana HLR 500 l/m2hari memberikan efisiensi penyisihan COD yang lebih tinggi. Efisiensi penyisihan COD yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini berturut-turut pada reactor 1 berkisar antara 55 -90 % dan pada reactor 2 berkisar antara 56-89%. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kedua reaktor mampu menyisihkan COD pada limbah cair hotel.Kata Kunci: COD, limbah cair hotel, multi soil layering (MSL)ABSTRACTResearch COD removal from hotel wastewater stemmed from laundry and kitchen with Multi Soil Layering method (MSL) was conducted. The aim were to observe COD removal efficiency and to study the effect of organic material variation in soil as the anaerob layer as well as the effect of various hydraulic loading rate (HLR). In this research, there were two MSL reactors with dimension of 50 x 15 x 100 cm. Aerob layers of both reactors in the form of gravel 3-5 mm sized while anaerob layers are composed from soil mixed with charcoal (reactor 1) and soil mixed with sawdust (reactor 2) with ratio 2:1. HLR of wastewater for each reactor are 500, 750, and 1.000 l/m2day. Concentration of COD was 132,600-201,240 mg/l. COD concentration successively reduced to 12,480-88,920 mg/l.This result indicated both reactors can cast aside COD and also neutralize hotel liquid waste pH. In general, organic material variation of in soil mixture, that is sawdust and charcoal did not show any significant influence. HLR of 500 l / m2/day allowed the best removal efficiency at each contaminant parameters. As a whole efficiency removal of COD at this research successively at reactor 1 ranged from 55-90%, and 56-89%.Key Words:COD, hotel wastewater, multi soil layering (MSL)

Jurnal Dampak ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 38
Tivany Edwin ◽  
Shinta Indah ◽  
Denny Helard

ABSTRAKMetode Multi Soil Layering (MSL) diujicobakan untuk menyisihkan minyak dan lemak pada limbah cair hotel yang berasal dari dapur dan laundry. Hasil analisis karakteristik limbah cair tersebut menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi minyak dan lemak melebihi baku mutu Surat Keputusan Gubernur Sumatera Barat Nomor 26 Tahun 2001 tentang Baku Mutu Limbah Cair Bagi Kegiatan Hotel di Propinsi Sumatera Barat. Pada penelitian ini digunakan 2 buah reaktor berbahan akrilik dengan dimensi 50 x 15 x 100 cm, terdiri dari dua macam lapisan batuan kerikil berdiameter 3-5 mm serta lapisan yang terdiri dari campuran tanah dan material organik. Kedua reaktor dibedakan atas material organik, dimana reaktor 1 terdiri dari campuran tanah andisol dan arang, sedangkan reaktor 2 terdiri dari campuran tanah andisol dengan serbuk gergaji. Limbah cair dialirkan pada Hydraulic Loading Rate (HLR) dengan variasi 500, 750, dan 1.000 l/m2hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedua reaktor mampu menyisihkan minyak lemak dengan efisiensi 27,8 -89,5 % pada reaktor 1, serta efisiensi 23,8-62,5% pada reaktor 2. Variasi material organik dalam campuran tanah berpengaruh pada efisiensi penyisihan konsentrasi minyak dan lemak, dimana secara keseluruhan reaktor 1 lebih baik dalam menyisihkan minyak dan lemak dibandingkan reaktor 2. Efisiensi penyisihan minyak lemak didapatkan lebih tinggi pada reaktor 1 dengan pengaliran limbah cair pada HLR 500 l/m2hari. Secara umum MSL dapat menyisihkan minyak dan lemak pada limbah cair hotel.Kata Kunci : MSL, limbah cair hotel, minyak dan lemakABSTRACTMulti soil layering (MSL) method was tested to remove oil and grease in a hotel laundry and kitchen waste water which was exceeded water quality standard on hotel wastewater quality standard issued by West Sumatera Governor Number 26 Year 2001. There were two acrylic reactors utilized in this research with dimension of 50 x 15 x 100 cm. Each reactor aws arranged with layers of 3-5mm diameters gravels and soil and organic materials mixtures, organic material used were different in each reactor. Reactor 1 used charcoal as organic material in soil mixture, while reactor 2 used sawdust. Waste water was set to flow at 500, 750, and 1.000 l/m2day Hydraulic Loading Rate (HLR). The results showed that both reactors were able to remove oil and grease with efficiency range of 22.8,-89.5% by usnig Reactor 1, and 23.8-62.5% by using Reactor 2. The difference in organic material on soil mixture affected the removal efficiency which was higher in Reactor 1. Removal efficiency of oil and grease the highest at HLR of 500 l/m2day compared to other rates. Generally, MSL is able to remove oil and grease from hotel waste water. Keywords: MSL, hotel waste water, oil and grease

