scholarly journals Radical Transparency and Brand Equity as Key Factors for Successful Business Strategy

This chapter analyzes the phenomenon of branding and the related process of creating new value, and thus a sustainable competitive advantage through recognition of the concept of radical transparency. The brand equity is a common denominator of all tangible and intangible resources of the company, the amount of its abilities, of any activity indicating a slightly higher value, any attempt to be better and to achieve more. Therefore, in addition the brand equity is elaborated as a source of value for the business. This chapter examines the role of brand equity in providing greater market share, creating entry barriers for new competitors, achieving production and market expansion, providing a price premium, attracting quality workforce, ensuring consumers loyalty and stimulating innovation. For the brand equity to truly provide value it should be more than the company's image or position of the product – the brand should be a unifying force across the company, providing the business with direction and purpose.

Elena Veselinova ◽  
Marija Gogova Samonikov

This chapter analyzes the phenomenon of branding and the related process of creating new value, and thus a sustainable competitive advantage through recognition of the concept of radical transparency. The brand equity is a common denominator of all tangible and intangible resources of the company, the amount of its abilities, of any activity indicating a slightly higher value, any attempt to be better and to achieve more. Therefore, in addition the brand equity is elaborated as a source of value for the business. This chapter examines the role of brand equity in providing greater market share, creating entry barriers for new competitors, achieving production and market expansion, providing a price premium, attracting quality workforce, ensuring consumers loyalty and stimulating innovation. For the brand equity to truly provide value it should be more than the company's image or position of the product – the brand should be a unifying force across the company, providing the business with direction and purpose.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Sofiati Sofiati ◽  
Ernik Yuliana ◽  
Lina Warlina

ABSTRAKTingkat kelangsungan hidup benih kerapu hybrid cantang (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus >< Epinephelus lanceolatus) yang dihasilkan di Situbondo adalah ≤10%, sehingga diperlukan upaya untuk meningkatkan tingkat kelangsungan hidup tersebut. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi hasil produksi dan merumuskan strategi alternatif pengembangan usaha pembenihan kerapu hybrid cantang skala rumah tangga (HSRT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan faktor-faktor internal dan ekstrenal secara bersama-sama berpengaruh signifikan terhadap hasil produksi pada usaha HSRT kerapu hybrid cantang (R2 = 0,798). Artinya 79,8% variasi perubahan produksi benih ikan kerapu hybrid cantang ditentukan oleh variabel bebas (sumber daya, penerapan cara pembenihan ikan yang baik (CPIB), biaya produksi, dan peran pemerintah), sedangkan sisanya sebesar 20,2% dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor lain. Pengujian secara individual (hipotesis minor) terdapat tiga variabel yang berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap hasil produksi yaitu sumber daya, penerapan CPIB dan biaya produksi. Pemilihan prioritas strategi pengembangan usaha HSRT kerapu hybrid cantang adalah peningkatan penerapan CPIB terlebih dahulu, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pengembangan pasar, dan berlanjut pada strategi pengaturan hasil produksi.ABSTRACTIn small scale hatchery of hybrid grouper, the survival rate of cantang hybrid grouper  (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus >< Epinephelus lanceolatus) was only ≤10%. The study aims to analyze several factors in which have a effect on production level and to formulate an alternative development business strategy on  hybrid grouper small scale hatchery. The research results indicated that several internal and external factors have a significant effect on production level on small scale hatchery of hybrid grouper (R2=0.798). It means that 79.8 % of change variable of hybrid grouper production was determined by free variables (resources, implementation of good aquaculture method, cost production, and role of government). However, the remaining value (20,2 %) was influenced by other factors in which out of this research scope. The selection of priority strategy on business development of hybrid grouper small scale hatchery is implementation of CPIB followed by market expansion and management of production level.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-109
Neus Vila ◽  

Scholars in recent years have urged researchers to shift from their traditional focus on specific characteristics of entrepreneurs and leaders toward research on entrepreneurship and leadership processes. To do this, researchers must better understand entrepreneurs and leaders’ cognitive processes involved in learning, awareness and knowledge acquisition. In this paper systems thinking theory and system dynamics methodologies are used in the development of a dynamic conceptual framework of learning effectiveness. The research applies the conceptual framework to nine U.S. wineries and identifies the consequences of varying levels of awareness and types of knowledge, as well as alternative learning processes on entrepreneurship and leadership effectiveness. Results indicate that one’s level of awareness and knowledge are key factors in enhancing one’s ability to learn. The types of awareness and knowledge identified most critical for enhancing entrepreneurship and leadership effectiveness are: (a) awareness of one’s mental models and learning patterns, (b) systemic knowledge and (c) business related knowledge. Results also identify that there is a positive relationship between the level of entrepreneurs’ intangible key resources and the scope of the learning process undergone. The higher the level of the intangible resources the entrepreneur moves from conducting single loop learning to double loop learning.

