scholarly journals Standard Arabic and Moroccan Arabic in the Royal Academy Of Morocco Latest Publications (2010-2013)

Laura Gago Gómez
Darsita Suparno ◽  
Ulil Abshar ◽  
M. Wildan ◽  
Tri Pujiati

This paper studies the process of sound correspondences that occur in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), Moroccan Arabic (MAR), and Najdi Arabic (NAR). It attempts to find answers for the following questions: a) What are the identical word pairs, words couples that have a phonemic correspondence, a phonetic similarity, and a pair of words that contains difference of one phoneme, b) What are the process of morphophonemic in the form of assimilation, metathesis, and epenthesis. It is addressed to portray the process of morphophonemic assimilation, metathesis and epenthesis in three Arabic languages using Crowley’s theory. This study used 207 of Morris Swadesh's basic vocabulary as the key standard procedure for collecting data. The criteria adopted to analyze the data were orthographic, sound-change, phonological, and morpheme contrast. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The source of the data was basic-word vocabulary. The data were gathered from three dictionaries as sources to get information. The data were analyzed by using structural linguistics, especially phonology, morphology, and semantics. This investigation informed several aspects of findings such as identifying prefixes, suffixes, assimilation, metathesis, and epenthesis. Using the Swadesh vocabulary list, the results of this study found 207 vocabularies for each language. By analyzing parts of speech, it was found that these vocabularies can be classified into five-word classes, namely, nouns, pronouns, verb, adjectives, adverbs, and determiners.

1998 ◽  
Vol 60 ◽  
pp. 101-111
Jan Jaap de Ruiter

The two-year Opstap-Opnieuw programme is a programme to stimulate children aged 4-6 years in their cognitive, social and linguistic development. The 'Arabic' version of the programme, which is directed at Moroccan children, consists of texts written in Modern Standard Arabic and tapes containing recordings in Moroccan Arabic and Berber. The article investigates whether the words used in the first year of the programme link up with the proficiency of Moroccan children in their mother tongue and whether the language choice based on which the programme is developed is a suitable one. The outcomes of the analyses show that the lexical level of the programme is relatively high for the target children but not too high. Furthermore it shows that the multilingual language choice of the programme seems acceptable although the original choice in favour of the Moroccan Arabic dialect is to be preferred.

2012 ◽  
Vol 65 (4) ◽  
Maarten Kossmann

AbstractIn this article, Berber-Arabic code-switching is studied in a corpus of informal conversations recorded between 1990 and 2010 in Imouzzar in the Middle Atlas (Morocco). Among native speakers of Berber, Moroccan Arabic is the language used in the public domain, while Berber is used at home. It is shown that Berber-Moroccan Arabic code-switching is relatively rare in these conversations. Intersentential code-switching can mostly be explained from specific events in the conversation. Intrasentential insertion of Berber materials into Arabic discourse is extremely rare. The inverse is much more common, but here Standard Arabic seems to play a more important role than Moroccan Arabic, with the exception of adverbs and adverbial expressions.

2008 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-155
Youssef A. Haddad

This paper suggests that what McCarthy and Prince (1990) , following Levy (1971) , call consonant-vowel metathesis in three Standard Arabic broken-plural templates is more likely a two-step diachronic process of pseudometathesis in the sense of Blevins and Garrett (1998) . This process is characterized by vowel deletion followed by vowel insertion. Evidence from present-day dialects, mainly Lebanese Arabic and Moroccan Arabic, is used to argue that this alternative analysis is the more plausible analysis.

James Dickins ◽  
Janet C. E. Watson

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-82
Ayah Farhat ◽  
Alessandro Benati

The present study investigates the effects of motivation and processing instruction on the acquisition of Modern Standard Arabic gender agreement. The role of individual differences (e.g. age, gender, aptitude, language background and working memory) on the positive effects generated by processing instruction has been investigated in the last few years. However, no previous research has been conducted to measure the possible effects of motivation on L2 learners exposed to processing instruction. In addition, a reasonable question to be addressed within the processing instruction research framework is whether its positive effects can be generalised to the acquisition of Modern Standard Arabic. The Academic Motivation Scale (AMS) and the Attitude Motivation Test Battery (AMTB) motivation questionnaires were used to capture different variables that influence motivation in order to create the two different groups (high and low motivated). In this experimental study, forty-one native English school-age learners (aged 8–11) were assigned to two groups: ‘the high motivated group’ (n = 29): and the ‘low motivated group’ (n = 12). Both groups received processing instruction, which lasted for three hours. Sentence-level interpretation and production tasks were used in a pre-test and post-test design to measure instructional effects. The learners were required to fill in gaps in both written and spoken mode for the activities. The study also included a delayed post-test administered to the two groups four weeks later. The results indicated that both groups improved equally from pre-test to post-test in all assessment measures and they both retained the positive effects of the training in the delayed posttests. Processing instruction was proved to be the main factor for the improvement in performance regardless of the learner’s level of motivation.

