Imagining Europe as a Global Player

Christoffer Kolvraa
2020 ◽  
Jens Schneeweiß

Im Zentrum des Buches steht der Höhbeck/Elbe an der Grenze zwischen Niedersachsen und Brandenburg, wo zur Wikingerzeit Welten aufeinandertrafen und sich eine Zeit lang europäische Geschichte verdichtete. Im Frühmittelalter waren die Wikinger die "global Player" des Nordens, den Westen bestimmte Karl der Große und sein Reich, gefolgt von den Ottonen. Im östlichen Europa lag die Welt der Slawen. Vom 8.–11. Jahrhundert stießen diese Welten dort aneinander, wo im 20. Jahrhundert der Eiserne Vorhang Europa teilte. Von 2005–2009 wurden in dieser Grenzregion an der Elbe umfangreiche archäologische Ausgrabungen vorgenommen. Die Ergebnisse bilden die Grundlage des Buches, das vom ersten Auftreten von Slawen an der Elbe bis zum Beginn des hochmittelalterlichen Landesausbaus reicht. Hier lag der untergegangene karolingische Grenzhandelskontrollort Schezla mit dem castellum hohbuoki, hier besiegte Heinrich I. die Slawen in einer bedeutenden Schlacht. Ausdruck der sensiblen Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen ist die enge Bindung der Siedlungsentwicklung an die Dynamik der Flusslandschaft, die mit dazu beitrug, dass die Geschichte am Höhbeck in eine Sackgasse lief. Der nachfolgende Bedeutungsverlust dieser Region ermöglicht uns heute einen überraschend unverbauten Einblick in diesen Zeitraum, wie er nur ausnahmsweise zu bekommen ist. Eine interdisziplinäre Herangehensweise ermöglicht die Darstellung verschiedener Perspektiven auf die Siedlungs- und Ereignisgeschichte. Neben traditioneller archäologischer Fund- und Befundanalyse enthält der Band geoarchäologische, historische und theoretische Annäherungen, wodurch neue Interpretationsebenen erschlossen werden.

Hedda, Reindl-Kiel

Abstract The motivation of the Ottoman sultans to commence and to keep diplomatic contacts with Muscovy was largely due to their demand for luxury commodities such as sable fur and walrus tusks. The royal court used furs as clear status markers, particularly when bestowing robes of honour upon dignitaries. This feature allows glimpses into the deeply hierarchical structure of Ottoman society, which had only little formal divisions. Moreover, the royal palace used sable fur in a similar function as precious stones in decorating the setting when receiving foreign diplomats. Imports from the Ottoman Empire to Russia are not documented in the Turkish archives. The same is true for diplomatic gifts from the Ottoman court to Moscow. Only from the 18thcentury onwards gift packages to the court of St. Petersburg are recorded, indicating Russias political position as a European global player in the view of the Porte.Аннотация Одной из причин инициации и поддержания дипломатических контактов с Московией для Османских султанов было желание обладать определенными предметами роскоши собольими мехами и моржовыми бивнями. При дворе меха служили маркерами статуса, особенно если мантии вручались первыми лицами как награда за какие-либо заслуги. Более того когда во дворце готовили покои к приему иностранных дипломатов, собольи меха использовались в качестве украшения интерьера, как и драгоценные камням. В Турецких архивах нет документов об импорте товаров из Османской империи в Россию, дипломатические подарки Османского двора Московии также документально не зафиксированы. Только начиная с XVIII в. велась запись подарков-подношений ко двору в Санкт-Петербурге. Согласно этим документам Россия воспринималась Османской империей в качестве значимого политического игрока.

G. N. Singh

India has emerged as a global player for pharmaceuticals. The pharmaceutical revolution of 1970-90 of Indian Pharma Industry had demonstrated that India could be self-sufficient in the manufacture of essential drugs at affordable prices. The turnover of Indian Pharmaceutical is over $30 billion in 2015 including $15 billion in exports.  It was a great honor to preside the 67th Indian pharmaceutical congress held in Mysore. The topic of Pharmacists for a Healthy India is close to my heart and being a regulator myself, I feel that the Pharmacy fraternity can play a much larger role in contributing to the healthcare system in India. Pharmacist as such are involved in a big way in the regulation of drugs, be it manufacture, be it sale or research and development. A contribution of the Pharmacists is there at every stage till the drug reaches the consumer safely. For this purpose, the society needs a pool of well qualified and experienced pharmacists, which requires regular updating of their knowledge to keep pace with the developments taking place in the pharmaceutical sector. The advancements in technology and the emerging challenges in the health sector require pharmacists to shoulder the responsibilities towards the utilization of scientific knowledge in the use of modern medicines and the protection of the public against dangers of wrong use of drugs. The Pharmacy Council of India on its part will have to ensure that the courses offered for creating a high technology based are calibrated in such a way that the education and skills developed suit to the requirements of the Pharmaceutical Industry as well as needs to the patients

