Jurnal Dampak
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Published By Perpustakaan Universitas Andalas

2597-5129, 1829-6084

Jurnal Dampak ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 7
Vera Surtia Bachtiar ◽  
Reri Afrianita ◽  
Ary Zamzamy

This study aims to determine and evaluate the level of noise in the southern area of Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) Kampus Air Tawar conducted at 23 points of measurement with 16 outside outdoor points and 7 indoor measurement points. Method of measurement under regulation of Indonesian government, KepMenLH Regulation no. 48 thn 1996 which regulate the noise level standard by using SLM (Sound Level Meter). The highest outdoor noise level occurs in front of GOR UNP (S16) at the time of L3 which is 80,91 dBA, while the highest indoor noise level when there was activity as well as no activity in the room was happened in lecture hall FBSS UNP (S7-interior) with value equal to 83, 99 dBA and 64.65 dBA. All points of a total of 16 outdoor and 7 indoor measurement points exceed the standard noise level threshold which is 55 dBA (+3 dB tolerance). However, from the questionnaire results most respondents just feel slightly disturbed by outdoor noise in the study area. The noise control that can be done such as cultivate number of natural vegetation such as heliconia sp, tea, acacia tree and pringgodani bamboo, also the installation of continuous wall from type of clear fiber that serves as building noise absorbers.

Jurnal Dampak ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Shinta Elystia ◽  
Resna Rauda Putri ◽  
Sri Rezeki Muria

Electroplating industry is one of the industries producing liquid waste containing heavy metals. Among the heavy metals contained in the liquid waste is Chromium (Cr) which has a high toxicity. One technology that can be applied to eliminate Cr metal in liquid waste is by the method Biosorption using biomass derived from yeast bread (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). This study aimed to study the ability of bread yeast biomass (saccharomyces cerevisiae) in removing Cr metal on variations in biosorbent weight of 0.25; 0.5 and 0.75 grams, mesh size 80; 100 and 140 and contact time 1; 2; 3 and 4 hours. The results showed that the highest Cr removing efficiency occurred at 0.75 g biosorbent weight at 80 mesh and 4 hours contact time with efficiency of 54.7%. The biosorption process indicates that the adsorption isotherm type obtained is Langmuir isotherms assumed that the layer formed is monolayer with R2 value of 0.8819. The SEM analysis results show the difference of the morphological shape on the sample surface before and after the biosorption process

Jurnal Dampak ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 81
Ansiha Nur ◽  
Agus Jatnika

Electrocoagulation is an electrochemical technology to treat organic and inorganic wastewater without the use of chemicals so as not to increase the burden of environmental pollution. Electrocoagulation performance is influenced by electrode type, current density and number of electrodes. The purpose of this research is to know the effectiveness of COD and oil grease removal from domestic waste water (grey water) through electrocoagulation process. The experiment was conducted in batch using monopolar electrode configuration, with aluminum electrodes 95,7%. In this research, electric current density 21-104 A/m2, detention time and pH were varied. The optimum condition was obtained at current density of 104 A/m2 for 15 minutes with COD and oil grease removal consecutively are 87.48% and 77.50%. The result of this electrocoagulation process shows COD and oil grease concentration of 15.02 mg/L and 4.20 mg/L are under the standard of Ministry of Environment Decree No. 112 Year 2011 grade 3, to be used for watering plants and flushing the hotel toilet.Keywords: electrocoagulation, aluminum electrode, monopolar, current density, grey waterABSTRAKElektrokoagulasi merupakan teknologi elektrokimia untuk mengolah limbah organik dan anorganik tanpa menggunakanbahan kimia sehingga tidakmenambah bebanpencemaran lingkungan.Kinerja elektrokoagulasi dipengaruhi oleh jenis elektroda,kerapatanarusdan jumlah elektroda.Tujuanpenelitian ini untuk mengetahuiefektifitas penurunan organik (COD) dan minyak lemak dari airbuangan domestik (grey water) melalui proses elektrokoagulasi. Percobaan dilakukan secara batch menggunakan konfigurasi susunan elektroda monopolar, dengan jenis elektrodaberupaplat alumunium 95,7%.Variasi penelitian pada reaktor batch adalah terhadap kerapatan arus listrik21-104 A/m2, waktu detensi dan pH.Kondisi optimum diperoleh pada kerapatan arus 104 A/m2pada menit ke-15 denganpenyisihanCOD dan minyak lemakyaitusebesar 87,48% dan 77,50%. Hasil proses elektrokoagulasiini menunjukkan nilai COD sebesar 15,02 mg/L dan minyak lemak 4,20 mg/Lberada di bawah baku mutu Keputusan Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup Nomor 112 Tahun 2011kelas 3, untuk dimanfaatkan untuk penyiraman tanaman dan penggelontoran toilet hotel.Kata kunci: elektrokoagulasi, elektroda aluminium, monopolar, kerapatan arus, grey water