Junyuan Guo ◽  
Yuling Zhou ◽  
Yijin Yang ◽  
Cheng Chen ◽  
Jiajing Xu

A multi soil layering (MSL) treatment bioreactor was developed aiming at nutrients removal from anaerobically digested swine wastewater (ADSW). The start-up of the MSL bioreactor and its performance in nutrients removal at different hydraulic loading rate (HLR) were investigated. Results showed that the MSL bioreactor was successfully started up after operation for 28 days, and at this time, the removal efficiencies of ammonia-N, total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) in the ADSW reached 63.6%, 58.5%, and 46.5%, respectively. The MSL bioreactor showed a stable performance during the whole working process with varying HLR from 80 to 200 L/(m2·day). Maximum removal efficiencies of ammonia-N, TN and TP were obtained at 160 L/(m2·day), and was appeared as 94.2%, 94.4%, and 92.5%, respectively. It was worth noting that iron scraps were the key factor that enhanced the independent capability of the MSL bioreactor in TP removal, because there was only 21.4–25.8% of the TP was removed when the MSL bioreactor run with no iron addition.

Jurnal Dampak ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 133
Taufiq Ihsan ◽  
Shinta Indah ◽  
Denny Helard

Metode Multi Soil Layering (MSL) telah diujicobakan untuk menyisihkan kalium pada limbah cair persawahan.Lokasi pengambilan sampel berada di daerah Tunggang, Kelurahan Pasar Ambacang, Kecamatan Pauh, KotaPadang. Hasil analisis karakteristik limbah cair tersebut menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi melebihi standarkonsentrasi kalium pada air. Penelitian ini menggunakan 2 buah reaktor berbahan fiberglass, berbentuktrapesium untuk sisi tegaknya, dengan dimensi panjang dan lebar alas 37 cm, panjang dan lebar sisi atas 44 cmdan tinggi 60 cm, serta lapisan aerob berupa batuan kerikil berdiameter 3-5 mm. Kedua reaktor dibedakan atasmaterial organik dalam campuran tanah pada lapisan anaerob, dimana reaktor 1 terdiri dari campuran tanahandisol dan arang, sedangkan reaktor 2 terdiri dari campuran tanah andisol dengan serbuk gergaji. Limbahcair ini dialirkan pada variasi konsentrasi antara 1,048 6,237 mg/l, serta pada Hydraulic Loading Rate (HLR)dengan variasi 1.000, 2.000, dan 4.000 l/m2hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedua reaktor mampumenyisihkan kalium mencapai 100% baik pada reaktor 1, maupun pada reaktor 2. Variasi material organikdalam campuran tanah pada lapisan anaerob, variasi konsentrasi influen, dan variasi HLR berpengaruh padapenyisihan kalium. Efisiensi penyisihan kalium didapatkan lebih tinggi pada reaktor 2 pada variasi konsentrasiinfluen terkecil, dengan pengaliran limbah cair pada HLR 1000 l/m2hari. Secara umum MSL dapatdiaplikasikan pada pengolahan limbah cair persawahan.Kata Kunci : Limbah cair persawahan, MSL, kalium

Monik Kasman ◽  
Peppy Herawati ◽  
Hadrah Hadrah

Leachate atau lindi sampah berpotensi untuk mencemari air pemukaan dan air tanah. Hal ini diakibatkan degradasi biologis leachate menghasilkan pencemar berbahaya seperti zat organik dan logam berat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati efisiensi MSL dalam mereduksi pencemar yang terkandung dalam leachate. Pengamatan penelitian difokuskan pada pengaruh hydraulic loading rate (HLR) terhadap efisiensi reduksi pencemar, yang terdiri atas 250 l/m2.hari, 500 l/m2.hari dan 1000 l/m2.hari. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara mengalirkan secara gravitasi leachate Tempat Pemprosesan Akhir (TPA) Talang Gulo ke reaktor MSL berdimensi 15x50x50 cm. Reaktor MSL terdiri atas lapisan impermeable dan lapisan permeabel. Lapisan impermeabel merupakan lapisan yang terdiri atas campuran tanah dan arang dengan rasio 2 : 1, serta lapisan permeabel terdiri atas lapisan zeolit berdiameter 0,25 – 0,5 cm. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, didapat bahwa MSL dapat menetralkan pH dan mereduksi konsentrasi pencemar COD, amoniak, besi (Fe) dan warna. Efisiensi reduksi untuk semua pencemar berkisar 92% – 99,966%. Secara umum, HLR sangat mempengaruhi efisiensi reduksi, dimana makin rendah HLR maka makin rendah konsentrasi outlet serta makin tinggi efisiensi reduksi.

