Das Konfidenzniveau und andere Hindernisse bei der Anwendung des Monetary Unit Samplings in der steuerlichen Betriebsprüfung

Andreas Bauhöfer
О. В. Чеберяко

Становлення та функціонування радянської бю-джетної системи в УСРР у 1920-ті рр. було немож-ливим без грошової реформи, а її здійснення у 1922–1924 рр. сприяло організаційно-функціональному впо-рядкуванню бюджетної системи, формуванню ста-лих показників дохідної і видаткової частин держав-ного та місцевих бюджетів, інакше – так званоготвердого бюджету. Показано, що під кутом зорубюджетного фінансування основне навантаженняпротягом 1921–1924 рр. узяв на себе радянський знак,тобто гроші державної скарбниці. Радянський знакнавіть охороняв червінець від знецінення в період йо-го запровадження як нової грошової одиниці. Тому,визначаючи вплив грошової реформи на бюджетнийпроцес, слід брати до уваги всі стадії грошової рефо-рми та співвідношення довоєнного рубля й так звано-го товарного, умовного золотого рубля. В умовахутвердження твердої валюти – червінця – для стабі-лізації бюджетної системи і бюджетних відносинважливо було запобігти знеціненню, унеможливитивід ролі емісійного засобу. Для цього необхідно булоуникати емісії в бюджетних доходах, економно ви-користовувати бюджетні видатки, відповідальноставитися до бюджетного планування, ретельнорозглядати фінансові джерела. Formation and functioning of the soviet budgetary system in Ukrainian SSR in the 1920th was impossible without monetary reform, and the realization of this reform in 1922-1924 promoted to organizationally - functional arrangement of the budgetary system, forming of permanent indexes of profitable and expendable parts, state and local budgets, that the so-called fixed budget. It is shown that from the point of view of the budgetary financing, a soviet banknote («sovznak»), that is money of treasury, undertook the basic load during 1921–1924. A soviet banknote even guarded tchervonets from depreciation in the period of introduction as new monetary unit. Therefore, determining influence of monetary reform on a budgetary process, it should to take into account all stages of monetary reform and correlation of pre-war rouble of and so called trade, conditional gold rouble. In the conditions of statement of fixed currency – tchervonets – for stabilizing the budgetary system and budgetary relations it was important to protect tchervonets from depreciation, to prevent the role of emission mean. It was necessary to avoid emission in budgetary profits, to use budgetary expenditures economically, to plan the budget responsibly, to consider financial sources carefully.

2020 ◽  
pp. 10-29
Einar Lie

This chapter discusses the formation of Norges Bank. Norges Bank was formed in 1816 by resolution of the Storting, Norway’s new parliament. The bank was not given any explicit role in government financing. However, two tasks—providing credit for the public and stability in the monetary system—were fundamental to the bank’s creation and almost every discussion of its operations for the next quarter of a century. Moreover, when chartering Norges Bank in 1816, the Storting resolved that the Norwegian monetary unit—the speciedaler—should be convertible into silver at an exchange rate that was well above the note’s purchasing power and market value at the time. Indeed, one fundamental premise in all of the proposals that proliferated in 1816, influenced by the monetary chaos during the Napoleonic Wars, was that the value of the nation’s new paper money must be backed by silver.

Yue Chim Richard Wong

Both Greece and Hong Kong have unified exchange rate regimes. Greece, as a member of the Eurozone, uses the euro as its local monetary unit. Hong Kong, under the linked exchange rate regime, uses a local monetary unit with its currency fully backed by the US dollar at a fixed rate. As a consequence, both economies have surrendered monetary independence to an external monetary authority. Both have committed to not using currency devaluation or revaluation as a policy tool for stabilizing their economies when they are struck by financial and economic shocks. The only way they could regain monetary independence would be, in Greece’s case, exiting the Eurozone and reissuing the drachma, and in Hong Kong’s case, breaking the linked exchange rate and putting in place an alternative monetary arrangement for issuing the Hong Kong dollar. An economy that has joined a unified exchange rate regime will face situations from time to time when the requirements of global economic integration will be in conflict with the requirements of a political democracy.

2018 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 185-207 ◽  
Farley Grubb

The quantity theory of money is applied to the paper money regimes of seven of the nine British North American colonies south of New England. Individual colonies, and regional groupings of contiguous colonies treated as one monetary unit, are tested. Little to no statistical relationship, and little to no magnitude of influence, between the quantities of paper money in circulation and prices are found. The quantity theory of money does not explain the value and performance of colonial paper monies well. This is a general and widespread result, and not a rare and isolated phenomenon.

2010 ◽  
Vol 55 (01) ◽  
pp. 83-101 ◽  

This paper considers the form of monetary policy coordination and regional exchange rate arrangement that would best support economic and financial integration in East Asia. In view of the region's economic diversity, we propose a graduated program of informal policy cooperation from weak forms of cooperation to more intensive modes of cooperation such as the adoption of common monetary policy objectives. An array of informal monetary arrangements rooted to the degree of institutional development can improve the effectiveness of both sovereign and regional institutions, and promote integration in East Asia. Drawing upon the European experience with the Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM), we conclude that East Asia should first embark on other forms of integration to aid in the development of a high degree of real and nominal convergence amongst the regional countries. Only then would an ERM-type system that employs a regional monetary unit become more sustainable and less susceptible to speculative currency attacks in the region.

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