Excellent Systems Analysts

M. Gordon Hunter

There is evidence which suggests the software crisis still exists and is negatively impacting both information systems (IS) development and maintenance. Kendall (1992) has reported IS development backlogs averaging 30 work-months. Others (Senn, 1985; Yourdon, 1989) including Kendall (1992) suggest a hidden backlog, users’ plans not even submitted as requests because of the identified backlog, may result in IS development delays of up to four to seven years. Further Laudon and Laudon (1998) have determined that 51 percent of software development projects require up to three times more than the initial budget for both cost and time. The situation regarding IS maintenance is also of concern. Kendall (1992) suggests the IS maintenance software crisis has resulted from problems created in phases prior to programming. This situation is further confounded by the fact that the later in the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) that an error is discovered, the more it costs to fix (Boehm, 1981).

2014 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
I Gede Adi Saputra Yasa

This study was aimed to (1) describe the problems in the drainage system in MonangManing area, (2) design the waterway of the drainage system based on subak local genius,and (3) implement the design model of drainage system based on subak local genius, especially for the route along Monang Maning area, in West Denpasar district – Denpasarmunicipality, by using the Geography Information System.This research used the software development method called System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), which was divided into 5 cycled phases; Planning, Analysis, Design,Implementation and Maintenance. This study produced some products based on the purposes of the study; (1) thedescription of the problems in the drainage system in Monang Maning which included thewaste disposal into the water, the land exploitation, the utilization of the buildings, the trespassing over the river border sign, sedimentation, the constriction of the river orwaterway, and the constriction or the loss of the water holes on the pavement due to theraising of the street height, (2) the waterway of the drainage system based on subak local genius, which involved the transformation of telabah gede / telabah aya into 9 (nine) primarydrainage waterways, the transformation of telabah pemaron gede into 16 (sixteen) secondarydrainage waterways and the transformation of telabah pemaron cenik into 27 tertiary drainage waterways, in which the division buildings for the drainage waterways based onsubak local genius in Monang Maning were 7 primary inlet-outlet control, 23 secondary inlet- outlet control and 28 tertiary inlet-outlet control, (3) the implementation of software usingMAPINFO, MySQL 5, VB 6 and ODBC 5.3 software. The software presented the primary,secondary and tertiary waterway design, the direction and the connectors on each waterway.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 560-570
Ubbaidillah Ubbaidillah ◽  
Evayani Evayani

The development of technology today is very rapid and many innovations created such as administrative information systems have been used by many parties, both organizations and educational institutions. Especially in pesantren educational institutions that still use manual administrative information systems, therefore this study aims to assist the Administration in matters relating to the SPP payment process and SPP payment reports that are efficient and effective using desktops. This application is made with Xampp software and uses the PHP programming language that uses the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method. The results of the study were desktop-based SPP payment applications at the Tgk Chiek Oemar Diyan Modern Islamic Boarding School

I Gede Adi Saputra Yasa

This study was aimed to (1) describe the problems in the drainage system in MonangManing area, (2) design the waterway of the drainage system based on subak local genius,and (3) implement the design model of drainage system based on subak local genius, especially for the route along Monang Maning area, in West Denpasar district – Denpasarmunicipality, by using the Geography Information System.This research used the software development method called System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), which was divided into 5 cycled phases; Planning, Analysis, Design,Implementation and Maintenance. This study produced some products based on the purposes of the study; (1) thedescription of the problems in the drainage system in Monang Maning which included thewaste disposal into the water, the land exploitation, the utilization of the buildings, the trespassing over the river border sign, sedimentation, the constriction of the river orwaterway, and the constriction or the loss of the water holes on the pavement due to theraising of the street height, (2) the waterway of the drainage system based on subak local genius, which involved the transformation of telabah gede / telabah aya into 9 (nine) primarydrainage waterways, the transformation of telabah pemaron gede into 16 (sixteen) secondarydrainage waterways and the transformation of telabah pemaron cenik into 27 tertiary drainage waterways, in which the division buildings for the drainage waterways based onsubak local genius in Monang Maning were 7 primary inlet-outlet control, 23 secondary inlet- outlet control and 28 tertiary inlet-outlet control, (3) the implementation of software usingMAPINFO, MySQL 5, VB 6 and ODBC 5.3 software. The software presented the primary,secondary and tertiary waterway design, the direction and the connectors on each waterway.

