development projects
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بكاري مختار ◽  
بن سعيد لخضر

This paper aims to highlight the importance of investing in renewable energies in order to advance sustainable development in Algeria, as investment in this field has known continuous development in recent years, convinced that renewable energies are the most important and strategic option for achieving sustainable development in the future, and has been reached To a set of results, the most important of which are that renewable energy has the ability to meet the need for development in Algeria, as well as its ability to increase development and growth on a large scale, and renewable energy plays an important role in translating the dimensions of sustainable development, as its development projects contribute to achieving Economic gains, improve social conditions and preserve the environmental heritage for future generations, in order to achieve sustainable development.

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 047-062
Tomasz Bajowluk

The area around Krakow airport is an attractive developmental urban area. The concentration of passenger traffic and the flow of goods is conducive to new development projects. These projects are associated with the operation of airports, as well as new uses which see the proximity of an airport as an additional asset in operating a business based on access to a form of high-speed transport. This paper presents the findings of research concerning the existing spatial structure, transport accessibility and compositional determinants within an area around Krakow Airport, which can be used to assess the phenomena present and formulate principles and trajectories of shaping them in the future. The study was based on an analysis of selected elements of the existing functio-spatial structure, as well as available materials and subject-specific planning documents. Due to the specificity of areas around airports, which undergo dynamic change, it appears key to determine the individual form of development and land cover, that skilfully combines modernity and comfort of use with meshing with the local landscape, featuring a network of linkages and the character of suburban space. The issues present in this area are distinctive of many cities and require coherent land development proposals.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 756
Rocío Rodríguez-Rivero ◽  
Isabel Ortiz-Marcos

When working with international development projects (IDPs), the use of the logical framework approach (LFA) prevails as the most important tool to plan and manage these projects. This paper presents how the methodology has been enriched, including risk management (LFRMA logical framework with risk management approach), proposing an original contribution, tested with professionals that will improve the effectiveness of IDPs by increasing their success rate and their sustainability. The steps followed to design the methodology (problem statement (literature review, interview with experts, questionnaire for professionals. and statistical analysis), case study analysis (eight case studies in Colombia, interviews with IDPs managers, focus groups, questionnaire for participants, qualitative analysis, and fuzzy analysis) and design of LFRMA (focus group with experts)) and the methodology itself (how to introduce risk management during all the life cycle through the methodology steps) are presented. Conclusions answer the research questions: can the effectiveness and sustainability of IDPs be improved? Can risk management help to improve IDPs effectiveness? Would it be useful to introduce risk management into the LFA? The LFRMA methodology consists of two fields of application, the first at the organization level and the second at the project level.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 780
Yovana Clarivel Surco-Guillen ◽  
Javier Romero ◽  
Rocío Rodríguez-Rivero ◽  
Isabel Ortiz-Marcos

From the reports of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE), a limited analysis of the factors affecting the execution of development cooperation projects was identified. Thanks to the review of scientific articles by renowned authors, effectiveness, relevance, competencies and motivation, sustainability, risk management, and additionality were evaluated using the analysis of relationships between variables and causality using IBM SPSS and fsQCA 3.0 software, respectively. As a result, a model was obtained that relates the components, factors, and roles that make up the stakeholder matrix. It was concluded that the effectiveness factor has a significant relationship with the success of a project; however, this could not be possible without a good development of sustainability and risk management, the latter being a necessary and sufficient condition for success in this type of projects. Currently, risk management has not only become a necessity nowadays, but the improvement of risk management will increase sustainability in project management, the main factors for the success of a project.