Zaynah Hussein Al-Qahṭānī ◽  
Asem Ali

ملخص البحث:  لقد خاض كثير من العلماء في خضم معركة الآراء التي دارت قديماً وحديثاً حول العلاقة بين العربية الشمالية واليمنية القديمة، ويأتي حكم أبي عمرو بن العلاء في مقدمة تلك الأحكام؛ فهو يرى أن الحميرية شيء والعربية شيء آخر، ومن قول أبي عمرو، وكان لهذا الحكم أثره الكبير في أفكار بعض علماء اللغة العربية القدامى وغيرهم ممن خاض في هذا الميدان؛ فاللغة اليمنية القديمة ليست لغة أعجمية، وليست هي نفسها عربية القرآن الفصحى المتوارثة بين الأجيال. تتبع الدراسة المنهج الوصفي والتحليلي، ويهدف البحث إلى استعراض أبرز المفردات الحميرية التي وردت في النقوش اليمانية ووردت ألفاظها ومعانيها في القرآن الكريم. توصلت الدراسة إلى ما يأتي: اندماج اللغة اليمنية في اللغة الحميرية وحملتها معها في ألفاظ القرآن الكريم، إن أبرز المفردات الحميرية التي وردت في النقوش اليمانية وردت ألفاظها ومعانيها في القرآن الكريم، إن أصول اللهجات اليمانية لها علاقة بالعربية الفصحى، وأن معاني المفردات في عامية أهل اليمن ودلالة الألفاظ الحميرية واللهجات اليمانية قد وردت في القرآن الكريم. الكلمات المفتاحية: التطور الدلالي-الألفاظ الحميرية-النقوش اليمانية-معاني المفردات. Abstract Many scholars have tried to contribute in the battle of views that have been going on traditionally and in modern time on the relation between the Northern Arabic and the ancient Yemeni dialect, and the opinion of Abu ʽAmru bin Al-ʽAlā' came at the top of those views. He saw that the Himyarite language and Arabic are two different entities, and this view had echoes in the thoughts of some traditional Arabic scholars and others who have been dwelling on this topic. Ancient Yemeni dialect is not a foreign dialect but at the same time is not the inherited Quranic Arabic as it is known. The study follows a descriptive analytical method and it aims to showcase the most prominent Himyarite words that were found in the Yemeni inscriptions and were also found in the Holy Quran. The study concluded with the followings;  a merging took place between the Yemeni language and the Himyarite language and subsequently with the vocabularies of the Quran; that the meaning of the most prominent Himyarite words in the Yemeni inscriptions were also mentioned in the Holy Quran; that the origin of the Yemeni dialects was related to the Standard Arabic; that the meanings of the words of the dialect of Yemenis and the meaning of Himyarite words alongside with other Yemeni dialects have been mentioned in the Quran. Keywords: Semantic development – Himyarite vocabularies – Yemeni Inscriptions – Meanings of words   Abstrak Sejumlah besar para cediakawan telah cuba untuk menyumbang dalam perdebatan pendapat yang telah berlarutan sekian lama sehinggalah ke zaman moden ini berkenaan dengan hubungkait antara loghat Arab utara dan loghat Yaman kuno serta pendapat Abu ‘Amru bin Al-‘AlÉ’ yang merupakan pendapat yang paling terkemuka di antaranya. Beliau berpendapat bahawa bahasa Himyar dan bahasa Arab adalah merupakan bahasa yang berbeza dan pendapat ini telah memberi kesan dalam pemikiran sebahagian ahli bahasa tradisional dan yang lain-lain yang membahaskan isu ini. Loghat kuno Yemen bukanlah satu dialek asing tetapi pada masa yang sama ia juga bukanlah bahasa warisan Al-Quran yang diketahui umum. Kajian ini mengikut pendekatan deskriptif analitikal dan bertujuan untuk mengetengahkan perkataan-perkataan Himyar yang penting yang ditemukan di batu-batu bersurat Yemen dan juga ditemukan di dalam Al-Quran. Kajian ini merumuskan perkara-perkara berikut: terjadi penggabungan antara bahasa Yemen dan Himyar dan seterusnya di antara perkataa-perkataan di dalam Al-Quran; maksud kebanuakan perkataan yang ditemukan dalam batu-batu bersurat itu juga turut disebut dalam Al-Quran; asal loghat-loghat Yemen ini juga mempunyai kaitan dengan Bahasa Arab Standard; terdapat di anatara maksud perkataan loghat Yemen  and maksud perkataan-perkataan Himyar di samping loghat-loghat Yemen yang lain yang turut tersebut dalam Al-Quran. Kata kunci: Perkembangan semantik – Perkataan Himyar – Batu bersurat Yemen  -Maksud perkataan

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