strong influence
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2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (6) ◽  
pp. 149-162
Rara Inggarsih ◽  
Ella Amalia ◽  
Septi Purnamasari

The cell membrane plays an important role in cell traffic because it functions to secrete various molecules. The selective transport system allows the movement of molecules into or out of the cell compartment. By controlling the movement of substances from one compartment to another, membranes exert a strong influence on metabolic pathways. Cell membranes are composed of proteins and lipids with a very important function in maintaining the rhythm of circulation and cell transport. In addition, the cell membrane also plays a role in maintaining the integrity and relationship, and communication of cells.

Paula Trzaskawka ◽  
Joanna Kic-Drgas

AbstractMarch 2020 has become a moment of change in communication mode and quality. Previously, the media paid attention to the current affairs, however, never earlier the journalistic discourse has been so influentially affected by the ongoing phenomenon as in the case of COVID-19. Almost overnight the new terminological phenomena with specific legal or medical reference were introduced into everyday language mainly via mass media and become an important part of a pandemic related narration. The strong influence on the shape of the mentioned linguistic changes has mainly the adoption of new legal regulations due to the unexpected outbreak of the pandemic. The aim of the following paper is to investigate how COVID-19 pandemic affected the specialisation of the journalistic discourse and how different domains (law, medicine) are being influenced by new terminology and in other way round, how for example law and medicine influence new “COVID language”. In order to take the interdisciplinary nature of the issue into account, the degree of hybridity of the selected texts will be examined by means of selected material analysis. The methodology applied in the paper uses an empirical approach and comparative analysis. The material used for the analysis comes from the selected Polish quality and boulevard press. The paper concerns the linguistic influence of the “invisible enemy” on the language presented in press. The main findings reveal the intense use of neologisms, borrowings, and it shows that the discourse was changed linguistically thanks to Student’s t-test.

2022 ◽  
pp. 244-259
Sead Turcalo ◽  
Elmir Sadikovic ◽  
Elvis Fejzic

This chapter focuses on the analysis of the EU integration process of Bosnia and Herzegovina, dealing with the internal and external political challenges that country is facing on its path towards aspired EU membership. As one of the main internal challenges, the authors recognize a very pronounced ethnocracy and leaderocracy that captures democratic process, making the country unstable and unable to fulfill criteria even to achieve the status of candidate for EU membership. Furthermore, there is a strong influence of the neighboring countries, which were involved in the 1992-1995 war in Bosnia and continue to play very often an obstructive role in internal politics of Bosnia and Herzegovina. As the authors argue, in BiH, the issue of Euro-Atlantic integration is less a matter of political and economic transition, and more, it is not primarily an issue of stabilizing the peace and creating fundamental preconditions for overall development.

Nathan T. Hahn ◽  
Julian Self ◽  
Darren M. Driscoll ◽  
Naveen Dandu ◽  
Kee Sung Han ◽  

Emergent calcium battery electrolytes in ethereal solvents exhibit concentration-dependent ion correlations involving significant second-shell interactions. These interactions have a strong influence on both conductivity and metal cycling efficiency.

2022 ◽  
Vol 44 (3) ◽  
pp. 281-286

The spatial distribution of daily rainfall persistence is examined adopting Besson's persistence coefficient and using daily rainfall data for 15 consecutive years (1971-1985). The daily rainfall persistence coefficients have been studied separately for all the twelve months individually and for the whole year. Where January and February indicate the lowest rainfall persistence coefficients the period from October to December indicates the highest coefficients over Sri Lanka. Besides the monsoonal atmospheric conditions, the topography has a strong influence on the rainfall persistence distribution over space and time. The daily rainfall persistence coefficients record higher values in the wet zone then in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. Regression analysis shows a better linear relationship between mean length of wet spell~ and the daily rainfall persistence coefficients and the resultant final equation is y.4' =0.1093+0.1600+X M having the correlation coefficient of 0.721 which is significant at the 0.01% level.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-163
Hasse Jubba ◽  
Nispi Amalia Adila ◽  
Herianto Herianto ◽  
Triana Septiani

The existence of the Sunda Wiwitan community in Cireundeu Traditional Village has been faced with the threat of massive technological advances. Massive penetration of technology has caused indigenous people to use and accept technology as a necessity. In line with this, this paper was to explain how the sustainability and survival strategy of Sunda Wiwitan people in post truth era. This paper was based on data collected through direct observation and interviews with five different informants by taking into account the characteristics of each. The result showed that there was a strong influence between technology and the existence of Sunda Wiwitan as indigenous people. Indigenous people were able to adapt to all existing openness. This study confirmed that today's indigenous people still prevented their customs. Therefore, the existence of local communities needed to be guaranteed through various schemes, including supporting regulations that were protective in nature.