2022 ◽  
Dirk Kohnert

ABSTRACT & RÉSUMÉ & ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: The belief in occult forces is still deeply rooted in many African societies, regardless of education, religion, and social class of the people concerned. According to many Africans its incidence is even increasing due to social stress and strain caused (among others) by the process of modernization. Most often magic and witchcraft accusations work to the disadvantage of the poor and deprived, but under particular circumstances they become a means of the poor in the struggle against oppression by establishing "cults of counterviolence." Magic and witchcraft beliefs have increasingly been instrumentalized for political purposes. Apparently they can be used to support any kind of political system, whether despotic or democratic. The belief in occult forces has serious implications for development cooperation. Development projects, which constitute arenas of strategic groups in their struggle for power and control over project resources, are likely to add further social stress to an already endangered precarious balance of power, causing witchcraft accusations to flourish. In addition, witchcraft accusations may serve as indicators of hidden social conflicts which are difficult to detect by other methods. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RÉSUMÉ : [ La magie et la sorcellerie : conséquences pour la démocratisation et l'aide à la réduction de la pauvreté en Afrique ] - La croyance en forces occultes est encore profondément enracinée dans des nombreuses sociétés africaines, indépendamment de l'éducation, de la religion et de la classe sociale des personnes concernées. Selon des nombreux Africains, son incidence augmente encore en raison du stress social et de la tension causée (entre autres) par le processus de modernisation. Le plus souvent, les accusations de magie et de sorcellerie font mal aux pauvres et aux personnes défavorisées, mais dans des circonstances particulières, elles deviennent un moyen pour les pauvres dans la lutte contre l'oppression en établissant des « cultes de contre-violence ». Les croyances magiques et sorcelleries ont de plus en plus été instrumentées à des fins politiques. Apparemment, ils peuvent être utilisés pour soutenir tout type de système politique, qu'il soit despotique ou démocratique. La croyance en forces occultes a de sérieuses implications pour la coopération au développement. Les projets de développement, qui constituent des arènes de groupes stratégiques dans leur lutte pour le pouvoir et le contrôle sur les ressources du projet, sont susceptibles d'ajouter un stress social supplémentaire à un équilibre de pouvoir précaire déjà menacé, ce qui entraînera des accusations de sorcellerie. En outre, les accusations de sorcellerie peuvent servir d'indicateur de conflits sociaux cachés qui sont difficiles à détecter par d'autres méthodes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: [Magie und Hexerei: Implikationen für Demokratisierung und armuts-lindernde Entwicklungshilfe in Afrika] - Der Glaube an okkulte Mächte ist immer noch fest verankert in vielen afrikanischen Gesellschaften, unabhängig von Ausbildung, Religion und sozialer Klasse der betroffenen Menschen. Viele Afrikaner glauben sogar, dass Hexerei weiter zunimmt durch die wachsenden gesellschaftlichen Gegensätze im Rahmen der Modernisierung. In der Regel wirken Hexenanschuldigungen zum Nachteil der Armen und Entrechteten. Aber unter bestimmten Umständen können sie durch die Etablierung von ‚Kulten der Gegengewalt‘ auch zum Mittel der Armen in ihrem Kampf gegen Unterdrückung werden. Der Glaube an Magie und Hexerei wird in Afrika zunehmend für politische Zwecke instrumentalisiert. Augenscheinlich kann er zur Unterstützung jeglicher politischer Systeme, ob despotisch oder demokratisch, genutzt werden. Aus dem Glauben an okkulte Mächte ergeben sich gravierende Implikationen für die Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Entwicklungsprojekt, die auf lokaler Ebene Schauplatz strategischer Gruppen in ihrer Auseinandersetzung um Macht und Kontrolle über Projektmittel bilden, sind dazu angetan, weiteren sozialen Stress zum ohnehin schon prekären Machtgleichgewicht hinzuzufügen, und heizen Hexenanschuldigungen damit an. Davon abgesehen, können Hexenanschuldigungen als Indikator für versteckte soziale Konflikte dienen, die durch andere Methoden der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit kaum aufzudecken sind.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-24
Mst Taskia Khatun ◽  
Kazuo Hiekata ◽  
Yutaka Takahashi ◽  
Isaac Okada

Significance The election was a triumph for Hong Kong’s Beijing-friendly politicians, with only one of 90 seats won by a non-establishment candidate. Most opposition politicians did not take part in the election. The few independent candidates that did performed badly due to low turnout among pro-democracy voters. Impacts Major development projects are likely to remain on hold as long as pandemic-related border restrictions continue. Political engagement by the generally pro-democracy middle and professional classes may wane, weakening some of the city's institutions. Emigration may continue in the next year due to continued disillusionment.

2022 ◽  
Tom Crick ◽  
Tom Prickett ◽  
Jill Bradnum ◽  
Alan Godfrey

The development of a telehealth technology in an academic setting is a complex project that faces several obstacles. The early assessment of the project risks plays a critical role in the translation of promising telehealth innovations into healthcare practice. This paper presents a decision support tool based on Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and Quality Function Deployment (QFD) techniques to associate the project risks to relevant success factors. Certain modifications in both techniques are applied to deploy them for project risk assessment. The project risks and success factors used in the tool are identified from the literature. The proposed decision support tool enables researchers to manage the risks in their telehealth development projects and identify action items to overcome such risks. The application of the proposed tool is illustrated with a telehealth development project for virtual physical therapy.

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