Jurnal Dampak ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 113
Vera Surtia Bachtiar ◽  
Vivin Alfirna

The traditional market area in Padang City is an area with a fairly high transportation activity of motor vehicles. The aims of this study is to determine the air quality for CO parameter due to motor vehicles in Padang City. The measurement of CO concentration was conducted in the traditional markets in Padang City which were located near the highway, namely Bandar Bandar Market, Pasar Raya Padang Market and Lubuk Buaya Market to see the effect of motor vehicle on transportation activity. CO measurements were carried out using CO meters for one hour during peak hours (07.00-08.00, except for Pasar Raya Market, conducted at 16.00-17.00) and off-peak hours (10.00-11.00 wib). CO concentrations during peak hours range between 5.92 and 11.67 ppm, while in the off-peak hours between 4.58 and 9.25 ppm. The outside of the traditional market (8.50-11.67 ppm) which is located on the edge of the highway, has a higher CO concentration than the inside (4.58-5.92 ppm). The measured CO concentrations in each location are below the national air quality standards. It means, the presence of traffic flow in the traditional market area in Padang City affects air quality on the edge of the highway, but not so affect the air quality in the inside area in the traditional market.Keywords: Transportation, Motor Vehicle, CO Concentration, Traditional Market.ABSTRAKKawasan pasar tradisional Kota Padang merupakan kawasan dengan aktivitas transportasi kendaraan bermotor yang cukup tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas udara untuk parameter CO akibat kendaraan bermotor di Kota Padang. Pengukuran konsentrasi CO dilakukan di pasar tradisional di Kota Padang yang berada dekat jalan raya, yaitu Pasar Bandar Buat, Pasar Raya Padang dan Pasar Lubuk Buaya untuk melihat pengaruhnya dari aktivitas transportasi kendaraan bermotor. Pengukuran CO dilakukan menggunakan CO meter selama satu jam pada jam sibuk (07.00-08.00 wib, kecuali untuk Pasar raya Padang, dilakukan pukul 16.00-17.00 wib) dan jam senggang (10.00-11.00 wib). Konsentrasi CO saat jam sibuk berkisar 5,92–11,67 ppm, sedangkan pada jam senggang sebesar 4,58 – 9,25 ppm. Bagian luar pasar tradisional (8,50–11,67 ppm) memiliki konsentrasi CO lebih tinggi dari pada bagian dalamnya (4,58-5,92 ppm). Konsentrasi CO terukur di setiap lokasi masih berada di bawah baku mutu. Artinya, adanya arus lalu lintas di kawasan pasar tradisional di Kota Padang mempengaruhi kualitas udara pada pinggir jalan raya, tetapi tidak begitu mempengaruhi kualitas udara di kawasan dalam pasar tradisonal tersebut.Kata kunci: Transportasi, Kendaraan Bermotor, Konsentrasi CO, Pasar tradisional.

