The Adaptability of Three Local Legumes Species to Lead-Zinc Tailings

2011 ◽  
Vol 356-360 ◽  
pp. 1339-1345 ◽  
Biao Li ◽  
Zhi Xiong ◽  
Fu Jun Miao ◽  
Xue Ying Zhou ◽  
Jin Hua Wang ◽  

Pot experiments with three local legumes (Trifolium repens L., Vicia Cracca L., Medicago sativa L.) were conducted in five different amendment substrates to research into the revegetation in Lanping, Yunnan province. The main factors of restrict growing of vegetation are lack of nutrient, high concentration of Pb 2+ and Zn2+ , poor in water-holding capacity in lead-zinc tailings. Trifolium repens L. and Vicia Cracca L. are taken as pioneer plants of lead-zinc tailings according to characteristics of the three local legumes species during the growth periods about indexes of the seeding survival, height, biomass, chlorophyll content, SOD (superoxide dismutase) and CAT (catalase) activity, TF75 (75 percent tailings soil + 25 percent rural soil) amendment approach is more reasonable for the revegetation of lead-zinc tailings in Lanping based on three local legumes species growth indexes and feasibility.

1981 ◽  
Vol 61 (4) ◽  
pp. 915-927
J. L. DIONNE ◽  
G. ROY ◽  

Timothy and Ladino-timothy pastures (Phleum pratence L. et Trifolium repens L.) were compared to corn (Zea mays) and alfalfa-timothy silages (Medicago sativa L. and Phleum pratence L.) for forage and milk production. Three groups of 10 Holstein cows were used over three summers. Concentrate feeding was done according to the amount of milk fat produced. The grazing season extended from 29 May to 7 Oct., and the stoking rate was 3.09 cows per hectare. Cows fed silage were kept in confinement. Forage dry matter yields were 8677 kg/ha for the timothy pasture, 6574 kg/ha for the Ladino-timothy pasture, 7040 kg/ha for the alfalfa-timothy silage and 8740 kg/ha for the corn silage. Milk production per hectare was highest from fields harvested for silage: 11 891 kg/ha from silage compared to 8147 kg/ha from pasture. The forage-producing area required per cow was 0.15 ha for the silage crop and 0.28 ha for the pastures. Daily fat corrected milk production per cow was 21.8 kg on Ladino-timothy pasture, 21.6 kg on timothy pasture and only 18.2 kg per cow fed silage. The feed conversion index was 1.16 kg of dry matter per kilogram of milk for cows on pasture and 0.88 for those receiving silage. Milk produced from timothy pasture contained more protein than milk produced from silage; other milk constituents were not affected by treatments. A high concentration of urea was found in the blood serum of cows grazing on pasture due to the high amount of nitrogen contained in the herbage.

2017 ◽  
Vol 57 (3) ◽  
pp. 539 ◽  
P. Beck ◽  
T. Hess ◽  
D. Hubbell ◽  
M. S. Gadberry ◽  
J. Jennings ◽  

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of including alfalfa (ALF, Medicago sativa L.) or a combination of white (Trifolium repens L.) and red (Trifolium pretense L.) clovers (CLVR) inter-seeded into bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon L. Pers.) on herbage nutritive value compared with monocultures of bermudagrass fertilised with 0 (0N), 56 (56N), or 112 (112N) kg nitrogen (N)/ha over four grazing seasons. In autumn, at the end of the fourth year and in the spring before the fifth grazing season, alfalfa and clover plants were killed and the carryover N benefit of CLVR or ALF was compared with N fertilisation rates during the fifth year. Across years, N fertilisation rate increased herbage mass and carrying capacity linearly; whereas herbage production from CLVR and ALF swards was equivalent to 56N, were greater than 0N and less than 112N. Herbage mass in CLVR and ALF swards was greater than fertilised bermudagrass swards in the spring and did not differ from fertilised bermudagrass in the early summer. In late summer herbage accumulation of CLVR and ALF swards appeared to decrease, limiting the herbage mass in the legume pastures compared with 56N and 112N. Carrying capacity of CLVR and ALF swards was greater than fertilised bermudagrass in the spring and early summer, but did not differ from fertilised swards in the late summer. The N benefit of including legumes in bermudagrass swards can alleviate the reliance on synthetic N fertilisation with little overall effect on pasture carrying capacity.

