A New Species of Hilara from Arctic Canada (Diptera: Empidae)

1955 ◽  
Vol 87 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-46 ◽  
G. E. Shewell

Black, uniformly dark brown- or grey-pollinose. Thorax obscurely quadrivittate. Legs short-haired. Wings milk-white in both sexes.Head black; frons and occiput, viewed from above, velvety with dark-brown tinge; bristles and hairs fine, black, the former about as long as third antennal segment less style. Antenna black, slightly shorter than head; style about half as long as third segment. Palpus and proboscis black.

Zootaxa ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 4629 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-50 ◽  

Aethiopella Handschin, 1942 as other Pseudachorutinae (Neanuridae) presents a diagnosis with overlapping characters when compared to other similar genera, especially Halachorutes Arlé, 1966, Ceratrimeria Börner, 1906 and Pseudachorutes Tullberg, 1871. This condition, combined to several gaps on the knowledge of described species and a wide range of morphological differences within the genus, reinforces the need of its revision, since it can be an artificial group. In spite of that, a new species, Aethiopella ricardoi sp. nov., is described and illustrated. It resembles the other five Neotropical taxa of Aethiopella but is unique by the combination of fourth antennal segment with trilobed apical bulb and 7 dorsal sensilla, lack of dorsolateral S-microchaeta (ms); postantennal organ with 13–19 vesicles; mandibles with 7–8 teeth; maxillae apically hooked; and tibiotarsi I–III with 19/19/18 chaetae, respectively, with M chaeta slightly basally displaced. We also present an updated diagnosis of Aethiopella based on current knowledge of Pseudachorutinae, a table comparing all species, a key to Neotropical taxa and remarks on the genus. 

Zootaxa ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 897 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Carl-Axel Gertsson ◽  
Chris Hodgson

The adult females of four new mealybug species are described from Greenland (Atrococcus groenlandensis, Chorizococcus multiporus and Trionymus bocheri and T. elymus) and a key is provided for all mealybug species known from Greenland; a new species of Coccidae is also described from Greenland (Pulvinaria glacialis). In addition, the adult females of the mealybug Atrococcus altoarcticus Richards and the soft scale Pulvinaria ellesmerensis Richards from arctic Canada are redescribed and compared with their close relatives from Greenland.

1932 ◽  
Vol 64 (7) ◽  
pp. 165-166
G. Stuart Walley

Male.—Length 2 mm. Black, shining. Antennal plumes black; basal antennal segment dull black, segments of flagellum brownish.Thorax black, pleural membranes brownish, dorsum greyish pollinose; scutellum and metanotum dull black with faint pollen. Halteres dark brownish with creamy white knobs.

1965 ◽  
Vol 97 (6) ◽  
pp. 668-670 ◽  
G. A. Bradley

Abstract>A species of Cupressobium Börner is described. The aphid was collected from Cryptomeria japonica, the Japanese Cedar, on the Island of Maui, Hawaii. This species differs from the others in the genus in that the terminal process of antennal segment VI is much longer than the diameter of the main rhinarium of this segment while the length of rostral segments IV + V exceeds that of antennal VI.

Zootaxa ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 1858 (1) ◽  
pp. 1

The genus Paraxenylla Murphy, 1965 is redefined and compared to Xenylla Tullberg, 1869 and Thibaudylla Najt & Weiner, 1997, its closest relatives. It is characterized by the differentiation of four thickened S-chaetae on the fourth antennal segment, modified mouthparts, the absence of empodial appendage, the presence of 5+5 eyes, the absence of anal spines and the anus in terminal position. P. sooretamensis sp. nov. is described, characterized by a reduced labial chaetotaxy, modified mouthparts, 6 axial chaetae on Th II–III and Abd IV, 4+4 chaetae on ventral tube and several other morphological features. Its chaetotaxy is very different from that of other Paraxenylla except P. arenosa Uchida & Tamura, 1967, resembling that of Xenylla or Thibaudylla. The new species was collected in forest litter about 40 km inland from the coast line of Espírito Santo, Brazil, while all other species of the genus live in littoral habitats. The three species Xenylla longicauda Folsom, 1898, X. occidentalis Womersley, 1933 and X. littoralis Womersley, 1933, that Palacios and Janssens (2006) considered to probably belong to Paraxenylla, do not fit the current definition of this genus (anal spines are present), and are either Xenylla or Thibaudylla. A key and a table of the 9 species of Paraxenylla are given.

Zootaxa ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 1615 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-27

A new species, Sycanus aurantiacus, of the assassin bug subfamily Harpactorinae is described on the basis of specimens collected from Bali, Indonesia. This species is distinguished from the other species of Sycanus by its antennal segment I having two orange annulations; the posterior pronotal lobe being weakly tumid in the middle near the posterior margin; the scutellar spine being erect, short, and rounded at the apex; each femur having two incomplete orange annulations; the hemelytral corium being blackish with the veins yellow to yellowish brown; and the abdominal laterotergites being weakly extended dorsad. This species is notable because it feeds on some serious lepidopteran pests of cabbage.

Zootaxa ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 4712 (1) ◽  
pp. 101-113

A redescription of Pagurus albus (Benedict, 1892) is presented together with a description of a new species of hermit crab, Pagurus pseudoalbus sp. n., from the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Pagurus pseudoalbus sp. n. differs from P. albus and P. perlatus by the length of antennal acicles, which do not exceed the distal margin of the 4th antennal segment, whereas in the latter two species, the antennal acicles exceed the 4th antennal segment; the antennular peduncle is proportionally longer than the ocular peduncle in the new species compared to P. perlatus, but shorter than in P. albus; the palm of the right cheliped in P. pseudoalbus sp. n. is 1.3 times as long as broad, while in P. albus and P. perlatus it is 1.0 and 1.4 times as long as broad, respectively. Including the new species, the genus Pagurus in the Eastern Tropical Pacific currently includes 16 species. 

Zootaxa ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 4608 (3) ◽  
pp. 579 ◽  

A new species of the genus Xenylla Tullberg, 1869 is described. The new species, Xenylla weinerae sp. nov., from China, resembles X. acauda Gisin, 1947, X. brevicauda Tullberg, 1869, X. caudata Jordana, 1993, X. lesnei Denis, 1935, X. nirae Gama & Oliveira, 1994, X. wandae Queiroz & Mendonça, 2016 and X. vanharteni Weiner et al., 2012 due to unique feature––six thickened cylindrical sensilla on antennal segment IV. X. weinerae sp. nov. having moderately modified chaetotaxy (b h1 h2 q t, head with dorsal setae l1 and l3 subequal, dorsal setae a3 on Abd. IV present) and well-developed furca (mucro separated from the dens, bearing 2 setae) is also similar to some populations of X. obscura Imms, 1912 sensu Thibaud et al. (2004). An identification key to Asian Xenylla species is provided. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 431 ◽  
pp. 10-16
R.Kh. Kadyrbekov ◽  

A new species Xerobion ulytavicum Kadyrbekov sp. n. from host plant Galatella biflora is described from Karaganda region (Kazakhstan). New species differs from the most similar X. caspicae Bozhko, 1963 by the shape of the ultimate rostral segment, the ratio of the length of the siphunculi and the cauda (0.4–0.75 vs 0.7–1.0, respectively), the proportion of frontal setae to the diameter of the third antennal segment at the base (1.0–1.2 vs 0.7–1.0) and a hair on the trochanter of hind legs to the diameter of the trochanter-femoral suture (0.5–0.6 vs 0.25), as well as a host plant belonging to another genus. A key to apterous viviparous females of all known species of the genus Xerobion is given.

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