Jurnal Dampak ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 98
Taufiq Ihsan ◽  
Tivany Edwin ◽  
Ravany Yolanda Vitri

The purpose of this study is to determine the LC50 value of wastewater from printing industry in Padang and to analyze the effect of Pb, Co, and Cr contained in the wastewater towards LC50 value. The results of the analysis of the characteristics of the printing industry wastewater, Pb concentration of 0.3 mg/l, Cr 0.8 mg/l and Co 0.9 mg/l. These concentrations exceed the quality standards in Indonesia according to PermenLH No. 05 of 2014 on Wastewater Quality Standard. Acute toxicity test was conducted in 96 hours observation using common carp (Cyprinus carpio.L) as animal testing with two replications. The value of LC50 was calculated using Probit Method by processing the data of testing animal mortality. The average value of LC50 was 128.05%. It can be proven from this study that Pb, Co and Cr affected the LC50 value indicated that a higher LC50 is related to a Pb, Co and Cr higher concentrations in wastewater and vice versa.Keywords: LC50, metals of printing industies, common carp, wastewater, PadangABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis nilai LC50 dari limbah cair industri percetakan Kota Padang yang mengandung logam berat seperti timbal (Pb), kromium (Cr) dan kobalt (Co), terhadap ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio L.). Hasil analisis karakteristik limbah cair industri percetakan yakni konsentrasi Pb 0,3 mg/l, Cr 0,8 mg/l dan Co 0,9 mg/l. Konsentrasi ini melebihi baku mutu menurut Peraturan Pemerintah Negara Lingkungan Hidup Nomor 05 Tahun 2014 tentang Baku Mutu Air Limbah, yakni Pb 0,1 mg/l, Cr 0,5 mg/l dan Co 0,4 mg/l. Uji toksisitas akut dilakukan dalam waktu 96 jam pengamatan terhadap ikan mas dengan dua kali pengulangan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai LC50 dengan menggunakan Metode Probit sebesar 128,05% dengan nilai LC50 untuk logam Pb yakni 0,38 mg/l, logam Cr 1,02 mg/l dan logam Co 1,15 mg/l. Analisis korelasi karakteristik limbah terhadap nilai LC bernilai r=0,98 yang berarti korelasi bernilai sangat kuat.Kata Kunci: LC50, logam limbah cair industri percetakan, ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio L.), Padang

Jurnal Dampak ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 73
Rinda Andhita Regia ◽  
Katharina Oginawati