Ansari Saleh Ahmar ◽  
Rusli Rusli ◽  
Nasrul Ihsan

Abstract: The aim of this paper was to develop a website of research institue at Universitas Negeri Makassar, that can be accessed by many people to check information about reseach anytime and anywhere without the limit of time and location so that the disclosure of information research can be done. The method used in this research is the Software Development Life Cycle method with the three stages namely Initiation Phase, Development/Acquisition Phase, and Implementation Phase. The development of this information system using PHP and CodeIgniter as a its framework. This system development using PHP programming language and CodeIgniter Framework with MySQL database. Abstrak: Tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah dikembangkannya suatu Website Lembaga Penelitian di Universitas Negeri Makassar yang dapat diakses oleh berbagai pihak yang terkait dengan penelitian kapan saja dan dimana saja tanpa adanya batasan waktu dan lokasi sehingga keterbukaan informasi penelitian dapat terlaksana. Metode yang digunakan pada tulisan ini yaitu Metode Software Development Life Cycle dengan tiga tahapan yaitu fase awal, fase pengembangan, dan fase implementasi. Pengembangan sistem informasi ini menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP berbasis pada Framework CodeIgniter dengan basis data MySQL. Keywords: CodeIgniter, Information Systems, Website, Research Insitute, Universitas Negeri Makassar

ICIT Journal ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-204
Witta Listiya Ningrum

Jakarta merupakan Ibukota Negara Indonesia yang memiliki kekayaan berupa kuliner yang beragam. Tetapi seiring berjalannya waktu, makanan khas Jakarta tergeser oleh makanan luar negeri yang masuk ke kota Jakarta. Hal ini membuat masyarakat kurang minat terhadap makanan khas kota jakarta. Aplikasi Resep Jakarta berisi berbagai resep makanan khas Jakarta yang diharapkan aplikasi ini dapat membantu masyarakat dalam membuat makanan kuliner Indonesia khususnya menu makanan Jakarta. Aplikasi ini dibuat menggunakan Android Studio. Metode penelitian yang penulis gunakan dalam pembuatan resep Jakarta adalah SDLC (System Development Life Cycle). Tahapan pertama dilakukan adalah perencanaan, tahapan perancangan, impelementasi dan uji coba. Aplikasi ini sudah dilakukan pengujian, yaitu pengujian menggunakan metode Black-box. Hasil dari uji coba yaitu semua fungsi berjalan dengan baik sesuai harapan. Kata Kunci : Aplikasi, Jakarta, Android, SDLC, Makanan

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Restu Yoga Setia ◽  
Deasy Permatasari ◽  
Wahyuni Yuni

Aplikasi Multimedia pembelajaran sebagai salah satu media yang dapatdigunakan dalam penyampaian materi di sekolah, memberikan dampak positifbagi Guru dan Siswa dalam hal pemanfaatan perangkat digitalisasi danTeknologi Informasi di era Globalisasi saat ini. Hal ini termasuk pula memanfaatkan E-Learning yang pada saat ini merupakan media komunikatif dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar (PBM). Mata pelajaran Pendidikan LingkunganHidup (PLH) di tingkat Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP), yang salah satunyamempelajari sub bab materi tentang bencana alam. Dalam Proses PBM disekolah khususnya tingkat Menengah Pertama, rata-rata secara umum Gurusebagai penyampai materi masih menggunakan metode pembelajaran danmedia yang bersifat konvensional, yaitu hanya dengan memanfatkan metodeinteraksi langsung dengan siswa dan media buku-buku pelajaran tanpa ataubahkan tidak sama sekali memanfaatkan perangkat Teknologi Informasi (IT).Hal tersebut menyebabkan siswa harus menalar kronologis kejadian bencanaalam yang dirasakan agak menyulitkan baik bagi pihak Guru maupun Siswadalam memahami materi pelajaran karena akan lebih baik apabila terdapatmedia yang dapat memperlihatkan dengan jelas tentang fenomena bencanaalam dengan menggunakan aplikasi multimedia sebagai media yang dapatmembantu secara visualisasi dalam bentuk video animasi, sehingga materiakan lebih mudah dipahami dan ditalar oleh siswa. Metode pengembangansistem yang digunakan adalah model SDLC (System Development Life Cycle)atau Waterfall. Karena model ini bertujuan menghasilkan sistem dengankualitas yang tinggi, memenuhi harapan penggunanya, tepat dalam waktu danbiaya, bekerja dengan efektif dan efisien dalam infrastruktur TeknologiInformasi yang ada atau yang direncanakan, serta murah dalam perawatan danpengembangan lebih lanjut. Berdasarkan permasalahan diatas, maka dibuatlahsebuah “Aplikasi Multimedia Pembelajaran Pendidikan Lingkungan HidupTentang Bencana Alam”. Aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat membantu siswa dalammempelajari materi Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup tentang bencana alamdengan menonjolkan objek gambar, suara, animasi video, animasi yangmenarik dan interaktif yang diharapkan akan dapat berfungsi dalam membantudalam PBM.