1960 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
CG Greenham ◽  
H Daday

This paper deals with probe measurements of low frequency resistance (RLF), high frequency resistance (RHF), and resistance index (= 100 x RLF/RHF), for the determination of cold hardiness or the injury caused by cold treatments. Populations of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) were subjected to different periods of freezing. Discrimination between treatments could be made in terms of RLF, RHF, and resistance index, though discrimination in terms of RHF is poor. The rest of the paper deals with lucerne (Medicago sativa L.). Measurements were made after a cold treatment on field plants consisting of four commercial strains and their F1 crosses, and also on F2 seedlings. RLF and the resistance index appear to be equally good predictors for the recovery of strains or of individual plants from such populations. The Appendix deals with measurements on commercial (tetraploid) plants, diploids, and colchicine-produced tetraploids.

A.R.M. Medeiros ◽  
L.A.S. Castro ◽  
A.A. Lucchesi

Foram estudados os efeitos alelopáticos produzidos por cinco espécies vegetais: as gramíneas Avena sativa L., e Lolium multiflorum Lamb.; e as leguminosas Vicia sp., Mediaago sativa L. e Trifolium repens L. Canteiros isolados foram preparados, adubados e semeados de acordo com as recomendações técnicas usuais. Nos resultados obtidos observou-se alta incidência de invasoras nos canteiros de Trifolium repens L. e Medicago sativa L., contrastando com os canteiros de Avena sativa L. e Lolium multiflorum Lamb., onde poucas foram as espécies encontradas; enquanto o canteiro de Vicia sp. manteve posição intermediária. Com base nos dados obtidos, pode-se recomendar as duas gramíneas como cultura de cobertura com propriedades alelopáticas, assim como a Vicia sp. quando desejar-se além da redução das plantas invasoras, matéria orgânica para incorporação.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 37-40
L. M. Bugryn ◽  
T. V. Partyka ◽  
O. M. Pokhaliuk

Проаналізовано рослинний та ґрунтовий покрив земель, виведених із сільськогосподарського користування під влаштування фермерського мисливського господарства. Видовий склад на території вольєра нараховує 60 видів рослин, більшість з яких представлена різнотрав'ям, а основні злаки характеризуються низькою кормовою цінністю. Бобові представлені тільки розкиданими екземплярами горошку мишачого (Vicia cracca L.) та конюшини повзучої (Trifolium repens L.). Така невелика кількість цінних злакових і бобових трав зумовлює необхідність докорінного покращення наявних пасовищ. Виявлено низьку забезпеченість ґрунтів досліджуваної території поживними елементами, низький ступінь гумусованості, кислу реакцію середовища. Характеристики ґрунту зумовлюють використання як бобового компонента травосуміші лядвенцю рогатого (Lotus corniculatus L.) та конюшини гібридної (Trifolium hybridum L.). Запропоновано в умовах Полісся Західного на середньозволожених луках із мінеральними ґрунтами на територіях, виведених із сільськогосподарського використання, залужувати пасовища для оленя лісового (Cervus elaphus L.) сумішами із тимофіївки лучної (Phleum pratense L.), грястиці збірної (Dactylis glomerata L.), пажитниці багаторічної (Lolium perenne L.), лядвенцю рогатого та конюшини гібридної.

