Cultural Policy Needs Good Governance. A Task for Action of Civil Society

2014 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 345-364
Abdullah Syahab

Runtuhnya orde baru dan masuknya Indonesia ke era reformasi telah memberikan peran besar civil society di Indonesia. Peranan civil society dalam pembangunan negara sangat strategis pada pemerintahan Indonesia yang mengedepankan demokratis dalam pengelolaan negara. Salah satunya dalam pengelolaan zakat di Indonesia. Korupsi, kolusi dan nepotisme pada pemerintahan pada masa reformasi telah mempengaruhi tingkat kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap lembaga pengelola zakat yang dikelola negara. Kebijakan good governance juga telah menumbuhkan pergerakan civil society di Indonesia khususnya dalam memberikan kontribusi bagi perkembangan pengelolaan zakat di Indonesia. Menguatnya peran civil society merupakan realitas sosial kontemporer di Indonesia.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 174
AmirNezam Barati ◽  
Ali Babayee Mehr ◽  
Mohsen Sharifi

Combating against corruption is one of the most important factors for establishing Good Governance. Corruption is a social, political and economic phenomenon that defect the democratic institutions and stop establishing good governance. This study using analytical – descriptive, analyses the role of civil society in combat corruption with glance to I.R.IFindings of this study show that the role of special civil societies has remarkable efficiency and effectiveness in combat corruption. In challenging corruption different actor such as government, private sector and specialized civil society have function, but the role of civil societies is more effective than others.In relating to the I.R.I actions against corruption, the country enacted different laws such as the law of access to information, the Law of United Nations Convention against Corruption and this process will send a clear message that the country is determined to prevent and control corruption. In pathology of corruption in I.R of Iran the concentration on fighting against corruption, is concentrated on "The Staff of Combat against Economic Corruption" and civil society don’t have effective or remarkable role to fight against this abnormality and this Staff is most important centers to harmonize the actions against corruption. Finally, the most important causes of corruption in every developing Nations in Transit such as Iran are big government and interference of Government in economy, the weakly embedded rule of law, the ineffective and inefficient of government policy, lack of accountability and institutional transparency.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 59
Ardhana Januar Mahardhani ◽  
Sulton Sulton ◽  
Sunarto Sunarto

Setelah memasuki era reformasi, pergerakan Civil Society Organization (CSO) di Indonesia lebih berperan sebagai penyeimbang negara, peran itupun juga berlaku pada CSO yang ada di daerah, keberadaan CSO tersebut menjadi sangat penting karena menjadi alternatif penyeimbang antara kepala daerah dan DPRD, oleh karena itu keberadaan CSO dapat menjadi bagian terpenting dalam proses  perumusan kebijakan agar lebih sehat, bersifat terbuka dan partisipatif. Kabupaten Ponorogo merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang sangat dinamis dalam hal keberadaan CSO yang ada ataupun kegiatan pemerintah dalam keluarnya kebijakan. Dalam proses politik yang timbul dalam penentuan kebijakan juga melibatkan peran CSO dalam rangka untuk memperkecil polemik yang ada di masyarakat Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kualitatif diskriptif karena akan menafsirkan fenomena yang terjadi di Kabupaten Ponorogo. Dari hasil penelitian, didapatkan kesimpulan yaitu Kabupaten Ponorogo akan melibatkan CSO dalam rangka menjaga prinsip keterbukaan dalam good governance, adapun peran CSO tersebut adalah: 1) Menjadi penghubung antara masyarakat dan pemerintah, 2) Mengakomodasi kepentingan masyarakat, 3) Mendorong adanya jaringan antar kelompok masyarakat, dan 4) Membangun kolaborasi antara pemerintah, masyarakat, serta pihak ketiga.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
Hassan Al-Sauri

أدبيات الحكم الراشد لم تتطرق إلى الدور الذي تؤديه منظمات المجتمع المدني في احتمال نجاحه وترسيخه أو فشله تعثراً أو موتاً. لم تتوفر دراسات مباشرة في الموضوع هذا بحيث يوجد ما يشبه القواعد الاجتماعية الضرورية لبناء ورعاية نظام سياسي راشد. ركزت الدراسات على ماهية الحكم الراشد وآلياته وأشكاله المختلفة، ولكنها أغفلت أساسيات الانتقال إليه من نظم الاستبداد. كانت هذه هي مشكلة الدراسة، والتساؤلات المتعلقة بها لبحث الإجابات الممكنة، تتضمن أسئلة الدراسة الآتي: هل هنالك أي علاقة بين منظمات المجتمع المدني والحكم الراشد؟ أتكون هذه علاقة إيجابية أم سلبية؟ كيف يكون تأثيرها على آليات الحكم الراشد؟ المنهج الضروري لهذه الدراسة هو المنهج المتكامل الذي يتضمن الوصف والتاريخ والقانون.   الفرضية الأساسية تقول: توجد علاقة إيجابية بين نجاح الحكم الراشد ودور منظمات المجتمع المدني التي يعتبر نشاطها مساعداً لنمو ورعاية منهج قبول الآخر والتعايش معه كمحور أساسي للعملية الديمقراطية. ذلك هو منهج التوفيق بين الآراء والمواقف المتعارضة. يتكون هذا البحث من مقدمة وعدد من المحاور تتمثل في ماهية الحكم الراشد وآلياته، والكيفية التي تعمل بها هذه الآليات، ثم علاقة ذلك بوظيفة منظمات المجتمع المدني المرتبطة بالعملية التدريبية القائمة على منهج استيعاب الآخر لا منهج إقصائه.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 99-123
Kapilmani Dahal

Civil society is non political sphere and individual made voluntary organization widely understood as the space outside the family, market and state. It is associated for welfare of state on the ground of civic knowledge, civic education and civic virtue. Civil society works and plays its role in the democratic regime. Democratic regime operates on the basis of democratic norms and values. Civil society plays roles in the democratic society relating to maintaining, promoting and strengthening good governance. It plays various roles like participating, mediating interest, mobilizing counter knowledge, influencing policy making, building commitment for public good, giving impetus to community building projects, motivating citizens, government towards co-operation, etc. It can play the communicative role, protective role, control role, socialization role, service delivery role and the global citizenship role in different cases. Major areas of good governance are democracy, rule of law, proprietary rights, corporate governance, human rights, welfare state and labor institution. And in these areas civil society can perform their respective roles. In the case of Nepal some roles have been managed under constitution and statutory law mainly in good governance operation and management act. But these provisions seem inadequate for showing their role visibly. Maintaining good governance through properly implementing fundamental rights, government has not made effective laws yet. Nepalese parliament has promulgated the act named good governance operation and management act 2008. Here some provisions relating to civil society's role in operating and managing process has been mentioned. In this article constitutional role as well as legal role has been taken in due consideration because civil society's constitutional and legal roles have not been duly recognised yet. Thus the study has given emphasis on description and analysis of content relating to civil society 's role managed under the constitution and statutory law act. To draw the conclusion in this study descriptive-analytical and content analysis methods has been used and information has been taken from secondary method. constitution of Nepal and good governance operation and management act 2008 have been taken as major contents for analysis of civil society's role in managing and operating good governance in Nepal.

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