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Rani Susanto ◽  
Anna Dara Andriana

System Development Life Cycle atau yang lebih dikenal dengan istilah SDLC adalah metodologi umum yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan sistem informasi. SDLC terdiri dari beberapa fase yang dimulai dari fase perencanaan, analisis, perancangan, implementasi hingga pemeliharaan sistem. Konsep SDLC ini mendasari berbagai jenis model pengembangan perangkat lunak untuk membentuk suatu kerangka kerja untuk perencanaan dan pengendalian pembuatan sistem informasi. Model-model SDLC yang sering digunakan antara lain Waterfall dan Prototyping. Pembahasan mengenai model pengembangan perangkat lunak ini terdapat di salah satu materi di mata kuliah Analisis dan Desain Sistem Informasi yang ada di program studi Teknik Informatika yaitu di Bab 2 Pengembangan Sistem Informasi.Hasil perbandingan dari kedua model tersebut menyatakan bahwa model waterfall lebih cocok untuk sistem atau perangkat lunak yang bersifat generik, artinya sistem dapat diidentifikasi semua kebutuhannya dari awal dengan spesifikasi yang umum. Sesuai dengan karakteristik model ini, contoh topik Tugas Akhir/Skripsi yang cocok jika menggunakan model ini adalah tugas akhir/skripsi yang memiliki tujuan untuk membangun sebuah sistem dari awal yang mengumpulkan kebutuhan sistem yang akan dibangun sesuai dengan topik penelitian yang dipilih sampai dengan produk tersebut diuji. Sedangkan prototyping lebih cocok untuk sistem atau perangkat lunak yang bersifat customize, artinya software yang diciptakan berdasarkan permintaan dan kebutuhan (bahkan situasi atau kondisi) tertentu. Sesuai dengan karakteristik model ini contoh topik Tugas Akhir/Skripsi yang cocok jika menggunakan model ini adalah tugas akhir/skripsi yang memiliki tujuan untuk mengimplementasikan sebuah metode atau algoritma tertentu pada suatu kasus.Keywords : System Development Life Cycle, Waterfall, Prototype

Andriy Lishchytovych ◽  
Volodymyr Pavlenko

The present article describes setup, configuration and usage of the key performance indicators (KPIs) of members of project teams involved into the software development life cycle. Key performance indicators are described for the full software development life cycle and imply the deep integration with both task tracking systems and project code management systems, as well as a software product quality testing system. To illustrate, we used the extremely popular products - Atlassian Jira (tracking development tasks and bugs tracking system) and git (code management system). The calculation of key performance indicators is given for a team of three developers, two testing engineers responsible for product quality, one designer, one system administrator, one product manager (responsible for setting business requirements) and one project manager. For the key members of the team, it is suggested to use one integral key performance indicator per the role / team member, which reflects the quality of the fulfillment of the corresponding role of the tasks. The model of performance indicators is inverse positive - the initial value of each of the indicators is zero and increases in the case of certain deviations from the standard performance of official duties inherent in a particular role. The calculation of the proposed key performance indicators can be fully automated (in particular, using Atlassian Jira and Atlassian Bitbucket (git) or any other systems, like Redmine, GitLab or TestLink), which eliminates the human factor and, after the automation, does not require any additional effort to calculate. Using such a tool as the key performance indicators allows project managers to completely eliminate bias, reduce the emotional component and provide objective data for the project manager. The described key performance indicators can be used to reduce the time required to resolve conflicts in the team, increase productivity and improve the quality of the software product.

Sampada G.C ◽  
Tende Ivo Sake ◽  

Background: With the advancement in the field of software development, software poses threats and risks to customers’ data and privacy. Most of these threats are persistent because security is mostly considered as a feature or a non-functional requirement, not taken into account during the software development life cycle (SDLC). Introduction: In order to evaluate the security performance of a software system, it is necessary to integrate the security metrics during the SDLC. The appropriate security metrics adopted for each phase of SDLC aids in defining the security goals and objectives of the software as well as quantify the security in the software. Methods: This paper presents systematic review and catalog of security metrics that can be adopted during the distinguishable phases of SDLC, security metrics for vulnerability and risk assessment reported in the literature for secure development of software. The practices of these metrics enable software security experts to improve the security characteristics of the software being developed. The critical analysis of security metrics of each phase and their comparison are also discussed. Results: Security metrics obtained during the development processes help to improve the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of software. Hence, it is imperative to consider security during the development of the software, which can be done with the use of software security metrics. Conclusion: This paper reviews the various security metrics that are meditated in the copious phases during the progression of the SDLC in order to provide researchers and practitioners with substantial knowledge for adaptation and further security assessment.

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