Mekarmaju Village in Bandung Regency is a place of the greatest blacksmith that still exist in West Java. Their activity using the grinding tool causes dust formation in work area. Silica is the chemical element in dust with the second highest grade after Fe and it is classified in Group 1 substances as carcinogenic to humans. Blacksmith are very potentially have lung disease due to frequent of crystalline silica exposure through inhalation, not using personal protective equipment like masks and the condition of knife and agricultural equipment workshop that are not supported by adequate ventilation. The purpose of this research is to analyze the potencial hazard of crystalline silica exposure to the health of blacksmith in Mekarmaju village. This research was done with an exposed group of 30 people. Respirable crystalline silica analysis was done by the X-ray Diffraction (XRD) method based on MDHS 101 in 2005. The results showed the average of crystalline silica concentration for 8 hours was 0.2147 mg/m3 where 16 people exceeded SE 01/MEN/1997, 27 people exceeded the TLV-TWA ACGIH and 6 people exceeded the PEL OSHA. Average of Chronic Daily Intake (CDI) value was 0.0140 mg/kg.day. Based on threshold value in PER.13/MEN/X/2011, there were 6 people have Hazard Index (HI) value more than 1 which means that their daily activity in work area will endanger the health of lungs.Keywords: Mekarmaju village, hazard index, concentration, crystalline silica, blacksmithABSTRAKDesa Mekarmaju di Kabupaten Bandung merupakan tempat pandai besi terbesar yang masih ada di Jawa Barat. Kegiatan menggunakan gerinda menyebabkan terbentuknya debu pada area kerja. Silika merupakan unsur kimia pada debu dengan kadar tertinggi kedua setelah Fe dan silika diklasifikasikan sebagai Grup 1 yaitu karsinogenik bagi manusia. Pekerja pandai besi sangat berpotensi mengidap penyakit paru-paru karena seringnya terpapar kristal silika melalui inhalasi, tidak menggunakan alat pelindung diri berupa masker dan kondisi lingkungan kerja yang tidak didukung oleh ventilasi yang memadai. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis potensi bahaya kristal silika terhadap kesehatan pandai besi di Desa Mekarmaju. Jumlah responden yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 30 orang. Analisis kristal silika terinhalasi dilakukan dengan metode X-ray Diffraction (XRD) berdasarkan MDHS 101 tahun 2005. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsentrasi kristal silika rata-rata selama 8 jam kerja adalah 0,2147 mg/m3. Dari 30 orang responden, 16 orang melebihi NAB SE 01/MEN/1997, 27 orang melebihi TLV-TWA ACGIH, dan 6 orang melebihi PEL OSHA. Chronic Daily Intake (CDI) kristal silika rata-rata sebesar 0,0140 mg/kg.hari. Berdasarkan NAB kristal silika PER.13/MEN/X/2011, terdapat 6 orang memiliki nilai Hazard Index (HI) lebih besar dari 1 yang berarti pekerjaan yang dilakukan oleh 6 orang tersebut termasuk pekerjaan yang membahayakan kesehatan paru-paru.Kata kunci: Desa Mekarmaju, hazard index, konsentrasi, kristal silika, pandai besi

Jurnal Dampak ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 87
Yommi Dewilda ◽  
Annisa Maryam

These research combines market waste (MW), charcoal sugar waste (CSW), cow rumen (CR) and compos (C) as raw materials of compost. The composter consists of 5 variations; variation 1 (80% MW: 20% GW), variation 2 (80% MW: 10% CSW: 10% C), variation 3 (80% MW: 10% CSW: 10% RS), Variation 4 (70% MW: 10% CSW: 10% CR: 10% C) and variation 5 (60% MW: 20% CSW: 10% CR: 10% C). This research aims to analyze the effect of composition of compost raw material variation to obtain the most optimum variation for the composting process. The method was takakura semi aerob composting. The result of observation were on compost maturity and quality that have fulfilled SNI 19-7030-2004 standart in micro element. The quantity of compost solids 0.8-1.1 liter. Based on the results of scoring on the maturity, quality, and quantity of compost, obtained the best variation was variation 2 which has time to compost for 8 day.Keywords: charcoal sugar waste, cow rumen, market waste, quality, quantityABSTRAKPenelitian ini mengkombinasikan bahan baku sampah pasar (SP), arang ampas tebu (AAT), rumen sapi (RS), dan Kompos Jadi (KJ). Komposter terdiri dari 5 variasi yaitu variasi 1 (80% SP:20% AAT), variasi 2 (80% SP:10% AAT:10% KJ), variasi 3 (80% SP:10% AAT:10% RS), variasi 4 (70% SP:10% AAT:10% RS:10% KJ), variasi 5 (60% SP:20% AAT:10% RS:10% KJ). Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menentukan komposisi bahan baku yang optimum dengan metode yang digunakan yaitu pengomposan semi aerob dan menggunakan teknik pengomposan komposter takakura. Setiap variasi diuji kematangan dan kualitas kompos lalu dibandingkan dengan SNI 19-7030-2004 pada parameter unsur makro. Kuantitas hasil kompos yang dihasilkan pada penelitian ini sebanyak 0,8-1,1 liter. Dosis optimum yang baik untuk dijadikan kompos yang dinilai dari sistem skoring yaitu campuran pada variasi 2 dengan waktu lamanya pengomposan yaitu selama 8 hari.Kata Kunci: Arang ampas tebu, kuantias, kualitas, rumen sapi, sampah pasar.

