Journal of University of Human Development
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Published By University Of Human Development

2411-7765, 2411-7757

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 60-68
Hardi Tofiq Mustafa

The Corona pandemic that the world is experiencing is one of the most prominent global disasters today, and has become the subject of great interest from all countries of the world, especially since its effects were not limited to the health aspect only, but extended to the economic, legal, political and social aspect in the lives of individuals, which has resulted in countries entering into conflict with this pandemic by taking a set of preventive measures to combat its spread, and perhaps the most important of these decisions was the imposition of home quarantine on citizens and forcing social distance, in addition to terminating many commercial activities, , which leads to make the implementation of commitments almost impossible.  This research aims at determining the legal nature of the Corona pandemic, and whether it can be considered as a force majeure, or is it just an emergency? What is the impact of this pandemic on the deadline for submitting commercial papers for acceptance and fulfillment? Is the legal holder of the commercial transfer, who was not able to submit it for acceptance and fulfillment within the deadlines, considered a negligent holder? Or force majeure can apply here?

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 55-59
Rauf Kareem Mahmood

There have been various approaches to the definition of the elusive term ‘intelligence’ from the perspectives of psychologists, computer language experts, natural scientists, linguists, philosophers, and others. However, no unanimous definition has so far been made for the term. On the contrary, new readings and understandings arise as the outcome of theoretical and experimental studies. This paper is an attempt to introduce the term ‘pragmatic intelligence’ as a prerequisite and a basic requirement for pragmatic competence to avoid pragmatic failure and secure a felicitous communication among interlocutors. The paper hypothesizes that ‘pragmatic intelligence’ is a prerequisite for ‘pragmatic competence’. In order to verify the hypothesis, the researcher theoretically analyzed the necessity of associating pragmatic competence with a mother concept of the same origin rather than connecting it to either Chomsky’s grammatical competence or Hymes’ communicative competence. The paper concluded that ‘pragmatic intelligence’ encompasses innate factors that human beings are born with, which could be shaped in the form of pragmatic competence depending on the quantity and quality of the obtained knowledge. Nonetheless, the paper also proposes for researchers to study the universal characteristics of ‘pragmatic intelligence’ and its pedagogical implications on first and second language acquisition

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 43-54
Kaiwan Azad Anwer ◽  
Kamaran Abbas Ahmad

The relationship between the different parts of Islamic society in the middle ages had been in many various forms and in different ways, one of the strongest ways of building relationships in that era was cultural relations, which were given a great importance among Muslims, and were critical reasons for creating social, scientific and knowledge mixing, so scientific tour was the most common way of creating relationships in that era, not only among students but among all scholars and Muslims and they took a great care to do such tours, That's why by Muslim historians and biographers , great attention has been focused on the lives of scientists and the ways of getting science in that historic era. We, as a researcher, have also focused on a specific historical period on the reasons of  scientific tours between the two designated regions of the Islamic world in the (7th and 8th A.H/13th and 14th AD) centuries, which was done by scholars from Andalusia to the East of Islamic. In the contexts of  this  research, we have mentioned the reasons and motivators of scientific, who have mad these Andalusian tours to the most famous  scientific centers of the Islamic world in that era.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 33-42
Bakhtyar Ibraheem Fatah

Throughout history, human society have encountered various problems for which there have been some tentative solution while others have continued along with the development of the society in different quantitative and qualitative forms. One of the long-standing problems in Kurdistan region is the process of education which has a deep-rooted history in the region and it manifests itself in different forms at different intervals without being radically resolved. The researcher, an experienced educator, who has spent four decades in the process, possesses first-hand knowledge on the process and thinks that the problems are becoming more and more serious. The reasons for this sharp downfall are numerous and various. One key reason, for instance, is that the educational institutions, including the universities, annually graduate thousands of students who cannot become active members of the society and fail to invest and practice their skills and knowledge in the scientific fields. The reason, however, lies in the fact that the educational centers put more emphasis on the theoretical aspects of learning rather than the practical ones. Thus, the present study is assumed to be a scientific attempt seeking to delimit the various facets of the educational process by referring to the pragmatic philosophy (emphasis on the value of hard work and seeking knowledge); i.e., the thought that is workable, practical and implementable, since the educational process represents not only a preparation for a lifelong career but the life itself as well. The study consists of three sections. The first is the general framework where the problem, the goals, the scopes of the study with the definition of key terms has been stated. In the second section the researcher have outlined the second section   of the study including, analyses of pragmatism program and review of the previous studies and literature. The third section covers three main topics: the educator, the student, and the program). The conclusions and the list of references are given at the end of the study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 24-32
Soran Faraj Abdullah ◽  
Ibrahim Salih Abdula

There is no doubt gathering humanity in groups is a natural thing and the inner side of humanity needs that. It is real that gathering and grouping needs a power and authority to organize that. By passing time, that authority changes and improves to state. After that the philosophers and scientists improves them until becomes a civil state. Islam as a great program for our life includes the all sides of our life and our activities. Fortunately Islam specified all things for Muslims and other religions in it's state. The best evidence for that speech and opinion is the text of Quran, Hadith, compromise of Madinah, peach of scientists and Righteous Caliphs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 16-23
Hiwa Aziz Saeed ◽  
Ayub Zahir Tawfeeq