1973 ◽  
Vol 53 (2) ◽  
pp. 269-278 ◽  
F. W. CALDER ◽  
W. D. CANHAM ◽  

The chemical Alar-85 (N-dimethyl amino succinamic acid) was applied to alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and Ladino white clover plants (Trifolium repens L.) as an aqueous spray between 2,500 and 15,000 ppm. It was found that Alar-85 altered the growth of the plants and improved the ability of these plants to withstand frost and drought. In addition, changes in carbohydrate content of the plant tissue took place as well as changes in leaf structure and the morphology of vascular tissue. Spectrophotometric determinations of extracts of plant tissue indicated increased photosynthetic pigments with increased treatment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 236-244
Cristina V. Alvarez Gonçalvez ◽  
Magali Rodriguez ◽  
Alicia Fernández Cirelli ◽  
Alejo Leopoldo Pérez Carrera

A planície de Chacopampeana é uma das áreas mais afetadas pelo arsênico na Argentina, principalmente em águas subterrâneas, usada tanto para água potável animal quanto para irrigação forrageira. O principal objetivo deste estudo é determinar o efeito do arsênio (As) presente na água de irrigação sobre os parâmetros de germinação de sementes forrageiras: trevo vermelho (Trifolium pratense L.), trevo branco (Trifolium repens L.) e alfafa (Medicago sativa L.) expostos a diferentes concentrações de As (V). Verificou-se que os parâmetros de germinação e viabilidade das sementes das três espécies não foram afetados pelas concentrações elevadas de As. No entanto, reduziu significativamente o comprimento da radícula e o comprimento do hipocótilo das três mudas de forragem, e seu nível de inibição é maior com o aumento da concentração de As. Quanto à relação comprimento de hipocótilo/comprimento da radícula, os resultados evidenciaram que nas espécies de trevo tanto o hipocótilo quanto a radícula são afetados no mesmo grau, enquanto as radículas de alfafa pareceram mais afetadas do que os hipocótilos em concentrações maiores de As. Nossos resultados mostraram que a irrigação com soluções contém Afetar os parâmetros de crescimento de plântulas de maneira diferente nas três espécies, e foi demonstrado que o efeito do As é principalmente evidenciado em altas concentrações.

2004 ◽  
Vol 53 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 367-376 ◽  
A. A. Khalif ◽  
H. Abdorhim ◽  
Hosam E. H. T. Bayoumi ◽  
Anna Füzy ◽  
Mihály Kecskés

Üvegházi körülmények között savanyú barna erdotalajban nevelt fehér here (Trifolium repens L.) növények rizoszférájának sókezelés hatására bekövetkezo változását ellenoriztük. Megvizsgáltuk a különbözo sókoncentrációknak (0, 0,2, 0,4, 0,6 és 0,8 tömeg %) a baktériumnépesség összetételére és a különbözo talajenzimek aktivitására gyakorolt hatását.  Megállapítottuk, hogy a talaj sótartalma közvetlenül befolyásolta a rizoszférában található fluoreszkáló pszeudomonaszok csíraszámát. A legsurubb populáció a 0,2% NaCl-ot tartalmazó talajban volt mérheto, ahol a fluoreszkáló pszeudomonaszok között a Pseudomonas putida és a P. fluorescens fordultak elo a legnagyobb számban. A pszeudomonaszok ily módon jól tolerálják a talaj magas NaCl-tartalmát, és gyökérkolonizáló tevékenységet képesek kifejteni a magas NaCl-tartalmú talajban is. A sókoncentráció növelésével kezdetben (a 0,2-0,4%-os tartományban) jelentosen növekedett a dehidrogenáz, kataláz, és ureáz enzimek aktivitása. A proteáz enzimek aktivitásmaximuma a 0,1-0,2% NaCl-koncentráció tartományba esett. A 0,4%-nál magasabb koncentrációkban a kontrollhoz hasonló mértékure csökkent mind a négy enzim aktivitása, és a baktériumok száma is. A foszfatáz- és a b-glükozidáz-tevékenység viszont a NaCl-dózis növelése következtében a koncentrációval arányosan, jelentosen csökkent a kontrollhoz viszonyítva.  Feltételezésünk szerint az enzimaktivitások változását is a sókezelés hatására bekövetkezo mikrobióta összetételének megváltozása okozta.

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