2014 ◽  
Vol 32 (4) ◽  
pp. 300-320 ◽  
Meena Rambocas ◽  
Vishnu M. Kirpalani ◽  
Errol Simms

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate an integrated model mapping the influence of brand affinity, customer experience, and customer satisfaction on brand equity in retail banking. Design/methodology/approach – Data were collected from 315 banking customers in Trinidad and Tobago through personally administered structured questionnaires and analyzed with Structural Equation Modelling. Findings – The findings showed the mediating role of customer satisfaction in brand equity relationships. The results also showed the pivotal role of brand affinity, customer satisfaction, and service experience in explaining brand equity. Practical implications – The study provides an integrated approach to brand building. It also offers an objective framework brand owners can use to evaluate marketing investments. It also provides a clear brand differentiation strategy for bank brands. Finally, it introduces cross-cultural research in brand equity which can be a useful competitive tool for indigenous banks and foreign banks seeking market expansion strategies. Originality/value – This research is one of the few studies that analyzed brand equity in retail banking. It advanced a brand equity framework that explores the mediating role of customer satisfaction and provides a guide to uplift perceptions and stimulate customer confidence in the banking sector.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-23
Jankit Chotigo ◽  
Yasuo Kadono

BACKGROUND: Recently, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, customer sentiment has evolved as the new “normal” for food consumption—as it affects customer behavioral change, including the way customers eat. Therefore, understanding customer demands and needs will help food delivery aggregators and retailers produce sustainable, competitive advantage and drive profitability. OBJECTIVE: This paper aims to investigate the determinant factors of Thai consumers’ intention to use on-demand food delivery applications. METHODS: Convenient random sampling was used to gather data from 250 participants who have used food delivery applications in Thailand and Amos version 23 to test model validity and the hypotheses. RESULTS: The results show that satisfaction is critical for the intention to use food delivery applications. Social influence, trust, convenience, and application quality were found to play an essential role in meeting the needs of satisfaction toward the intention to use, and application quality is the most important. However, habit showed a negative relationship, and price value was found to have a nonsignificant impact on satisfaction. CONCLUSIONS: Food delivery aggregators should ensure the quality of application updates and efficiency and that users have the best quality experience to maintain customer satisfaction. However, customers are also concerned about their health and safety, which has altered their purchasing behavior. Therefore, restaurant players should add a third delivery system that optimize online ordering and delivery.

This chapter begins with the analysis of the question whether the real sources of sustainable competitive advantage derive from the strengthening of the companies' internal strengths and eliminating internal weaknesses or are they the result of a successful manipulation with the opportunities in the environment and the avoidance of external threats. Despite the efforts of many authors to summarize the first with the latter, modern scientific thought in the field of strategic management underlines the first variant. As a logical sequence, the analysis of the intangible resources of companies and their (im)mobility follows as a necessary condition for sustainable competitive advantage. The authors analyze the idea of the brand equity as a resource which summarizes all typical resources and capabilities of the company creating and maintaining the desired competitive advantage. Finally, the analysis of the brand equity through the prism of the VRIO model is a further proof for the brand equity role as a source of sustainable competitive advantage.

NICODEMUS B2041141022

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kausalitas dengan menggambarkan kondisi sebagaimana adanya berdasarkan data yang diperoleh pada saat penelitian pada stockiest Tupperware Jl.Danau Sentarum dan Jl. Sungai jawi kota  Pontianak. Dalam penelitian ini, sampel diambil sebanyak 100 responden yang menggunakan produk Tupperware. Teknik analisis data menggunaka analisis Regresi Bertahap (Analisis Jalur/Path Analysis), Analisis jalur tidak hanya menguji pengaruh langsung, tetapi juga menjelaskan tentang ada atau tidaknya pengaruh tidak langsung yang diberikan variabel bebas melalui variabel intervening terhadap variabel terikat.Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kualitas produk (X1) dan citra merek (X2) tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian (Y1) produk Tupperware, hal ini berarti H1 dan H2 ditolak. Sedangkan nilai emosional (X3) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian (Y1) produk Tupperware, hal ini berarti H3 terbukti (diterima).Berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis, dapat diketahui bahwa citra merek (X2) dan nilai emosional (X3) tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen (Y2) produk Tupperware, hal ini berarti H5 dan H6 tidak terbukti (ditolak). Sedangkan kualitas produk (X1) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen (Y2), hal ini berarti H4 terbukti (diterima). Berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis keputusan pembelian (Y1) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen (Y2) produk Tupperware, hal ini berarti H7 terbukti (diterima). 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