China is one of the rare world events that almost every country in the world has unforgettable. This may become the basis for the development of economic, political and ideological methods within a short and precise time frame. China has developed from a primitive agricultural country such as life cycle, medical care, education and local standard management to a country with strong economic, scientific and technological strength. Regional and international norms have transformed China from a ruined and despised country into a valuable international political force. While influencing the international and regional political equations, it also puts the world’s powerful countries first. This is the application of soft power in politics and international relations, enabling them to obtain basic materials for establishing and strengthening local politics and conducting social, scientific, military, and technological reforms while voluntarily joining the bondage. And closed the door on a regional and international scale. Establish standards and establish opaque diplomatic relations with different continents. Through these standards, they can ensure the market for their products and provide the necessary energy for the production process they initiate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 11-15
Ali Baram Mohammed

There are myriads of wants, wishes, and desires in the minds of human beings. However, the fulfillment of these needs is not always possible, for there are some internal and external factors governing the satisfaction of each desire. Before gratifying any needs and deciding whether or not to fulfill any request, it is crucial to examine the nature of this specific demand and consider the consequences that might eventually be brought about. The paper aims to represent the theme of repentance in The Five Boons of Life, which emerges from making wrong choices in life and the bitter consequences that follow. Further, it claims that Freud’s psychoanalytic theories can be applied to Mark Twain’s short story, The Five Boons of Life. The study is important as it may give some insights about where the regret comes from and how the human psyche works.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Zana Rauf Hama

إذا كان إمتناع المشرع عن تنظيم موضوع معين يعد إنحرافاً عن الحدود التي كان يتعين أن يلتزمها المشرع في مباشرة سلطته ، فان المعالجة القضائية لهذا الانحراف  تقتضي بيان السياقات الدستورية التي يمكن الاستناد اليها في إجبار البرلمان على الإلتزام بممارسة إختصاصاته التشريعية بالطريقة المشار إليها في الدستور، و في الوقت نفسه يكفل للقاضي الدستوري إختصاصه في مراقبة حالات إمتناع المشرع عن سن التشريعات  الذي إذا ما تحقـق جـاز له إعلان وجود مخالفة دستورية . إن سكوت القضاء عن مراقبة التشريعات السلبية يعني أن هنـاك منطقـة فـي التشريع لا يراقبها القضاء ، وهو أمر لا يمكن القبول به حتى وإن جاءت نصوص بعض الوثائق الدستورية خالية من الاشارة اليها، فإنه ينبغي للقضاء التدخل لمراقبة دستورية التشريعات، إيجابية كانت أم سلبية. من المعلوم أن رقابة القاضي الدستوري على الإختصاص الإيجابي للمشرع لا تثير أية إشكالية، باعتبار أن دور القاضي الدستوري ينصب أساساً على التحقق من مدى التزامه بقواعد توزيع الإختصاص كما حددها الدستور، ويقضي بعدم دستورية القوانين إذا ثبت له أن المشرع قد تجاوز حدود ولايته.  لكن تخلي المشرع وإمتناعه عن ممارسة إختصاصه التشريعي الذي منحه له الدستور هو الذي يثير الإشكالية ،الأمر الذي يطرح تساؤلاً  فيما إذا كان سكوت المشرع وسكونه عن مباشرة إختصاصه التشريعي يعتبر مخالفة لقواعد الدستور؟ أم أن المخالفة تشمل فقط الحالات التي ينظم فيها المشرع المسائل التي يختص بتنظيمها بصورة ناقصة أو تقتصر فقط على حالات عدم التزامه بحدود التفويض التشريعي،أو حالات الإحالة على السلطة التنفيذية لتوضيح وتكملة القوانين، و هذا ما سنحاول معالجته في سياق هذه الدراسة.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 127-134
Mohammad Sedigh Javanmiri ◽  
Sahima Abdulsalam Bdaiwi

This research paper seeks to investigate the importance and impact of proficiency in English language, especially in contexts where English is a foreign language, in creating well-versed literary analyses produced by university students. This study theorizes that students who have not profoundly established proper proficiency in English and indispensable critical skills are most prone to demonstrate low-grade analytical quality in their literary critical evaluations. The mainstream in the field of language teaching utilizes literature only as one of the potential learning aids that offer demanding decoding challenges to the students. The overall quality, however, of language proficiency across the students’ literary critical writings is less investigated, especially in contexts where English is a foreign language and specifically among the students who study at the Department of English at University of Human Development (UHD). The present study argues that different elements that shape language proficiency coalesce, in collaboration with developed literary and critical skills, in adequately written critical assessments of literary works. Moreover, Educational workers’, at English departments, foremost priority, based on their mission ─teaching either literature or language─ is, accordingly to hone students’ critical and language skills. Notwithstanding, the very title of the BA program in English language and literature predominantly considers the vital role of language proficiency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 115-126
Haval Abdulaziz Latif

This study aims to shed light on the teachers’ attitudes and insights towards using first language (L1) in intermediate English (L2) classrooms. It looks into the justifications and perceptions that teachers have regarding the use of Kurdish in English classrooms. More specifically, this study tries to find the major challenges that teachers face if the use of Kurdish language is ignored at intermediate schools. The analysis of this paper was based on a case study which was conducted on (10) intermediate English language teachers from (7) public and private schools in Sulaymaniyah. Qualitative methodology was applied by interviewing the participants virtually and asking the same open-ended questions. The results revealed that the majority of the teachers support the bilingual approach and the use of Kurdish language in intermediate English classrooms. Furthermore, the results showed that the teachers, to some extent, support the use of the Kurdish language to serve certain pedagogical functions, such as decreasing classroom anxiety, increasing students’ participation, explaining difficult idiomatic expressions, giving test instructions, and facilitating classroom management. The findings of this study will help the intermediate English language teachers and learners to overcome the challenges they may face and, ultimately, improve the teaching and learning process.

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