2010 ◽  
Vol 61 (2) ◽  
pp. 415-420 ◽  
Sanjib Moulick ◽  
Naresh V. Tambada ◽  
Basant K. Singh ◽  
B. C. Mal

Aeration experiments, maintaining nappe flow conditions, were carried out on a rectangular stepped cascade of total height 3.0 m to determine the total number of steps, slope of the entire cascade and hydraulic loading rate at which maximum overall aeration efficiency occurs, keeping the surface area of individual steps constant. Based on dimensional analysis, the overall aeration efficiency at standard conditions (E20) was expressed as a function of square of total number of steps (N2) and dimensionless discharge (dc/h), where dc and h represent critical depth in a rectangular prismatic channel and individual step height respectively. An empirical equation with E20 as the response and N2 and dc/h as the independent parameters was developed based on the experimental results subject to 36 ≤ N2 ≤ 196 and 0.009 ≤ dc/h ≤ 0.144. The experimental results showed that the overall aeration efficiency (E20) for a particular step height of stepped cascade increases with increase in dc/h up to a certain value and then decreases. This may be due to at higher dc/h, i.e., at higher hydraulic loading rate, the flow approaches the transition zone and thereby aeration efficiency decreases. E20 was also found to increase with number of steps at any hydraulic loading rate, because of the increased surface area of fall. The optimum number of steps, slope of the entire stepped cascade and hydraulic loading rate were found to be 14, 0.351 and 0.009 m2/s respectively producing the maximum value of overall aeration efficiency of 0.90.

2013 ◽  
Vol 68 (1) ◽  
pp. 217-226 ◽  
Chol D. T. Abel ◽  
Saroj K. Sharma ◽  
Ervin Buçpapaj ◽  
Maria D. Kennedy

The effect of hydraulic loading rate (HLR) and media type on the removal of bulk organic matter and nitrogen from primary effluent during soil aquifer treatment was investigated by conducting laboratory-scale soil column studies. Two soil columns packed with silica sand were operated at HLRs of 0.625 and 1.25 m/d, while a third column was packed with dune filtering material and operated at HLR of 1.25 m/d. Bulk organic matter was effectively removed by 47.5 ± 1.2% and 45.1 ± 1.2% in silica sand columns operated at 0.625 and 1.25 m/d, respectively and 57.3 ± 7.6% in dune filtering material column operated at 1.25 m/d. Ammonium-nitrogen reduction of 74.5 ± 18.0% was achieved at 0.625 m/d compared to 39.1 ± 4.3% at 1.25 m/d in silica sand columns, whereas 49.2 ± 5.2% ammonium-nitrogen reduction was attained at 1.25 m/d in the dune filtering material column. Ammonium-nitrogen reduction in the first 3 m was assumed to be dominated by nitrification process evidenced by corresponding increase in nitrate. Part of the ammonium-nitrogen was adsorbed onto the media, which was observed at higher rates between 3 and 5 m in silica sand column operated at HLR of 0.625 m/d and dune filtering material column operated at 1.25 m/d compared to 1.25 m/d silica.

2019 ◽  
Vol 91 (5) ◽  
pp. 399-406
Fanping Zheng ◽  
Linli Huang ◽  
Jing Pan ◽  
Shiyue Qi ◽  
Chaoquan Tan ◽  

2012 ◽  
Vol 573-574 ◽  
pp. 659-662
Hao Wang

In Tangshan area, the secondary effluent of wastewater treatment plants was used for this study. Horizontal zeolite wetland was carried out treating it. Hydraulic loading rate was the parameters for analyzing the nitrogen and phosphorus removal efficiency of pollutants from the secondary effluent of wastewater treatment plant. Zeolite constructed wetlands showed different behaviors for nitrogen and phosphorus removals.Under the optimum hydraulic loading rate, the primary pollutions were removed to a large extent.

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