Б.Х. Борлыкова ◽  
Б.В. Меняев ◽  
Т.В. Басанова

В настоящей статье впервые на основе методологии, разработанной О. Д. Суриковой (2020), рассматривается ономастикон сарт-калмыцкой версии эпоса «Джангар». Авторами статьи предлагается систематизация ономастикона эпоса, приводится этимологияонимов, указывается их частотность, а также выявляются варианты собственных имён в других версиях эпоса «Джангар» и фольклорных образцах сарт-калмыков. В исследовании применялась комплексная методика лингвистического анализа, включающая описательный метод, методы контекстуального, сопоставительного и статистического анализов. Материалом для анализа послужил текст рукописи «Джангар», записанный в 1929 г. А. В. Бурдуковым от Бакхи Сарпекова (1872 г. р.) в селе Чельпек Иссык-Кульской области Киргизии. В качестве дополнительного материала были привлечены опубликованные песни калмыцкой и синьцзян-ойратской версий эпоса «Джангар», лексикографические источники, а также личные полевые записи авторов.В результате обработки текста выявлены три группы собственных имён: топонимы, антропонимы и иппонимы. Наибольшую частотность в сарт-калмыцкой версии эпоса имеют буддийские антропонимы, что, очевидно, связано с сильным влиянием буддизма на архаичный жанр – эпос. Наличие названий водных объектов Или и Текес указывают на историческую родину сарт-калмыков – Джунгарию. В целом, изучение собственных имён, извлечённых авторами статьи из текста рукописи А. В. Бурдукова, полезно с точки зрения лингвогеографии и способствует выявлению закономерностей номинационных процессов в сарт-калмыцком языке. The present article is the first to consider the onomasticon of the Sart-Kalmyk version of the Jangar epic on the basis of the methodology developed by O. D. Surikova (2020). The authors of the article propose a systematization of the onomasticon of the epic that includes giving the etymology of onyms, indicating their frequency, and revealing variants of their own names in other versions of the epic Jangarand folklore samples of the Sart-Kalmyks. The study uses a complex method of linguistic analysis, including a descriptive method, methods of contextual, comparative and statistical analysis. The material for the analysis was the text of the manuscript Jangar, written down in 1929 by A. V. Burdukov from Bakhi Sarpekov (born 1872) in the Chelpek villag, Issyk-Kul region, Kyrgyzstan. The published songs of the Kalmyk and Xinjiang Oirat versions of the Jangarepic, lexicographic sources, as well as the authors' personal field notes were used as an additional material. As a result of text processing, three groups of proper names were identified: toponyms, anthroponyms, and hyponyms. The most frequent in the Sart-Kalmyk version of the epic were Buddhist anthroponyms, the fact can be obviously associated with the strong influence of Buddhism on this archaic genre – the epic. The presence of the names of the water bodies Ili and Tekes indicate the historical homeland of the Sart Kalmyks – Dzungaria. In general, the study of their own names, extracted by the authors of the article from the text of the manuscript of A. V. Burdukov is useful from the point of view of linguo-geography and helps to identify patterns of nomination processes in the Sart-Kalmyk language.

ASJ. ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (56) ◽  
pp. 19-25
K. Zhampeisova

The objective processes happening in the modern world and expansion of the information flows, affecting almost all areas of human activities, have a strong influence on the determination of the content of training and education of the students in Kazakhstan, in particular, national education. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 455-466
Michał Chudoliński

The article draws out the parallels between the story presented in Judge Dredd: America (1990) and the contemporary events taking place on the streets of the United States. The comic book itself takes place in the dystopian setting of Mega City One which deprives its citizens of freedom, self-determination, and takes away their hope for a better tomorrow. The immigrants, presented in the comic book, who are dreaming of realizing their American Dream, instead, fi nd themselves living an American nightmare. The similarities between the comic book and the previously published V for Vendetta are noted, as both novels have had a strong influence on the deheroisation of the protagonist of a superhero comic book, particularly in relation to the European comic book (1985–1990). Here, the morally ambiguous figure of Judge Dredd is relegated to the background, and the plot itself, as well as further research discussion, focuses on the characters of America Jara and her friend, Bennett Beeny. Their friendship significantly affects the story and the ultimate fate of America. Both of them are harmed by the system based on the superiority of the Judges, whose attitude is often reminiscent of the current actions of the American police, which is particularly interesting in the context of contemporary movements like Black Lives Matter. The authors of Judge Dredd: America provoke their readers to ask questions about the meaning of freedom, the place of an individual in a society whose actions are normalized and restricted by law, and even to rebellion against an oppressive authority. The article concludes by considering the meaning of democracy in modern socjety.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 65
Masni Banggu ◽  
Arie Purnomo ◽  
Asriani Asriani

This study aims to describe the political power of the Tribal Customary Council in providing support to regional head candidates in the 2017 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections in Jayapura Regency. This type of qualitative research with ethnographic type. Determination of informants is done purposively. Data was collected through interviews and literature review. The developed data describes, describes, and analyzes in detail the culture and customs based on the research objectives. The results showed that the nine Tribal Customary Councils in Jayapura Regency supported the candidate for Regent Mathius Awaitouw for the 2017-2022 period. The Tribal Customary Council (DAS) has a strong influence on the lives of local people, so that in the election of regional heads, the watershed is often the place where candidates for regional heads ask for permission and blessing.

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