Jurnal Dampak ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Vera Surtia Bachtiar ◽  
Puspa Safitri Sanggar Rani

The purpose of this research are to analysis air quality and dust impact to people that came from factory activities at residential area around factory location of PT. Semen Padang. Measuring of air quality conducted in 3 residential area that are Komplek RW 1, RT 3 Batu Gadang district, Perumnas Indarung RW. VII, and housing of UNAND Blok D Gadut, using Personal Dust Sampler. The result is respirable dust concentration at housing complex RW. 1 RT. 3 Batu Gadang district that is 0,33 mg/m, the Perumnas Indarung RW.VII that is 0,55 mg/m along with housing of UNAND Blok D Gadut that is 0,44 mg/m. Concentration of dust respirable at all are still below ambient air quality standard that exist on PP RI No. 41 Tahun 1999, 3 mg/m. Based on quesioner and puskesmas data proximate with use univariat analysis, negative impact who feels people are impact of health is eyes irritation disease and impact of environment especially community-owned material. Keywords: air quality, negative impact, residential area, respirable dust, PT. Semen Padang ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bermaksud untuk menganalisis kualitas udara dan dampak negatif yang dirasakan masyarakat dari debu yang berasal dari aktivitas pabrik di kawasan perumahan sekitar lokasi pabrik PT. Semen Padang. Pengukuran kualitas udara dilakukan di 3 kawasan perumahan yaitu komplek perumahan RW. 1 RT. 3 Kelurahan Batu Gadang, Perumnas Indarung RW. VII, dan Perumahan UNAND Blok D Gadut dengan menggunakan alat Personal Dust Sampler. Diperoleh hasil konsentrasi debu respirable pada komplek perumahan RT.3 RW.1 Kelurahan Batu Gadang sebesar 0,33 mg/m, pada Perumnas Indarung RW.VII sebesar 0,55 mg/m serta pada Perumahan UNAND Blok D Gadut sebesar 0,44 mg/m. Konsentrasi debu respirable pada ketiga lokasi masih berada di bawah ambang batas baku mutu udara di lingkungan, 3 mg/m. Berdasarkan kuesioner dan data puskesmas terdekat dengan menggunakan analisis univariat, dampak negatif yang dirasakan masyarakat adalah dampak terhadap kesehatan berupa penyakit iritasi mata dan dampak terhadap lingkungan khususnya pada kondisi material yang dimiliki masyarakat.Kata kunci: kualitas udara, dampak negatif, kawasan perumahan, debu respirable, PT. Semen Padang

Jurnal Dampak ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 10
Slamet Raharjo ◽  
Taufiq Ihsan ◽  
Sri Rahmiwati Yuned