Alpay Hekimler

La Turchia appartiene attualmente al novero dei più importanti Paesi esportatori di prodotti tessili e di abbigliamento nel mercato globale. Numerosi fornitori e produttori producono oggi per marchi di livello mondiale, che sono presenti nel Paese anche attraverso le loro imprese di moda nel commercio al dettaglio. Queste ultime sono contestualmente assurte negli anni più recenti tra i maggiori datori di lavoro del settore. Tra di esse deve essere menzionato anche il global player Inditex, che è presente in Turchia con quasi tutti i suoi marchi. Tuttavia, nei me-dia non sempre vengono descritte positivamente le condizioni di lavoro presso i fornitori e i produttori, e perfino nella sua rete di vendita. Inditex, però, si obbliga, tramite il proprio Codi-ce di condotta, a rispettare i diritti dei lavoratori internazionalmente riconosciuti, acquistando esclusivamente le merci dei fornitori e dei produttori che garantiscono l'osservanza di tali dirit-ti. Il diritto di associazione sindacale è sancito dalla Costituzione turca, e il legislatore lo ha concretizzato mediante il diritto del lavoro. Ne consegue che i lavoratori sono liberi di aderire o meno a una rappresentanza di interessi. Tuttavia, le caratteristiche del settore tessile e dell'abbigliamento e il profilo dei lavoratori e delle lavoratrici creano non poche difficoltà ai sindacati che intendono operarvi. Per questa ragione, il tasso di sindacalizzazione nel settore risulta attualmente inferiore alla media. Il saggio intende, anzitutto, illustrare i diritti collettivi dei lavoratori in Turchia su un piano generale, per poi discutere l'importanza dell'industria tes-sile e dell'abbigliamento. Nella successiva e ultima parte verrà trattata la situazione attuale del global player Inditex in Turchia; il contributo si chiude con una breve conclusione in chiave prospettica.

2015 ◽  
Karin Bischof

2009 ◽  
pp. 100-125
Valentina Pacetti

- During the last 20 years, the automotive sector went through a number of important technological and organizational changes. Around 2000 Fiat falls in a deep crisis, whose roots can be found most of all in the lack of strategic anticipation: its top management was unable to anticipate the change, and its vision of company's and market's evolution was completely inadequate. A different interpretation of strategic anticipation can be proposed if we take into account local actors and local government: strategic anticipation can be recognised here in a quite shared vision of local system's future (position of the region in interna- tional competition, more or less decisive deep presence of automotive vs. "new" sectors, of industrial vs. service occupation ecc.). The most innovative feature of Fiat Auto restructuring is probably the intervention of local public actors (especially the regional and urban governments), in the form of the purchase of Mirafiori's unused areas and in the following constitution of an agency for their management. Even if this intervention was certainly not decisive for the rescue of Fiat, it certainly had a very strong influence in the rescue of Mirafiori plant whose further contraction was at the time very probable because it guaranteed the installation of a new production line in Turin.

2006 ◽  
Vol 54 (2) ◽  
pp. 209-230 ◽  
Christiane Eisenberg

Vorspann Der Weltfußballverband FIFA ist 2006, dem Jahr der 18. Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft, in aller Munde. Aber wer kennt seine Geschichte? Wer weiß etwas über die Grundlagen seines Erfolgs? Christiane Eisenberg macht uns mit bestimmten Organisationsprinzipien der FIFA bekannt, die seit der Gründung im Jahr 1904 gelten. Diese Prinzipien haben, so ihr Argument, dazu beigetragen, dass diese für die schönste Nebensache der Welt zuständige Autorität zu einem „global player“ avancieren konnte – und zwar nicht nur auf dem Gebiet des Sports, sondern auch der Entwicklungshilfe.

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