Bukittinggi generates around 471,01 m3/day of municipal solid waste (MSW), in which only 55,7 % is managed by the local government. As many other cities, Bukttinggi is facing a problem of implementing recycling practice. Meanwhile, there are abundant of waste from coming from districts around the border area. Such problems result in a high generation of waste that must be transfered to landfill. In order to reduce the waste generation, Bukittinggi needs a 20 years-planning of MSW development which is based on recycling management (2016-2030). It includes technical aspect and non technical aspect. The purpose of this study is to increase service coverage by developing community-based recycling facilities (TPS 3R). Developing area is divided into 3 zones. The level of service in zone 1 is increased to 100% by practicing waste reduction management in TPS 3R.. 3R target is set at 20 % of total waste generation at the end of the planning year with management system such as takakura composting, rotary klin composting and dry garbage bank. Planning with community-based waste recycling will decrease the amount of waste management facilities.Keywords: Waste Management, Bukittinggi, technical aspect, non technical aspect, 3RAbstrakKota Bukittinggi dengan timbulan sampah 471,01 m3/hari dan hanya terlayani 55,7% dari total sampah. Permasalahan persampaan yang ada di Kota ini yaitu masih rendahnya praktek pemanfaatan sampah, selain itu adanya sampah kiriman dari kabupaten tetangga yang menyebabkan jumlah timbulan sampah meningkat, sementara Kota Bukittinggi tidak memiliki TPA sendiri. Untuk itu diperlukan perencanaan pengembangan pengelolaan sampah Kota Bukittinggi selama 20 tahun perencanaan (2016-2035) meliputi aspek teknis dengan pola pemanfaatan sampah. Pengelolaan persampahan yang direncanakan yaitu meningkatkan daerah pelayanan dengan dibagi menjadi 3 zona yaitu zona I, II dan III berdasarkan kawasan strategis kota dan tingkat pelayanan menjadi 100% pada zona prioritas (Zona I) dengan melakukan reduksi sampah melalui pengolahan di TPS 3R berdasarkan target 3R, 20% di akhir tahun perencanaan dengan sistem pengolahan berupa pengomposan dengan sistem takakura susun dan rotary kiln serta bank sampah untuk sampah kering yang bisa didaur ulang. Berdasarkan analisis perbandingan, adanya pengolahan sampah dapat mengurangi jumlah sarana prasarana pengelolaan sampah.Kata kunci: Pengelolaan, Bukittinggi, Aspek Teknis dan Non Teknis, 3R

Jurnal Dampak ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 62
Reri Afrianita ◽  
Tivany Edwin ◽  
Aroiya Alawiyah

This research aims to analyze the effect of seawater intrusion with measurement of TDS dug well water in Padang Utara Subdistrict. The measurements of TDS carried out in three villages in Padang Utara Subdistrict, namely the Village are Air Tawar Barat, Ulak Karang Selatan, and Ulak Karang Utara with twice sampling frequency: on November 2015 and February 2016. TDS concentration in November 2015 is in the range of 20 to 9000.8 mg / L, while the measurement of TDS concentration in February 2016 is in the range of 160.8 to 735.2 mg / L. Measurement of TDS in November 2015 showed that there were three wells that indicated to seawater intrusion, i.e. the ULS 8 (1101.6 mg / L), ULS 9 (9000.8 mg / L), and ULU 6 (1926.4 mg / L). Correlation between TDS concentration with coastline distance have a value r amounted to 0,118-.095. The results showed that there are some wells that indicated to seawater intrusion along the coast in Padang Utara Subdistrict.Keywords : distance, dug wells Padang Utara Subdistrict, , seawater intrusion, TDSAbstrak-Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh intrusi air laut dengan pengukuran TDS pada air sumur gali di Kecamatan Padang Utara. Pengukuran TDS dilakukan di tiga kelurahan di Kecamatan Padang Utara yaitu Kelurahan Air Tawar Barat, Ulak Karang Selatan, dan Ulak Karang Utara dengan frekuensi pengambilan sampel sebanyak dua kali yaitu pada bulan November 2015 dan Februari 2016. Konsentrasi TDS pada November 2015 berada dalam rentang 20-9000,8 mg/L, sedangkan pengukuran konsentrasi TDS pada Februari 2016 berada dalam rentang 160,8-735,2 mg/L. Pengukuran TDS pada ovember 2015 menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga sumur yang yang terindikasi mengalami intrusi air laut, yaitu ULS 8 (1101,6 mg/L), ULS 9 (9000,8 mg/L), dan ULU 6 (1926,4 mg/L). Hubungan antara jarak sumur dari bibir pantai terhadap nilai TDS memiliki koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,118 0,095, hal ini menunjukkan tidak adanya pengaruh antara jarak dengan nilai TDS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa sumur yang terindikasi mengalami intrusi air laut di sepanjang pesisir di Kecamatan Padang Utara.Kata kunci : intrusi air laut, jarak, Kecamatan Padang Utara, sumur gali, TDS

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